30 November - 6 December 2021

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CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

30th november - 6th december - edition 918

Tel: 607 031 113 | claire@costablancapeople.com | costablancapeople.com

Your Essential Weekly read

New rules say British tourists must be vaccinated to enter Spain

in order for a british tourist to travel to Spain for a winter sun holiday, new rules say they must be vaccinated against the coronavirus. As of december 1, Spain will only allow the entry of people from the United Kingdom with a vaccination certificate and not with negative diagnostic tests or a cert for having

recovered from the disease, as has been acceptable until now. the news came from Spain’s ministry of the interior, published on Saturday in boe state bulletin, which modifies the criteria for the application of the temporary restriction of nonessential trips from third countries to

the european Union and Schengen associated countries for reasons of public order and public health due to the current health crisis. As such, british travellers, who until now had an exemption, have been Continued on page 4

See page 23


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Carols in the Square is back! Fans of the traditional ‘carols in the Square’ event will be delighted to hear it is back once again. Last year, a carol service took place in the municipal theatre instead and while it was an enjoyable night, there is something magical about singing christmas carols together in the open air, under the festive lights of the tree in torrevieja’s main square. this year, the event takes place on Friday december 10th. As always, the song sheets will be printed in that week’s copy of the costa blanca People and will also be available online for you to view on your phone or tablet. the music will be led by david Last and of course, the wonderful royal british Legion concert band will accompany singers. the event will feature performances by crescendo international choir, Stevie Spit and many more popular acts. members of the public are invited to come along (christmas hats and jumpers a must!) and join in the festive fun. david Last

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told the costa blanca People “We’re going to make this one the best yet! it will be more of a ‘rouser’ than ever before and we really want everyone to join in the festive fun.” there will be a collection for a local charity helping homeless people and attendees are reminded to wear masks

and respect social distancing measures. the fun begins at 6pm – david advises people to get there early for a ‘good spot’. he explained “this year we have the use of the main stage and as we’re not blocking the entrance to the church, we can carry on singing for a bit longer than usual which is great news.”

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Gala night for charity AAn charity, a group which provides food for the needy of La marina and San Fulgencio, is holding a Gala night at J’s restaurant in consum square on Wednesday dec 8th at 7pm. tickets, which include a 3 course meal, are €15. dress code: dress to impress! tickets are available from the AAn charity shop.



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


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Continued from page 1 included in the restricted list. the United Kingdom has a vaccination rate of 68% and an incidence of infections that stands at around 900 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. President of hosbec (the hostelry industry association) toni mayor said of the announcement on Saturday that every barrier put in place means less tourism. mayor said that the hotel industry in the valencian community has always been very respectful of health regulations and said “in the United Kingdom there are already 20 million with the third jab. the classic tourist who comes to us in winter is people over 50 years of age and within the complete guideline.” british tourism was one of the sectors flagged by the sharp increase in contagion rates in benidorm. According to data from the ministry, from october 1 to last Friday, 535 cases imported from other countries have been detected in the valencian community, 53 of them in the last seven days. the breakdown by origin only appears with nationwide figures, among which the travellers arriving from Germany and the United Kingdom stand out with 162 and 143 cases in the last four weeks. the boe also includes a change in the entry criteria for people from countries that exceed 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Among them is Germany, whose travellers must present the covid vaccine certificate to enter. travellers from ‘at risk’ countries

must have a vaccination cert as well as a negative test result (or recovery cert). As of Wednesday, december 1, Spain will only allow the entry of people from the United Kingdom and northern ireland with a vaccination certificate. December ‘puente’ looms with worst figures since August the ‘puente’ or bank holiday weekend next week sees two national holidays – monday the 6th and Wednesday the 8th of december with many businesses and schools taking a bridging day (puente) on tuesday 7th. While many people look forward to a five day break from work or studying, experts warn that the valencian community is experiencing a significant increase in cases with 5744 cases in the last seven days – more than the total cases for the month of october. the cumulative incidence (cases per 100,000 people) on Sunday rose to 176, the highest since the end of August. For many, there are fears that an extra influx of people to the valencian region this weekend could push figures even higher. despite the overall figures however, it seems that the vaccine rollout is having a positive impact on the most adverse effects of the virus. Looking at the week before the december puente last year, there were 1257 covid patients admitted to hospital, of which 282 required treatment in intensive care Units. Figures from Friday indicate that there are 389 covid patients in

hospital with 68 in icU. Looking at those who have lost their lives due to coronavirus, there were 24 deaths last week compared with 147 deaths reported by the ministry of health this time last year. the key, experts insist, is immunization – especially the third dose which is being rolled out among the most vulnerable. Persons over 60 years of age and those with previous pathologies are receiving a booster dose that will help prevent a positive case of covid from ending up as a serious case. Salvador Peiró from Fundación Fisabio, the valencian community’s biomedical research institute, warns that an increase in cases also entails an increase in hospitalisations. “With more cases, there will always be more hospitalizations,” said Perió, warning that while vaccination figures here are very high, among the 10% remaining there are “many hospitalisable people.” Key, he says, is to ensure safety measures are met indoors where the spread of the virus is more prolific. the extra dose against covid has already been administered to almost 600,000 people in the valencian community including the most elderly and those with underlying health conditions. the administration the booster dose against covid-19 in the valencian community is being combined with the flu vaccination campaign, of which 684,520 doses have been administered.


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


Brexit to lose British food protected status british food and drink products such as cornish pasties, cumberland sausage and Stilton cheese could lose their special protected status in trade agreements signed since brexit. Lord tyler of Linkinhorne – the former Liberal democrat mP for north cornwall – highlighted the issue after a debate in the house of Lords about the trade deal between the UK and norway, iceland and Liechtenstein. According to the peer the UK has failed to agree protection for the geographical indicators with norway and Liechtenstein for products such as cornish pasties and clotted cream. the two products are among many british foodstuffs which had previously been given protection under eU rules which meant that they have to be produced using ingredients from their geographic origin

and, in terms of a cornish pasty, also have to be baked to a certain recipe and shape. Securing the Protected Geographical indication (PGi) for pasties had been done to prevent inferior products being created outside of cornwall and called a cornish pasty. All PGis which were previously agreed by the eU have been continued by the UK Government since brexit under a new scheme which recognises UK products with Gis Lord Purvis said in the Lords: “clotted cream from cornwall, cornish pasties, cumberland sausage, Welsh lamb and beef, Stilton and cheddar cheeses all of which the Prime minister and Liz truss, when she was in the dit, were fond to cite - are no longer protected for our trade in norway, nor is Scottish wild or farmed salmon, a direct competitor with norwegian

salmon. “the norwegians already own much of the industry, and now we have failed to protect our products.” the department for international trade said that it was seeking protection for a number of UK Gis in agreements it has already reached and would continue to do so according to the relevant procedures of each country.

Disoriented youngsters rescued from the Sierra two 26-year-olds were rescued in the Sierra de orihuela following an intervention by fire-fighters from the Provincial consortium, Local Police and civil Protection. the alert call came in at 7:58pm, claiming that two young people from cieza had become disoriented in the

Sierra de orihuela. the pair were searching for their homing pigeons that had taken refuge on the oriolana mountain after a contest in the murcian town of Fortuna. however, the youngsters were left stranded and lost when night fell on them and they were trapped in a ravine.

two headquarters command units, a sergeant, a corporal and three fire-fighters from the orihuela station, as well Local Police officers and members of the civil Protection, were mobilised to the scene. by 10pm the pair had been found and brought safely off the mountain.


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many homeowners think they should wait to put their home on the market for sale until Spring, as buyers will be too busy preparing for christmas. this is not true! hesitate now and you will be helping other homeowners sell their property before yours as buyers won’t even have the opportunity of looking at your home if you’re not even on the market in the first place! Some properties actually show better during Winter. especially if they’re South facing. Winter sun purchasers often have “South facing,” at the top of their wish list! if your property is currently on the market, and you’re tempted to remove it until January, find your willpower and stay the course. there is always lower inventory during the Winter. if you wait until Spring to list your property for sale, you’ll be competing with everyone else

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CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


Should you keep hold of UK investments in Spain? however well we have settled into our new lives in Spain, most UK nationals living here maintain some british habits. Whether it is a Sunday roast or watching british soaps, there are some ties we do not want to lose. the same often applies for UK savings and investments. While many expats prefer to stick with what’s familiar, just how suitable are these arrangements for Spain? Premium Bonds and ISAs Launched 65 years ago, around 23 million britons have over £100 billion in Premium bonds today. even though they do not provide any interest earnings or capital growth – which means their value will be eroded over time by inflation – the possibility of winning a large prize continues to appeal. in Spain, investment income is added to your general income for the year and taxed at the

scale rates of tax of up to 54% in the valencian community. iSAs too are fully taxable in Spain in the hands of Spanish residents at the corresponding savings income tax rates up to 26%. this applies to income and gains from cash and share iSAs. Some expats mistakenly think that since they are UK investments they do not need to be declared in Spain, but if you are tax resident here they need to be declared and taxed. With global automatic exchange of information now in full flow under the common reporting Standard, the Spanish tax authorities are informed about some of your UK investments and compare to your tax returns. Bank interest Similarly, although bank interest in the UK is taxfree under a certain threshold for UK residents, it is taxable for Spanish residents at the savings

rates between 19% and 26%. With interest rates stuck at all-time lows while the cost of living creeps up, many UK savings accounts are failing to outpace inflation, so it is worth exploring alternative structures for your money. Alternative investment structures for Spain highly tax-efficient opportunities are available to residents of Spain. At Seagate we have a range of tax efficient products designed for Spanish residents, from household names such as the Prudential international. if you would like to see how Seagate can help you achieve your financial goals, then please give us a call. one of our advisers would be happy to meet with you and offer solutions that work best for you. For a no-obligation chat, call 965 704 338 or email: contact@seagatewealth.es



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Almoradí Covid passports a step closer Petrol Station Fire Fire-fighters have battled a blaze at a warehouse in Almoradí. the building is next to a repsol petrol station and near a house from which two people had to be evacuated. in an unexpected twist, those coordinating the evacuation were surprised to find a marijuana plantation inside the house. Fire-fighters were able to extinguish the blaze before it spread to other properties and the Guardia civil are now investigating the unexpected drugs find.

the interdepartmental board of the regional government has given the green light to a covid passport, which would be needed in order to access certain spaces. this will include hotel and catering establishments with a capacity greater than 50 people, such as: leisure and entertainment venues, bars, restaurants and random activities such as casinos or bingo halls, in visits to hospitals and public and private residences. this decision is now awaiting final endorsement from the Superior court of Justice of the valencian community. these measures will come into force only when the court gives its approval and will be launched the day after publication in the doGv. they will remain in force for 30 days and it is proposed that it comes into effect as of 3rd december. meanwhile, requests have already

doubled for vaccinations following the news of a covid Passport scheme across the region. but Police are already warning people about a black market for fake vaccination certificates and the leisure and hospitality sector is already demanding that the government provides means to detect fake documents. black market crooks are reportedly offering forged covid Passports for those who don’t want to be vaccinated for between 50 and 250 euros, advertising the service on social networks. the Guardia civil is warning people that falsifying a document issued by the public health department is classed as forgery and is punishable by imprisonment of up to three years. Police will be making random checks once the new scheme comes into effect.

Free Beach Activities Fun ways to keep fit for all the family is on offer at the del rio beach in mil Palmeras until 6th december. the weekend initiatives have been designed to revitalise the town and encourage people to use the local amenities. next weekend, on Saturday 4th december and Sunday 5th december at 9.30am there is an hour-long pilates class and from 12noon an hour-long Zumba class. more details can be found at: www. hibernismare.com


Expats concerned about NHS Test and Trace over Christmas british expats in Spain are expressing concern about being contacted by nhS test and trace while in the UK for christmas family visits. People who were vaccinated outside the UK faced having to isolate for 10 days. however, the UK Government recently announced that anyone vaccinated outside the UK would have their vaccines recognised from 1st d e c e m b e r. this means that british e x p a t s should be able to enjoy christmas in the UK without having to worry about isolating. An update on the british embassy Facebook page, ‘brits in Spain’, said: “We know that many of you have been concerned about being contacted by nhS test and trace whilst in england and the possible need to self-isolate for 10 days. “the UK Government has announced that, from 1st december, anyone who has been fully vaccinated outside the UK with a recognised vaccine will be subject to the same rules as those who are fully vaccinated under the UK vaccination programme. “this means that you will no

longer have to self-isolate if you are identified as having been in contact with someone who tests positive while you’re in england.” many british expats living in Spain are planning to visit family in the UK over christmas, some for the first time since the pandemic. However, newly announced changes due to the emergence of the omicron variant have left confusion over test and trace rules. According to the latest information, expats visiting britain from Spain now need to take a Pcr test (not a lateral flow) on day two of arrival and stay in isolation until a negative result is received. All contacts of suspected omicron cases must selfisolate, regardless of their vaccination status. they will be contacted by nhS test and trace. Face coverings will be made compulsory in shops and on public transport from this week. All hospitality settings will be exempt. For the most up-to-date rules all travellers are advised to the check the official UK Government website or Facebook page.


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


Female ‘money mule’ arrested in Orihuela national Police officers have arrested a woman in orihuela after she reported fraudulent movements in a bank account in her name, but from which it was proven that she had benefited from. officers claim the woman has been acting as a ‘ money mule’ for alleged scams committed on the internet and resulting in a profit of more than 8,000 euros. the investigation began in may, when the arrested woman filed a complaint as a victim of fraud, stating that in April she had opened a bank account which was then subject to a series of bank movements that could be fraudulent. She also claimed that the bank card linked to the account had been lost with the Pin number written on it. the investigations were carried out by officers from orihuela Police Station, who discovered signs that the complaint was possibly false and that the supposed victim wanted to hide other facts and actions connected to the account. After analyzing all the information received from the

bank, they were able to verify, firstly, that the account reflected more than 40 movements between income, transfers, charges, withdrawals and other cash movements, for a total of 8,239 euros. these banking movements came from different places around the country, such as madrid, huelva, Seville, valencia, barcelona, cádiz,

vizcaya, córdoba and Alicante. once received, the money had then been transferred to two other accounts. officers then focused the investigation on these two accounts, which were registered in the lady’s name and linked to an internet advertisement. this in turn led officers to discover a criminal scheme that offered quick money personal loans and credit on web pages, aimed at people

in financial difficulties. it was also discovered, that the ‘money mule’ was already being investigated by a court in Seville, as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of fraud, as a member of an international criminal network where she acted as a ‘money mule’ receiving cash income in her accounts that she would then transfer to others, taking a percentage which could range between 10 percent and 20 percent of the amounts received. officers believe that, the detainee was forced to file a complaint when she realised that she was being investigated by various police units. the arrested woman, a 45-year-old of Spanish nationality, born in colombia, was released after giving a statement at the police station, pending a summons to appear in court. Police have warned the public about using quick money schemes advertised on the internet and have requested that anyone who feels they have been subjected to a scam of any nature report it to their local police station.

Internet scam gang arrested Row over Alicante promenade tiles Guardia civil in torrevieja and Almoradí have brought a phishing gang to justice. the internet scam gang was led by four brothers but those arrested included seven men and three women. the gang is charged with 504 counts of fraud as well as being charged with membership of a criminal gang. it is believed the gang defrauded as much as €56,000 from victims. the investigation began in June of this year following a series of complaints by citizens who had been scammed by the gang. officers from torrevieja and Almoradí joined forces to find those responsible for the scam. in order to convince people to part with their well earned money, the gang used two methods: one known as “smishing”, which is the sending of text messages to mobile phones, and “phishing”, which is the mass sending of emails to various victims. in the messages, the gang included a link that directed the victim to a page that simulated a bank website. these false websites were actually created by the gang in order to steal personal data. once the personal data had been obtained fraudulently, the gang then requested new bank cards from the real banks in the name of the injured parties in order to link them to contactless mobile payment services. Finally, the gang used burner phones - obtained specifically for the purpose of carrying out the scam – and through contactless technology, made withdrawals of the scammed money from Atms located in various towns of the valencian community, the murcia region and the Andalusian Autonomous community. the leaders of the gang are four brothers of moroccan nationality.

According to police, these brothers led a high standard of living and did not have any known work activities. A woman of Swedish nationality was entrusted with the function of housing the gang leaders to make police investigations more difficult. investigators also found out that the gang was in cahoots with workers and the manager of a gambling shop in Almoradí, where staff were offered an illicit commission of 15% of the fraudulent profits if they allowed the gang to extract the victims’ money through the use of the shop’s electronic payment system. As a result of the investigation, the following arrests were made: five men of moroccan nationality between 23 and 32 years of age; a 23-yearold woman of Swedish nationality; a 24-year-old man of venezuelan nationality; a 48-year-old male of Spanish nationality; and two women of Spanish nationality aged 37 and 22. Among those arrested are the four brothers, leaders of the gang. the four brothers have been sent to

prison without bail. the rest have been released with charges. Among the good seized during the investigation were 17,500 euros in cash, 630 dollars, 17 high-end telephones, 3 cars, a large number of Sim cards, cryptocurrency purchase tickets, various bank cards, documentation that proves money transfers to morocco, as well as computer equipment. investigators suspect that there are more victims affected by the actions of this gang that have not yet formalized their complaint. the Guardia civil recommend that when browsing a website where you are asked for personal data – especially data that could be used by criminals the most important thing to do is look at the UrL of the browser’s address bar in order to check that it has the official address of the entity or company. if you have doubts, contact the company or bank directly and find out if the website is legitimate. be wary of any unsolicited text message or email from a bank, even if it carries the bank logo or a link to what looks like the bank’s website.

A young entrepreneur who has been selling ‘authentic tiles’ from the esplanade in Alicante has found himself in hot water. the young businessman assured authorities that he had obtained permission from the builder carrying out repair works on the iconic tiled promenade, but reports this week claim that the mayor of Alicante is looking into taking legal action against him. deputy spokesperson and councillor for legal affairs, manuel villar said, “We are raising legal actions both for the provenance of the tiles, and for a certificate of authenticity that is given in the purchase.” the tricolour marble pieces come from redevelopment works on the iconic marble paseo in Alicante. the esplanade underwent repairs in october 2020 right through until

summer 2021. the young entrepreneur, Alex tango, said “one day, walking along the esplanade, i saw the works and i found it very interesting. it was Sunday and no one was at the site. i came back another day and spoke with a person who was in charge...there were many tiles already broken by the works. i told him i was excited to take a few, and he told me to take whatever i wanted. i approached the area and was selecting those that were in the best condition, those that were most attractive.” the youngster then created a web page for his project, selling the black, cream and red ‘authentic’ tiles from the Paseo de la esplanada for almost 60 euros per unit. At first, each tile had a price of 60 euro including taxes, an amount that has since been reduced to 36 euro. A three-piece pack, meanwhile, has gone from costing 144 euros to 107 euros. A certificate of authenticity is also included in the purchase of the tiles, dated August and with an unidentified signature. Alicante city council alleged at first that they had no involvement with the sale of the tiles. now however, it looks like legal action is being taken against the seller.



CostaBlancaPeople 30th november - 6th december 2021

Living in Spain but still have a UK based financial adviser? By Sam Kelly dipPFS, eFA, bA (hons) Managing Partner chorus Financial chorus Financial are receiving an increasing number of enquiries from those of you living in Spain looking to move your pensions and investments to a local financial adviser. A number of those enquiries were directly prompted by the UK adviser themselves, who had informed those clients that they could no longer advise them due to brexit. there is a lot of confusion in this area so i will do my best to share what we know so far. before brexit, the Spanish investment, insurance, and pensions regulators – the dGS and cnmv – allowed UK regulated entities to advise those of us living in Spain through the freedom to provide services regime or by means of an establishment. When britain left the eU, those rights were removed for UK based firms. in preparation for brexit Spain published Article 13 of the royal decree Law (which you can read here: http:// www.cnmv.es/Portal/brexit/FAQ-rdL. aspx?lang=en). Within this, the cnmv have confirmed that, according to Article 13(3) of the rdL, “contracts for the provision of banking, securities, insurance or other financial services, pursuant to which an entity provides services in Spain while domiciled in the United Kingdom”… “will remain valid provisionally, until 30 June 2021, in order to carry out

the necessary activities for an orderly termination or transfer of the contracts concluded prior to 1 January 2021”. in more colloquial terms, this is saying that for any existing business with your UK iFA, their ability to provide you with ongoing service and advice likely ended on 30th June 2021. this extension was granted to allow time to either end your relationship, or for your iFA to transfer you to an entity that can provide advice in Spain. i wanted to further clarify this with the FcA, so sent them some direct questions, and they were kind enough to respond as follows: “Firms intending to do business with persons resident in the eeA need to ensure they do so consistently with local laws and local regulatory expectations. Whether a firm can provide services to Spanish clients (whether ex-pat or otherwise) is a question of Spanish law.” With this response the FcA are stating that it is the country where you are resident that sets its rules, which supports the Spanish regulator’s position in terms of advising those of us who live in Spain. So where does this leave you if you still have a UK iFA? Well, the first place to start is by speaking with them directly.

it may be the case that their firm have set up a subsidiary in the eU and that through that entity they are able to continue to advise you here in Spain. We have also seen several cases where the UK iFA had no idea their permissions to advise Spanish residents had expired. For many of you who will find yourselves looking for a new financial adviser because of these changes there are some steps you can take. the FcA have set incredibly high standards for UK advisers, and this means the advice you will have been receiving over the years will likely have been transparent, appropriate and from a fully qualified adviser. You should expect that standard to continue here in Spain. in simple terms, transparency means your adviser should go out of their way to fully detail all charges you will be exposed to, and of those charges, exactly how much they will receive. i would expect this to be detailed in both % terms and in monetary values. remember, many products and funds in Spain still pay advisers non-disclosed commissions, something that was made illegal in the UK many years ago. this can make your overall fees incredibly high. one big clue is that if a product has a tie-in, for example 5, 8 or even 10 years, then it will be paying an initial commission to that adviser, and we’ve seen those as high as 8% of your

investment value. You should always be offered an option with no tie-in or exit penalties. When it comes to qualifications, there are several bodies an adviser in Spain could be qualified from, and all of these have online registers where you can confirm your advisers’ credentials. With myself, as an example, i am both UK and Spanish qualified. You can find me on the UK register at https://www.thepfs.org/ membership/member-search/ which covers all those UK qualified advisers registered with the cii and PFS. You can also find me on the Spanish register at https://www.efpa.es/busca-tu-asesorfinanciero-certificado. Again, in Spain it is possible for someone to operate as a financial adviser without having any qualifications, so it is important that you confirm the advice you are receiving is from someone who is appropriately qualified. Ask your financial adviser to confirm which register they are on and what formal qualifications they hold so you can verify this independently. of course, if you really want to be sure, then speak to a chorus Financial adviser for a recommendation – this is always free and without pressure or obligation, so you can explore your options and make the best decision for you. call me today on +34 664 398 702, email s.kelly@chorusfinancial.es or visit www. chorusfinancial.es for more information.

Investment contracts are intended as medium to long term investments, and all investments have some level of risk. Figures in our articles are examples of what can be achieved and cannot be guaranteed; the value of your investments can go down as well as up. Fees and charges can vary and will be fully explained to you before any advice can take place. This article should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular product.



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

GBP / EUR UPdatE GBP Subsequent to last Friday’s retail sales data, which were perfectly acceptable, the only UK ecostats of any significance were tuesday’s provisional purchasing managers’ indices from markit. they, too, were a touch better than expected, with manufacturing at 58.2, services at 58.6 and the composite at 57.7. the report stated that customer demand “continued to rise sharply in november”. however, at the same time, there was “another month of rapid input cost inflation” – a problem not unique to britain. bank of england Governor Andrew bailey made several appearances, during which he made every effort to avoid hinting about the timing of the next interest rate move. he told the Sunday times that he had never said there would be a rate hike in november. he told the house of Lords that he was inclined to scrap forward guidance altogether, and he said much the same to the cambridge Union, saying, “the boundary between a commentary and guidance is quite murky, actually, when you think about the words we use”. investors were left none the wiser, and the rate outlook became murkier still following the announcement of a new ‘nu’ covid variant. on average, sterling was unchanged on the week.

EURO if investors thought a new and unknown covid variant might deter some central banks from tightening monetary policy, they had no such doubts about the european central bank. director Fabio Panetta was clear about the need for continued accommodation, concluding a speech by saying, “For monetary policy today, patience is the most courageous form of action”. the summary of the bank’s october policy meeting followed much the same line, even though “the recent uptick in inflation was expected to be more persistent than previously anticipated”. the euro was an average of 0.3% lower on the week and it lost a quarter of a cent to sterling, touching a 21-month low along the way. datafrom the eurozone did nothing to suggest any imminent need for higher interest rates. the most constructive for the euro were the provisional Pmis, which unexpectedly strengthened in november. As is now common, the report said supply problems and inflationary pressures had “hamstrung” the manufacturing sector. Set against the positive Pmis, the various confidence measures pointed in the other direction. iFo’s barometer of German business confidence described how “coronavirus and bottlenecks Put a damper on ifo business climate”. the ec consumer confidence index was two points lower at -6.8, while in Germany, GfK reported how the “Fourth [covid] wave and inflation hit consumer sentiment”.



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Child Welfare coordinator in every school All schools in Spain will have a compulsory ‘child Welfare coordinator’ on the staff team from September 2022 in accordance with legislation introduced in the spring to protect youngsters against violence. the role has been created by the ministry of Social rights and Agenda 2030, led by Unidas Podemos’ ione belarra, and the job description has been agreed after meetings with all regional governments. According to Sra belarra, the ‘child Welfare coordinator’ will be responsible for ‘implementing plans and procedures in the field of education, leisure and sport for listening to children and teenagers and their warnings and worries about any type of physical, psychological or verbal violence, and for communicating the risks the child faces’. those employed in young people’s leisure and sports facilities will go under the name of ‘Protection delegate’, although their purpose will be exactly the same. regional education authorities will largely determine the functions their child Welfare coordinators will perform, and whether these will be nominated among existing school staff or an outside party employed.

but these functions will have to cover a required minimum: Promoting training plans for the prevention, early detection and protection against violence, aimed mostly at school personnel but also at pupils themselves and parents via the PtA; coordinating cases where social services and other authorities will need to intervene and, where they see fit, notifying these organisms of an issue themselves; identify themselves within the school community – to parents, pupils and teachers – as the main port of call for any communications about actual or potential cases of violence within the centre; promote and encourage measures that guarantee children’s and teenagers’ maximum wellbeing and a culture of treating youngsters well; promoting and creating peaceful methods of conflict or dispute resolution among

pupils and staff; advising school staff of prevention and protection procedures in place; encouraging a culture of respect for pupils with disabilities, diversities or vulnerabilities; ensure immediate communication to police and other authorities of any situation in which a child or teenager could be at risk, including where their personal data is compromised; and encouraging healthy, nutritional eating within the school. effectively, the child Welfare coordinator will be like a school counsellor, whom pupils can talk to – anonymously, or confidentially, if they wish – about bullying, problems at home, or similar – whilst training and advising the adults around them on how to deal with these issues, and is responsible for raising the alarm if they believe a pupil is in danger, either from others or to themselves.


Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 200 members with their PCs, smartphones and more. Find the group on Facebook (Costa Blanca Technology Help Group) or attend the meetings in person or online via Zoom. if you have a question or a problem that needs my help then please send an email to brian at cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com. if i receive the email by lunchtime on Friday it will appear in the next edition. if you want to join the technology help Group search Facebook for “costa blanca technology help Group”. if you do not use Facebook you can still join by sending an email with your details to cbtechnology. help@gmail.com. When joining on Facebook please make sure that you scroll all the way through and answer all questions and give your email address. i use your email address as the primary means of communication. A reminder of what the costa blanca te c h n o l o g y help Group o f f e r s members. Brian of Almoradi asks “What is the best way to store contacts, so they are the same on all my devices”? if you have and Android device, it requires a Google account to work. the benefit of this is that you can choose to save your contacts to your Google account. this way

as soon as you save a contact, it will immediately sync with your account meaning you can log-in from any Android and have all your contacts already accessible. if you then have access to Google on any other device (Windows Pc, Apple computer, iPhone, iPad, Android tablet) and you sign into Google you will have access to Google contacts.

your phone via text, voice call, or our mobile app. or, if you have a Security Key, you can insert it into your computer’s USb port.

It’s an extra layer of security most people only have one layer – their password – to protect their account. With 2-Step verification, if a bad guy hacks through your password Bob of La Siesta asks layer, he’ll still need your phone “What is Google Two Step or Security Key to get into your Authentication?” account. Google 2 step verification Join millions of others who it’s easier than you think for have made their accounts someone to steal your password. stronger with 2-Step verification Any of these common actions to turn on 2Sv you have to could put you at risk of having open your Google account > your password stolen: in the navigation panel, select • Using the same password on Security > under ‘Signing in to more than one site Google,’ select 2-Step verification • Downloading software from and then Get started. the internet After that follow the • Clicking on links in email instructions that appear on the messages screen. 2-Step verification can help keep bad guys out, even if they have Mary of Catral asks “Where your password. should I store my passwords?” Signing into your account will never store passwords on work a little differently a device that connects to the • You’ll enter your password internet. • Whenever you sign into Also do not use the same Google, you’ll enter your password for everything. password as usual. i recommend writing your • You’ll be asked for something passwords in a small hardback else notebook or on a USb memory • Then, a code will be sent to stick that is securely stored.

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


No. 1 FOR OVE Ciudad quesada OFFERED AT: €137,000


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Ciudad quesada

Ciudad quesada

OFFERED AT: €182,000

OFFERED AT: €135,000







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OFFERED AT: €265,000



Ciudad q



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OFFERED AT: €107,000

OFFERED AT: €125,000

OFFERED AT: €249,000


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2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Semi-Detached Bungalow ♦ Fully Air Conditioned ♦ Front, Side and Rear Garden ♦ Roof Solarium with Lake Views ♦ Communal Swimming Pool

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3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Detached Villa ♦ Part Furnished ♦ Mains Gas Central Heating ♦ 400m2 Plot ♦ Private Swimming Pool ♦ Off Road Parking with Carport ♦ Short Walk to Amenities!



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


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OFFERED AT: €430,000

OFFERED AT: €125,000







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doña pepa

Lo Marabú

OFFERED AT: €189,800

OFFERED AT: €142,000


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MontebeLLo NEwLY REDUcED PRIcE: €128,500

gREat SIzE

JUSTD SOL 3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ 900m2 Plot + Garage ♦ Oil Central Heating ♦ 8m x 4m Private Swimming Pool ♦ Summer Kitchen ♦ Sea + Lake Views ♦ 5 Minute Walk to Town Centre

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swmmimg Pool


3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Semi-Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium ♦ Large Tiled Garden ♦ Ample Room to Build Private Pool ♦ Close to Local Amenities!



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


San Fulgencio modernises Green fingered get together water metres San Fulgencio Town Council is set to change all water metres in the municipality that are 12 years old or more. The news was announced at a press conference by the mayor, José Sampere, who revealed that the change is being brought about by a new law, brought about in October 2020, which requires that water metres be modernised. The mayor said, “At the moment, almost 52% of the metres in San Fulgencio are in this situation, so we are obliged to replace 1,481 devices per year:”

In view of the need for this change, the Town Council has decided to implement a remote reading system for the entire consignment of metres in the municipality, “which will allow the metres to be read remotely, providing citizens with easy and quick access to their billing data, at any time and place”.

The company in charge of the water supply, Hidraqua, will be “responsible for installing the radio modules in the metres that will read the data every 4 hours automatically, as well as the antennas that will receive this information and send it to the cloud to be stored,” explained the mayor.

Better leak detection Sampere stressed the advantages of implementing this system, which includes the continuous collection of data, “which will help in the early detection of possible leaks and the immediate notification of residents, thus saving costs and contributing to the conservation of such a precious resource as water”. At present, incidents are only detected every three months, with the arrival of a very high bill. This data will allow bills to be issued on the basis of actual consumption, eliminating

the need for consumption estimates or the need for a technician to take readings in person. The mayor explained that these improvements will mean a minimal increase in the cost of the service maintenance fee, “which according to the calculations of the municipal technicians, will increase by just one euro, from the current 0.33 euros per month to 1.33 euros per month for those metres of 13 to 5 mm, which will mean around 12 euros more per year”. The mayor expressed his satisfaction with the council’s decision to update the service saying, “on the one hand we are complying with the law and, on the other hand, we are taking the opportunity to improve something that is very important for all citizens and vital for dayto-day life, which is why we need it to work as well as possible and with all the advantages for the residents of San Fulgencio”.

The Mayor makes the announcement

The Vega Baja Garden Club had a very successful November meeting, with a talk on garden pests – the sort that are harmful to plants and the sort that bother us when we are enjoying so time in the sun, with lots of pictures to help identify said pests and what to do to get rid of them. Members also had a competition for the best Jack o´ Lantern, won by member Andrea, who adorned her scary pumpkin with a large spider. One lady who does not like pumpkin made a Victoria sponge and cleverly dressed it up to look like a pumpkin. At break time she cut it up and everyone had a piece - delicious! The next meeting will be on Monday 6th December at Bar

Trasgu, Formentera del Segura at 2pm, for 2.30pm start, to give people time to get drinks from the bar. Organisers told the Costa Blanca People, “We have the usual Christmas buffet, where members bring a small plate of finger food to share, and a quiz. There is also a competition for the best table decoration, the content of which must be sourced from one´s own garden or from the countryside, and a plant raffle. A small charge of €2 per person applies for the use of the room.” “New members are always welcome, even if you are only here part time. Most of our members have very small gardens, terraces or balconies. We are just an ordinary group

Charity Christmas Fayre Success The recent Christmas Fayre at the Marina Bar, Calle de las Rosas on Sat 20th Nov was an outstanding success with massive support from those attending. The monies raised for The Stroke Association Spain far exceeded expectations with a total of €1,330 collected on the day. The busy afternoon galloped by with the raffle, tombola, money tree, stalls and a visit from Santa keeping everybody entertained.

The Marina Bar staff headed by Rita and Dave Monaghan of the bar, gave their usual brilliant service and support and together with fundraisers David and Lorraine Whitney and their team of helpers made the event truly memorable. A big thank you goes out to all of those people who donated items or contributed to the success of this event. A special mention goes to Lynn Victoria

Smith for baking a cake for the raffle and to Mary Terry Flynn who once again donated an afternoon tea for two at the bar. The next event on David and Lorraine’s fundraising calendar is the ever popular “Mingle Bells” at the Marina Bar on the afternoon of Friday 10th Dec. A two course pre Christmas lunch with raffle, quiz, spot prizes. Bookings essential as spaces limited. Further details from the bar on 965705907.

of people who enjoy growing things. Ideas can be swapped and advice sought for gardenrelated problems.” We would be delighted if there is anyone out there would like to give a talk of around 30 minutes on anything gardenrelated. A laptop and projection equipment are available, and you would need to provide a memory stick with your pictures. You don’t have to be a professional, just a person with an interest in any or all things garden, who might like to tell the club about your experiences with your garden, terrace or patio. Check out the Facebook page VEGA BAJA GARDEN CLUB, or e-mail vegabajagardenclub@ gmail.com for further details.

Mountain rescue helps injured man

L-R Judy Wiggins,Volunteer and Lorraine Whitney organiser

Stroke Association Christmas Fair The Stroke Association Spain is hosting a festive Christmas Fair on Monday 6th December at the Casa De Cultura in Benijófar. The event will run from 10am until 3pm and is set to include raffles with excellent prizes, drinks and mince pies, a tombola and much more. There will be an opportunity to buy Christmas gifts from the many stalls in attendance including toys, pet items, CBD oil, candles, books, bags, clothing, jewellery and shoes. There will also be Christmas decorations and crafts as well as tarot readings! For more information, call 653588475.

A climber from Switzerland was rescued from the Callosa de Segura mountain range on Monday evening. The man had suffered an accident while hiking and his partner had to call 112 to seek assistance. It is believed the man fell and dislocated his shoulder. Fire fighters and mountain rescue teams were mobilized once the call came through just before 7pm. The mountain rescue unit and members of the Orihuela fire station and Redován mountain group were sent to the top of the mountain, where the accident occurred. On the descent, paramedics were waiting to attend to the man. The rescue ended at 11.47pm.


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


Supermarkets looking Expert calls for mask-wearing for Christmas staff in Christmas crowds Department stores and supermarkets across Spain are among the companies actively seeking new employees right now to cover the pre-Christmas through to January sales rush. With 2021’s festive season looking set to be closer to ‘normal’ than that of 2020, when restrictions were in place across the continent, retailers are hoping to do a better trade this year and are recruiting to cover the rise in workload. Aldi, Lidl, Alcampo, Mercadona and the national department chain El Corte Inglés are just a handful of the shopping giants with vacancies now open. Mercadona, the largest supermarket in Spain in terms of market share, currently has 235 jobs advertised ranging from check-out staff and warehouse workers through to shelf-stackers, delicatessen and fish counters, among others. For delivery driver vacancies, a clean licence is requested, but otherwise only compulsory high-school education, or the equivalent of GCSEs, are needed. Full-time and part-time positions need to be filled, with the former paying a gross monthly salary of €1,338 (a take-home pay of €1,132 per month), a part-time, 15-hour week paying €502 a month before tax (around €450 net), and for 20 hours a week, €669 a month gross, or €616.60 net. Similar roles are advertised in Alcampo supermarkets,

although prior customer service experience is necessary. El Corte Inglés has around 6,000 seasonal vacancies nationwide, covering various functions including sales assistants – toys and food in particular – and in the cafés and restaurants in store, with on-the-job training provided for new recruits and a ‘very attractive and novel’ salary and perks package, according to its website. One of two international German supermarket chains – along with Lidl – Aldi is seeking 70 new staff members, nearly all of them in store and across a number of different provinces, with a minimum entry requirement of compulsory high-school education. Customer-focused, with a high level of responsibility and able to work under one’s own initiative, teamworking skills, and residence locally are all considered a plus. Lidl has 71 jobs advertised, ranging from check-out and shelf-stacking staff – in the majority – with a handful in assistant store managers and staff relations consultants. Based in a variety of locations, the positions will need applicants to be available to work rotating shifts and to have a minimum of compulsory high-school education, with previous experience in the industry being a bonus.

Hospital waiting list drops The waiting time to undergo surgery has dropped across the Valencian Community. During the month of October, the total average delay to undergo surgery in Valencian hospitals was 107 days, ten days less than recorded in September and 25 days less than in October 2020, according to the Ministry of Health. Torrevieja Hospital registered an average wait of

64 days in October. Meanwhile, Unions at Torrevieja Hospital are planning a protest over employment contracts and personnel at 5pm today in the Plaza de la Constitucion. This coincides with the monthly council meeting being held at the Town Hall.

One of Spain’s top virologists has urged health authorities to keep maskwearing in indoor areas compulsory until at least the end of January, and recommends using them outdoors as a precaution. National Research Council (CSIC) virus expert and Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre researcher Margarita del Val says that along with the vaccine, masks are ‘a fantastic weapon’ against Covid-19. She says Spain has been ‘exemplary’ in terms of the vaccine roll-out, with one of the highest percentages of the population fully immunised of any country in the world – nine in 10 adults and children aged 12 and over have been jabbed, and the number of people refusing to be inoculated is statistically very low. “In large towns and cities, in areas with a high concentration of people, they should be requesting everyone wear a mask outdoors starting from now and until at least the end of January – it’s a critical moment,” Margarita del Val (in the above picture, by the CSIC) argues. She says busy shopping streets in the run-up to Christmas, and bigger

crowds in town centres over the festive season, mean social distancing is less of a possibility and in these situations masks need to be worn. “It’s a very simple thing to do, and it doesn’t restrict our social lives,” she adds. “Despite what is happening in other European countries, which are suffering a significant spike in cases, practically everyone at risk in Spain has been fully vaccinated – and figures show that the number of high-risk people in Spain is, now, about 20 times lower than in, for example, Germany. “That’s because we’ve immunised near enough everyone in that category.” The leading virologist is also strongly in favour of all those whose job allows continuing to work from home, and that everyone who is planning to meet up with others who may be high-risk – the over-60s, the immune-compromised and the elderly, for example – is recommended to take an antigen test before doing so as a precaution, ‘even if they and the high-risk people they will be meeting have been vaccinated’. A vaccinated person who catches Covid, even if they are asymptomatic, is every bit as contagious as a non-

vaccinated person with Covid – but the vaccines considerably reduce the risk of catching it at all. “The vaccines are very good, they’re very safe, but they’re not infallible,” Margarita del Val warns. She stresses that those who are not jabbed are running a huge risk - “we might infect them ‘silently’; those of us who are immunised are far less likely to have symptoms if they catch the virus,” she points out. “For those who have not taken up the vaccine because they’re waiting for ‘all this to go away’ needs to know that it’s not going to go away at all. The virus is here to stay and it’ll be with us forever.” But if 100% of the population was inoculated, in theory, it would not matter that the virus was ‘with us forever’, since protection against Covid serious enough to require hospital admission is in region of 90 percent and, against death from Covid, upwards of 95 percent. By now, most residents in Spain aged 70 or over will have had their third dose, at the same time as their annual ‘flu jab, and it is expected that over the next few weeks, the 60-69 age group will be treble-jabbed.


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Dairy may actually be good for us For decades we have been warned that eating too much dairy such as milk, butter and cheese could raise our risk of serious conditions such as heart disease and strokes — only for more recent studies to suggest they might actually protect us from these by lowering our risk of developing high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. The key reason dairy products are considered bad for us is their high saturated fat content. Although our bodies need fats for energy, growth and to absorb fatsoluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D and E, eating too much saturated fat, in particular, can raise levels of so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol in our blood. This can clog arteries, which in turn leads to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes. Increased saturated fat consumption is the principal reason why scientists say people from cultures that consume a lot of dairy, such as the UK, U.S. and northern Europe, are at a slightly increased risk of premature death, particularly from heart attacks and strokes.

But the relationship between saturated fat and heart problems is far from clear. While scientists generally agree that eating saturated fats raises the level of fats in your bloodstream and may increase other risk factors for heart disease, such as inflammation, it is not clear that it directly leads to heart or cardiovascular problems. Some researchers say saturated fat has been unfairly

demonised. Arne Astrup, a professor in the department of nutrition, exercise and sports at Copenhagen University, argues that focusing on saturated fat alone ‘does not make sense’ as there are different types of saturated fatty acids which all have different effects on the body. ‘The effect is dependent on

the food source it exists in — the effect of saturated fat is modified by all the other nutrients in the food,’ he wrote in 2019. There is a theory that this is because the other elements in dairy, such as calcium and certain fatty acids, work together in what is known as the ‘dairy matrix’ to protect our cardiovascular health. A 2018 study of more than 135,000 people in 21 different countries, who were monitored for nine years by researchers from McMaster University in Canada, found lower rates of death and cardiovascular disease in people who ate dairy than those who didn’t, with those who ate the highest amounts — two or more servings per day — the most protected. A study published in September in the journal PLoS Medicine looked at 4,000 60-year-olds in Sweden (where diets are typically high in dairy) and found those who ate high levels were less likely to experience heart attacks, stroke or other cardiovascular problems — and were not any more likely to die than those who ate low levels.



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Four small glasses of wine a week could raise risk of dementia Drinking just four pints of beer or small glasses of wine a week increases the risk of dementia, a study suggests. Researchers have warned it results in a 50 percent raise in the chance of suffering problems with short-term memory and spatial awareness. They noted that failing to cut back to safe drinking limits could see these problems lead to dementia. The four pints level – eight units – compares with accepted expert advice to drink a maximum of 14 units a week. Scientists analysed data on more than 15,000 people aged 50 and over and tracked them for two years. Their consumption of alcohol, including quantity and frequency, was assessed and they took tests to measure thinking skills. The people hitting ‘risky levels’ of drinking – equal to eight units a week – suffered a greater decline in short-term memory and spatial awareness. Only a small additional deterioration in mental impairment could take someone past the clinical threshold for dementia. Dr Tony Rao, a consultant psychiatrist who led the study at King’s College London, said: “With a career of more than 20 years devoted to research on alcohol and older people, this is certainly the most

groundbreaking study on the relationship between drinking and the risk of dementia. “None of the participants had dementia at the start of the study but those who drank at risky levels were more likely to show cognitive decline, which is likely to progress to dementia. “Scoring above the cut-off point for risky drinking does not just apply to heavy or binge drinkers. For example, it is possible to be above the threshold even if someone is drinking two units of alcohol – the equivalent of a pint of beer or small glass of wine – four times a week. This may seem surprising and dispels the myth that alcohol is somehow good for the brain.” Dr Rosa Sancho, of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “These findings lend even more weight to advice for people to drink within recommended guidelines.” Experts advise men and

women not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis. This is equal to six pints of 4 percent beer, six small glasses of 13.4 percent wine or seven double measures of 40 percent spirits. Dr Sancho said: “Taking steps to curb the amount of alcohol you consume can have farreaching health benefits and isn’t limited to improving brain health.” The research findings were published in the journal Aging and Mental Health.

Bars & Restaurants



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021



CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Suddenly they turned against me I lost my husband at the end of last year; it was our second marriage. My husband’s children, who have always been very pleasant towards me, expected their father’s inheritance. I have told them that their

father and I made Wills leaving everything to each other, and then to our respective children on the final death of whoever is left at the end of the day. They are now saying that their father would never have wanted it that way.

We thought we were being fair in leaving our respective children the percentage of assets that each of us brought to the marriage; i.e. I had a house, and my husband also had a house. My daughter will receive the percentage of the value of what I brought to the marriage. It’s entirely fair, but my step-children are demanding their money now. I have sent them a copy of their father’s and my Will, but they say to expect court action. We even recorded

Health & Beauty

a video message to all of our children, in the presence of our solicitor and notary, to state our intention but this doesn’t seem good enough for them. I can’t afford to give them their inheritance now, it would mean selling our lovely home. This has really upset me and I don’t know what to do. It seems like you’ve been very fair in your plans. In your longer letter you say that your husband may have had some inclination that


his children may cause a fuss when he died, and that they are claiming that he was not in his right mind at the time of making his Will. Let them seek legal advice, and wait for any repercussions, but please don’t feel tempted to change the arrangements just because they have turned against you and are putting pressure on to you; remember this is what your husband wanted. See your solicitor for reassurance.

Write to Sara in confidence. a pSeudonym Will be uSed if you WiSh. Sara readS all letterS and can give a perSonal reply. email your queStion to Sara@coStablancapeople.com or Sara iS available for private conSultationS, telephone 650 054 467.

U3A on tour At 8.00 on a cold, icy-windy Thursday morning in Torrevieja a host of people hurried to board a Eurotours coach to start their day trip. The group, made up mainly from members of the Torrevieja U3A, were soon on their way to the first stop of the day. Around 9.15 we arrived in the town of Aguillas. By this time the sun had broken through to warm the streets and the wind had eased so the group were able to spend a leisurely hour and a half seeing the sights or having a breakfast in one of the many seafront cafes. Upon reboarding the coach, U3A members travelled a short distance to La Granje de Fraile, which translates to Farm of the Friar, where everyone was given a pack of various locally produced cheese samples to taste along with a drink to wash them down. A brief description of each cheese was given by the owner/ cheese maker which was then followed by a short tour of the factory. To round off the day the group then proceeded back to the Mar Menor to visit a new restaurant to Eurotours, as the Covid restrictions in Murcia prevented the coach going to the original choice. Members arrived at Restaurant La Playa in Urrutia, situated on the banks

of the Mar Menor, where a tasty Menu del Dia was served up in a lovely outdoor area overlooking the sea. Afterwards everyone was able to take a short stroll along the promenade before boarding the coach to return to Torrevieja. Despite the cold start and the last minute change of meal venue, a good day out was enjoyed by all. The Torrevieja U3A will be having another trip on Tuesday 7th December to visit Murcia

in the evening to enjoy the Christmas lights and visit the evening market to, hopefully, pick up a few presents. Further details of this trip and many other events that are open to members of the Torrevieja U3A can be found, along with info on the association and how to become a member, can be found on their website torreviejau3a.org.

The U3A is an international movement whose aims are the education and stimulation of mainly retired members of the community—those in their third ‘age’ of life. U3A membership is not related to a specific age but to a period in one’s life (the third age) after the second age of fulltime employment and parental responsibility. Anyone can join Torrevieja U3A and this includes people who are working part time. There is no lower age for membership. The Torrevieja U3A is a learning co-operative which draws upon the knowledge and skills of its own members to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership. The association encourages and enables members to help each other share their knowledge, skills and experience to celebrate the capabilities and potential of its members and their value to society. Group activities offer the chance to enjoy life, meet new friends and study many different subjects in varied fields. There is no accreditation or validation and there are no assessments or qualifications to be gained - the approach to learning is “learning for pleasure”.


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021




CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


Are you prepared Carrying a Load for winter?

The nights are already a lot darker and the temperature has started to dip, and this week we have seen the first snow fall in the higher ground around Alicante, so it is important to make sure our cars are prepared. We will look at some of the basic checks we can do in preparation now. Tyres – Tyres are one of the most important safety features on a car as they are the only point of contact between the vehicle and the road surface. Checking your tyres regularly are crucial to safe running, making sure they have enough tread, that the wear is even, and that there are no signs of damage. Remember also to check the pressure of your tyres, consulting your manual or the plate that is affixed to most modern cars telling you the optimum inflation. Also, don´t forget the spare. Make sure that is okay too, and that all the tools are in place. Running a car is an expensive operation but one thing that shouldn´t be scrimped on are tyres. Lights – We are about 6 weeks away from the clocks changing, but you may have already noticed it getting darker earlier. Lights are a necessity on a car and they must all be working. We have spoken about this in length before, just scroll down our Facebook page to read it again, but now is a good time to make sure that all your lights are working. Remember also that you no longer have to carry a spare set of bulbs in the car. That law changed around a decade ago. The reason is that they are not the easiest thing to change anymore, and so it is always a good idea to get a

professional to change them if needed. Brakes – It is important to check your brakes regularly too. If you hear any strange noises when you apply the brakes, such as a grinding for example, get them checked immediately. The same applies if you notice a reduction in their performance. Brakes are a crucial element of the car, for obvious reasons, and so it is vital they work to their best ability. Liquids – Your car doesn´t just need petrol or diesel to work, it also needs other fluids too. Some of them we should leave to the professionals, such as the braking or cooling system, but others we can check ourselves. The oil level should be checked regularly. This is where the dipstick is used. You should do this when the engine is cold and on a level surface. You should also check the screen wash reservoir, and as winter is approaching you might want to consider a change in the type of fluid, one more appropriate to the colder months. Windows – All windows must be kept clear. The only items allowed to be displayed in the windscreen are the ITV sticker (just the one), the eco badge, and the car share label. You should check the windows for any signs of damage, such as chips. Many small flaws can be repaired, but it is important to get them fixed before they become a bigger and potentially dangerous problem. If any of your windows are tinted, remembering that you can´t tint the front windows, make sure that the tinting is not bubbled or damaged in any way.

You may be getting set to do your very own Santa run with gifts for all your friends and family, but if you are carrying a load in your car it is essential that it is secure. If you are driving a vehicle that is carrying a load in the car, you must make sure that the load is restrained properly. Load restraint is not just about making sure that the load does not come off - it is also about making sure that the load does not shift in a way that makes the vehicle unsafe to handle or allows the load to crash into the driver’s cabin, which may cause injury or death.

Please restrain the load properly, if you have a traffic accident, you could have serious injuries caused by the load you carry. The Spanish Traffic Law requires that any load carried on or in your vehicle must: Not be placed in a way that makes your vehicle unstable or unsafe. Be secured so it will not move or fall from your vehicle while driving-including driving consisting of emergency braking or turning suddenly. Not project from your vehicle in a way that is likely to injure a person, obstruct the path of other drivers or pedestrians, or damage another vehicle or anything else.

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Be restrained using an appropriate load restraint method. Anything on the back seats must be secured with the seat belt. It is advisable that you do not carry anything in the passenger area of a car, please use the boot. In case you need to carry load in the vehicle, use the seat belt to ensure the load, and if you carry heavy things, use a car net, it is forbidden to take a heavy load without a load restraint net.


Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021


I have broken my hip: When will I be able to walk again? All you need to know about hip fracture A hip fracture is a serious injury that particularly affects the elderly, and is mainly associated with osteoporosis and falls. Although it is a severe problem, it can have complications. Osteoporosis is one of the main causes of hip fracture in people over 65 years of age. It is a skeletal disease in which there is a decrease in bone density. As a result, the bones become more porous, less resistant to shocks and break more easily. The physiological condition and menopause of women from middle age onwards means that they are the ones who suffer most from this sort of injury. However, there are other risk factors that contribute to the high rate of hip fractures in the elderly, such as the decrease in mobility associated with age and the loss of visual and hearing ability.“ The combination of these factors increases the likelihood of falling and trauma resulting in a hip fracture of traumatic origin,” as explains, Dr.Maciej Tadeusz Was, a trauma specialist at Quirónsalud Torrevieja. When to operate? Hip fractures “need surgical treatment in almost all cases,” according to Dr.Maciej Tadeusz Was, a hip surgery specialist, which should be performed as soon as possible to ensure greater success. Not operating on the fractured hip will result in pain and deformity in the

involves reducing the fracture using X-rays and restoring the anatomy of the hip and stabilising it with an osteosynthesis system that holds the fracture in position until it is completely healed. Currently, nails are used for this type of fracture, says Dr. Was.

area, as well as the inability to walk. Surgery is therefore the best option. What does the surgery involve? The surgery will depend on the type of fracture sustained. However, it usually lasts for about 60 to 120 minutes. The type of surgery will depend on the type of fracture: • Femoral neck fracture: The type of treatment depends on the type of femoral fracture, bone quality and overall condition of the patient. • Osteosynthesis with cannulated screws: this treatment allows to preserve anatomical joint without placing a hip prosthesis. It is a minimally invasive procedure and includes closed reduction of the fracture using X-rays and fixation with cannulated screws almost percutaneously. After this surgery,

the patient is not allowed to stand on the leg for 8-12 weeks, and can walk with the aid of a walker. Patients who cannot walk using a walker are excluded from this surgical treatment. • Hip prosthesis: the implantation of a hip prosthesis depends on the type of femoral neck fracture and the overall condition of the patient. The prosthesis can be total or partial, cemented or cementless. Generally, the total prosthesis is reserved for patients under 75 years of age and cementless prostheses are used in these patients. For patients over 75 years of age, if they do not have osteoarthritis of the hip, a partial prosthesis can be used and if their bone quality is not good, a cemented prosthesis can be used. • Trochanteric fractures: this

When will I be able to walk? Once the patient has undergone surgery, mobilisation is recommended as soon as possible to strengthen the muscle tone of the operated limb and avoid the dreaded muscle atrophy and joint stiffness. If the progress is satisfactory, sitting positionis advised after 12-24 hours. Starting to walk depends on the overall condition of the patient and the type of operation performed, and should begin between 24-48 hours after surgery. However, in cases of osteosynthesis of the femoral neck, standing on the operated leg is not allowed until the bone is joined, which occurs after 8-12 weeks. After implantation of a cementless prosthesis, the patient is not allowed to fully or partially stand (depending on the surgeon’s recommendations) for 6 weeks. Patients with nail-fixed trochanteric fractures must walk with partial support until the bone is completely healed, which takes about 8 weeks. Rehabilitation will depend on the specific characteristics of the patient. In general, the patient is expected to return to pre-fracture functional status within three to six months after

surgery. Are there any risks during surgery? Although complications may arise after surgery, the most common scenario after a hip fracture surgery is that the patient progresses well and allows the mobilisation and walking described above during the initial postoperative days. Our Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma Unit at Quirónsalud Torrevieja has some of the best specialists in hip diseases. For more information:


Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

Life saving hand signal goes viral on TikTok A potentially lifesaving hand signal is going viral on TikTok and other social media platforms after it made headlines in November. A teenage girl in Kentucky used the simple hand gesture to signal for help. She had been reported missing by her parents earlier in the week and was seen making the hand gesture out a car window. A passing motorist recognised the signal from TikTok and called 911 which led to the arrest of a man who had been driving the 16 year old across several state lines. The ‘Signal for Help’ was first introduced by the Canadian Women’s Foundation in April 2020 as a response to increasing rates of domestic violence during the COVID-19 lockdown. The hand singal is made by facing your palm outward, folding your thumb across your palm, and then closing your fingers over your thumb. Suzanne Duncan at the Canadian Women’s Foundation said, “We were very concerned because with the pandemic, we also knew that folks were going to be trapped at home, which meant that they would often be trapped at home with their abusers Abusers often monitor cell phones, monitor your internet use, monitor your laptop. So we wanted to make sure that we could create something that would be able to be used without a digital trace.” Soon after it emerged, the hand signal began gathering steam on TikTok with users sharing role playing

videos showing how the signal could be used both in person and online. Duncan said her organization has seen the signal used in “lots of different cases” around the world. However, Duncan wans that calling the police is not always the right thing to do saying that in cases of domestic violence, “calling the authorities...can actually increase the risk of violence for the person who is in that situation.” Instead she advises that if an adult gives you the signal, try to check in with them safely. The Canadian Women’s Foundation website offers several tips on how to safely reach out to someone, including calling them and asking them “yes” or “no” questions such as “Would you like me to call the police?” Or, reach out via an alternative mode of communication such as texting or emailing and ask general questions like “How are you doing?” in case their devices are being monitored. “What’s most important is people know that they’re heard, they’re seen, they’re believed, and that somebody is supporting them,” Duncan said. Chris Newlin, executive director of the National Children’s Advocacy Center said that if a child uses the singal, it is a different situation entirely. He said the Kentucky case was “unusual” and was the first time he had heard of a child using a hand signal in that manner. Often, children communicate their distress in subtler ways, especially because most child abuse is committed someone the

child already knows, he said. That was the case of the girl in Kentucky, who reportedly knew the man driving her and initially went with him willingly before getting scared, said police at the time. Before a situation escalates to the point where an emergency hand signal is needed, it’s important for adults to create a safe, nonjudgmental environment where kids’ concerns are heard — so if something unsafe is going on, children will feel comfortable opening up. For example, a child may tell an adult that their uncle is “mean.” The adult might be tempted to say something like, “No, he’s not, he’s super nice!” “So the child feels like, ‘Well, I’m trying to say something to you and you’re shutting me down, so I’m not going to approach you again,’” Newlin said. “Whereas ... another approach would be to say, ‘Well, why do you say he’s mean?’ and exploring that and giving children that opportunity.” The hand signal is “one tool,” Newlin said. “I think the broader discussion is, how do we make sure that we promote an environment where children … have people who are willing to listen to hear what they’re communicating?” He added that while the hand signal was certainly effective in the Kentucky case, children should not be expected to protect themselves in this way. “Ultimately, it’s our belief that adults are responsible for the protection of children,” he said, “not children themselves.”


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

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30th November - 6th December 2021


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Imanyo Golf Society

Dave Rotchell Salver 17th November at Altorreal

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8 “5 Wood” Chris Houghton and hole 17 “Tricky” Rik Wood, best front 9 with 21 points went to “Youngest Player” Colin Pepperday and best back 9 with 21 points went to “Flying Scotsman” Donald Main. The two’s pot was shared €22.50 each between “Mr Amstel” Peter Kelly hole 5 and “He’s on Fire” Steve Burns hole 8. The football card was won by Alan Shields with Chelsea winning €40 and making €40 for our Charities 2021. The presentation was held at Imanyo’s bar, many thanks to Dave Rotchell for sponsoring the day and Antonio and his staff for looking after us. Photo shows Dave Rotchell presenting the Salver toDonald Main. www.imanyogolfsociety.com imanyogolfsociety@gmail.com

Lo Crispin Golf Society at La Finca

personal serviCes

Sophie Elégante, French, Sexy, Naughty Lady. Speaks 3 languages. Priv. apartment VillaMartin. Also visits all areas. Tel: 693 357 526 ( 959)

This is the seventh year the Dave Rotchell Salver has been played for; it was a very early start with breakfast in Imanyo’s at 7am before we travelled down to Altorreal in Murcia for a 9.20 tee time. As usual when we arrived everything was ready and waiting, for those in the UK it was once again perfect weather but the trousers were back on for most players, by 10.30 it was sunny and a very pleasant 70 degrees. Eighteen players took part and the format was full handicap stableford split into two groups. Winner of the Dave Rotchell Birthday Salver was from group B, our HCP secretary will be having his pencil out again as “Flying Scotsman” Donald Main came in with a credible score of 42 points, runner up from group B on count back was “Ave ago Golfer” Steve Day with 31 points, third place group Bwent to “Youngest Player” (aged 84) Colin Pepperday also with 31 points. Group A winner was “He’s on Fire” Steve Burns with 34 points, runner up on a three way count back between Martin Gadney, Tom Goulden eventually went to “5 Wood” Chris Houghton with 32 points and third place went to “Fruit Man” Tom Goulden also with 32 points. Nearest the pin’s winners were holes 6,12 & 15 “He’s on Fire ”Steve Burns, hole 3 “Three Clubs” Sean McGuinness, hole

On 24th November 32 members and 2 guests competed in the fourth and final ‘Major’ of the year, the Nominated Pairs, in two person teams with a stableford format. Even in benign conditions the La Finca course presents a difficult challenge for the average Society golfer, with its long par fours. Add in the fact that most of the yellow tees were not very far forward from the white tees and blustery winds on many of the holes, made for a very challenging test. This was undoubtedly reflected in the very modest day’s scores. We returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, as usual where welcome Tapas was served by the friendly staff and tales of the putts narrowly missed etc. were told.

Male and female viagra , cialis, jellies and kamagra. Discounts on large orders, delivery available , email viagra4you19@ gmail.com 672 883 025. (921) Luna - Brazilian, La Zenia. House 77 (Close to Consum). Tel: 604 111 457 (914) Helen - Wonderful Caribbean, Canela Skin, 30 years old. La Zenia House 77, Close to Consum. Tel: 665 736 488 (914) Caribbean Alexandra with beautiful body, sensitive erotic massages, boyfriend treatment. Torrevieja. Tel: 643 216 831 Lady Rox. Argentinian Domina. Fetish. Medical. Spanking Role Play. Private 656 314 941 (922)

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Nominated Pairs 1st. Place - Richard Brady and Steve Price - 35 pts. 2nd. Place - Andy Quinn and Ian Stuart - 32 pts.

3rd. Place - Harry Wilcock and Ray Moles - 31 pts. N.T. P. on Par 3s Hole 3 - Derrick (guest) Hole 6 - Graham Ellis Hole 13 - Graham Ellis Hole 16 - Padraig O’Brien Padraig O’Brien converted his nearest the pin shot on Hole 17 with a 2 and so claimed the 2s Pot, as nobody else could manage a 2. Finally, The Free Game Draw was won by Harry Wilcock. The penultimate game of the year will be the final individual stableford competition and last of the eclectic games, at Roda Golf.on 8th. December. Steve Harrington. (Membership and Handicap Secretary)


tales from tHe toP fligHt chris@costablancapeople.com

Whisper it quietly, but have Manchester United actually made a good decision? No, no - not sacking Ole. That’s last week’s news (but was a good decision). I’m talking about bringing in Ralf Rangnick for the rest of the season and then to stick around for a couple of years, turning Old Trafford back into a home for a football club, not a commercial business.

Credit to Michael Carrick, though he was determined to show what he could do. It just turned out “do” was picking McFredtic to compete with Chelsea’s midfield (even if they were sin Kante). He also chose to rest/drop Ronaldo on the day he was going to be marked by someone older than him. It’s decisions that shape your career, they say. Mind you, United’s rope-a-dope ploy very nearly got all three points. Jorginho, who you suspect rates himself very, very highly, tried to pluck one out of the sky and only managed to assist Jadon Sancho’s first ever Premier League goal. Carrick would have got the win had Aaron WanBissaka’s fall from the “best defensive right back in the world” pedestal United fans put him on continued. AWB got tricked into kicking Thiago Silva and conceding the pen. The finest moment of the 90? The note handed to Fred as a substitution was made - if it didn’t say “next time you think of shooting, give it to Ronaldo you idiot” then there is no point bringing notes on to the pitch.

Abbey Anglers On Tuesday the 16th of November weWe are now into the depths of the winter season and as such all the remaining matches are taking place every Tuesday and Wednesday at the El Bosquet complex at Crevillente. This Tuesday 14 people turned out to what was intially a very cold and wet complex. The weather soon warmed up and we ended up fishing in T shirts. The match is sometimes won on the draw but drawing a plum peg is only half of the battle and sometimes puts the angler under a bit of pressure to perform. John Waples found his way to the complex without trouble on this occasion and drawing the best peg on the complex, peg 26 he was


that would love that kind of form. Everton fans were the current holders of ‘which fans are annoying me most this season’ until the final whistle went at the Amex Stadium on Saturday night. Having just seen their side dominate a game against Leeds but only walk away with a 0-0 draw, a result that saw a club that could always be in a relegation battle any day of the week sit 8th in the table, the Brighton fans booed their team off. I like Graham Potter more than I like his beard, but I think he was completely right to have a bit of a pop at them after the game. They’ll probably be calling for him to be sacked next week.


Rangnick’s pedigree is about taking teams from lower divisions - Hoffenheim and RB Leipzig in Germany - and moving them up to the top divisions. Anyone who has seen much of United this season can surely feel the similarities in scenario.


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Up at the Etihad, Man City faced the double jeopardy of a West Ham side keen to put last weekend’s slip against Wolves firmly behind them and the dreaded snow. Personally, I thought it might have been another cute Moysiah ploy - hiding a yellow ball in the white stuff so that City could not have it all to themselves for 90 minutes. As good a theory as it was, City still managed to find it often enough to win the game 2-1. Also, I suspect Aaron Cresswell saw an easy way to get in the nice warm changing rooms and took it in a heartbeat. Liverpool were in further recordbreaking form at Anfield - scoring two or more once again (I can’t recall the actual record broken and you should know by now the research efforts that go into all of this) and winning a Saturday 3pm fixture for about the 50th time in a row. 4-0 was the score against Southampton who thought they might confuse King Kloppo’s men by going three at the back and, ultimately, baffling only themselves. On currently form, Bobby Firminio might do well to let that hamstring take even longer to repair - Diogo Jota’s filling that hole more than adequately. Arsenal continue to quietly sort themselves out. Most eyes were on Newcastle, wondering whether Eddie Howe being on the actual touchline might lead to a first win of the season.

expected to perform. This he did with flying colours, taking some quality carp on both the pole and the feeder for a magnificent weight for this time of year of 37.02kg. In second place and again carrying on with some great form was Nick Bastock. Nick drew peg 1 and caught a mixture of Carp and mullet for 27.175kg. In third place was a new visitor to the complex Bill Wakenell who had travelled all the way from Valencia. Bill fished the pole on the far bank with corn from peg 28 for 16.90kg. Other section winner was Steve Higgins with 13.175kg from peg 5. The pairs event was a runaway success for John and Nick with over

Watching Alain Saint-Maximin play as a false 11 soon answered that question, though Howe might have had a little point about Callum Wilson being barged over in the box moments before Martinelli scored a corker of a goal with his first touch. Maybe, just maybe, the Newcastle owners have been sensibly looking into the future and noticed a promotion from the Championship on Eddie’s CV? They are going to need more than a pot of money and some refreshing training sessions to keep them up at this rate. Steven Gerrard rarely got one over Partick Vieira when it came to winning Premier Leagues as a player, so he’ll be delighted to have seen off his former midfield rival at Selhurst Park. Palace, the side most of us (OK, me) got completely wrong preseason hadn’t been beaten at home this season until Stevie G rocked up and allowed Ashley Young to inspire them to three points. Now that’s management. Norwich City are suddenly looking anything but a soft touch. Granted, a 0-0 draw against a Wolves team that can find plenty of ways not to score is not often something to get too excited about but Norwich would have categorically lost that match earlier in the season. That’s three unbeaten Premier League matches in a row now there’s at least one club in Manchester

63kg. Rods N Reels The following day and still at El Bosquet the weather had taken a turn for the worse. It was about 3 degrees upon arrival and bob hats were the order of the day. The weather never really warmed up and the complex especially on pegs 26 to 40 did not fish at all well. We were fishing the annual Christmas fur and feather match and 21 anglers took part. Winner on the day after a great performance was Trevor Howard, again fishing one of the favoured pegs, peg 1 he caught carp across for 19.74kg. In second place was John “end peg” Waples on peg 7, although lacking in

Up at Goodison, Rafa is still copping the grief for the hand he has been dealt for years of mismanagement at Everton. The Toffees lost 1-0 away to Brentford, a club run with a bit of a plan and a lot of common sense - something in short supply on the blue side of Merseyside. Sure, the football isn’t that pretty at the moment but then Benitez is without Dominic Calvert-Lewin, has only just seen Doucoure return and had to pick Alex Iwobi. Plus, it doesn’t really help if Andros Townsend dangles his foot around opposition noses in the penalty area, does it? Jamie Vardy is still Jamie Vardying. You’d have thought Claudio Ranieri might have had a plan to stop him. Leicester have been bang average so far this season, but this was one of their more entertaining performances, beating Watford 4-2. Vardy got two idenikit Vardy goals but the best of the day was James Maddison’s. Hiding behind the Watford defenders, you suspect Maddison might have shouted “keeper’s!” the way they ducked and let it run through to him. I have a lot of time for that, you scamp. Finally, I thought they were made of stern stuff up in Burnley? Called off for a bit of snow? I can’t imagine Sean Dyche was too impressed at that news - he strikes me as the kind of PE teacher that would have made you do cross country in your pants if you’d have forgotten your kit.

direction he can draw better than John Constable. He again caught carp across for 16.70kg. In third place from peg 2 was Russell Davidson with 14.58kg. Other section winners were, Terry Screen 2.40kg. Neil Bomford 7.32kg, Bill Reade 10.60kg and Terry Brindley with 4.34kg.

The pairs event was won by Trevor and Russell. After the match we attended our headquarters, The Final Whistle in La Marina, the spiritual prizes were given out and we were treated to a great curry or chilli by the bar. Special thanks go out to Bill Reade for organising a great day. Ian Brown


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CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021





CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

Two Amata Christmas Fairs with original Craft work Are you looking for really nice and original presents for the people who matter to you? Then you could do worse than visit the Craft Fairs that Amata will be holding in Altea (3, 4 and 5 December) and Jávea (6, 7 and 8

December). Real craft fairs run by real craft people who sell only what they make themselves. They can even make something especially for you, if you can’t find what you are looking for!

Easy Christmas pudding

Ingredients 1 cup raisins 1 cup sultanas 1 cup self-raising flour 1 cup finely grated butter (about 115g/4oz) 1 cup fresh brown breadcrumbs (from around 4 thick slices of bread) 1 cup light muscovado sugar 1 cup mixed nuts, chopped plus extra to decorate 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground mixed spice 1 cup milk 1 large egg Butter, for greasing

Unbelievably easy mince pies

Ingredients 225g cold butter, diced 350g plain flour 100g golden caster sugar 280g mincemeat 1 small egg, beaten Icing sugar, to dust Method STEP 1 To make the pastry, rub the butter into the flour,

Altea: 3-5 December Altea is known as a very artistic town with lots of resident artists and a really lovely old town, but the fair will be held in the modern part of town, in front of the Town Hall (parallel to the main road N332 but 100 yards inland). Some 30 craft people will gather there with all sorts of original work. Pottery, glasswork, wooden and soft toys, leather, design jewellery and all the other special stuff visitors to an Amata fair have come to expect. And of course the typical delicacies of Christmas time, cheeses and sausages and even a stall with sweet and savoury pancakes. For the kids there will be workshops,

soap bubble shows, table games and a small Ferris wheel. On Saturday at 1 o’clock the choir of U3A Calpe will come and sing Christmas carols and at 6:30 pm that same day there will be a puppet show to present a new children’s book (“Animalada”, in Spanish). Every day a South-American guitarist will enliven the fair with well known songs. The fair starts on Friday the 3rd of December at 6 pm and lasts till Sunday evening. Opening times from 11 am till 9 pm (the fair doesn’t close at midday); on Sunday they will close a bit earlier. And parking should not be a problem, because there is a big underground parking under the square.

Jávea Port: 6-8 December The next day of the same long weekend (both the 6th and the 8th of December are Bank Holidays in Spain!) Amata will be in the Port of Jávea. In a beautiful setting on the sea side promenade some twenty stalls will be set up around an enormous Christmas tree. Every stall is offering something different and, as in Altea, all participants are real craft people, who bring their tools along so they can make small changes or personalize a chosen item, and can even accept special orders if you don’t find what you are looking for. Some artisans will be at work in their stalls, so you can see with how much love and patience every item is made. This fair opens on the Monday morning, 6 December, and the opening times for the three days are from 11 am continuously till 8 pm, although on Wednesday they close a bit earlier

General information about the fairs that Amata organises you can find on the Amata web site (www.amata.es - also in English), or you can ring 639 979 678 and talk - in English - to Elvira. Photographs of the last fairs (in 2019!) you´ll find at http://www.amata.es/Altea-2019. html and http://www.amata.es/ JaveaDiciembre-2019.html. Last minute changes (e.g. in case of bad weather) will be anounced in Facebook and Instagram (Amigos de Amata).

For the butterscotch sauce 85g butter 100g light muscovado sugar 200ml double cream 1 tsp vanilla extract Method STEP 1 For the pudding, empty the first six cups and the nuts, if using, into a mixing bowl with the spices, then stir in the milk and egg. Once well combined, tip into a buttered 1.5 litre pudding bowl. STEP 2 Cover with a double layer of buttered foil, making a pleat in the centre to allow the pudding to rise. Tie the foil securely with string, then place in a steamer or large

then mix in the golden caster sugar and a pinch of salt. STEP 2 Combine the pastry into a ball – don’t add liquid – and knead it briefly. The dough will be fairly firm, like shortbread dough. You can use the dough immediately, or chill for later. STEP 3 Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line 18 holes of two 12-hole patty tins, by pressing small walnut-sized balls of pastry into each hole. STEP 4 Spoon the mincemeat into the pies. Take slightly smaller balls of pastry than before and pat them out

Come to the fair and see for yourself! And if you have other plans or live too far away, you can have a look at the virtual craft village http://www.puebloartesano. es, created by Amata so you can see the artisans busy in their workshops, buy their work in shops on line or virtual fairs and even follow small tutorials, at any moment and wherever you live!

pan containing enough gently simmering water to come halfway up the sides of the bowl. Steam, covered with a lid, for 2½ hours. Check the water level during cooking, topping up if necessary. If you are preparing this pudding ahead, remove the foil, let it cool slightly, then wrap in cling film and then fresh foil. If you are serving it immediately, unwrap and invert onto a deep plate. STEP 3 For the sauce, put everything in a pan and bring slowly to the boil, stirring. Allow to bubble away for 2-3 minutes, still stirring, until the sugar has dissolved and the sauce is pale caramel in colour and slightly thickened. Remove from the heat. Pour the sauce over the pudding and decorate with the whole mixed nuts.

between your hands to make round lids, big enough to cover the pies. STEP 5 Top the pies with their lids, pressing the edges gently together to seal – you don’t need to seal them with milk or egg as they will stick on their own. Will keep frozen for up to one month. STEP 6 Brush the tops of the pies with the beaten egg. Bake for 20 mins until golden. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 mins, then remove to a wire rack. To serve, lightly dust with the icing sugar. Will keep for three to four days in an airtight container.


CostaBlancaPeople 30th November - 6th December 2021

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Volkswagen Polo 2015, Manual, Petrol, 73,951 kms, Hatchback/Saloon,1.0L, ABS, PAS, A/C, Radio/CD, AUX/USB, Bluetooth, Electric windows. 8,495€

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LandRover Range Rover Sport 2013, Automatic, Diesel, 191,723 kms, 4x4, 3.0L, ABS, PAS, Radio/CD, Central locking, Electric windows, leather interior, Climate Control, Multifuncional steering wheel. 28,995€

Mercedes GLC 220D 2017, Automatic, Diesel, 147,053 kms, 4x2, 2.1L, PAS, ABS, radio/CD, climate control, Cruise control , Bluetooth, Multifunctional steering wheel, Heated seats. 27,995€

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