28 September - 4 October 2021

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CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

28th September - 4th OCtOber - editiOn 909

Tel: 607 031 113 | claire@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

Your Essential Weekly read

More restrictions lifted as ‘third dose’ rollout begins A raft of covid restrictions are to be lifted this week as part of a series of proposals which were being approved by the interdepartmental Commission as the Costa blanca people went to print on monday. proposals, announced by Ximo puig on monday morning, include getting rid of restrictions on capacity in certain venues such as cinemas, theatres, auditoriums, museums and libraries. there is also positive news

for the hospitality industry as indoor seating may be increased to 75% of the venue’s full capacity, tables inside can be increased to ten people (from eight, the most recent limit imposed by government) and customers will be allowed to sit (but not stand) at the bar. Another huge change for the hostelry industry is that bars will be allowed to close according to the time on their licence, and will no longer be forced to

stop serving at midnight in order to be able to close at 12.30am. in terms of nightlife at late venues, capacity also increases to 75% with tables of ten, use of the bar (while seated) and dancing will finally be allowed, only within a preassigned dancefloor area. the cut off time for late venues is extended from 3am until 5am. in addition, the maximum number of people allowed to be in attendance

at some sporting and other events is also eliminated. in professional soccer and basketball leagues, the limit on the number of spectators eases, indoor arenas will be able to fill 40% of the capacity and 60% can attend outdoor stadiums. the changes, announced by president of the Valencian Community Ximo puig on monday morning will be signed off by the interdepartmental Commission, due to meet later on

See page 12

monday. Also tabled for discussion will be the possibility of implementing a ‘Covid passport’ check in order to access bars or restaurants. this issue is more complicated to implement in terms of current legislation but regional Vice president monica Oltra says she believes it to be “a guarantee for customers” and has advocated for an agreement between the various sectors in order to make it work. meanwhile, over 900 elderly people in the Vega baja have received their third dose of the covid vaccine. According to data provided by José Cano, director of public health in the Vega baja, third dose vaccines were administered in nursing homes throughout the Vega baja region. the public nursing home in torrevieja, where there was a covid outbreak in August, will receive a third dose this coming week. to date, all residents of the nursing home have tested negative but it was necessary to wait 28 days from the last positive case registered before giving the third dose at the home, explained Cano.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


More retirements lead to doctor shortage An increase in doctors and nurses taking retirement in the Alicante province has exacerbated the already pressurised staffing situation at hospitals and health centres across the province. the situation is largely due to the global pandemic, which experts believe has caused an increase in medics retiring due to stress and fatigue. Unions warned of shortages in many departments such as general practitioners and anesthesiology. data provided by the ministry of health indicated that in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, there was a 58% increase in resignations by doctors and nurses. in 2019, 205 people gave up work while in 2020, that figure rose to 324. Figures up to August of this year show that already, 165 doctors and nurses have resigned. Unions have warned that many medical professionals leave when there is no one available to replace them due to an existing staffing shortage. the shortage impacts directly on the patient with more waiting lists and further delays. rosa Atiénzar, health Secretary of workers union CCOO said, “there is not a sufficient number of specialists being trained to guarantee that

all the retirements which will take place in the coming years will be covered.” Figures are unclear on how many medical professionals were asked to delay their retirement in 2020 but medical unions pointed out that a large number of medics are taking the opportunity to hang up their white coat as soon as it comes at age 65, largely due to the fatigue and stress caused over the last 18 months. this is despite that fact that health authorities allow the retirement age for doctors to be extended to 67, and in certain cases even 70. president of the Valencian Community’s medical Union, Victor pedrera said, “it is very noticeable that

the retirement age has lowered, it can be easily verified looking at union membership figures. before, almost everyone asked to work until they were 67 years old and now they are leaving at 65.” in some specialties, such as Family medicine, this exodus is even greater, according to pedrera. Atiénzar criticized the slow pace at which the health ministry fills vacancies saying, “Only now people who passed the oposiciones (exams) four years ago are joining. We can’t be that slow. We need to engage and attract professionals from abroad with attractive and stable contracts, because otherwise they will continue to go abroad.”



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

Man accused of burning down his own bar prosecutors in Alicante have asked for a sentence of 15 years in prison for a torrevieja man accused of insurance fraud. the incident itself took place in October 2012, but the case wasn’t heard in court until this week. the man reported the fire to the Guardia Civil himself, claiming that persons unknown had broken in and burned down the bar in torrevieja. however, an investigation ensued

and Guardia Civil discovered that the true perpetrator was likely to be the owner himself and two weeks after the arson attack, he was arrested. According to a statement by the prosecutors office, on October 6th 2012 in the early hours of the morning, the defendant entered the bar at dawn, sprayed alcohol on a shelf, set it alight and left the premesis, which was insured. the fire then spread to the

upper floors of the building where the bar was located. Four residents of the building needed treatment and the bar itself, which was being rented by the defendant, suffered damages of more than €24,000. the prosecutor has requested a prison sentence of 15 years and five months for the crimes of arson, attempted fraud and simulation of crime.

Parents and teachers to take Two bodies recovered from Valencian “imposition” to court the sea in Torrevieja

A platform made up of teachers and parents from the Vega baja said this week that the Valencian Government has not responded to any of the ‘thousands’ of complaints registered by parents of students in the Vega baja against the forced imposition of the so called multilingualism plan of the ministry of educaiton. due to the increase in subjects which now must be taught through Valencian, parents and teachers are gravely concerned for the education of youngsters from areas such as the Vega baja where Valencian is not widely spoken. in a statement, teachers and parents pointed out that last June, thousands of parents presented individual appeals directly to the ministry “against the forced implementation of Valencian in the educational system.” the lack of response or acknowledgement by officials means that families are now planning to go to court to defend the rights and future education of their

children. the lack of response by the regional government was described by parents and teachers as “a miserable gesture of contempt towards the parents and students of the region and an insulting attitude towards all the residents of the Vega baja.” rrecent demonstrations in Orihuela, the largest in the history of the city, and in pilar de la horadada, called for freedom of choice for families. parents and teachers want to be able to choose Valencian if they wish.

two bodies were recovered from the sea following a massive operation by Guardia Civil and the coastguard. in a double tragedy, a young russian man jumped into the water to help a Finnish friend and they both died. the tragedy happened at La Zorra cove in torrevieja. extensive rescue efforts were hampered by stormy weather and it took authorities over 24 hours to recover the bodies of both of the young victims. the deceased are a 24 year old Finnish woman and a 23 year old russian man. According to the russian man’s wife, the three friends were at the cove on thursday when the Finnish woman got into difficulty in the water due to the stormy conditions. the russian man jumped into the sea to try to help her ashore, but both were engulfed by the waves in what is a very rocky area with difficult access. the russian man’s wife immediately raised the alarm and at around half past four in the afternoon, emergency services arrived. Guardia Civil deployed an extensive search and rescue mission

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with units on land, sea and in the air, supported by torrevieja Local police. the body of the 24-year-old Finnish woman, who was initially thought to be from Sweden, was located late on thursday on Los Locos beach, three kilometers south of the area where she had disappeared. At dusk the search for the man was suspended and the operation was reactivated at dawn. Guardia Civil received numerous tipoffs from citizens who claimed to have seen a floating body but almost all were false alarms. however, a call that claimed a member of the public had spotted the man’s body at Cala de la higuera saw Guardia Civil focus its efforts there. the storm caused the man’s body to disappear into the waves and divers from the GeAS specialist unit of the Guardia Civil could not initially dive to recover the body because of conditions and instead had to wait for the storm to subside. Shortly before five on Friday afternoon, the body was recovered and transferred to land.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


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Earthquake hits local lagoons An earthquake with a magnitude of 2.0 had its epicentre in between the lagoons of La mata and Los montesinos on Friday. this is a continuation of seismic activity seen across Alicante province, which has registered a an earthquake every 40 hours for more than a month.

the quake was recorded at 6.49am on 24th September, with the focus located at a depth of 5km, south of La mata Lagoon in the San Luis area. the national Geographic institute explained that because the epicentre was very shallow its ‘perception was intensified’ and felt by many

residents living nearby, despite its low magnitude. this area of the southern part of the Alicante province and Vega baja is an area of high seismic activity and identified as a ‘red zone’ by the Seismic Unit of the University of Alicante.

Latest official Coronavirus figures the latest official figure released by the Spanish health ministry on Friday 24th September for the number of people who have tested positive for Coronavirus since the start of the pandemic is now 4,946,601. this is an overall increase of 2,746 against the figure released on thursday, of which 1,223 have been registered in the past 24 hours. thursday had seen an overall increase of 3,031 over Wednesday, of which 1,307 were registered in 24 hours. the peak of recorded infections for a 24-hour period during the pandemic in Spain was on 21st

January, when 18,504 cases were registered. the overall incidence rate across Spain has fallen another 2 points to 69.37 per 100,000 inhabitants for the past 14 days

Great Day at Groups Fair torrevieja U3A experienced a great day with a very respectable turnout by both existing members and visitors to its Groups Fair that was held on Friday 24th September at Los Angeles bar in torrevieja. Close to 200 people attended and approximately 20 visitors signed up to become members of the Association.

the next major event that the association will be running will be the Crafts Fair on Wednesday november 10th. this event is, again, open to all, regardless of whether you are a member of the U3A or not. the Fair will also be held at the Los Angeles bar and will run from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm. the proceeds from the table hire will be donated to the

– the lowest since August 2020. Of the 1,223 new infections to have been registered in the past 24 hours on Friday 24th September the number in the Valencia region was just 36.

Stroke Association in torrevieja. if you have an art or craft that you would like to share then come along and join the fun. tables will be available to hire for the sum of €5 per table. For booking and information contact torreviejau3asocialteam@gmail. com. Find out more about U3A at website torreviejau3a.org


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


Torrevieja commemorates International Day of the Elderly

torrevieja town hall has announced a series of activities to mark international day of the elderly. three workshops will be held to commemorate the day, all of which will be held in the park of nations: - tuesday, September Yoga Workshop. - Wednesday, September Ceramic Workshop. - thursday, September Online dance Workshop.

28, 29, 30,

tickets for the final event, which takes place in the municipal theatre on October 1st, and registration for the workshops can be arranged at the department of the elderly which is located on C / torrevejenses Ausentes, 39 or call +34 96 670 66 66.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


Torrevieja Animal Shelter Another generous donation has been made to the Animal Shelter in torrevieja. the donation included adult cat and kitten food and cleaning materials, disposable gloves and other much needed items. All this came from pia in Catral,

who has donated on numerous occasions to the shelter.

the Age Concern Shop in torrevieja is hosting an autumn fair at our Centre in La siesta on Saturday 2nd October – and everyone is welcome. raffle tickets are now on sale

at the torrevieja shop on the corner of Concordia and patricio Zamit just behind the bus station. the shop is open from 10am till 2pm monday to Friday, and thursday evenings from

thanks also go to babs in Quesada, who delivered the donation and once again, generously donated items herself. Volunteers at the shelter

would like to thank you both for your very generous and crucial donations. For further information about the work of the shelter and how you could help, visit the Facebook page ‘Concejalía de protección Animal de torrevieja’.

Age Concern Autumn Fair

5pm to 7:30pm. Come and buy your tickets and look at the wide range of goods we have for sale whilst supporting a very worthy cause.

Fundraiser for San Fulgencio Men’s Shed

men´s Sheds are community spaces for people to connect, converse and create. the activities are often similar to garden sheds, but for groups of people to enjoy together. they help reduce loneliness and isolation, but most importantly, they´re fun. A men´s Shed is a place for sharing skills, helping others with practical tasks, or just getting together for a chat, a game of cards or dominoes, or just a cup of tea or coffee and a custard cream. San Falengcio town hall has allocated a plot of land and a budget to build a place where elderly men can go and swap ideas on woodwork, metalwork etc also there’ll be allotments there. the Shed is by a fully

registered non-profit making association, which is now raising the funds to furnish it. men´s Sheds are for any age, but most of the people that attend them are retired. this is because a life after employment can be difficult and people often feel they´ve lost their sense of purpose and place in the world. they can miss the routine and camaraderie between colleagues that often comes with working life. this can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation which can be dangerous for their health and wellbeing. however, recognising that age isn´t the only factor in loneliness and isolation, there is more to men´s Sheds, for example sharing skills, informal learning

and enjoyment. most sheds accept men over fifty, some sheds have younger members. there is no plan to have an age limit for the San Fulgencio men´s Shed.

A number of fundraising events are being held across the local community to see the vision become a reality and many local residents have donated tools or given financial support. the next big event – a performance by the Jersey boys - will be held on Friday 1st Oct, from 7pm at the Cardinal belluga theatre, San Fulgencio. tickets are priced at 10e and are available from outlets across Urb. La marina or by calling 643 371 817. Visit San Fulgecio men’s Shed on Facebook.


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CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

Safe Investments with High Returns? to be perfectly transparent, no investment is 100% safe from all risk. because of fluctuating markets and a sometimes unpredictable economy, it’s hard to say which single investment is the safest. however, there are some investment categories that are much safer than others. deciding where and how to invest money to get good returns in 2021 should be based on your short-term and long-term financial goals, timeframe, tolerance to risk, and how much money you currently have in the bank. these individual factors should make it easier to determine where to safely invest your money while still earning returns that will help you reach

your financial goals and build lasting wealth. As fully independent advisers, the Seagate team has access to a huge variety of funds that can give high returns for those who want a little spice in their investments whilst understanding the peaks and troughs associated with this type of investing. An example of a fund we use is polar Capital technology trust which last year grew by 40% and considering the market downturn last year, this is an impressive result. in the last 3 years the fund has achieved 101%. Finding safe investments with high returns is

one of the best ways to protect and grow your money to build lasting wealth. At Seagate we pride ourselves on putting our clients first. Are you having regular meetings with your adviser? Are you a client with an investment or pension but no adviser? if this applies to you then act today and call us. As a firm of advisers that all previously worked for Lloyds bank in the UK we believe that a good relationship with our client is at the heart of our business. For a free no-obligation chat with a UK qualified adviser, call 965 704 338 or email: contact@ seagatewealth.es



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


44 women freed from trafficking last year 44 women in the Valencian Community were released from trafficked sex work in 2020, said Spanish police. the figures were reported this week as part of events marking international day Against Sexual exploitation and trafficking in Women, Girls and boys. Guardia Civil and national police together revealed that since 2016, they have freed 178 victims – all of whom had been captured for sexual exploitation for profit. the figures were gathered by CitCO, the intelligence Centre against terrorism and Organised Crime. Last year in Alicante, Castellon

and Valencia, police carried out 87 raids linked with trafficking and sexual exploitation. through the raids and related investigations, police identified 320 people as currently ‘at risk’ in the Valencian Community. According to the report, a person at risk is an individual who has been identified in the course of a raid on a brothel. Over the last year, the regional government has reactivated provincial commissions for monitoring the Framework protocol on trafficking in human beings. the purpose of these commissions is to establish guidelines for action to detect,

identify, assist and protect victims of human trafficking in our community and coordinate action. the group, ‘Alicante trata Cero’ is made up of a number of cross societal representatives and has called for this type of ‘comtemporary slavery’ to be rejected by the public. it has also called for a “comprehensive law against trafficking in which the prevention, assistance and protection of the victims is guaranteed.” the group said, “if there is trafficking, it is because there are still men willing to pay to buy the body of a woman or a minor.”

Elche hosts global congress against online abuse elche is set to become a pioneering city worldwide in the fight to eradicate the abuse suffered by women online, a problem that has increased since the global pandemic. the first international Congress on digital Violence took place in elche last week and was opened by Vice president of the Valencian Community monica Oltra. the event was attended by experts from all over the world and was used as a platform to launch an ambitious project to detect and combat threats in the digital world (unauthorized access and control of accounts, surveillance, use of spyware, geolocation, identity theft and

creation of false profiles, cyber threats and coercion, sharing of personal data, photographs and videos ...) and provide members of the public, especially women and girls, with tools to combat these threats. Oltra said, “it is a problem on the rise. digitization and technology offer many opportunities but they also have threats. there is a need to educate the youngest, especially girls, so that they are able to detect these risks on social networks and digital technology.” the congress was organized by elche city council in collaboration with the Spanish Observatory of Computer Crime

(Oedi). president of the Oedi, Salvador Sampersaid, “the most worrying thing about these issues is that they affect all women, from those under 18 to those over 65. no matter their social stratum, whether they are unemployed or prestigious professionals. Another key is that the aggressors are not just partners or ex-partners, they are also fellow students, work colleagues or people who are only known on social networks” Oedi figures show that there is an exponential growth in online abuse and that cases have skyrocketed with the pandemic.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


Torrevieja homophobic attack heard as ‘minor crime’ A homophobic attack on a Swedish man in torrevieja will be heard as a ‘minor crime’ with a ruling expected today (tuesday). the incident took place in August when a 41 year old Swedish man, staying in torrevieja to visit his mother, reported the attack to the Guardia Civil. Although the victim filed a denuncia stating that he had suffered a hate crime, the case was heard as a minor offence, for which the suspect may recieve a fine if found guilty. members of the LGtbi collective in torrevieja assembled outside torrevieja courthouse with banners and posters to show their support to the victim. the demonstrators were joined by torrevieja Councillor for equality, tomas ballester, in a show of solidarity. banners reading “Free to be”, “hatred and violence were created for cowards” and “my love does not cause harm. Your hate does” were displayed alongside the LGtbi flag. A spokesperson for the LGtbi collective said that “We hope that the aggressor is charged with a hate crime...it is homophobia.” the incident took place in August in a supermarket on Calle

Sal when the victim was buying a bottle of water. A regular customer of the supermarket, the victim told Guardia Civil in his statement that due to a recent injury he found it difficult to lift the heavy water bottles to the scanner but as staff there knew him, they always offered to help. however, on the day in question, he was being served

by the supermarket owner and told him he could not lift the water up off the floor. the supermarket owner is then alleged to have shouted at the man “that’s because you have mental problems you f**king f***ot. either you lift it or you will find out!” the victim said he was stunned and left his money at the till before leaving the shop with the water. A few days later, he decided to go back to the shop to speak to the man and ask for an explanation of what had happened. the wife of the supermarket owner, also a member of staff there, explained that her husband was

not in the store at that time but offered that the victim speak to him on her phone. the man is then alleged to have shouted down the phone at the victim “i am going to kill you if i see you again, if i see you again i am going to split your head, you sh*tty f*g.” the victim decided to report the man to the Guardia Civil, but before doing so, visited the supermarket one last time, on August 12th, in order to get the man’s full name for the report. According to the victim’s claims in the police report, “Upon seeing him and without saying a word, he violently grabbed his neck causing him to bleed, threw him out of the establishment and hit him on the neck and shoulders.” the complainant, while fleeing, tripped, fell and hit his head. it was then that he phoned the Guardia Civil to report the man. the duty court at the time decided to enact an immediate prosecution procedure for a minor crime. the victim’s medical reports show scratches on the neck and lacerations on one shoulder and have been filed with the court. the victim considers that the verbal and physical attack were xenophobic and homophobic.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

Living in Spain but still have a UK based financial adviser? By Sam Kelly dippFS, eFA, bA (hons) Managing Partner Chorus Financial

rdL, “contracts for the provision of banking, securities, insurance or other financial services, pursuant to which an entity provides services in Spain while domiciled in the United Kingdom”… “will remain valid provisionally, until 30 June 2021, in order to carry out the necessary activities for an orderly termination or transfer of the contracts concluded prior to 1 January 2021”. Chorus Financial are receiving an increasing number of enquiries from those of you living in Spain looking to move your pensions and investments to a local financial adviser. A number of those enquiries were directly prompted by the UK adviser themselves, who had informed those clients that they could no longer advise them due to brexit. there is a lot of confusion in this area so i will do my best to share what we know so far. before brexit, the Spanish investment, insurance, and pensions regulators – the dGS and CnmV – allowed UK regulated entities to advise those of us living in Spain through the freedom to provide services regime or by means of an establishment. When britain left the eU, those rights were removed for UK based firms. in preparation for brexit Spain published Article 13 of the royal decree Law (which you can read here: http://www.cnmv.es/ portal/brexit/FAQ-rdL.aspx?lang=en). Within this, the CnmV have confirmed that, according to Article 13(3) of the

in more colloquial terms, this is saying that for any existing business with your UK iFA, they can continue to provide service to you until 30th June 2021. this extension is granted to allow time to either end your relationship, or for your iFA to transfer you to an entity that can provide advice in Spain. i wanted to further clarify this with the FCA, so sent them some direct questions, and they were kind enough to respond as follows: “Firms intending to do business with persons resident in the eeA need to ensure they do so consistently with local laws and local regulatory expectations. Whether a firm can provide services to Spanish clients (whether ex-pat or otherwise) is a question of Spanish law.” With this response the FCA are stating that it is the country where you are resident that sets its rules, which supports the Spanish regulator’s position in terms of advising those of us who live in Spain.

So where does this leave you if you still have a UK iFA? Well, the first place to start is by speaking with them directly. it may be the case that their firm have set up a subsidiary in the eU and that through that entity they are able to continue to advise you here in Spain. For many of you who will find yourselves looking for a new financial adviser because of these changes there are some steps you can take. the FCA have set incredibly high standards for UK advisers, and this means the advice you will have been receiving over the years will likely have been transparent, appropriate and from a fully qualified adviser. You should expect that standard to continue here in Spain. in simple terms, transparency means your adviser should go out of their way to fully detail all charges you will be exposed to, and of those charges, exactly how much they will receive. i would expect this to be detailed in both % terms and in monetary values. remember, many products and funds in Spain still pay advisers non-disclosed commissions, something that was made illegal in the UK many years ago. this can make your overall fees incredibly high. One big clue is that if a product has a tie-in, for example 5, 8 or even 10 years, then it will be paying an initial commission to that adviser, and we’ve seen those as high as 8% of your investment value. You should always be offered an option with no tie-in or exit

penalties. When it comes to qualifications, there are several bodies an adviser in Spain could be qualified from, and all of these have online registers where you can confirm your advisers’ credentials. With myself, as an example, i am both UK and Spanish qualified. You can find me on the UK register at https://www.thepfs.org/ membership/member-search/ which covers all those UK qualified advisers registered with the Cii and pFS. You can also find me on the Spanish register at https://www.efpa.es/busca-tu-asesorfinanciero-certificado. Again, in Spain it is possible for someone to operate as a financial adviser without having any qualifications, so it is important that you confirm the advice you are receiving is from someone who is appropriately qualified. Ask your financial adviser to confirm which register they are on and what formal qualifications they hold so you can verify this independently. Of course, if you really want to be sure, then speak to a Chorus Financial adviser for a recommendation – this is always free and without pressure or obligation, so you can explore your options and make the best decision for you. Call Chorus Financial today on +34 664 398 702, emails.kelly@chorusfinancial. es or visit www.chorusfinancial.es for more information.

Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Figures in our articles are examples of what can be achieved and cannot be guaranteed; the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Fees and charges can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place. This article should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular product.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

GBP / EUR UPdatE GBP it was a week of very mixed fortunes for the pound, and it finished mostly worse off. it lost an average of 0.6%, with specific losses of four fifths of a US cent and two fifths of a euro cent. On monday, it was the weakest among the major currencies by far, but by thursday, it had gone some way towards redeeming itself. Sterling’s problem at the beginning of the week was the chaos in the utilities sector, which is complicating the provision of fresh food and carbonated drinks and driving gas suppliers out of business on an almost daily basis.the current spike in natural gas prices is seen as having a more negative effect on britain than elsewhere thanks to several factors combining to make life difficult for energy suppliers and, in turn, for energy consumers. politics, weather, logistics, industrial strategy and the shift to renewable energy have all played a part. heating bills are set to rise, and questions are being asked about cold homes and power cuts this winter. the pound’s recovery on thursday came after the bank of england announced that it would keep monetary policy unchanged, for now. the uplift came from the revelation that two members of the monetary policy Committee had voted for an increase to bank rate, in anticipation that inflation will exceed 4% this year. it does not mean an imminent rate increase but it does show the mpC beginning

to lean in that direction. EURO the eurozone economic data were mostly uninspiring. inflation came in at a finalised 3%, exactly as forecast. Consumer confidence in the eurozone improved by a point and a quarter to -4. the provisional purchasing managers’ indices from Germany and the eurozone all failed to meet expectations, with the composite index three points lower on the month at 56.1. the report spoke of “slower growth as bottlenecks curb activity and input price gauge hits 21-year high”. ifo used precisely the same language in its forecast for the German economy in Q4. inflation in the eurozone is only 3%, with national rates varying between 1.9% (Greece) and 4,5% (Slovakia). the data tended to show economies rebounding from the squashing effect of lockdowns but, at the same time, supply bottlenecks are constraining activity. the main political topic of conversation was Sunday’s German federal election. For well over a decade, Chancellor Angela merkel has been the de facto leader of europe. She is now standing down, and it is anyone’s guess who her replacement will be. in a televised debate on thursday evening, none of the main contenders emerged with an obvious advantage. the same was true of the euro, which lost an average of 0.3% over the week and gave up a third of a US cent.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 200 members with their PCs, smartphones and more. Find the group on Facebook (Costa Blanca Technology Help Group) or attend the meetings in person or online via Zoom. if you have a question or a problem that needs my help then please send an email to brian at cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com. if i receive the email by lunchtime on Friday it will appear in the next edition. if you want to join the technology help Group search Facebook for “Costa blanca technology help Group”. if you do not use Facebook you can still join by sending an email with your details to cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com. Bruce of Benferri asks “I am not receiving Messenger messages that I have been told have been sent to me. What can I do?” You can send a messenger message to anyone on Facebook, regardless of friend status or privacy settings. the only exception applies to members you’ve blocked and those who’ve blocked you. Filtering preferences may inadvertently cause messages to go unseen, even though they have been delivered. You can use messenger on Windows Computer, Apple Computers, Android or Apple mobile devices. if someone sent you a message on messenger and you

are not Facebook friends, it will not appear in your messenger message feed. to view these messages,you need to find “message requests or hidden messages. Apple iOS View hidden Facebook messages Open messenger on your phone and tap your profile picture in the upper-left corner. Select message requests. tap Spam to see filtered messages. When you have message requests, select Windows Open Settings by clicking on the button located at the top right corner. Click on people and choose the “message requests” option in the people windows. this will open the first hidden messages folder where you can see the message requests you received from people not on your friends’ list. Android it can be found under “ message requests”. Select your profile image on the top left. Select message requests. here you will see messages sent from non Facebook friends. if anyone has sent you

a message their name and message will appear. You can read the message and you then have a choice. ignore it, reply to it, delete it or block the person. When you reply messages between you will appear in the normal messenger message feed.You can then message, voice call or video call that person. Megan of Catral asks “I have a laptop that will longer tur\n on. There is information on it that I really need. What can I do?” if the information is not backed up and the laptop is beyond economical repair there is a solution to get access to its contents and its precious contents.the laptop’s hard drive can be removed and placed in a Caddy (a box with a connector for the hard drive and a USb cable and standard USb connector) and then used like a normal external hard drive. this also applies to desktop Computer but the Caddy is a different size. A caddy for a laptop is less than 10 euros. media markt stock them. removing hard drives is a simple task but i am available to assist if required.

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com




CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


Everything 50 cents! Fundraising for charities has become extremely difficult for charities such as heLp Vega baja. the pandemic brought with it many restrictions on public gatherings and with many of their regular supporters not coming over to Spain, fundraising has been badly hit. however, the determination of the committee, volunteers and the generosity of supporters ensured that the charity has been able to meet the increased demand for support. president of heLp Vega baja, michele masson said: “the number of requests for our help has increased 100 percent over the past 18 months with many people looking not only for advice and information but also for support applying for benefits such as attendance allowance and emotional support. As always, all our support is offered free of charge. people, struggling with chronic illness and their carers have been particularly hard hit and much of our attention has been focused on helping this group of people as much as we can, with more projects in the pipeline. the committee has had to think out of the box in order to meet the demand and to raise sufficient funds to ensure we were equipped to support people in the best way possible. “Our new Welfare room

Building the new welfare room

which thanks to Chris at bbKC, will enable us to speak freely in a quiet environment with people who may be going through some very difficult times. We would like to also thank Sir roy molyneaux from the bridge Golf Society (the Stagger inn, rojales) and the Celts Club de Golf who gave donations that enabled us to purchase materials for the build and furniture. “the main income at present is from sales in our charity shop and regular car boot sales. We have decided to organise a “50 cent Friday” on the 1st October from 10 am at our shop in San miguel (Calle Lope de Vega) where everything will be offered

at just 50 cents – dresses, coats, jackets, absolutely everything! hopefully this will raise some much-needed funds. please come along and meet the team and get yourself some great bargains whilst at the same time supporting our charity. everyone who comes along and buys something on the day will also be entered into a draw for a great raffle prize.” if you would like to find out more about heLp Vega baja and the work it does, please contact the charity on 966 723 733 or email office@helpvegabaja. com the same contact details apply for anyone interested in volunteering.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

This Week´s Movie Picks Rocketman

Saturday 2nd October – Channel 4, 10.00pm Young reginald dwight changes his name to elton John and collaborates with singer-songwriter bernie taupin to become one of the most iconic figures in pop history. Set to his most beloved songs, it’s the epic musical story of elton John, his breakthrough years in the 1970s and his fantastical transformation from shy piano prodigy to international superstar.

Planet of the Apes

Sunday 3rd October – Channel 5, 1.55pm Astronaut Leo davidson whips through space and time to a world where apes and gorillas rule the humans. Captured, he is nurtured by Ari and hunted by General thade as he leads a rebel group of humans and chimpanzees in search of his downed craft. this is his only hope of escape and, ironically, the planet’s only hope of shaking off the tyranny of the gorillas, allowing peaceful humans and chimpanzees to co-exist.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


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Lo marabú

PuebLo bravo

OFFERED AT: €169,000

OFFERED AT: €225,000


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CiuDaD quesaDa NewLy reduCed prICe: €74,800 gOLf COurse LOCATION

mOderN desIgN

CiuDaD quesaDa OFFERED AT: €182,000


JUSTD SOL 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Modern Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Front & Rear Gardens ♦ Roof Solarium & Lake Views ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking! ♦ Highly Desirable Area!

Lo marabú OFFERED AT: €135,000


3/4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa - Including Guest Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculately Presented ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Golf Course Location ♦ Off Road Parking

Doña PePa NewLy reduCed prICe: €250,000 mOderN desIgN

CiuDaD quesaDa NewLy reduCed prICe: €79,950


JUSTD SOL 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ West Facing! ♦ Stunning Golf Views! ♦ Next to Communal Swimming Pool

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Linked Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Tiled Front Garden ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk To Amenities!

CiuDaD quesaDa

La Fiesta

OFFERED AT: €249,000

OFFERED AT: €265,000

fuLLy furNIsHed


Modern 2 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms Semi-Detached Duplex ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Air Conditioned/ Heating Throughout ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ South/West Facing

Lo marabu NewLy reduCed prICe: €129,995


2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Linked Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Tiled Garden ♦ Roof Solarium with Sea Views! ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk to Shops!

CiuDaD quesaDa OFFERED AT: €78,700


JUSTD SOL 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Private 8m x 4m Swimming Pool ♦ Sun Room with Panoramic Views ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking With Car Port

3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium With Panoramic Views ♦ 500m2 Plot + Private Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking With Car Port ♦ Beautiful Location

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Corner Plot ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk To Amenities

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Golf Course Location ♦ Close to Amenities



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


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Lo marabu NewLy reduCed prICe: €124,995

NewLy 1242LIsTed

estate agents

PuebLo bravo OFFERED AT: €125,000

beAuTIfuL COmmuNITy

JUSTD SOL 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Large Tiled Garden ♦ Ample Room to Build Private Pool ♦ Close to Local Amenities!

montebeLLo NewLy reduCed prICe: €128,500

greAT sIze

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Front & Rear Gardens ♦ Stunning Location ♦ Directly Overlooking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community ♦ Highly Sought After Community!

CiuDaD quesaDa

CiuDaD quesaDa

NewLy reduCed prICe: €99,700

OFFERED AT: €490,000

NewLy LIsTed



La FinCa goLF resort


OFFERED AT: €144,500

OFFERED AT: €450,000


CusTOm desIgNed

2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Top Floor Apartment ♦ “Practically Detached!” ♦ Breathtaking Golf Views ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Modern Design + Fully Furnished ♦ Top Quality Throughout ♦ Custom Design ♦ Heated Swimming Pool ♦ South Facing + Off Road Parking ♦ Short Walk To Town Centre

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Semi-Detached Bungalow ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Sun Room ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Room For Private Swimming Pool ♦ No Community Fees

ataLaya OFFERED AT: €135,000

3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 900m2 Plot + Garage ♦ Oil Central Heating ♦ 8m x 4m Private Swimming Pool ♦ Summer Kitchen ♦ Sea + Lake Views ♦ 5 Minute Walk to Town Centre

CiuDaD quesaDa OFFERED AT: €149,995



2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Immaculate Condition! ♦ 200m2 Plot ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk to Town Centre!

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ South Facing + Roof Solarium ♦ Sea + Lake Views ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Sort Walk To Amenities

CiuDaD quesaDa

CiuDaD quesaDa

La FinCa goLF

CiuDaD quesaDa

OFFERED AT: €120,000

OFFERED AT: €165,000

OFFERED AT: €115,000

OFFERED AT: €139,700


NewLy LIsTed

NewLy LIsTed




3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Tiled Garden + Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk to Amenities

2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Immaculate Condition ♦ Mins Gas Central Heating ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk To Town Centre

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Ground Floor Apartment ♦ Semi-Detached ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Corner Plot ♦ Beautiful Outlook! ♦ Over Looking Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Gated Community

gOLf VIews

3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Spectacular Panoramic Views ♦ Cul-de-Sac Location ♦ Communal Swimming Pool


3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swmmimg Pool

costablancapeople.com | 28th September - 4th October 2021

22 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


BBC one

BBC two

CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


Tuesday 28th September 02:55 Weather for the Week Ahead 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Our World 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Defenders UK 11:45 Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Unbeatable 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:30 EastEnders 20:50 Holby City 21:30 My Family 22:00 Silent Witness 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 23:35 Back to Life



02:55 Undercover Boss USA 03:45 24 Hours in A&E 04:40 Couples Come Dine with Me 05:30 Rhiw Goch (On the Red Hill) 05:40 Location, Location, Location 06:35 Beat the Chef 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:10 Cheers 08:40 The King of Queens 09:05 The King of Queens 09:35 The King of Queens 10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Chateau DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Perfect Pitch 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:30 Spice Girls: How Girl Power Changed Britain 23:30 Gogglebox

08:10 PAW Patrol 08:25 Circle Square 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 Milo 09:15 The Adventures of Paddington 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:40 Floogals 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 Traffic Cops 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Killer Mother: Switched At Birth 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 D-Day Remembered: Minute by Minute 23:00 Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack

01:55 Superstore 02:25 Superstore 02:45 Don’t Hate the Playaz 03:40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:05 FYI Extra 04:20 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 FYI Extra 07:15 Love Bites 08:20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Love Bites 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Love Bites 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Karaoke Club: Drag Edition

00:35 Wycliffe 01:45 The Darling Buds of May 02:50 Man About the House 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:05 Man About the House 10:35 George and Mildred 11:05 George and Mildred 11:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:50 The Darling Buds of May 19:55 Wycliffe 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Blue Murder

00:15 Junk and Disorderly 00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 NFL This Week 01:10 Manhunt 01:05 Our Lives 02:00 Ideal World 01:35 Ambulance 04:00 FYI Extra 02:35 A Killing in Tiger Bay 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 03:35 This Is BBC TWO 07:30 Escape to the Country 06:05 Tipping Point 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:00 Weatherman Walking 10:00 Lorraine 09:30 Beechgrove 11:00 This Morning 10:00 BBC News 13:30 Loose Women 11:00 BBC News 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 12:30 Politics Live 14:55 ITV News London 14:00 Head Hunters 14:45 Eggheads 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime 15:15 The Big Painting Stories Challenge 16:00 Winning Combination 16:15 An Island Parish 17:00 Tipping Point 16:45 Curiosity 17:30 Glorious Gardens from 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London Above 18:15 Flog It! 19:25 Party Political 19:00 Richard Osman’s House Broadcast of Games 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 20:00 Emmerdale It Takes Two 20:30 Coronation Street 20:00 Take a Hike 21:00 Heathrow: Britain’s 20:30 Iolo: The Last Wilderness of Wales Busiest Airport 21:00 Your Home Made 21:30 Coronation Street Perfect 22:00 Hollington Drive 22:00 Jay’s Yorkshire 23:00 ITV News at Ten Workshop 23:30 ITV News London 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 23:45 Peston

03:15 Cindy 03:30 The Handmaid’s Tale 04:35 Couples Come Dine with Me 05:30 Location, Location, Location 06:25 Beat the Chef 06:50 Jamie’s Comfort Food 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:10 Cheers 08:40 The King of Queens 09:05 The King of Queens 09:35 The King of Queens 10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Chateau DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Perfect Pitch 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 Sex Actually with Alice Levine

08:10 PAW Patrol 08:25 Circle Square 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 Milo 09:15 The Adventures of Paddington 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:40 Floogals 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 Traffic Cops 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Secrets That Kill 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Coastal Devon & Cornwall with Michael Portillo 22:00 This Week On The Farm 23:00 Lost Boy: Killing of James Bulger

00:30 American Dad! 01:00 American Dad! 01:25 Bob’s Burgers 01:55 Bob’s Burgers 02:25 Superstore 02:50 Superstore 03:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:10 FYI Extra 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 FYI Extra 07:15 Love Bites 08:20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Love Bites 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Love Bites 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Karaoke Club: Drag Edition

00:35 Wycliffe 01:40 The Darling Buds of May 02:45 Man About the House 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:05 Man About the House 10:40 George and Mildred 11:10 George and Mildred 11:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:50 The Darling Buds of May 19:55 Wycliffe 21:00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 23:00 Blue Murder

01:05 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice 02:05 Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back 03:00 The Gift 04:45 Go Home Polish 05:10 Couples Come Dine with Me 06:05 Location, Location, Location 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:10 Cheers 08:40 The King of Queens 09:05 The King of Queens 09:35 The King of Queens 10:05 Frasier 10:35 Frasier 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Chateau DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Perfect Pitch 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back 22:00 Taskmaster Bleeped 23:00 High Life

08:10 PAW Patrol 08:25 Circle Square 08:30 Peppa Pig 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Pip & Posy 09:00 Milo 09:15 The Adventures of Paddington 09:30 Ricky Zoom 09:40 Floogals 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures 10:00 Peppa Pig 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 13:20 Traffic Cops 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 Deadly Vows: Abducted In The Aisle 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Yorkshire Tea Vs PG Tips: Battle Of The Brews 21:00 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys 22:00 All Creatures Great and Small 23:00 Ambulance: Code Red

01:55 Bob’s Burgers 02:25 Superstore 02:50 Superstore 03:15 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:40 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:10 FYI Extra 04:25 ITV2 Nightscreen 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 FYI Extra 07:15 Love Bites 08:20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Love Bites 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Love Bites 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Karaoke Club: Drag Edition

00:35 Wycliffe 01:45 The Darling Buds of May 02:50 Man About the House 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:05 Man About the House 10:40 George and Mildred 11:10 George and Mildred 11:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:50 The Darling Buds of May 19:55 Wycliffe 21:00 Vera 23:00 Blue Murder

Thursday 30th September 02:05 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:10 Joins BBC News 02:30 Witness History 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Media Show 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Defenders UK 11:45 Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Unbeatable 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show 20:35 EastEnders 21:00 Shop Well for Less 22:00 Ambulance 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 23:35 Question Time

Channel 5

00:10 BBC Weather 00:00 Heathrow: Britain’s 00:15 A Killing in Tiger Bay Busiest Airport 01:15 Countryfile 00:30 Manhunt 02:15 Saving Lives at Sea 01:25 All Elite Wrestling: 03:15 When Ruby Wax Met.. Dynamite 04:15 This Is BBC TWO 02:15 Ideal World 07:20 Bargain Hunt 04:00 FYI Extra 08:05 Antiques Road Trip 04:15 Lingo 08:50 Shop Well for Less 05:05 ITV Nightscreen 09:50 Lifeline 06:05 Tipping Point 10:00 BBC News 11:00 BBC News 07:00 Good Morning Britain 13:15 Politics Live 10:00 Lorraine 14:00 Head Hunters 11:00 This Morning 14:45 Eggheads 13:30 Loose Women 15:15 The Big Painting 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News Challenge 14:55 ITV News London 16:15 An Island Parish 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime 16:45 Curiosity 17:30 Glorious Gardens from Stories 16:00 Winning Combination Above 17:00 Tipping Point 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 18:00 The Chase of Games 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 19:30 ITV Evening News It Takes Two 20:00 Emmerdale 20:00 Take a Hike 20:30 Wonders of Scotland 20:30 Iolo: The Last with David Hayman Wilderness of Wales 21:00 Love Your Garden 21:00 Saving Lives at Sea 22:00 A House Through Time 22:00 Caught on Camera 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 Mortimer and 23:30 ITV News London Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 23:45 On Assignment 23:30 Newsnight

Wednesday 29th September 02:10 Joins BBC News 02:30 Click 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Travel Show 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Panorama 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 World Business Report 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Morning Live 11:00 Defenders UK 11:45 Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 Homes Under the Hammer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Unbeatable 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Garden Rescue 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London 19:55 Party Political Broadcast 20:00 The One Show 20:30 Our Lives 21:00 The Repair Shop 22:00 7 Up New Generation 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 23:35 Gossip Girl

Channel 4


00:10 BBC Weather 00:40 Beat the Chasers 00:15 Boy Erased 01:35 Manhunt 02:05 A House Through Time 02:25 Ideal World 03:05 Celebrity MasterChef 04:00 FYI Extra 04:05 This Is BBC TWO 04:15 ITV Nightscreen 07:30 Escape to the Country 06:05 Tipping Point 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 09:00 RHS Chelsea Flower 07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine Show 11:00 This Morning 10:00 BBC News 13:30 Loose Women 11:00 BBC News 13:15 Politics Live 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 Head Hunters 14:55 ITV News London 14:45 Eggheads 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime 15:15 The Big Painting Stories Challenge 16:00 Winning Combination 16:15 An Island Parish 17:00 Tipping Point 16:45 Curiosity 17:30 Glorious Gardens from 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London Above 19:30 ITV Evening News 18:15 Flog It! 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 20:00 Emmerdale of Games 20:30 Tonight 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 21:00 Emmerdale It Takes Two 21:30 The Martin Lewis 20:00 Take a Hike Money Show Live 20:30 Iolo: The Last 22:00 The Real Manhunt: The Wilderness of Wales Night Stalker 21:00 The Hairy Bikers Go 23:00 ITV News at Ten North 23:30 ITV News London 22:00 Don’t Exclude Me 23:45 Gordon, Gino and Fred 23:00 QI 23:30 Newsnight Go Greek!

costablancapeople.com | 28th September - 4th October 2021 www.costablancapeople.com

BBC one

CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

BBC two

Friday 1st October


03:00 BBC News 00:10 BBC Weather 00:50 Paul O’Grady’s 03:30 Talking Movies 00:15 Alison’s Last Mountain Saturday Night Line Up 04:00 BBC News 01:30 Fever Pitch!: The Rise 01:30 Ideal World 04:30 Panorama of the Premier League 05:00 BBC News 02:30 Strictly Come Dancing 04:00 FYI Extra 05:30 HARDtalk 04:55 This Is BBC TWO 04:15 Tonight 06:00 BBC World News 07:15 Homes Under the 04:40 ITV Nightscreen 06:30 World Business Report Hammer 06:05 Tipping Point 07:00 Breakfast 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 10:15 Morning Live 09:00 Chris and Meg’s Wild 07:00 Good Morning Britain 11:00 Defenders UK Summer 10:00 Lorraine 11:45 Close Calls: On Camera 09:30 Mortimer and 11:00 This Morning 12:15 Homes Under the Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 13:30 Loose Women Hammer 10:00 BBC News 13:15 Bargain Hunt 11:00 BBC News 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 BBC News at One 13:15 Politics UK 14:55 ITV News London 14:30 BBC London 14:00 Head Hunters 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime 14:45 Unbeatable 14:45 Eggheads 15:30 The Repair Shop 15:15 The Big Painting Stories 16:00 Escape to the Country Challenge 16:00 Winning Combination 16:45 Garden Rescue 16:15 An Island Parish 17:00 Tipping Point 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 16:45 Curiosity 18:15 Pointless 17:30 Glorious Gardens from 18:00 The Chase 19:00 BBC News at Six Above 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 BBC London 18:15 Flog It! 20:00 The One Show 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:35 A Question of Sport of Games 21:05 EastEnders 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 20:30 Coronation Street 21:30 Richard Osman’s House It Takes Two 21:00 Simply Raymond Blanc of Games Night 20:00 Take a Hike 21:30 Coronation Street 22:00 Would I Lie to You? 20:30 MOTDx 22:30 The Cleaner 21:00 Inside Culture with 22:00 Grantchester 23:00 BBC News at Ten Mary Beard 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:25 BBC London 21:30 Gardeners’ World 23:30 ITV News London 23:35 The Graham Norton 22:30 The North Water Show 23:45 Rocky III 23:30 Newsnight

Saturday 2nd October

Channel 4

Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

Channel 5

02:00 Celebrity SAS: Who 08:25 Circle Square Dares Wins 08:30 Peppa Pig 02:50 Taskmaster 08:35 Peppa Pig 03:45 The Handmaid’s Tale 08:45 Pip & Posy 04:55 Couples Come Dine 09:00 Milo with Me 09:15 The Adventures of 05:45 Location, Location, Paddington Location 09:30 Ricky Zoom 06:40 Kirstie’s House of Craft 09:40 Floogals 07:00 Countdown 09:55 Milkshake! Monkey’s 07:40 Cheers Amazing Adventures 08:10 Cheers 10:00 Peppa Pig 08:40 The King of Queens 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 09:05 The King of Queens 10:15 Jeremy Vine 09:35 The King of Queens 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, 10:05 Frasier Slum Landlords 10:35 Frasier 13:15 5 News at Lunchtime 11:00 Frasier 13:20 Traffic Cops 11:30 Ramsay’s Kitchen 14:15 Home and Away Nightmares USA 14:45 Neighbours 12:25 Channel 4 News 15:15 Crossword Mysteries: 12:30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It Proposing Murder 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in 15:10 Countdown the Sun 16:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 17:00 Chateau DIY 18:30 Neighbours 18:00 Four in a Bed 19:00 Home and Away 18:30 The Perfect Pitch 19:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 The Simpsons 20:00 The Thames: Britain’s 19:30 Hollyoaks Great River With Tony 20:00 Channel 4 News Robinson 20:30 Unreported World 21:00 The Cotswolds With 21:00 The Great British Bake Pam Ayres Off: An Extra Slice 22:00 Lighthouses: Building 22:00 Gogglebox the Impossible 23:00 The Last Leg 23:00 The 80s Mega Mix

ITV2 01:30 American Dad! 01:55 Bob’s Burgers 02:25 Bob’s Burgers 02:50 Superstore 03:15 Superstore 03:40 The Stand Up Sketch Show 04:05 The Stand Up Sketch Show 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 FYI Extra 07:15 Love Bites 08:20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Emmerdale 10:00 You’ve Been Framed! 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Love Bites 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Emmerdale 14:30 You’ve Been Framed! 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Love Bites 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Karaoke Club: Drag Edition



ITV3 00:35 Wycliffe 01:45 The Darling Buds of May 02:50 Man About the House 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:05 Man About the House 10:40 George and Mildred 11:10 George and Mildred 11:40 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 A Touch of Frost 18:50 The Darling Buds of May 19:55 Wycliffe 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:05 Blue Murder

00:25 Invictus 00:35 Wycliffe 01:05 Panorama 08:20 Mr.Bean 06:10 Come Dine with Me 08:25 Peppa Pig 00:00 Family Guy 08:30 Pip & Posy 02:30 Weather for the Week 01:35 When Ruby Wax Met.. 08:30 Mr.Bean 06:40 Come Dine with Me 00:30 Family Guy 02:35 Celebrity MasterChef 08:45 The Tom and Jerry 08:45 Odo Ahead 07:05 The King of Queens 01:50 The Darling Buds of 01:00 American Dad! 03:35 Celebrity MasterChef Show 09:00 The Adventures of 02:35 Joins BBC News 07:30 The King of Queens 01:30 American Dad! 04:05 This Is BBC TWO 08:55 The Tom and Jerry Paddington 03:00 BBC News 07:55 The King of Queens May 01:55 Bob’s Burgers 07:45 The Dengineers Show 09:15 PAW Patrol 03:30 Talking Movies 08:20 Mike & Molly 02:25 Bob’s Burgers 08:15 Ricky Wilson’s Art Jam 09:05 DC Super Hero Girls 09:30 PAW Patrol 04:00 BBC News 08:40 Mike & Molly 02:55 Man About the House 08:30 Blue Peter 09:15 DC Super Hero Girls 09:50 Fireman Sam 02:50 Superstore 04:30 Click - Short Edition 09:00 Frasier 09:00 Deadly 60 09:30 Scooby-Doo and 10:00 Floogals 04:45 Newswatch 09:25 Frasier 03:15 Superstore 03:30 Teleshopping 09:30 Supersized Earth Guess Who? 10:15 Brave Bunnies 05:00 BBC News 09:55 Frasier 03:40 The Emily Atack Show 10:30 Landward 09:55 Craig of the Creek 10:20 The World According To 05:30 Our World 10:25 The Simpsons 04:20 Totally Bonkers 11:00 Hugh’s Wild West 07:00 George and Mildred 10:10 Craig of the Creek Grandpa 06:00 BBC News 10:55 The Simpsons Guinness World Records 12:00 Serengeti 10:25 ITV News 10:35 Little Princess 06:30 The Travel Show 11:25 The Simpsons 04:30 Teleshopping 13:00 The Hairy Bikers Go 10:30 James Martin’s 10:45 Ben & Holly’s Little 07:30 George and Mildred 07:00 Breakfast 11:50 The Simpsons Saturday Morning Kingdom 07:00 Totally Bonkers 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live North 12:20 The Simpsons 14:00 Best Bakes Ever 12:40 Ainsley’s Good Mood 11:00 SpongeBob Guinness World Records 08:00 Coronation Street 12:30 Nadiya’s Family 12:50 Couples Come Dine 14:45 Take a Hike Food SquarePants Favourites 07:25 Love Bites with Me 15:15 Take a Hike 13:35 James Martin’s 11:10 SpongeBob 13:00 Football Focus 13:50 Four in a Bed Omnibus 08:25 Love Bites 15:45 Take a Hike American Adventure SquarePants 14:00 BBC Weekend News 14:25 Four in a Bed 09:20 Secret Crush 16:15 Take a Hike 14:05 Simply Raymond Blanc 11:25 Entertainment News 14:15 London Marathon 14:55 Four in a Bed 10:55 Carry on Up the Jungle 16:45 Take a Hike 14:35 ITV Lunchtime News On 5 10:20 Dress to Impress 14:45 Escape to the Country 17:15 Flog It! 14:40 You’ve Been Framed! 15:25 Four in a Bed 11:30 Friends 11:20 Dress to Impress 15:45 Money for Nothing 16:00 Four in a Bed 18:00 A House Through Time 15:40 Live and Let Die 12:55 Wycliffe 11:55 Friends 12:20 Australian Ninja 16:15 Garden Rescue 16:35 A Place in the Sun 19:00 Super League Rugby 18:00 Family Fortunes 12:25 Friends Warrior 17:00 Final Score 17:35 George Clarke’s Old 20:00 Natural World 19:00 ITV Evening News 12:55 Friends 14:00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 18:10 BBC Weekend News 14:00 You’ve Been Framed! House, New Home 21:00 Royal Academy 19:15 ITV News London 13:25 Friends 18:20 BBC London 18:35 Kirstie and Phil’s Love 14:30 Catchphrase Summer Exhibition 19:30 Catchphrase 13:55 Police Interceptors 16:00 Midsomer Murders 18:30 A Question of Sport It or List It 22:00 The Spice Girls at the 20:30 The Cube 14:55 Police Interceptors 15:30 Robots 19:00 The Hit List 19:30 Channel 4 News BBC 21:30 Beat the Chasers 15:55 A Bridge Too Far 17:20 Shark Tale 18:00 Midsomer Murders 19:45 Strictly Come Dancing 23:00 Later ... with Jools 20:00 Treasures With Bettany 19:20 5 News Weekend 22:30 Paul O’Grady’s 19:10 Despicable Me 3 22:00 Blankety Blank Hughes Holland Saturday Night Line Up 19:25 Battle of Britain 20:00 Midsomer Murders 22:30 Casualty 21:00 Britain’s Forgotten 23:45 Last Man Standing: 23:15 ITV News 22:00 Michael Caine: The Man 21:00 Pitch Perfect 2 23:15 Family Guy 23:15 BBC Weekend News Wars with Tony Robinson Suge Knight and the Murders 23:35 The Silence of the & The Movies 23:45 Family Guy 23:30 Match of the Day of Biggie & Tupac Lambs 22:00 Rocketman 23:30 Harry Brown 22:00 Vera The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

costablancapeople.com | 28th September - 4th October 2021

24 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide


BBC one

BBC two

CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


Channel 4

Sunday 3rd October 00:50 Tonight with Target 01:40 The NFL Show 02:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 02:15 Joins BBC News 02:30 The Travel Show 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Dateline London 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Our World 05:00 BBC News 05:30 Click 06:00 BBC News 06:30 Talking Movies 07:00 Breakfast 08:10 Match of the Day 09:30 Politics London 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 Live: London Marathon 15:30 BBC Weekend News 15:45 Songs of Praise 16:25 Points of View 16:40 Seven Worlds, One Planet 17:40 BBC Weekend News 17:55 BBC London 18:05 Countryfile 19:05 The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet 20:05 Strictly Come Dancing 21:00 The Mating Game 22:00 Ridley Road 23:00 BBC Weekend News 23:20 BBC London 23:30 Match of the Day 2

01:30 The Gangster, the Cop, 08:10 Mighty Mike 00:20 Elton John: The Red 08:20 Mr.Bean Piano the Devil 08:30 Mr.Bean 02:20 The Last Leg 03:15 This Is BBC TWO 08:45 The Tom and Jerry 03:15 The Simpsons Show 03:40 The Simpsons 07:05 Gardeners’ World 08:55 The Tom and Jerry 04:05 24 Hours in A&E 08:05 Countryfile Show 04:55 Pompeii 09:05 Ninjago: Masters of 09:00 Live: London Marathon 05:10 Hollyoaks Omnibus Spinjitzu: The Island 07:10 Mike & Molly 11:00 Your Home Made Perfect09:15 Ninjago: Masters of 07:30 Mike & Molly Spinjitzu: The Island 12:00 The World’s Most 09:25 The Rubbish World of 07:55 Mike & Molly 08:15 The King of Queens Extraordinary Homes Dave Spud 13:00 Live: Match of the Day 09:40 The Rubbish World of 08:40 The King of Queens 09:05 The King of Queens Dave Spud 15:40 Flog It! 09:55 Makeaway Takeaway 09:30 The Simpsons 10:00 The Simpsons 10:25 ITV News 16:30 Jay’s Yorkshire 10:30 Sunday Brunch 10:30 Wonders of Scotland Workshop with David Hayman 13:30 The Simpsons 17:30 Saving Lives at Sea 11:00 Love Your Weekend with 13:55 The Simpsons Alan Titchmarsh 14:25 The Simpsons 18:30 Villages by the Sea 12:55 All Around Britain 14:50 The Simpsons 19:00 London Marathon 13:55 ITV Lunchtime News 15:20 The Simpsons 14:00 Live: ITV Racing Live 15:45 The Great British Bake 20:00 Incredible Journeys 16:30 Tipping Point: Lucky Off with Simon Reeve Stars 17:15 Mrs Doubtfire 17:30 Dickinson’s Biggest and 21:00 Mortimer and 19:30 Channel 4 News Best Deals 20:00 Big Ben: Saving the Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 18:30 The Cube World’s Most Famous Clock 19:30 ITV Evening News 21:30 Chris and Meg’s Wild 21:00 Lost Treasure Tombs of 19:45 ITV News London Summer the Ancient Maya 20:00 Family Fortunes 22:00 Celebrity SAS: Who 21:00 Midsomer Murders 22:00 The Ranganation Dares Wins 23:00 ITV News 22:45 If Beale Street Could 23:20 Sorry, I Didn’t Know 23:00 Foxy’s Fearless 48 Hours with... 23:45 Caught on Camera Talk

Monday 4th October

02:50 Joins BBC News 00:10 BBC Weather 00:00 The Real Manhunt: The 03:00 BBC News 00:15 Black Power: A British Night Stalker 03:30 Hidden Girls Story of Resistance 00:55 All Elite Wrestling: 04:00 BBC News 01:45 Countryfile Dynamite 04:30 The Travel Show 02:45 Saving Lives at Sea 01:45 Ideal World 05:00 BBC News 03:45 When Ruby Wax Met.. 04:00 FYI Extra 05:30 HARDtalk 04:45 This Is BBC TWO 04:15 Lingo 06:00 BBC World News 05:05 Unwind with ITV 06:30 World Business Report 07:30 Bargain Hunt 07:00 Breakfast 08:15 Antiques Road Trip 06:05 Tipping Point 10:15 Rip-Off Britain 09:00 Shop Well for Less 07:00 Good Morning Britain 11:00 Defenders UK 10:00 BBC News 10:00 Lorraine 11:45 Claimed and Shamed 11:00 BBC News 11:00 This Morning 12:15 Homes Under the 13:15 Politics Live 13:30 Loose Women Hammer 14:00 Head Hunters 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:45 Eggheads 14:55 ITV News London 14:00 BBC News at One 15:20 A Woman’s Secret 15:00 Judge Rinder’s Crime 14:30 BBC London 14:45 Doctors 16:45 Curiosity Stories 15:15 Unbeatable 17:30 Glorious Gardens from 16:00 Winning Combination 16:00 Escape to the Country Above 17:00 Tipping Point 16:45 Garden Rescue 18:15 Flog It! 18:00 The Chase 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 19:00 Richard Osman’s House 19:00 ITV News London 18:15 Pointless of Games 19:30 ITV Evening News 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: 20:00 Emmerdale 19:30 BBC London 20:00 The One Show It Takes Two 20:30 Wonders of Scotland 20:30 EastEnders 20:00 Celebrity Antiques with David Hayman 20:50 Holby City Road Trip 21:00 Love Your Garden 21:30 My Family 21:00 Saving Lives at Sea 22:00 Caught on Camera 22:00 Silent Witness 22:00 Dementia & Us 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:00 Mortimer and 23:30 ITV News London 23:25 BBC London Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 23:45 Heathrow: Britain’s 23:35 The Earthshot Prize: 23:30 Newsnight Busiest Airport Repairing Our Planet

02:05 Undercover Boss USA 02:55 Mandem 03:10 Woman at War 04:50 The Scene 05:05 Couples Come Dine with Me 06:00 Location, Location, Location 06:50 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free 07:00 Countdown 07:40 Cheers 08:05 Cheers 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 The King of Queens 09:30 The King of Queens 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:25 Channel 4 News 12:30 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 13:30 Steph’s Packed Lunch 15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Chateau DIY 18:00 Four in a Bed 18:30 The Perfect Pitch 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:30 Murder Island 23:30 Gogglebox

Channel 5




08:05 Ricky Zoom 00:15 Family Guy 08:20 Daisy & Ollie 00:45 American Dad! 08:25 Peppa Pig 01:10 American Dad! 08:35 Pip & Posy 01:40 The Stand Up Sketch 08:50 Odo 08:55 The Adventures of Show Paddington 02:10 The Stand Up Sketch 09:15 PAW Patrol Show 09:30 PAW Patrol 09:45 Fireman Sam 02:40 Don’t Hate the Playaz 09:55 Floogals 03:40 CelebAbility 10:15 The World According To 04:20 Unwind with ITV Grandpa 04:30 Teleshopping 10:25 Little Princess 10:40 Ben & Holly’s Little 07:00 FYI Extra Kingdom 07:15 Totally Bonkers 11:00 SpongeBob Guinness World Records SquarePants 11:10 SpongeBob SquarePants 07:45 Love Bites 11:25 Entertainment News 08:45 Love Bites On 5 09:40 Dress to Impress 11:30 NFL End Zone 12:00 Friends 10:40 Dress to Impress 12:25 Friends 11:40 Dress to Impress 12:55 Friends 12:40 Family Fortunes 13:25 Friends 13:45 Catchphrase 13:55 Planet of the Apes 16:15 The Fifth Element 14:50 You’ve Been Framed! 18:40 5 News Weekend 15:50 You’ve Been Framed! 18:45 Tomb Raider 16:20 The Flintstones 21:00 Million Pound Motorhomes 18:05 Hotel Transylvania 22:00 Rich House, Poor 19:55 The Fast and the House 23:00 Oops! When TV Goes Furious: Tokyo Drift 22:00 Mean Girls Terribly Wrong

00:00 Agatha Christie’s

07:20 Kid-E-Cats 07:30 Blue’s Clues & You! 07:50 Fireman Sam 08:00 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! 08:10 PAW Patrol 08:25 Circle Square 08:35 Peppa Pig 08:45 Peppa Pig 09:00 Pip & Posy 09:05 Milo 09:20 The Adventures of Paddington 09:40 Ricky Zoom 09:55 Floogals 10:05 Sunny Bunnies 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10 5 News at Lunchtime 13:15 Police Interceptors 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:20 A Sinister Secret 17:00 Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 Eggheads 20:00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Our Yorkshire Farm 23:00 Hoarder Homes: No Room To Move

00:35 Wycliffe 01:45 The Darling Buds of May 02:50 Man About the House 03:15 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 08:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Emmerdale 08:30 Emmerdale 09:05 Heartbeat 10:10 Man About the House 10:45 George and Mildred 11:20 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 A Touch of Frost 18:55 The Darling Buds of May 20:00 Wycliffe 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Blue Murder

02:20 Superstore 02:45 Don’t Hate the Playaz 03:25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 03:50 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 04:20 Unwind with ITV 04:30 Teleshopping 07:00 FYI Extra 07:15 Love Bites 08:20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00 Emmerdale 09:30 Coronation Street 10:00 Coronation Street 10:30 Ellen’s Game of Games 11:30 Dress to Impress 12:30 Love Bites 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 14:30 Coronation Street 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 16:00 Dress to Impress 17:00 Love Bites 18:00 You’ve Been Framed! 18:30 You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 Catchphrase 20:00 Superstore 20:30 Superstore 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 Family Guy 23:00 Plebs 23:30 Plebs

Marple 02:00 Belgravia 03:00 George and Mildred 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 George and Mildred 07:30 George and Mildred 08:00 Emmerdale Omnibus 10:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 12:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 14:55 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 16:55 A Touch of Frost 19:00 Lewis 21:00 Joanna Lumley’s Home Sweet Home: Travels in My Own Land 22:00 The Savoy 23:00 Vera


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


Spain to ban some plastic wrapping The sale of fruit and vegetables in plastic wrapping will be prohibited in Spain’s supermarkets and grocery stores starting in 2023. This is one of the measures in a decree being drafted by the Ministry for Ecological Transition, according to sources familiar with the initiative. The new regulation also contains measures to encourage the purchase of loose, unpackaged produce and use of nonbottled water. The ban on fruit and vegetable packaging will apply to produce weighing under 1.5 kilograms, following similar legislation in France, where it will go into effect next year. The Spanish executive wants to “fight the overuse of packaging in the most effective way,” said a ministry spokesperson. The same source said that plastic pollution “has exceeded all limits.” Environmental groups in Spain and abroad, including Greenpeace, have been campaigning for years to stop greengrocers and large supermarkets alike from wrapping fresh produce in layers of plastic.

The ministry headed by Teresa Ribera has held meetings with leading business associations and environmental groups to share some of the main guidelines contained in the draft decree, which seeks to incorporate European Union norms to Spain’s legislation. The list of products included

in the new regulations will be set by the Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency. Those “at risk of deteriorating when sold loose” will be left out of the list, according to available information. Julio Barea of Greenpeace said he agrees with the ban but added that it is important to see “how it will be applied” in the end. Barea feels the government, led by a centre-left coalition of the Socialist Party (PSOE) and leftist Unidas Podemos, is not moving fast enough “to radically

end the flow of plastic pollution.” “We drink plastic, we eat plastic and we breathe plastic,” he warns about the effects of a type of pollution he describes as “a pandemic.” The decree also contemplates forcing authorities at every level of government to “encourage the installation of drinking fountains in public spaces” and “introducing alternatives to the sale of bottled drinks,” as well as rolling back “the distribution of single-use drinking cups” at public events, beginning in 2023, according to information shared with green groups. The government is working on measures to encourage retailers to sell fresh produce without packaging. Customers could bring their own reusable containers, although hygiene conditions would have to be set by the establishments. One of the main goals of the draft decree is to reduce by half the sale of plastic bottles for drinks by 2030, and for 100 percent of packaging on the market to be recyclable, according to the same sources.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

Bars & Restaurants



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021






CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

but she argues that she has contributed to the household by bringing up the kids and managing the home. She has done far from it in my view; there are no savings, and the house is in disrepair and furniture has seen better days. Where has the money gone? The thought of ending up with nothing has prevented me from leaving many times, but I am miserable.. I have been with my partner for 25 years. We never married. I have been unhappy for several years and I have told my partner it is best that we separate if we can’t stand each other. I own the house and its contents - we have separate bank accounts. I worked while my partner raised our children; she did not work but enjoyed herself as a kept woman - I

gave her an allowance each month, and I paid the mortgage. She hasn’t contributed financially to the relationship. Whenever I would come home from work, she would be out with her friends while the kids fended for themselves. After looking online for advice for possibly what is a fair settlement, I am appalled. It doesn’t seem fair that she should get half of everything,

Your first port of call should be your Solicitor, and too for your wife. Although you are not legally married, your partner may have certain cohabitation rights, and you both share children. A Judge might see things differentially to yourself, especially

Health & Beauty

if your partner has stayed at home to bring up the children, irrespective of whether you think she did a good job, or was a fit mother. Remember if divorce proceedings are long and protracted, money can be wasted fighting something that inevitably will end up at the same result. Lawyers love a contentious divorce, so the best advice is to split as amicably as possible.



Write to Sara in confidence. a pSeudonym Will be uSed if you WiSh. Sara readS all letterS and can give a perSonal reply. email your queStion to Sara@coStablancapeople.com or Sara iS available for private conSultationS, telephone 650 054 467.


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


to stop your Exercise your brain How partner snoring Choosing a run over a TV marathon might help keep your physical health up, but scientists have revealed that a workout can also give your gray matter a boost. Not only does exercise help you grow new brain cells, but it can also put you in a good mood, which can have positive effects for both physical and mental health. Exercise can provide a way to maintain brain function, according to a study in the Trends in Neuroscience journal. The research shows that your session on the track or the treadmill increases the molecules in your brain that aid learning and protect against cognitive decline. Exercise helps new brain cells to grow. It aids in brain plasticity by stimulating the development of new connections between the cells and cortical areas of the brain. The rise in these molecules, known as a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), occurs in the hippocampus, which is the centre for memory formation and learning. BDNF is a super-charged protein that helps keep brain circuitry intact. Those who have low levels of BDNF may suffer from Alzheimer’s, dementia, or depression. According to a study in the National Academy of Sciences journal the reason why people can start to suffer from impaired memory or dementia, when they get older, is because the hippocampus will naturally start to shrink as you age. However, a study by the University of British Columbia found that heart-pumping exercise increases the size of the hippocampus; though you do need to be prepared to sweat it out as balance or resistance training exercises don’t have the same effect. Exercise also helps keep your brain supplied with fuel. Exercise helps get oxygen to the brain, which is essential to our survival. By increasing the heart rate through exercise, it pumps the vital oxygen the brain needs.

Body pillows Most snorers are back sleepers, and this makes the base of their tongues and soft palates collapse to the back wall of their throat, causing a vibration while they sleep. A body pillow will prevent them from rolling on to their back in the night, meaning you should sleep a little sounder. Tennis ball therapy Sew a tennis ball, or something similar, to the back of a snorer’s pyjamas. This will make it hard for them to sleep on their back, which is the position most likely to lead to snoring. Avoid certain foods For better sleep, there are certain

When you swap the couch for a 5km run, you also make this process more efficient. Exercise helps the heart to beat faster by pumping more blood with each beat. When your heart beats fast during exercise, it gets more blood through the body. A healthy cardio output keeps your blood pressure at the levels needed to get oxygen-rich blood to your brain and other vital organs. If you want to increase your gray matter, you need to be prepared to break a sweat. Exercises most beneficial to the brain are aerobic-style workouts. Studies show that swimming and running seem to be best for brain health. However, weightlifting can also increase the heart rate, which can also be beneficial to brain health. Whether you achieve the so called ‘runner’s high’, or not, exercise has been found to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. A study in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology found that the antidepressant effect of running is due to more cell growth in the

hippocampus. Interestingly if you work out in a group, a study in the journal of Adaptive Human Behaviour and Psychology found the brain will release natural pain relieving Endogenous Opioid System to help encourage social closeness. A good everyday example of this would be a rowing team that finds the strength to power through to the end of a race.

foods to avoid before bed, including sugar, caffeine and cheese. Research shows having large meals before bed, or consuming lots of dairy food, may make snoring worse. Have smaller nightly meals and avoid late-night cups of tea! Avoid alcohol Alcohol reduces the resting tone of the throat muscles, making it more likely that you’ll end up snoring in the night. Avoid drinking alcohol five hours prior to going to sleep. Wear nasal strips These strips sit on the bridge of your nose, opening up the nostrils slightly and increasing airflow during the night.



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

Insecure Animals According to data compiled by Royal Canin and RACE, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) and the DGT, 12% of drivers who travel with animals do so incorrectly, to the point of endangering both their lives and that of the other occupants of the vehicle. The report, “Companion Animals and Road Safety”, includes risk situations with simulated animals inside the vehicle, tips for transporting the animal safely and a research survey with a sample of over a thousand people. It also highlights the need to use appropriate restraint systems for animals, to control the temperature of the cabin and to monitor the animal during stops, to guarantee the wellbeing of the pet during travel. Survey of more than 1,300 drivers According to the survey included in the report, carried out on more than 1,300 drivers, one in three (36%) travels with their pet, 87% uses restraint systems, 11% places the animal in the boot, separate from the occupants, but without retention, protection, or separating net, and only 1% carry the animal loose in the vehicle or in the arms of an occupant. Of the restraint systems used, 62% of those surveyed use seat belts or harnesses for their pets, a percentage that in 2011 stood at 45%. Of the rest of the systems, 12% use carriers attached to the seat with the belt, 10% of users use carriers in the boot, 8% use bars or separating nets and

4% use carriers placed on the floor. Track tests RACE, in collaboration with other European clubs (ADAC, from Germany, and ÖAMTC, from Austria), has carried out simulations on the track of emergency braking and dodging manoeuvres at 100 kilometres per hour, with dolls of different weights (4kg, 8kg, 12.8kg and 25kg) inside the passenger compartment, in different positions and using different restraint systems. The tests conclude that the animal becomes a great risk for the rest of the occupants when being projected: a 5 kg dog, in an accident at 60 km / h, multiplies its weight by 56 due to inertia, and it shoots out with an equivalent weight of 280 kilograms. The report also points out that the boot and the rear space in the foot area are the most recommended for traveling with pets, but always with an adequate restraint system, such as safety harnesses, transport boxes or carriers attached to the vehicle. or trunk separation barriers. 10 tips to travel comfortably and safely with animals 1. Never travel with a loose animal in the cabin There are significant risks to the animal and other occupants and may also pose a danger to rescue teams in the event of an accident. It can involve a penalty of up to 100 euro. 2. Choose a suitable retention system Among the available systems are restraint harnesses (with a short and

Caring for your Car For some, learning how to take care of your car can be confusing. What goes where? How often does it need a service? But a regular routine of TLC can mean a longer life for your vehicle, and cheaper running costs overall. The average age of all cars still in use in Spain is 11 years and rising. As car design advances, it isn´t long before technology takes over and with more modern vehicles becoming safer, knowing a bit about maintenance is crucial, and it’s worth it to keep it running at peak performance while you have it. Taking care of your car can also improve mileage and reduce your overall maintenance costs. Here are our top tips for taking care of your car: 1. Read the Manual It might seem like an obvious thing to say but from televisions to automobiles, so many of us ignore the most important accessory that accompanies our purchase, the manual. Become familiar with your car’s manual to take care of it properly. The maintenance schedule, proper parts, and other details vary from vehicle to vehicle. If you do not have an owner’s manual, you can usually obtain one from the dealer or online. 2. Keep it Clean Cleaning your vehicle regularly is not only important to keep it looking good but scrubbing your car or running it through the car wash isn’t just about making it sparkly. Dirt, salt, sand, and other debris that can get on your car leads to rust. It’s the biggest problem in the winter if you live somewhere with snow or ice. But it’s a good idea to wash your car regularly year-round to remove anything that could cause it to deteriorate. 3. Regular Maintenance Oil changes are probably what come to mind when you think of regular maintenance. The timing of oil changes depends on your vehicle and the type of

oil you use. Full synthetic oil requires less frequent changes. Other routine maintenance tasks include checking tyres, replacing fluids, replacing filters, and checking belts. Your owner’s manual should give you a schedule for those tasks, but you will be better off asking a qualified mechanic to carry out the work. Maintaining the maintenance schedule and records adds value to the car if you choose to sell it. 4. Inspect It Regularly Look at little closer at different parts of your car to make sure they’re still in good condition. Replace windshield wiper blades regularly to ensure they work well. If they’re torn or worn out, they can scratch your windshield. Check the filters regularly to make sure they’re not dirty. If they are, replace them. Turn on your headlights and check to make sure they’re working. Look at the lights on the back as well. Have someone help you check the brake lights with you. 5. Drive Carefully The easier you are on your car when you drive, the better it should hold up over time. Excessive speeds can be hard on the vehicle, but how quickly you accelerate and decelerate can be more important. Stepping on the accelerator or brakes hard can be difficult on the vehicle. Avoid heavy loads in your vehicle, including trailers that you tow or roof racks. 6. Fix Problems Quickly If you notice any issues with your car, have it checked out right away. Little squeaks, bangs, or shakes might not seem like much, but they could be a sign of something bigger. Problems often get worse if you let them go on for too long. You could end up with major engine problems if you don’t handle things quickly. 7. Care for the Tyres We talk about tyres quite a lot. Scroll through our page for more tips on tyre

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stable connection system), carriers or passenger compartment dividers, which must be firm and well anchored to prevent displacement. 3. Do not place objects next to the animal In case of impact, they can become projectiles. 4. Control the animal at rest stops When you open the boot or the door of the vehicle, the animal can run away and cause an incident. 5. Never leave the animal inside the vehicle with high temperatures Not even in a shady area or with the windows open. 6. Stop every two hours Thus, the animal can urinate or defecate, walk and hydrate. 7. Control possible dizziness If the animal has a tendency to get dizzy, it is preferable not to feed or drink it in the hours before the trip. Take advantage of the stops to drink. 8. Monitor the vehicle temperature Ensuring adequate ventilation always. 9. Accustom the animal to the restraint system If the animal usually travels in the vehicle, get him used to traveling restrained from being a puppy, in a carrier or separated by a system that prevents access to the cabin. 10. Never restrain the animal with its leash It is not a restraint system and poses a significant risk of injury, both to the animal and to the rest of the occupants.

care. They might not seem like one of the most important parts, but your tires are responsible for getting you safely to your destination. Keeping them properly inflated is the easiest way to do that. Each 1 psi drop in your tire pressure can decrease fuel mileage by 0.2%. That doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up if your tyres are a lot lower than normal. Low tyre pressure also increases the chances of major problems due to the extra friction created. The tires can overheat, wear prematurely, or cause a blowout. Blowouts can lead to crashes and leave debris in the road that puts other drivers at risk. Check tyre pressure regularly, especially if you think one or more tires look low. Replace your tyres before the tread gets too low. 8. Maintain Fluid Levels Your car relies on lots of fluids to keep things running smoothly. Your mechanic should check those fluids when you take your car in for routine maintenance. But it’s a good idea to check them regularly between appointments to ensure you keep them full. Check your oil between oil changes to make sure it falls between the minimum and maximum levels on the dipstick. Note how the oil looks. If it’s dark and dirty, it’s time to change it. Make sure your coolant reservoir has enough antifreeze in it. You’ll also want to top up your windshield washer fluid regularly, so you can see clearly with clean windows. 9. Protect Your Car If you have a garage or carport available, park your car there as much as possible. This protects it from potentially damaging weather elements, including UV rays and hail. Avoid parking under trees when possible. Branches could fall on your vehicle, and some trees drop sap, pinecones, and other debris that can damage your paint.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

Our best faces to care for you Quirónsalud presents the “Our Best Faces to Care for You” campaign to highlight the role of healthcare workers in caring for our health.

Health has many faces: those of humanity, engagement, teamwork, innovation and many more. At our Quirónsalud hospitals and medical centres in Valencia, Alicante, Torrevieja and Murcia, you can see them all when dealing with our professionals. How can we help you? So begins the campaign that Quirónsalud has started with the name “Our Best Faces to Care for You” with the goal of highlighting and showcasing Quirónsalud’s healthcare personnel after a year of pandemic, raising awareness in society about the importance of promoting the values that are considered essential in the profession, and that are part of the Quirónsalud hospital group. The campaign emphasises the fidelity of our patients and the creation of trust from the human and emotional perspectives. The medical directors at Quirónsalud hospitals in Murcia, Alicante, Torrevieja and Valencia explain that “a very important part of healthcare is the human factor, people.

• Effort • Professionality

Over 400 healthcare workers and the collaboration of the Torrevieja Young Musicians’ Orchestra The campaign included the participation of over 400 Quirónsalud healthcare workers and is made up of a poster exhibit at the hospitals and medical centres in the Community of Valencia and Region of Murcia, a video piece in several languages to be shared on social networks and played at hospital facilities, the original soundtrack of which was composed by Adolfo Arronisand was recorded especially by the Youth Orchestra of Torrevieja.

Therefore, at Quirónsalud we want to highlight the close, empathetic, and very much human treatment of our professionals. They are the ones that, with their vocation, make patients feel in the best hands. Because we understand healthcare, person to person.” With this campaign, View the campaign video Quirónsalud gives visibility to the faces of all the professional on YouTube at: https:// nurses, physicians, aids, youtu.be/qzqPaM9ekqc technicians, or guards that care for the patients. The Quirónsalud values, say campaign organisers, are BUSINESS PROFILE reflected in their faces and in Please note that all information their work: contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by • Humanity the client, and is therefore • Engagement deemed correct and accurate. • Commitment Any errors, omissions or • Passion inaccuracies are the sole • Vocational innovation responsibility of the client. • Teamwork


Elche CF the present givers Elche CF had two matches away from home last week, they lost them both! The omens were not good for Fran Escriba’s men on Wednesday night as they went against Unai Emery’s team. On the six occasions in La Liga that the Franjiverdes have faced the Yellow Submarine in the Cerámica stadium, they have never beaten them. This was to prove the case yet again. Within the first five minutes Elche CF were already 1-0 down, a punishment for the defensive failure to clear the ball. Elche gallantly swam against the tide with a bold move started by Fidel in midfield, continued by Josan, and finished by a powerful shot from Mojica. Elche set about creating problems for the Villarreal defence and Lucas Perez almost put the visitors ahead.

The game changed following the referee’s failure to award a second yellow card to Pedraza for an obvious foul on Josan, that would have left the Yellow Submarine’s with one less crew member. Fran’s men were unsettled by this injustice, which had not even been viewed on VAR, and Trigueros promptly put Villarreal ahead just before the half time whistle. The second half can only be described as a disaster for the Franjiverdes who put in their worst performance of the season so far, resulting in a 4-1 thrashing. On Sunday evening Elche CF played Europa League team Real Sociedad in the city of San Sebastián. A win would see Sociedad in second place in the table and a loss would see Elche plummeting towards the relegation zone. Unfortunately

this became the reality. Both teams were evenly matched throughout the game and it would just be due to a stroke of luck that one team would emerge victorious. Luck was not on Elche CF’s side, despite the fact that they had two fantastic opportunities in the first half, when both Benedetto and then Lucas Perez had the goal at their feet. Sociedad had that lucky stroke on the 81st minute. Enzo Roco misread a header which fell to Oyarzabal who easily circumnavigated keeper Kiko Casilla, and was gifted with an open goal. The EuroTourGuide Coach is already available for booking for 11€ per person for Elche CF’s next home fixture against Celta Vigo at the Martinez Valero on Sunday the 3rd October for a 14:00 kick off.


CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

www.costablancapeople.com ballustrades

28th September - 4th October 2021


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cHurcH and cHarities International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Urbano Arregui 23, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain


Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968

Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968

Chef required for new family restaurant. Experience in UK and Spain in restaurants essential. Must speak English and Spanish. The ideal candidate will be up for a challenge and be prepared to work alongside the owners in a family restaurant, to embark on the journey of building the restaurant, developing the a la carte menu and working towards being ready to open at the end of the month. For further details, contact 00447454023437 by WhatsApp. (910)



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Presentation week at Las Ramblas

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This week saw the presentation of Trophies to last season’s winners.

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Well done to all the winners - Nigel Price, Mark Western, Petina Murray, Paul Brown, Ken Robertson, Dave Pulling, Joyce McKlusky, Mike Mahony, John Drakesmith& Olga Douglas. Why you ask is a man wearing a riding hat? Because that’s Nigel Price and he is the Bandit of the year! It was also the first round of this years Club Championship. . . . It was a tough Medal round for everyone, some delt with it better than others!

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Other Results this week; Monday 20th Sept Winners of Team Comp were - Olga, Paul and Jim & Jayne Saunders with 103 points Fridays Team Comp winners were – Paul, John, Andrea and the World famous Alberto with 85 points

Imanyo Golf Society Wyn Evans Memorial Salver, 22nd September at Altorreal The Wyn Evans Salver is one of the most popular competitions of our season. Our sponsor Judy Evans unfortunately could not make it over this year, putting that aside we had a great day’s golf with twenty-four players. Arriving at the course we found that everything was organised and ready, the course was in great condition after 10 greens were reconstructed and there has been an upgrade of the club house, the weather was 30o but quite humid, the format for the day was full handicap Stableford, split into three groups. Winner of the Wyn Evans Salver came from group B, Ken Waller, with a great handicap cutting score of 41 points, runner up was our own professional Miguel Garciawith 36 points, winner of group A was “Three Clubs” Sean McGuinness, again with handicap cutting score of 39 points, runner up was The Irish Invader Ray Hamilton with 34points, winner of group C was Graham Rumsey with 27 points and runner up was “Fish Called Wander” Mo

Sophie Elégante, French, Sexy, Naughty Lady. Speaks 3 languages. Priv. apartment VillaMartin. Also visits all areas. Tel: 693 357 526 ( 959)

The results were as follows:1. Ian Moir 68 2. Mike Chapman 70 3. Friedel Knebel 71 4. Mike Smith 71 5. Andrea Martin 73 6. Olga Douglas 74

Chaplin with 25 points. There were six nearest the pins, winners were, holes 7 and 12 “Three Clubs” Sean McGuinness, hole 5 Irish Invader Ray Hamilton, hole 9 Ken Waller, hole 14 Colin Deare and Hole 17 Andy Godfrey, best front nine went to Ken Wallerwith 21 points and best back nine on a very long count backand only decided with the points added together on the 17th 18th holes between Irish Invader Ray Hamilton and “Three Clubs” Sean McGuinness eventually went to Sean McGuinness winning 5 – 4 with a total of 20 points. The presentation was held at Imanyo’s, many thanks to Judy Evans for sponsoring the day and thank you to Antonio and all the staff for looking after us, the football card was won by Chris Bailliewith Middlesbrough raising another €20 for our charities 2021. Photo shows Dons Ralph presenting the salver to winner Ken Walleron behalf of Judy Evans. www.imanyogolfsociety.com imanyogolfsociety@gmail.com



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021

tALES FROM tHE tOP FLIGHt n CHrIs dArweN chris@costablancapeople.com

Oh, Thomas. You didn’t really think you could try the exact same approach four times in a row and Peppy G wouldn’t have finally come up with a plan to stop you? In the biggest Premier League clash of the season since, well, last week probably, Man City grabbed one of those more-convincing-thanthe-score-suggests type of victories beating Chelsea 1-0 at the Bridge. Tommy T admitted that City deserved their win and they most certainly did - carving Chelsea open several times but only scoring once through Gabby Jesus. The victory ends Tuchel’s brief hoodoo hold over Guardiola and probably suggests that all the people jumping on the Chelseafor-the-title bandwagon might have bought their ticket a little prematurely. The win means Pep has more wins than any other City manager in history. It’s almost as if that has coincided with City having more money than they’ve ever had in their history. I think we can all assume that Bruno won’t be on penalties next week, then. Mind you, that could all depend on who the new Man United manager is by then. Too soon? Surely Ole doesn’t have too many more home defeats left in the bank before the board think that there might be better-qualified people to turn this collection of highlypaid and sometimes highly-talented footballers into an actual team? Solsjkaer said himself in a somewhat rhetorical manner, “that’s going to be the headline, isn’t it?” after Fernandes decided to abandon his previously almost faultless routine of hop-skipjump-stroke-it-home (21 out of 22 for United, stats fans) and choosing to stick his laces through it. OGS had had a bit of a pre-match moan about United not getting as many penalties as they deserve in recent months - the moan worked but would have worked better had they actually scored it. Was Bruno distracted by some classic gamesmanship from Emi Martinez? You’d hope so, really. I’ll tell you this for nothing, I don’t rate Harry Kane as a left-back. I don’t really rate him much higher as a midfielder. Arsenal sped to a 2-0 lead in the north London derby when Kane sped back to tackle Bakayo Saka in the area - that didn’t go too well as

Abbey Anglers On Tuesday the 21st of September we fished the 2nd round of the Winter series at the El Bosquet Complex. After very heavy overnight rain we feared the worst for road conditions at the complex but they were in fact in great condition and the match was fished in mainly glorious sunshine. Winner on the day and making the most of a good draw on peg 26 was Graham Patterson. He fished the method feeder with corn or pellet for 37.52kg. In second place from the next peg was Neil McBernie. Neil fished the pole across on pellet for 32.74kg. In third place was Keith Hirst with 27.60kg from peg B1 who fished the method feeder on the pole.

the Arsenal man emerged with the ball and scored the third of the early evening. Tottenham were, frankly, dreadful but Nuno will have been delighted that bringing on a right-back and a defensive midfielder at half-time impacted the game well enough that Spurs won the second-half 1-0. Aaron Ramsdale gave Arsenal fans an early glimpse of his talent, palming Son’s consolation into the far corner. Nuno’s honeymoon period is definitely over with Daniel Levy probably going through their marriage vows to see if “I do” really does mean “I do ”. You don’t often get to see Virgil van Dijk a little bit rattled. A round of applause to Brentford’s Ivan Toney who ended up being passed on to Joel Matip by VVD who realised his ego might be getting slightly bruised. There is no doubt that Brentford’s humdinger with Liverpool was the best action of the weekend - and it saw Mo Salah notch his 100th Premier League goal for Liverpool. Personally, I thought Mo had already done this a few weeks ago. Or was that Mane? I really should keep notes. Either way, both teams attacked like their lives depended on it and Liverpool would have won had it not been for the save of the decade (for me) by David Raya. Jamie Vardy scored the imperfect hat-trick as Leicester drew 2-2 with Burnley. Vardy flicked a header home

at the near post to open the scoring - unfortunately, it flew past Kasper Schmeichel and not Nick Pope. He soon made up for it though, scoring twice at the right end to keep Burnley from winning yet. Sean Dyche had a moan about Leicester’s second and the fact that Burnley had another later ‘winner’ ruled out by VAR. Burnley don’t win and Dyche has a moan - a normal Saturday for those of that persuasion. Ozan Kabak was ruled not good enough for Liverpool but that would make him good enough for Norwich, no? Er, actually, no. Kabak was hapless once more as Norwich’s defeat to Everton gave them the honour of the worst-ever Premier League start in history - despite all their “clever recruitment” that arm-chair analysts nodding with approval this summer. Everton - now that is a clever strategy. Keep signing ex-Champions League-winning managers in the hope that one works and arm them with hilariously cheap signings like Demarai Gray and Andros Townsend. It was Townsend who got this little victory parade underway, scoring from the spot after Kabak impaled his studs into his opponent’s thigh. All that cycling must have given Ben Foster chocolate-wrists. Newcastle have actually scored some decent looking goals this season and when Sean Longstaff smashed one from distance it looked like another for the showreel. On reflection, Foster

The pairs was a close run affair, but the winners were Richard King and Lenny Bolton with 51.52kg with both of them fishing the new channel.

on the pole with pellet for 35.96kg. He will need a visit to the doctors with a sore neck after watching the angler on peg 26 constantly catch fish for two days running. In third place was the former Welsh international team manager, Doug Hornblow. Doug arrived late after forgetting his bait, Its and age thing. He fished peg 29 and caught carp steadily on the pole for 22.30kg. The team event was won by myself, Ian Brown and Keith Hirst with 56.98kg. Other section winners were Lenny Bolton with 21.52kg and Steve Higgins with 14.82kg. Keith is pictured with one of his winning nets. Further details can be found on our website www.abbeyangling.es

Rods N Reels The following day we again fished a match at the El Bosquet complex. Thirteen anglers took part and we fished pegs A1 to 7, 18 to 24 on the old back channel and pegs 26 to 29. Winner on the day with a fantastic weight was “The Wizard of Humberside” Keith Hirst. Drawn on peg 26 Keith continued his rich vein of form, he fished the method feeder with corn to constantly catch carp for 46.38kg. Keith was followed for the second day running by Neil Mcbernie. Neil once again fished peg 27 and took carp

probably should have stopped it if his wrists hadn’t suddenly disappeared. Steve Bruce’s clash with Watford was more Aussie Rules than EPL. Jarred Gillett being the first ref from abroad to officiate in the Premier League will have felt right at home. An understated question from the weekend is whether Leeds will be OK? This is the longest Marcelo Bielsa has ever been at a club and the longest he has ever gone without spontaneously combusting so surely it is now officially a ticking timebomb? West Ham came back to beat Leeds 2-1 at Elland Road, Michail Antonio scoring the winner - many felt, understandably, that the striker shouldn’t have been on the pitch following his clash with Meslier which left the keeper bloodied and needing a change of shirt. The same experts that were tipping Chelsea for the title also expected Leeds to push on to bigger things this season - they certainly didn’t think it would be West Ham raising their own bar. One of the nicer moments of the Premier League weekend came at St. Mary’s where Raul Jiminez finally scored his first goal since that head injury against Arsenal. I, for one, truly hoped he’d remove his headband in a “taking your shirt off” kind of manner and get booked. I was left disappointed but pleased to see him find the net, of course.



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CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 28th September - 4th October 2021


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