9 April - 15 April 2019

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9TH - 15TH APRIL 2019 - ED 782

Your Essential Weekly Read

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C.L.A.R.O. forms coalition to contest municipal elections


press conference held on Friday in Orihuela Costa C.L.A.R.O. announced a new coalition partnership formed to contest the 26th May municipal elections for the municipality of Orihuela. The coalition will comprise C.L.A.R.O, the Cambiemos party – which has two

councillors in the present Town Hall - and Unidos Podemos. The three parties have agreed to form a coalition with the aim of creating a new Orihuela government committed to sustainable development (no more uncontrolled building without corresponding services and infra-

structure), de-centralisation of its administration with equal and proportionate investments, guaranteed rights to services, respect for the environment and equal rights. Continued on page 2

Press conference at Punta Prima




CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Continued from page 1 This basic platform corresponds to principles which C.L.A.R.O. has promoted and defended over many years. In fact, C.L.A.R.O. has been working with Cambiemos over the last four years, in particular on environmental issues such as saving Cala Mosca, the last green area on the coast threatened with the construction of 1,500 new houses, as well as the need for proper parks and gardens in Orihuela Costa. Recently Cambiemos presented a motion at the Town Hall plenary meeting for the decentralisation of the administration and finances of the municipality. This initiative was supported by C.L.A.R.O. and other coastal associations. However, predictably, this motion was defeated by the present Popular Party-Ciudadanos government coalition. As well as holding common local political aspirations, a strong basis for the coalition is to ensure the by working together the parties will see their councillors gain places in the next council. By joining forces they aim to counter the bias of the electoral system which penalises parties which fail to reach a threshold of 5 per cent of the total votes cast. In the 2015 elections C.L.A.R.O. gained 1,400 votes and so failed by 35 votes to elect a councillor. Similarly, Podemos with 900 votes also failed. However, looking towards this year’s election, together with

Cambiemos - which narrowly failed to elect a third councillor C.L.A.R.O believes that it has a real opportunity to elect a strong group of people which will be effective in changing the government of Orihuela, or will at least form part of a strong opposition including dedicated councillors who will provide a voice for Orihuela Costa. The top four on the coalition list will be: Carlos Bernabe (Cambiemos), Maria Garcia Sandoval (Podemos), Javier Garcia (Cambiemos) and Helene Akermane (C.L.A.R.O). Another positive factor is that C.L.A.R.O., with the agreement of Cambiemos and Podemos, has offered one of its posts on the list of candidates to an independent representative – Mamen Lopez Raya - of the newly formed and potentially important Agrupcacion de Electores or Citizens Movement which has begun mobilising the Spanish population of Orihuela Costa. C.L.A.R.O hopes that this will encourage supporters of this movement to vote for the new coalition and help achieve votes in Orihuela Costa.

Best chance for the coast Of course, an important consideration in achieving this aim will be to ensure that British voters, whose right to vote has been confirmed, irrespective of the outcome of Brexit, participate actively in the forthcoming election. British voters represent a considerable electoral force in Orihuela Costa and it is hoped that

they will show their appreciation of the generosity of the Spanish government in ensuring the conditions for their continued residence in Spain by exercising their right to vote and participate in decisions concerning their local area. Voting to get a voice for the coast is the only way local residents can guarantee improvements in the issues they are concerned about such as rubbish collection, cleaning, parks and gardens, sports and other community facilities and services. C.L.A.R.O. has always encouraged integration, uniting the various nationalities and communities living in Orihuela Costa but also wants to see integration with the rest of the municipality. C.L.A.R.O President, Helene Akermane said: “We believe the coalition will help to end the present paralysis where Orihuela Costa has no voice in the government of Orihuela. This coalition has been founded on the belief that the whole is greater than the sum of parts and together our parties can ensure a change of government and make improvements where the present Popular Party-Ciudadanos government has failed miserably to meet our needs here and elsewhere in the municipality. The parties in the new coalition, together and with the support of voters, can ensure a better future for Orihuela Costa and Orihuela.” Mireille Toddington



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Increase in primary school numbers Torrevieja’s school council (El Consejo Escolar Municipal ECM) met on Tuesday 2nd April to discuss the increase in the number of children registering for the town’s infant and primary schools. The existing 12 primary schools have had 270 additional applications between July 2018 and February 2019. A figure that is more reminiscent of the boom years of the nineties and until around 2005. Making provision for all these children is a problem. The Colegio Inmaculada has yet to be demolished and a new school built. The temporary building of the Colegio Amanecer also needs replacing. With these existing works already to be done and more children on the way, there is no time to lose.

The CDM municipal sports centre in Orihuela Costa will remain closed until the existing contract is cancelled and the service is contracted to another company, councillor for sports Víctor Valverde has confirmed. Last Saturday UTE the company responsible for the management of the sports centre announced they would be closing the doors following the weekend, leaving around 20 employees without a job. It is claimed that Orihuela Town Hall has refused to pay the management fees since last August, leaving the company no option but to close. However, the local government believes that UTE is in breach of contract having failed to offer the multipurpose building it promised. It is understood that the contract required the company to build a sports hall, including fitness and cardio-fitness room,

gymnasium, access control, storage room and changing rooms by the end of 2014. The Centre will only open for three hours a day, from 5pm to 8pm, for the children’s football and skating schools, which have paid a registration fee to the end of the season. Around 70 people demonstrated last Monday morning at the Town Hall building in Playa Flamenca over the closure. The protestors, many carrying tennis racquets, held banners written in Spanish and English with slogans such as: “PP and Cs, don’t play with us”, “CDM, another service gone on the coast, disgraceful” and “CDM, this is robbery”. C.L.A.R.O. President Helene Akerman, criticised UTE for its “abusive pricing” and along with many local residents believes that it is time for the town hall to take over running the sports centre.


BITE SIZE No reprieve for NEWS: Costa’s sports centre


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Dolphins off the coast A group or ‘pod’ of bottlenose dolphins was spotted off the coast of Torrevieja on Wednesday 3rd April. The dolphins are attracted to the area because of the presence of the marine farms off the coast of Torrevieja, Santa Pola, Murcia and Guardamar. They venture close to the farms to feed off the fish that are bred there. The pod was captured on film by drones belonging to local audiovisual company Orecam and has been shared on weather watch Facebook page Proyecto Mastral. Continued on page 5







No reprieve for Costa’s sports centre

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CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019







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CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

BITE SIZE Surfing not allowed here NEWS: Continued from page 3

Cuban ambassador visits the town hall The ambassador representing Cuba in Spain visited Torrevieja’s town hall on 5th April. He was greeted by the mayor, José Manuel Dolón and the vice president of the Habaneras, Domingo Soler. The mayor gave the ambassador, Gustavo Machín the traditional Torrevejense gift of a salt boat along with some poetry books. There are links between Torrevieja and Cuba that go back to the early trading days when ships travelled from here to the island exchanging various goods and, of course, the habaneras tradition. The ambassador’s visit enabled him to enjoy the 25th International Habaneras for young people.

The councillor for beaches, Javier Manzanares, met with representatives of the surf school in Torrevieja and some surfers to discuss the issue of surfing not officially being allowed off the coast of the town. Local byelaws mean that those surfers you sometimes see braving the waves, particularly in the winter, are in fact breaking the law. The surfers want a change in local laws so that there are portions of the coast that are allocated to their sport. Councillor Manzanares, also councillor for youth, is keen to find some kind of compromise to enable this to happen. The area that the surfers are particularly keen to see given

the surfing all clear is in La Mata at the top of Avenida del Agua. They claim that surfing in this location causes no disturbance to bathers and is an ideal place for them to enjoy the sport. Torrevieja Surf Club pointed out during the meeting that it is an Olympic sport that will feature in the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. There is also a lot of demand for tuition in surfing from tourists, both children and adults. As Torrevieja is keen to promote itself as more than just sun city then this would seem to be an additional attraction to offer. Suzanne O’Connell

Belarus choir wins children’s competition The Glinka choir from Belarus was the winner of the youth Habaneras competition. The competition took place in Torrevieja’s International Auditorium on Saturday 6th April and altogether 400 young people took part. The six choirs from Madrid, Valencia, Asturias, Belarus and Cuba performed around 20 songs in front of an audience that included the Cuban ambassador. In second and third place were the two groups from Madrid; Alegría Youth Choir and the Voces Blancas Sinan Kay Choir. The children who took part were anything from four years old to eighteen and the performance lasted around two hours. First prize was €3,000, second prize €2,000 and the third prize winner won €1,000. All three winners were also presented with a trophy.

Torrevieja’s half marathon could be back For two years the half marathon has been sadly missing from the list of annual events. However, councillor for sports, Victor Ferrández has now announced that the process of contracting a firm to organise the marathon will begin again. The contract will last for five years and along with the opportunity to run a half marathon there will also be a 10km and now a 5km race. Those bidding will have to demonstrate a high level of security arrangements including the provision of ambulances and a doctor on standby. The brief for the contract includes that there must be a 50% discount for disabled people. Other suggestions that applicants might want to include are improvements in the free bag of gifts provided for the runners, music at the end of the race and recycling of the bottles of water. It is expected that with the contract out to tender the half marathon will finally return on the last Sunday of February 2020.

What shall I do after school? Libertas secondary school in Torrevieja presented a careers fair for students focused on the options there are when they finish their course at school. This type of event is a new one locally and students could hear about a number of alternatives for the next stage of their career. Representatives from Alicante Continued on page 8

Torrevieja Surf Club is keen for a change to the local laws

Torrevieja has a poor turn out Can we improve on the turnout in Torrevieja in the May 2019 local elections? It has been reported that the participation rate for the town is below that of neighbouring towns in national, regional and local elections. One of the possible reasons for this is the location of the voting stations. With the local council elections due to be held in May some concerns have been raised about the siting of these stations. Votes are usually cast in schools and the rather hit and miss location of some of these could make turning out on the day something of a hike for some people. For example, if you live in Acequión you might need to travel to Las Torretas or the centre of Torrevieja to cast your vote.

A distance that could be a disincentive to turning out on the day.Particularly, if you are of older years and have no means of transport. Of course, another reason for poor turn out by those eligible to vote is the nature of the population in the town. Torrevieja perhaps has a higher number of pensioners on its electoral roll as well as a greater proportion of people of foreign nationality. Both of these factors could also have an impact on the number of people who turn out on the day. Whether these differences make a difference to the democratic process here is a matter of conjecture. Suzanne O’Connell





CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Decision delayed on beach for dogs It was one of the few agreements between the different political parts in the town council. A consensus that Torrevieja should have at least one beach where dogs were officially permitted. However, which beach should this be? The choice of Cala del Moro-Mal Paso and Punta Margalla proved to be controversial. The debate has continued and tempers have flared along these parts of the coast as residents have clashed with those enjoying the beach with their dogs. The signs and bins constructed on the beaches were removed and the police have had to be called on occasions. The plan was that the allocation of these beaches would be a temporary one and that a consultation vote would be held at the same time as the local elections. However, this is now proving difficult to administer at the time it was proposed to take place. In order for the consultation to happen, a technical report is required as well as the legal report that has already been received. This technical report will specify which sections of beach are valid and the environmental limitations that must be imposed. Any

consultation must then take place before 90 days has elapsed. As there are now less than two months before the town council elections this will not be possible. In order to ensure that the consultationisn’t forgotten following the elections, it is being put forward at a plenary session before the end of the current council’s term of office. This is to try and guarantee that whichever party is successful at the elections the consultation will be carried out as promised. Other beaches that had been proposed included Carabineros cove and Cala de los Trabajos.In the meantime, the prohibition of dogs on beaches in the area is frequently ignored by local residents and dogs can often be seen on the sand, particularly during the winter months. If a public consultation does take place this will be the first time that one has been held in the history of Torrevieja. It is to be hoped that when it does, it resolves this long running dispute that has set residents against each other. Suzanne O’Connell

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CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019



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BITE SIZE NEWS: Continued from page 5 University and Miguel Hernández University were there along with those providing information about further vocational training. The mayor and councillor José Hurtado attended and voiced their support for this type of event. Other organisations with stands included the Guardia Civil and the Official Language School. Students could find out more about their options when completing compulsory education as well as the Bachillerato and vocational training.

Gala event for hospitality sector The first gala to celebrate, promote and reward key members of the hospitality industry in Torrevieja will take place on April 24th. The event will provide opportunity to recognise the contributions made to the promotion of the town by different organisations and individuals. At this first event recognition will be given to the commerce association AEHTC (Asociación de Empresas de Hostelería de Torrevieja y Comarca). It will also recognise the valuable work of the Tourist Centre (CdT) with the presentation of a commemorative plaque. A third presentation will take place at the event to José Antonio Vilella Fructuoso from the Bahía Restaurant. The Bahía was a focal point of the restaurant world in Torrevieja for 42 years. The gala event will take place at 8pm in the Casino. Suzanne O’Connell

CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

MURDER INVESTIGATION RULES DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL An investigation into the death of a woman in Torrevieja has ruled her death to be the result of a tragic accident. The woman’s body was found semi naked in a stairwell in the early hours of the morning in the town’s industrial estate. Initial concerns were that the woman had been the victim of a sexually motivated attack, given her state of undress and the fact that her body was found near to the town’s nightclub area. Although awaiting the official autopsy report, initial findings by the Guardia Civil suggest that the

39 year old woman accidentally fell while urinating. The victim, of Moroccan nationality, was found at around 9.30am on Saturday by a local resident who immediately called the police. According to reports in Información, sources close to the case have claimed that the accident was recorded by security cameras on the building where the woman’s body was found. The security footage is said to show a woman, seemingly under the influence of alcohol, suffer a fall and subsequent blow to the head after preparing to go to the toilet.

10KM police chase ends with three Britons arrested A dramatic police pursuit of over ten kilometres ended with a crashed car and three Britons being placed under arrest. The car chase took place along the N332 between Pinar de Campoverde and Lo Monte as a unit of the local police pursued the car for over ten kilometres at high speed. It is as yet unclear why the occupants of the car were trying to flee police officers but the

chase ended in dramatic fashion when the car crashed and one of the occupants attempted to flee the scene on foot. He managed to barricade himself inside a nearby restaurant with a knife but was finally arrested by police. He, along with the other two who were arrested at the crash site, were brought to the Guardia Civil barracks in Torre de la Horadada.

Orihuela advertised as World Heritage Site, but isn’t Although no one would argue that Orihuela has a huge cultural and historic offering, various attempts to have the official classification of Unesco World Heritage Site have not yet been successful. However, that hasn’t stopped the city from advertising itself as such with new signage placed along the A7 motorway indicating the exit to the city alongside the Unesco logo. The logo is

usually reserved for specific sites that have received the specific distinction of a world heritage site, and in fact, according to the Approved Tourist Signalling System for Spain’s roads, the logo should only appear where Unesco has declared a site as such. Orihuela has not been declared as a world heritage site yet the logo on road signage includes the words “World Heritage” in three languages.



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

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The bamboo canes that can be found on either side of rivers and marshes in Spain are not necessarily native species. Now the Association of Naturalists of the Southeast (ANSE) is carrying out projects for the eradication of the bamboo in areas where it does not belong. This is in order to allow native species to thrive again. One of the areas being targeted is that of the banks of the Segura River. The La Fayona section in Torrevieja leads down into the salt lake from San Miguel de Salinas. On Tuesday 2nd April they began to clear 250 metres of bamboo from the rambla. Altogether there is 9,000 square metres to clear between La Marquesa and the main road. Once the bamboo has been removed the area will be planted with rows of oleander and taray. It is hoped that the growth of these plants will help prevent the bamboo from returning. If it is successful then the same method could be used in other areas

to keep the bamboo at bay. Bamboo has not always been such a problem. It has spread because the land is no longer being used for agricultural purposes. The plant is particularly resistant because even when the shoot itself is cut, the roots continue to be present underground and grows again. There can be problems during heavy rain as the shoots allow the fresh water to pass but act as a barrier to plastic and other solid objects meaning that these bank up and need clearing out at intervals. However, this intervention in itself enables the bamboo to increase its hold on the area. This new project is an important one for the local environment as La Fayona is considered to be an ecological corridor that links the Sierra de Escalona with the natural park and the Torrevieja and La Mata lakes. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Man accused of murder dies in custody Three days before the case was due to go to court, a man accused of killing and cutting up a neighbour, died in his cell. The man from Torrevieja left a note in which he admitted the crime and defended the other two accused with him. One of those implicated in the murder was a housekeeper who allegedly helped the accused to rob the victim of 800 euros from his bank account after the kidnap. The accomplice also applied for a loan using the victim’s name. The murder took place in Torrevieja in 2016 and subsequently the body was cut into pieces and placed in different bins around the area. The accused had been detained in prison since February 2017. The accused left a letter following his death in which he removed blame from the other people implicated in the crime. The housekeeper has also been accused of illegal detention, murder, theft, burglary and concealment. The female accomplice who was employed by the accused, also looked after his mother. She was sentenced to seven years in prison after the charge of murder was dropped. She was, however, sentenced to four years for fraud, two for concealment and one for illegal detention. During the kidnap and before the crime was committed she helped herself to the victim’s mobile and transferred 800 euros from his account to her own. Afterwards she applied for a loan of €2,400 in the man’s name. Her partner was also accused of being involved in covering

up the murder. However, these charges have now been dropped. The crime was discovered when on 31st August the head of the deceased was found in a landfill site in Elche. Two days later, two legs and feet appeared in the

spaces that they both owned in the same building. An argument started when the victim turned up at his neighbour’s house. The accused then hit the victim with a blunt object and tied up his feet and hands. He kept him several days in the

The landfill site in Elche where the victim's body was found

same place as well as a bag full of the internal organs including heart and lungs. The victim was a 62 year old man who lived alone in Torervieja and it wasn’t until November that family members alerted the authorities about his disappearance. In order not to arouse suspicion about the whereabouts of the man, the accused had taken his car out of Torrevieja and set fire to it, leaving it completely destroyed. The conflict between the two is believed to have begun on 26th August over a dispute between car parking

house, according to the prosecutor before killing him. The man was arrested six months after carrying out the crime and he was taken into custody on 31st January 2017. His property was then searched for evidence of the dismembering of the corpse which is believed to have been carried out with a saw. The housekeeper and her partner were also implicated in covering up the murder by cleaning the house, including painting the walls. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019




CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

GBP / EUR UPDATE The clock continues to tick on Brexit and while there was considerable debate, including discussions between the PM and opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, no clear plan emerged. Plans aimed at preventing a no-deal scenario appear to be gathering momentum, but with no alternative being presented to date, it remains a possibility. The EU’s Donald Tusk has suggested that the UK may be granted a 12-month flexible extension, which could be reduced if MPs ratify a deal sooner, but this must be agreed by all 27 EU leaders to become a possibility. There was little in the numbers to promote optimism. The construction PMI was almost unchanged at 49.7, highlighting a “sustained fall in commercial work.” The service sector slowed for the first time; the purchasing managers’ index fell a point and a half to 48.9, lower than expected and well below breakeven. Normally, this would cause significant difficulties to the pound, given that the sector accounts for four fifths of the UK’s GDP but with all eyes on Brexit, and hopes of a soft Brexit rising, the pound had a relatively good week. The challenge for the pound is that much relies on the EU approving an extension of

some description next week and some acceptable compromise emerging from the House of Commons. The slowdown across Europe continues; euro zone manufacturing PMIs came in below the breakeven point at 50 and Switzerland only just squeaked over the bar at 50.3. In Germany, the 44.7 provisional reading of ten days earlier turned into a finalised 44.1, an 80-month low. The flash estimate of Euroland inflation edged down to 1.4% and unemployment remained unchanged at 7.8%. The euro lost half a cent to sterling at the news. Despite this, composite data came in better than expected. Germany narrowly missed forecast at 51.4 but even the lowest reading of 48.9 in France came in better than expected. There were other signs that Germany was seeing a slowdown; January’s 2.6% decline in factory orders became 4.2% in February. However, across Europe, retail sales beat forecast and increased 0.4% in February. The euro is showing signs of being under pressure from the numbers, but bigger news elsewhere keeps the currency relatively steady.




CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019

The Scouts help out at Iceland

Torrevieja Scouts group, Grupo Scout Las Culturas took to Iceland Overseas supermarket recently to undertake a ‘bag pack’ to raise funds for the group. Scout leader Eduardo said, “We would like to wholeheartedly thank all the staff and management for making us feel so welcome and giving us the opportunity to help customers in store today. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of the International community - in just 3.5 hours, we raised 419.98 euro towards our Scouts trip. Thank you to James, Sheila and to all the staff for a wonderfully successful day.”

PHOENIX CAR CLUB DRIVE TO ALICANTE The Phoenix Car Club monthly drive in March was an unusual affair as, rather than a leisurely spin into the countryside, the cars were taken on a trip into the centre of Alicante city. A

motorcycle escort was provided by the local police and the two outriders did an excellent job of guiding the cars through the traffic to the Museo Arqueológico de Alicante (MARQ) and then to the Museum of Contemporary Art (MACA) where the club members were treated to guided tours of the exhibitions. The citizens of Alicante lined the streets as

the parade passed by and were enthralled by the display of classic, sports and old American cars. Richard O’Rourke



CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019

Homes & Gardens




CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019


U3A embraces new format The first official meeting of 2019 took place at the CMO building of the Torrevieja U3A under the influence of its new committee. Over 270 members attended the new-style meeting which, after a brief introduction from the new President Peter, kicked off with a condensed talk about the Spanish Civil War, the 80th anniversary of its cessation will be commemorated over the next few

weeks. It was of especial interest to the group as Alicante was in fact, the scene of the final fighting of this dreadful conflict. Felipe, who is the Military History Group leader, valiantly tried to reduce 3 years of war activity into 45 minutes. Not the easiest of tasks but it was well received and many people came away enlightened on many aspects. Felipe is no stranger to 'trouble' having been

raised in Cuba and escaping to the US at the age of 14 without knowing a single word of English. After settling with a foster family, he eventually received the call up and joined the US army in which he spent his whole working life, finally completing his career as a full Colonel No mean feat for a former refugee. The morning was rounded off with a short recital from the newly reformed

Phoenix International Concert Band which provided a good, all-round selection of music to keep the members entertained. The morning appeared to be a success and members now look forward to more of the same over the coming months. Details of Torrevieja U3A and its events can be found at their website torreviejau3a.org.

Plans to protect las Eras de la Sal

Las Eras de la Sal is the oldest relic left from the time when Torrevieja first became a major salt producing town. In spite of this fact, the building has never been registered as of architectural interest and in need of protection. Built in 1777 there is little in Torrevieja that dates before this time. The Eras de la Sal was used for storing and loading salt onto the boats and now is the venue used for the Habaneras singing competitions. The town council is now requesting that this area of historical interest be registered as a Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC). A letter has been sent to the

town planning department to begin the proceedings needed to put the building on the map. However, the need to register Las Eras de la Sal individually would not be necessary if the town’s overall plan or Plan General (PGOU) were up to date. ‘Las Eras de la Sal is an example of Spanish industrial architecture from the 18th century,’ said the Mayor José Manuel Dolón. ‘Its history is directly linked to the growth of the town and the increasing population based on the salt industry.’ The area that the council wishes to protect spans around 5,500 square metres and is

located by the bus station. There are two old boarding docks, an administration building and the outdoor stage of the Habaneras. The PGOU, which is the original plan describing different areas of the town and indicating those that need preserving, is considered to be out dated and insufficient. Its reference to Las Eras de la Sal does not give justice to the antiquity of the area and provides insufficient protection. The town council has put out to tender the contract to update the PGOU, but this will take some time to put into effect. Suzanne O’Connell


Welcome to

CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019


Mainland Africa’s westernmost country occupies a colossal cut out of the Sahel. It ranges from the fringes of the Guinean woods to the bottom of the Sahara, and throws up fascinating destinations aplenty. Take the capital, Dakar: a town of pandemonius markets and endless energy. Or, look to the ports of Saint-Louis, which bustle with ships and Parisian-style arcades. Out in the wildernesses and Senegal has more treats for the traveler, ranging from the winding channels of the Gambia River to the shimmering beaches of the coast. Animals like hippos and hyenas all mingle here, while rustic communities continue to tick over. And the cherry on the top? Despite a dangerous Ebola outbreak, Senegal has been one of Africa’s most stable places for decades. Fair elections and peaceful power transfers all add up to make this one accessible and fun place for the worldly explorer. Dakar has seriously outgrown its perch on the Cap-Vert Peninsula. It now sprawls eastwards into the arid dust plains to the east, and bursts out over the dockside jetties in a medley of lively trader ships and fish-scented marketplaces.

The port is what has driven the boom in both population and size, not to mention imbued the city with an enticing multiculturalism and energy. So, be sure to drop by the curious Soviet-esque rises of the African Renaissance Monument, the acclaimed Museum of African Arts, and the old Dutch slave trade ruins on Goree Island, before delving into the curious medley of Lebanese eateries African embroidery bazaars, roasted peanut stalls and raucous beer bars around wild Sandaga Market. ÎÎle de N'Gor: For a quick escape from the frenetic streets of Dakar, head to peaceful Île de N'Gor, a tiny island just off Dakar's north shore. It has a few calm beaches on the bay side, and some legendary surf on the northern coastline. Most visitors just come for the day, to relax on the beaches, stroll the sandy lanes of the village and have lunch in one of the waterside eateries, but there are several appealing guesthouses here as well. Musée Théodore Monod: The is one of Senegal's best museums. Exhibitions delve into African art and culture with over 9000 objects on display. Lively displays of masks and traditional dress from across the region (including Mali, Guinea-Bissau, Benin and Nigeria) give an excellent overview of styles without bombarding you with more than you can take in. Le Lagon: Perched on stilts over the bay, Le Lagon is one of Dakar's top seafood spots, with a spread of culinary treasures – oysters, sea urchins, chargrilled fish, pastas with mixed seafood. You can dine outside on the breezy waterside deck, or in the classy dining room, amid hanging swordfish, brass sailing instruments and a vintage diving suit.

Discover the real Spain SPAIN

is an incredibly beautiful country and much of this scenic countryside isn’t as far away as you might think. This trip, the latest from Viajes Real Spain, will head to Agost about 20km from Alicante. The town’s in-land location means that Agost has not been directly affected by the mass tourism that the towns on the Costa Blanca experienced, and has maintained its local and traditional character. The economy of Agost is mainly based on pottery and agriculture. Today there are still about 11 potteries active in the town and six of these still produce traditional pottery. Organised by local Spanish lady Begona Josa del Portillo, this tour is the perfect way to discover the wider region and a few hidden gem s at the same time. Begona has been hosting trips and tours for several years and has helped hundreds of people to enjoy a taste of the ‘real Spain’. The trip to Agost will take place on Friday 26th April and will be the perfect way to kickstart your weekend. The journey will take you from your chosen local pick up point along a scenic route offering views of some of the most gorgeous countryside in this part of Spain. Once in Agost you can admire the Church of Sant Pere Apostol, Ermita de Les Santes Justa i Rufina and the Ruins of Castell d’Agost and Castell de la Murta. The trip includes entrance to the Pottery

Museum where you will have a bespoke guided tour in Agost English. The group will then be taken to meet a traditional artisan, an old man who still works in the timehonoured way, making his pottery as they did hundreds of years ago. The tour will then continue to the beautiful village of Pinoso, located on the Alicante and Murcia boarder, renowned for its fine wines, marble and production of rock salt. It’s is here that the group will enjoy a gorgeous lunch based on local dishes and in the afternoon will visit the House of Marble and Wine, a museum based in the village and dedicated to the main local trades. The price of just 32e includes transport, lunch, tours and entrance fees. Book now with Begona as places are expected to go quickly. Call her on 622 188 772 to book your places and arrange a pick up location. Due to the interest generated by her trips, Begona has created an email group to keep everyone informed on new dates, tour information such as pick-up locations, travel times and also on longer trips organised as part of her ‘Discover the Real Spain’ programme. Bookings for tours can also be made on-line through this group. If you would like to be added, please send your email address to: viajesrealspain@gmail.com




CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019


Why am I being treated this way? Not my secret to tell I have always lived alone by choice. I have never felt I needed a partner. I have a good job which satisfies me although it’s not the most glamorous job in the world. I own my own place, and have friends and hobbies. My problem is that one woman in our circle of friends has started to treat me as though I am disadvantaged and an under-achiever. Then when I attended a wedding recently this woman seemed to be cultivating a situation among the people I know where they all ended up pitying me. I tried to ignore it, but the pity seems to have continued, and I’ve no idea why.

My young niece was looking through some of my photos, and discovered a photograph of her father with another woman, and asked who it was. My brother had been married before when he was only 18 - the marriage ended soon after. He married again and is happy. I trod carefully and said that it was an old girlfriend of her Dad’s, and that was the end of that. The next day I got a phone call from my brother accusing me of telling my niece about his first marriage, when I did no such thing. My brother has now cut off all contact. It also turns out that my sister-in-law also did not know of the first marriage.

I would invite a couple of your trusted friends for coffee, minus this one woman who seems to be doing all the instigating. Ask them directly why they seem to be feeling concern for you when there’s no reason for it. Tell them that it’s upsetting you, and that you are baffled as to why this situation has come about. Then, make it clear that you wish for this pitying to stop.

If your brother won’t listen to your protestations in person, I would suggest you write to him - not an email, but a proper letter in the post. It sounds like it all got out of hand, and perhaps your niece guessed at the marriage? All you can do is put your side of things, and then see if anything comes of it.


96 574 43 26













Departure: 2th June, 3th July & 1st Sep 2019





Brightening up the town

We’re now into the next stage of organising the urban graffiti competition to be held in Torrevieja. The councillor for youth, Víctor Ferrández has announced at a press conference which walls and surfaces will be used for the graffiti as well as opening up the registration period for the artists. Altogether there are 13 walls that have been made available and those participating can choose which they would like to decorate. The deadline for applications is April 17th. The walls that have been volunteered include house walls as well as shops and garages and


CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019

the Amanecer primary school. Some others are actually on council buildings including the front and back walls of the CIAJ (youth information centre) and the window in front of the PROP office. Each of the participating graffiti artists will be given a basic package of materials costing around 230 euros. Anything needed in addition to this must be paid for by the participant. In order to take part you must be over 18 years old and provide a sketch of the proposed painting. The jury will consist of teachers from the town’s painting school, local painters and specialists from the University of Alicante. Participants can choose their own theme but they must not include racist, sexist or xenophobic content. They should also be unique works and not copied from other artists. The jury will be in charge of allocating walls for which more than one person has applied to paint. The prizes include a first prize of €1,000 and a second of €600. The third prize is €400. Everyone who is chosen to take part will receive €100 for their work. The painting will take place on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th April. Suzanne O’Connell

Dead dolphin found in Torrevieja The body of a dead dolphin was washed up on Torrevieja’s Playa del Cura on Wednesday. The dolphin, a ‘stenella coeruleoalba’ or striped dolphin, was found mid afternoon by members of the public walking on the beach. The people phoned the local police who arrived at the scene along with the municipal marine biologist. It is believed that the animal had become trapped and injured by industrial fishing fear, based on the injuries observed on its tail and fin. Striped dolphins are among the most widespread dolphins in the world. They prefer deep tropical to warm temperate oceanic waters, and are attracted to upwelling areas, where deep, cold, nutrient-rich water rises toward the surface. and convergence zones, where ocean currents meet. Striped dolphins are usually found in tight, cohesive groups of about 25 to 100 individuals and have been observed breaching, jumping, and leaping over 20 feet above the surface of the water. They display a unique behaviour called roto-tailing, when the animal leaps high out of the water and vigorously rotates its tail while airborne.


Fire-fighters battle ‘bazaar’ blaze A team of more than 15 fire-fighters battled a blaze that engulfed a Chinese ‘bazaar’ store in La Zenia, beside popular shopping mall Zenia Boulevard. Teams spent hours trying to keep the inferno under control on Thursday evening at the popular shop. Sources believe the fire started on the roof of the building, the cause of which is not yet known. Eight units of the fire brigade were dispatched to the scene from Orihuela, Torrevieja and Almoradí with Policia Local and Guardia Civil also in attendance. Five people were evacuated from inside the store and taken to safety while emergency crews battled to keep the flames from reaching nearby homes and businesses. No one was injured in the blaze, which took place at Oriental Market on

Calle Jade in La Zenia. However, a significant amount of damage was done to the building and contents. With smoke visible for several kilometres around, there were fears at one point about having to evacuate Zenia Boulevard but luckily this was not necessary. According to sources at the scene, there were several boxes of polystyrene on the roof of the building which could have accelerated the fire. Due to the intensity of the flames within the building, the temperature inside was extremely high, prompting fire crews to use a technique called a penetration lance, in which jets of water are guided through a hole in the wall in order to cool the building’s interior. The blaze was finally thoroughly extinguished at around midnight on Thursday.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019




CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019


Business Profile

La Vuelta sparks clean up campaign

La Vuelta cycle race is to set off from the salt work in Torrevieja. This momentous event has triggered the clearing up of a pile of rubbish and abandoned objects in the salt works. Over the course of the last week it is estimated that 155 tonnes of debris, including wood, has been removed. A dump that has taken decades to accumulate. The rubbish was located near Torreta Florida and is part of the salt works land. It was previously used for industrial purposes but has lain abandoned for a while, leaving it open for use as a dump for anything that couldn’t be found a place elsewhere. The clear up campaign followed an inspection conducted by the

environmental department in January. Much of the rubbish comes from the updating of the salt work and new machinery and equipment that has been installed over the last 60 to 80 years. A company who are experts in the clearing of heavy machinery were given the job of removing the waste which was then separated into different types for the purpose of recycling where possible. It is estimated that around 120 tonnes of rubble and another 35 tonnes of wood from old boats and installations, has been removed. The rubbish was spread over 10,000 square metres in an area closed to public use. The next stage in the clean up campaign is to plant some natural vegetation which is in keeping with the Torrevieja lakes. The area is in fact within the natural park of Lagunas de Torrevieja. It was expected that the waste removal might take longer but now 95% of it has been shifted and the work will be completed in good time for the cycle race. The area should look a great deal better by the time La Vuelta takes place in August. Suzanne O’Connell

Strictly X WHY PROPERTIES IN Factor! SOUTHERN SPAIN TEND If you enjoyed Robin Hood and Babes in the Wood in December, don’t miss the Stagestruck summer show Strictly X Factor! The village hall is falling down and the “Save the Hall’ Committee decide to hold a talent competition, to save it. But nothing is straightforward – and when an inebriated TV Celeb turns up as a judge, dirty secrets start to emerge. Add a belly dancing Vicar’s wife, a ventriloquist with a stutter and The Tenor Ladies (don’t ask!) as well as songs including Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat, Hot Stuff and dancers from Footworks – you can be promised a very entertaining evening. Performances are from 16th-18th May at Teatro Cardenal Belluga in San Fulgencio. Curtain up at 7.30 pm. Tickets are 10 euros, available from Cards and More, La Marina, The Card Shop in Benimar, and The Post Box, Doña Pepa, Quesada. Or reserve on line at stagestruck.show@gmail.com. You can also call 625 883 387


Horizontal cracking under the roof or terrace slabs is probably the most common building defect in southern Spain. The defect is easy to identify as they generally have a perfectly horizontal direction, beneath or on top of concrete slabs. The cause that produces this fault is a differential expansion and contraction (due to drastic temperatures in summer and winter) of roofs or terraces which is different to the expansion of walls, some of them are never hit directly by solar radiation. It is a minor building defect and can’t be considered structural. Repairing the cause is technically impossible, by eliminating the borders of the crack and re-rendering the area the crack will reappear, and therefore and the easiest and cheapest way to approach the problem is just a cosmetic repair by filling in the crack with a neutral silicone or with an elastic mortar decorating afterward to unify the finishing colours. Requesting a Structural Survey is now common practice in Spain, affordable and typically proven to save clients money by avoiding problem properties. For the nominal cost of 70€ + IVA, Martinez de la Casa Architects offer a Building Survey and Defects Assessment for property buyers and

owners throughout Almeria, Murcia & Alicante. The service includes a property inspection by the Architect, with on-site defects advice and appropriate plan of action. A survey inspection will expose potential hidden costs. Recommended before buying a home, Martinez de la Casa Architects (fully insured) also offer full Technical Property Reports, officially stamped by the College of Architects, for 450 € plus IVA. They can also provide sclerometers, hygrometers, luxmeters and poroscope and other highly sophisticated inspection services (by separate quote) to find hidden damages. Martinez de la Casa Architects is Number 1 company in EPC Certificates (121€ inc IVA), Certificates/Retrospective Licences for pools (190 €+IVA) and extensions (270 € +IVA) and also offers superb discounts for groups (+2) or if you require more than one certificate for your property done at the same time. Plus, if your solicitors are studying your case, ask them to contact us to provide the necessary certificate/s, and we will make the whole process easier, cheaper and faster for you. For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment please call 665 810 411 or visit www.martinezdelacasa.com to see

Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019

It is tapas time again

The tapas routes and events in Torrevieja are a continued favourite. Now it is time for the fourth Nos Vamos de Tapas or ‘Let’s have tapas’ to take place. The opportunity to enjoy different tapas dishes in venues across the town will

continue over two weekends. From the 4th to the 7th April and from the 11th to the 14th April, you can select a traditional or chef’s special tapas for €2.50. Along with the tapas you also get a drink for this amount and by

touring a few bars and restaurants you can come away having wined and dined for very little money and having tried many new places. Over the course of the two weekends the two tapas dishes on offer at each venue will change. Altogether 31 different bars and restaurants are taking part this time and the event’s leaflet shows you which are participating and provides a map of where they are. You can obtain the leaflet for more details and locations from torreviejagastronomica.com Vegetarian and without gluten options are indicated on the leaflet. You can also vote for your favourite tapas by completing a form with your name, number and email address. You can nominate one traditional and one chef’s special as a prize winner. In order to be eligible to vote you must also have collected 10 stamps from the establishments you’ve visited. No more than two stamps can be collected from any one. If you do vote for your favourite then your form will be entered in a raffle and you can win one of four prizes. These include tasting menus at the winning bar or restaurant for two as well as a case of wine and other gifts. Suzanne O’Connell





CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019


4 Things You Shouldn’t Forget, If Buying A Holiday Home Rebecca Serwotka

Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward – 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today! Featured on Best Buy Spain – Property TV – Sky Channel 189.

Ready to buy a house? If you’re a purchaser on the hunt for a holiday home, maybe you’re on the lookout for earning a rental income too. But, do you know all the things you should be looking for? Here are 4 important things to consider, before buying a holiday home. 1. Bedrooms – To maximize the renting potential, you need have a clear vision on how many people you'll want to cater for. If you were to purchase a two bedroomed property, you can accommodate up to 6 people simply by putting a bed settee in the lounge. 2. Swimming Pool – If you’re planning on using your holiday home during the spring and summer months, you’ll definitely be wanting the use of a pool. Especially for any rental potential. Access to a communal swimming pool is usually high on a holidaymaker’s “must have” list. 3. Location - When deciding on an area, you need to consider these two points. A) Being closer to the beach, means you’ll be the only people there in the winter months. B) Being in a residential area, means

you’ll always have amenities open throughout the year. 4. Amenities – If you want the ability to be within walking distance to a local supermarket, bars and restaurants, you need to choose your area accordingly. But remember, what’s a “mile away” to you, could be a “stones throw” to someone else!

Make sure you bring up these four points with your Real Estate Agent, as they will be able to offer you suggestions or alternatives for your needs. Buying? Enjoy the journey! If you’re on hunt to buy your home in Spain, head to www.QuesadaDeals.com for a list of the best area deals! See our advert in the centre pages of this newspaper!

Steady growth for Spain’s Property sales break halfproperty market in 2019 million barrier for first time since financial crisis predicting that these trends will continue during 2019 with most demand for homes continuing to be in city centres and desirable coastal second-home destinations. The overall outlook for the market is a positive one with steady price growth across almost all regions.

Property market for 2019 Valencia

2018 proved to be another positive year for Spain’s property market – international buyers and new homes sales continued to drive the market forward whilst property prices continued their upward trend. Figures from Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE) show that, in the period from January to November 2018, there was an 11 percent year-on-year increase in the number of transactions – from 435,039 to 481,220 sales, averaging 43,747 sales per month. The proportion of foreign buyers accounted for just over 12 percent of sales compared to just 4 percent in 2009, according to Registradores. Prices across Spain also went up significantly last

year from €1,586 per square metre to €1,720 per square metre, an increase of 8 percent, but they were still 24 percent lower than they were in 2010, according to idealista. Since 2014 – the start of the property turnaround – sales have risen by 64 percent, when comparing the number of sales from January to November 2014 with the same period in 2018. 2018 was a particularly good year for the new homes market which saw a year-on-year increase of 11.5 percent when comparing sales from January to November with the same period in 2017 (INE). Directors of the leading luxury real estate agency Lucas Fox are

Valencia continues to be one of the most exciting property markets in Spain. Transactions were up by 15 percent from January to November 2018 compared to the same period in 2017 (INE), and the total value of sales increased by 23 percent when comparing the first three quarters of 2018 with the same period in 2017 (Fomento). Prices are still some of the most competitive around, rising by 16% in Valencia City, from €1,668 per square metre to €1,942 per square metre in the year to Q4 2018. Foreign buyers now represent 10.5 percent of sales, according to Registradores. Latest data from Valencia suggests that next year will be fairly flat and even with some price corrections. There might then be a better balance between demand and supply of property and a steadier market with regards to price and transactions.

For the first time since before the financial crisis, annual house sales in Spain have broken the half-amillion barrier, say the latest figures, with a 10.1 percent hike in residential property changing hands in 2018. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), a total of 515,051 homes were sold in 2018 – a factor attributed to a combination of economic growth, financial strength, improvements in the job market, and residential property being much cheaper now than just before the ‘bubble’ burst in 2008. INE data show that last year saw the market beginning to plateau, with the most moderate rise in purchase growth since 2014 – a year when the number of transactions only rose by 2 percent, compared with 11.5 percent the following year, 14 percent in 2016, and 15.4 percent in 2017. But sales numbers at the end of last year were their highest in a decade, and both new builds and second-hand homes were behind the annual growth, according to the INE. This fifth year of increases in home sales numbers is in stark

contrast to the worst years of the financial crisis – 2008 and 2009, when property purchases plunged by 25.1 percent and 28.8 percent respectively. In 2011 and 2012, sales were still falling in double-figure percentages, at 18.1 percent and 11.5 percent, and an end to tax breaks on buying main residences saw a reduction of 1.9 percent in 2013. But from then on, growth has been consistent – in 2018, a total of 422,531 second-hand homes and 92,520 new builds were sold, the first being the highest number since 2007 and the second being the highest since 2014. The greatest number of property sales in 2018 per 100,000 inhabitants was in the

eastern region of the Comunidad Valenciana – the three provinces of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón on the Mediterranean coast – with 2,010 homes per 100,000 residents shifted. This means one of Spain’s most populous and popular regions was streets ahead of the rest of the country, given that the second-highest number of transactions per 100,000 residents, in the Balearic Islands, was 1,641. Andalucía was third with 1,537 sales per 100,000. In terms of overall numbers, Andalucía accounted for the most properties sold – 101,330 – followed by Catalunya, with 81,020, the Comunidad Valenciana with 78,800 and Madrid with 75,845.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019

Bingeworthy Box Sets The Comeback The Comeback is an American television comedy-drama series produced by HBO that stars actress Lisa Kudrow as sitcom actress Valerie Cherish in modern-day Los Angeles. It was created by Kudrow and Michael Patrick King, a former executive producer of Sex and the City. Kudrow and King are also screenwriters and executive producers of the series, with King also serving as the director of some episodes. The series originally aired for a single season of 13 episodes from June 5 to September 4, 2005 before being cancelled. Nine years later, The Comeback was revived for a second season of 8 episodes that aired from November 9 to December 28, 2014.[ The Comeback, shot by a two-camera crew, is a satirical and comedic look inside the entertainment television industry. The first season is presented as found footage shot for the fictional reality show within the series, also called The Comeback. The second season is presented as found footage shot by a camera crew originally commissioned by Valerie to pitch a pilot to noted reality TV producer Andy Cohen, later repurposed as behind the scenes web content, and then into a full-scale documentary. While Kudrow and the producers have expressed interest in another season of the series, there are no plans for a third season of The Comeback at HBO as of 2018

Search Party The disappearance of former college acquaintance Chantal leads several 20-somethings to get entangled in the mystery of how she went missing. Leading the search party is Dory, a lifelong doormat who works as a rich housewife's assistant. Dory makes it her personal mission to find Chantal -- and she's bringing her friends into the investigation with her. Self-diagnosed narcissist Elliott, who puts his ego aside long enough to agree to help Dory, is particularly good at detective work. Bubbly actress Portia excels at chatting up suspects for information because of her desperate need to be in the spotlight. Sheltered-but-sweet doofus Drew has to grow a spine to help solve the mystery and save his deteriorating relationship with Dory. Dory's ex-boyfriend Julian seeks the truth, regardless of who it hurts, because of his background as a journalist.

CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019

28 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Tuesday 9th April 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 7.55pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 11.35pm 12.05am

Breakfast Murder, Mystery Homes Under the Hammer The Sheriffs are Coming Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather Regional News and Weather Doctors Curiosity Escape to the Country Home is Where the Art is The Repair Shop Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast The One Show EastEnders Holby City The Victim BBC News at Ten Regional News Weather Eating with My Ex My Big Gay Jewish

7.30am 8.15am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 4.45pm 5.45pm 6.20pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.10am 12.15am 1.15am

Murder, Mystery and My Family Home is Where the Art is Gardeners' World Great Canadian Railway Journeys BBC News at 9 Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Live Politics Live The Super League Show Golf: The Masters This Wild Life The Hairy Builder The Great Rift: Africa's Wild Heart Eggheads Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games Live Women's International Football Surgeons: At the Edge of Life Don't Forget the Driver Newsnight Weather A House Through Time MasterChef

6.05am 7.00am 9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.25pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.35am 4.00am 4.45am

The Jeremy Kyle Show Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Tenable Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London Party Election Broadcast ITV Evening News Emmerdale Save Money Emmerdale Hard to Please OAPs The Widow ITV News at Ten and Weather ITV News London The Bay Tenable Jackpot247 All Star Family Fortunes ITV Nightscreen

6.50am 7.25am 8.45am 10.10am

Countdown Cheers Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond 10.40am Everybody Loves Raymond 11.10am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12.05pm Car S.O.S 1.00pm Channel 4 News 1.05pm Come Dine with Me 2.05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3.10pm Countdown 4.00pm A Place in the Sun 5.00pm A New Life in the Sun 6.00pm Four in a Bed 6.30pm Extreme Cake Makers 7.00pm The Simpsons 7.30pm Hollyoaks 8.00pm Channel 4 News 9.00pm How to Lose Weight Well 10.00pm Derry Girls 10.30pm Home 11.00pm Gogglebox 12.05am First Dates 1.10am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.00am World's Weirdest Homes 2.55am George Clarke's Amazing Spaces

6.10am 6.35am 7.00am 7.05am 7.10am 7.15am 7.25am 7.30am 7.45am 7.55am 8.05am 8.20am 8.30am 8.35am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.35am 9.55am 10.10am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 5.30pm

The Great Artists 6.45am Wildlife SOS 7.00am Peppa Pig Peppa Pig 7.20am Peppa Pig Meet the Hedgehogs 7.45am Wissper Noddy: Toyland Detective 8.10am Fireman Sam Thomas and 9.00am Friends: Big World! 9.25am Big Adventures! 10.25am Shane the Chef Peppa Pig 11.20am Peppa Pig 12.10pm Top Wing Paw Patrol 1.10pm Digby Dragon 1.40pm Little Princess 2.40pm Shimmer and Shine 3.35pm Floogals Sunny Bunnies 6.50pm Jeremy Vine 8.00pm All New Traffic Cops 5 News Lunchtime 10.00pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 11.00pm Access 12.30am Home and Away 1.25am Neighbours 1.55am Driven Off the Rails 2.50am Friends Friends

ITV2 Nightscreen The Planet's Funniest Animals Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Superstore You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street DeGeneres show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Gold Through the Keyhole Family Guy American Dad! Timewasters Superstore Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

7.00am 7.25am 7.55am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 11.00am 11.25am 1.40pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.50pm 4.20pm 4.55pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 3.00am 3.30am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Agatha Christie's Poirot Heartbeat Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Agatha Christie's Poirot Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Vera DCI Banks DCI Banks Agatha Christie's Poirot ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

Wednesday 10th April 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 7.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 11.35pm 12.35am

8.05am Shane the Chef 7.00am The Planet's Good Morning 7.25am Cheers 7.00am Classic Coronation 8.20am Peppa Pig Funniest Animals 7.55am Cheers Britain Street 8.35am Top Wing 8.15am 8.20am Cheers 7.20am Totally Bonkers Lorraine 7.25am Classic Coronation 8.55am Paw Patrol 8.45am Frasier Guinness World The Jeremy Kyle Street 9.05am Digby Dragon 9.00am 9.10am Frasier Records Show 9.20am Little Princess 7.55am Heartbeat 9.40am Frasier 7.45am Totally Bonkers This Morning 9.30am 10.10am Everybody Loves 9.35am Shimmer and Shine Guinness World Loose Women 9.00am Murder, She Wrote 9.55am Floogals Raymond Records ITV Lunchtime 10.00am Judge Judy 10.00am 10.40am Everybody Loves 10.10am Sunny Bunnies 8.10am You've Been News 10.30am Judge Judy 10.15am Jeremy Vine 11.00am Raymond Framed! ITV News London 11.00am Judge Judy 12.00pm 11.10am Ramsay's Kitchen 12.15pm All New Traffic Cops 9.00am Emmerdale Judge Rinder 1.10pm 5 News Lunchtime 9.55am You've Been 1.15pm Nightmares USA 11.25am Agatha Christie's Tenable 1.15pm Can't Pay? We'll 2.00pm 12.05pm Car S.O.S Framed! Gold Tipping Point Poirot Take it Away! 2.45pm 1.00pm Channel 4 News 10.25am The Ellen The Chase 1.40pm Heartbeat Access Come Dine with Me 2.10pm DeGeneres Show ITV News London 1.05pm 2.45pm Classic Emmerdale Home and Away 3.45pm 2.05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 2.15pm 11.20am Superstore Party Election 2.45pm Neighbours 4.15pm 3.10pm Countdown Classic Emmerdale 12.10pm I Love You've Been 3.15pm Broadcast The Gourmet 4.45pm ITV Evening News 4.00pm A Place in the Sun 3.15pm Framed! Gold 3.50pm Classic Coronation Detective: Eat, Drink 1.10pm 5.00pm A New Life in the Emmerdale Emmerdale Street and be Buried 5.45pm Sun Coronation Street 2.15pm You've Been 4.20pm Classic Coronation 5.00pm Friends 6.15pm 6.00pm Four in a Bed Britain's Brightest Framed! Gold 6.00pm 5 News at 5 7.00pm 6.30pm Extreme Cake Street Family 2.40pm The Ellen 6.30pm Neighbours Makers 4.55pm Agatha Christie's Coronation Street DeGeneres Show 7.00pm Home and Away 7.30pm 7.00pm The Simpsons The Bay 3.35pm The Jeremy Kyle Poirot 7.30pm 5 News Tonight 8.00pm 7.30pm Hollyoaks ITV News at Ten and 8.00pm Channel 4 News Show 6.55pm Heartbeat 8.00pm Secrets of the Weather National Trust with 6.50pm Take Me Out 9.00pm 9.00pm The Supervet 8.00pm Murder, She Wrote ITV News London 10.00pm Married at First 8.00pm You've Been Alan Titchmarsh 10.00pm 9.00pm Agatha Christie's Peston Framed! Gold 9.00pm Springtime on the 11.00pm Sight Poirot La Liga Highlights 10.00pm Pitch Perfect Farm 11.30pm 11.00pm My F-Ing Tourette's Tenable 11.05pm FYI Daily 11.05pm Vera 10.00pm Inside Tesco: 12.10am Family Jackpot247 11.10pm Pitch Perfect Britain's Biggest 12.15am 12.00am Derry Girls 1.05am Law and Order: UK Lethal Weapon 12.15am Family Guy Supermarket 12.45am 12.35am Gogglebox 2.05am Law and Order: UK ITV Nightscreen 12.45am Family Guy 11.00pm Operation Live 1.35am Grand Designs 3.00am ITV3 Nightscreen The Jeremy Kyle American Dad! Pica Syndrome: The 1.15am 2.30am What Richard Did 1.05am Show 3.30am Teleshopping 1.40am American Dad! The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

Breakfast Murder, Mystery and My Family Homes Under the Hammer The Sheriffs are Coming Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather Regional News and Weather Doctors Curiosity Escape to the Country Home is Where the Art is The Repair Shop Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News Party Election Broadcast The One Show Supermarket Secrets The Victim BBC News at Ten Regional News Weather Glow Up A Question of Sport


Murder, Mystery 7.00am and My Family Home is Where the 9.30am Art is 10.25am Mary Berry Quick Cooking 11.30am Great Canadian 1.30pm Railway Journeys 2.30pm BBC News at 9 Victoria Derbyshire 2.55pm BBC Newsroom 3.00pm Politics Live 4.00pm The Boss 5.00pm Attenborough: 60 6.00pm Years in the Wild 7.00pm This Wild Life 7.25pm The Hairy Builder The Great Rift: 7.30pm Africa's Wild Heart 8.00pm Eggheads 8.30pm Flog It! 9.00pm Richard Osman's House of Games 9.30pm Britain in Bloom 10.00pm Race Across the 11.00pm World Great British Menu 11.30pm Motherfatherson 11.45pm White Gold 12.40am Newsnight 1.35am Weather Golf: The Masters 2.25am 4.00am The Parkinson's Drug Trial: A Miracle 4.45am 6.05am Cure?


CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019


CostaBlancaPeople 9th - 15th April 2019

30 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Thursday 11th April 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 7.55pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 11.35pm

Breakfast Murder, Mystery and My Family Homes Under the Hammer The Sheriffs are Coming Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One Regional News Doctors Curiosity Escape to the Country Home is Where the Art is The Repair Shop Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News and Weather Party Election Broadcast The One Show EastEnders Celebrity Painting Challenge The Victim BBC News at Ten Regional News r Weather The Truth About Obesity


Murder, Mystery and My Family Home is Where the Art is The Great British Sewing Bee BBC News at 9 Victoria Derbyshire BBC Newsroom Politics Live The Boss Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild This Wild Life The Hairy Builder David Suchet: In the Footsteps of St Peter Eggheads Flog It! Richard Osman's House of Games Britain in Bloom Match of the Day Gone Fishing: Mortimer & Whitehouse Great British Menu Pose Frankie Boyle's New World Order Newsnight Weather Unstoppable: Sean Scully and the Art of


Murder, Mystery and My Family 8.15am Home is Where the Art is 9.00am Walks of Life 10.00am BBC News at 9 11.00am Victoria Derbyshire 12.00pm BBC Newsroom Live 1.15pm Politics Live 2.00pm Live Gymnastics 3.45pm David Suchet: In the Footsteps of St Peter 4.45pm Eggheads 5.15pm Live Gymnastics 7.30pm Richard Osman's House of Games 8.00pm Golf: The Masters 9.00pm Great British Menu 9.30pm Gardeners' World 10.00pm Pilgrimage: The Road to Rome 11.00pm QI 11.30pm Newsnight 12.00am Weather 12.05am The Fits 1.15am Panorama 1.45am Newsnight 2.45am The Parkinson's Drug Trial: A Miracle Cure?


8.15am 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.45pm 3.45pm 4.15pm 4.45pm 5.45pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 12.10am 12.15am

9.30am 10.25am 11.30am 1.30pm 2.30pm 2.55pm 3.00pm 4.00pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 7.00pm 7.25pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.30pm 11.45pm 12.45am 1.35am 4.00am 4.25am

Cheers Cheers Cheers Frasier Frasier Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA Car S.O.S Channel 4 News Come Dine with Me Find it, Fix it, Flog it Countdown A Place in the Sun A New Life in the Sun Four in a Bed Extreme Cake Makers The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Naked Beach Grand Designs Lee and Dean 24 Hours in Police Custody Life After Lock-Up The Supervet Married at First Sight

8.05am 8.20am 8.35am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.35am 9.55am 10.10am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm

Cheers Frasier Everybody Loves Raymond 10.40am Everybody Loves Raymond 11.10am Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12.05pm Car S.O.S 1.00pm Channel 4 News 1.05pm Come Dine with Me 2.05pm Find it, Fix it, Flog it 3.10pm Countdown 4.00pm A Place in the Sun 5.00pm A New Life in the Sun 6.00pm Four in a Bed 6.30pm Extreme Cake Makers 7.00pm The Simpsons 7.30pm Hollyoaks 8.00pm Channel 4 News 8.30pm Unreported World 9.00pm Jamie's Quick and Easy Food 9.30pm Joe Lycett's Got Your Back 10.00pm Gogglebox 11.00pm Let's Talk about Sex 12.05am The Big Narstie Show 1.10am Brotherhood 2.55am Lee and Dean 3.25am Home 3.50am Four Rooms

8.05am 8.20am 8.30am 8.35am 8.55am 9.05am 9.20am 9.35am 9.55am 10.10am 10.15am 12.15pm 1.10pm 1.15pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm

Good Morning 7.25am Britain 7.55am Lorraine 8.20am The Jeremy Kyle 8.45am Show 9.10am This Morning 9.40am Loose Women 10.10am ITV Lunchtime News 10.40am ITV News London Judge Rinder 11.10am Tenable Tipping Point 12.05pm The Chase 1.00pm ITV News London 1.05pm Party Election 2.05pm Broadcast 3.10pm ITV Evening News 4.00pm Emmerdale 5.00pm Changing Britain: 20 Years of Tonight 6.00pm Emmerdale Australia with Julia 6.30pm Bradbury Code Blue: Murder 7.00pm ITV News at Ten and 7.30pm 8.00pm Weather ITV News London 9.00pm The Jonathan Ross 10.00pm 11.00pm Show 11.35pm Tenable Jackpot247 Changing Britain: 20 12.35am 1.35am Years of Tonight 2.30am ITV Nightscreen

2.10pm 2.15pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 5.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 1.05am 2.00am

7.00am Shane the Chef Peppa Pig Top Wing 7.20am Paw Patrol Digby Dragon Little Princess 8.10am Shimmer and Shine Floogals 9.00am Sunny Bunnies 9.25am Jeremy Vine 10.25am All New Traffic Cops 5 News Lunchtime 11.20am Can't Pay? We'll 11.45am Take it Away! 12.10pm Access Home and Away 12.40pm Neighbours Hit and Run 1.10pm Friends 1.40pm 5 News at 5 2.40pm Neighbours 3.35pm Home and Away 5 News Tonight 6.50pm Secrets of the National Trust with 8.00pm Alan Titchmarsh Springtime on the 8.30pm Farm Manhunt: Catch Me 10.00pm 10.30pm If You Can 11.00pm Operation Live 11.50pm The Man with 12.15am Another Man's 12.40am Arms 1.10am Teleshopping 1.40am

The Planet's Funniest Animals Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street The Ellen DeGeneres Show Superstore Superstore You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! Gold Emmerdale Coronation Street DeGeneres Show The Jeremy Kyle Show Take Me Out You've Been Framed! Gold You've Been Framed! Gold Family Guy Family Guy Celebrity Juice Family Guy American Dad! American Dad! Timewasters Superstore

Shane the Chef 8.10am Peppa Pig Peppa Pig 9.00am Top Wing 9.55am Paw Patrol Digby Dragon 10.25am Little Princess Shimmer and Shine 11.20am 12.10pm Floogals Sunny Bunnies Jeremy Vine 1.10pm All New Traffic Cops 2.15pm 5 News Lunchtime Can't Pay Special 2.40pm Access 3.35pm Home and Away Neighbours 6.50pm Jesse Stone Friends 8.00pm 5 News at 5 Neighbours 8.30pm Home and Away 5 News Tonight The Gadget Show 9.00pm Springtime on the 10.00pm Farm The Comeback of 11.30pm Ant McPartlin 11.35pm Celebrity Game 12.05am Night 12.30am The Hangover 1.00am Access 1.30am The Hangover 1.55am Teleshopping Stop! Roadworks 2.25am

You've Been 7.00am Framed! Gold 7.25am Emmerdale You've Been 7.55am Framed! Gold DeGeneres Show 9.00am 10.00am Superstore 10.30am You've Been 11.00am Framed! Gold 11.25am Emmerdale You've Been 1.40pm 2.45pm Framed! Gold DeGeneres Show 3.15pm 3.50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4.20pm Take Me Out You've Been 4.55pm Framed! Gold You've Been 6.55pm Framed! Gold 8.00pm The Guide to You've 9.00pm Been Framed! Gold 9.30pm American Pie 10.30pm FYI Daily 11.35pm American Pie 1.40am Family Guy Family Guy 2.45am American Dad! American Dad! The Cleveland Show 3.10am Superstore

7.00am 7.25am 7.55am 9.00am 10.00am 10.30am 10.55am 11.25am 1.40pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 3.50pm 4.20pm 4.55pm 6.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 11.00pm 12.00am 1.05am 3.00am 3.30am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy Judge Judy Judge Judy Agatha Christie's Poirot Heartbeat Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation Street Agatha Christie's Poirot Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Vera Law and Order: UK Law and Order: UK Vera ITV3 Nightscreen Teleshopping

Friday 12th April 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 11.35pm 12.25am

Breakfast Murder, Mystery and My Family Homes Under the Hammer The Sheriffs are Coming Close Calls: On Camera Bargain Hunt BBC News at One; Weather Regional News Doctors Curiosity Escape to the Country Home is Where the Art is The Repair Shop Pointless BBC News at Six Regional News The One Show Still Open All Hours A Question of Sport EastEnders Have I Got News for You Would I Lie to You? BBC News at Ten Regional News Weather The Graham Norton Show Killing Eve


Good Morning Britain Lorraine The Jeremy Kyle Show This Morning Loose Women ITV Lunchtime News ITV News London Judge Rinder Tenable Tipping Point The Chase ITV News London ITV Evening News Emmerdale Coronation Street Midsomer Murders ITV News ITV News London Take Me Out Back to Mine Jackpot247 All Star Mr and Mrs ITV Nightscreen

7.25am 8.45am 10.10am

Classic Coronation Street Classic Coronation 9.30am Street 10.25am Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote Judge Judy 11.30am Judge Judy 1.30pm Judge Judy Agatha Christie's 2.30pm Poirot Heartbeat 2.55pm Classic Emmerdale Classic Emmerdale 3.00pm Classic Coronation 4.00pm Street 5.00pm Classic Coronation Street 6.00pm Agatha Christie's 7.00pm Poirot 7.30pm Heartbeat Murder, She Wrote 8.00pm Paul O'Grady for the 8.30pm Love of Dogs 9.30pm Doc Martin 11.30pm Doc Martin 10.00pm Lewis 12.00am Agatha Christie's 11.00pm 12.15am Poirot 1.25am Barging Round 12.00am Britain with John 1.05am 1.50am Sergeant 1.10am 4.00am Barging Round 2.10am 4.50am Britain with John 4.10am Sergeant The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019




CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


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CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

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OFFERED AT: €250,000

OFFERED AT: €137,000

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3 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ Garage ♦ Roof Solarium with Sea & Lake Views ♦ 500m2 Corner Plot ♦ Private Swimming Pool

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OFFERED AT: €599,950

OFFERED AT: €119,000

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4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Top Quality Throughout ♦ Underfloor Heating ♦ Roof Solarium + Sea Views ♦ Garage ♦ Car Port ♦ 724m2 Plot ♦ Private Swimming Pool

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OFFERED AT: €289,000

OFFERED AT: €67,000

OFFERED AT: €179,000

OFFERED AT: €165,000





5 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Detached Villa ♦ Furnished ♦ 800m2 Plot ♦ Oil Fired Central Heating ♦ Private Swimming Pool + Garage + Jacuzzi

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3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Semi­Detached Villa ♦ Fully Furnished ♦ Roof Solarium with Lake Views ♦ Off Road Parking ♦ Communal Swimming Pool ♦ Short Walk To Local Amenities



9th-15th April 2019 | costablancapeople.com

34 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Saturday 13th April 7.00am 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 3.15pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 6.40pm 6.43pm 6.45pm 7.35pm 8.05pm 9.25pm 10.10pm 11.10pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 12.55am 1.15am 2.45am 2.50am

Breakfast Saturday Kitchen Live Mary Berry Quick Cooking Football Focus BBC News Weather Golf: The Masters Live Gymnastics Final Score BBC News BBC London News; Weather Weather Pointless Catchpoint All Together Now Casualty All Round to Mrs Brown’s BBC News Weather Match of the Day Britain’s Youngest Football Boss Lay the Favourite Weather for the Week Ahead BBC News

7.45am 7.55am 8.25am 8.40am 9.10am 9.35am 10.05am 10.35am 11.05am 12.30pm 1.30pm 2.30pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.30pm 1.00am 3.00am 3.55am

The Zoo All Over the Place: Asia Wild & Weird Absolute Genius with Dick & Dom Top Class The Dog Ate My Homework Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole Nature’s Microworlds Planes The £100K House: Tricks of the Trade The Chronicles of Nadiya Nature’s Great Events Seven Wonders of the Commonwealth Pilgrimage: The Road to Rome Britain in Bloom Britain in Bloom Race Across the World Natural World Live Golf: The Masters John Carter Pose This is BBC Two





7.55am 9.15am 10.30am 10.30am Saturday Morning 11.25am with James Martin 2.00pm 3.30pm 12.40pm John and Lisa’s 4.30pm Weekend Kitchen 1.45pm ITV Lunchtime News 5.35pm 10.25am

ITV News


ITV Racing


Tipping Point


The Chase


To be Announced

9.00pm 10.25pm

11.25pm 11.40pm 1.30am 4.00am 4.50am

6.35pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 9.00pm

Britain’s Got Talent 10.00pm The Jonathan Ross 11.00pm Show 1.10am 2.55am ITV News 5.00am To be Announced 5.55am Jackpot247 6.00am Keep it in the Family 6.55am ITV Nightscreen

Everybody Loves 7.00am Raymond 11.25am Frasier The Big Bang Theory 12.25pm 12.30pm The Simpsons 1.15pm Four in a Bed 3.45pm Formula 1 A Place in the Sun Sun, Sea and Brides 6.15pm to be George Clarke’s Old 7.10pm House, New Home 7.55pm Kirstie and Phil’s 8.00pm Love it or List it Channel 4 News Mission Ignition 10.00pm Great Canal Journeys The Massacre That 11.25pm Shook the Empire Red 1.20am Sing Street Hollyoaks Omnibus 2.00am French Collection 4.00am Kirstie’s Handmade 4.10am Treasures 5.00am The £100k Drop 5.45am The Big Bang 6.10am Theory 6.35am

Children’s programmes The Unbeatables Access The Unbeatables Friends Live Premiership Rugby World’s Busiest Train Stations Atlantis: Draining the Lost City 5 News Weekend Windsor Castle: Love, War and Celebration The Royal Family: Scandals at the Palace Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance Harry and Meghan: In Their Own Words Teleshopping To be Announced Wentworth Prison Wentworth Prison House Doctor The Great Artists Wildlife SOS


Saturday 13th April


Channel 4- 11.00pm


Frank, Joe, Marvin and Victoria used to be the CIA’s top agents, but the secrets they know just made them the Agency’s top targets. Now framed for assassination, they must use all of their collective cunning, experience and teamwork to stay one step ahead of their deadly pursuers and stay alive. To stop the operation, the team embarks on an impossible, cross-country mission to break into the top-secret CIA headquarters, where they will uncover one of the biggest conspiracies and cover-ups in government history.

3:20am 6:50am 7:00am 7:10am 10:00am 1:00pm 2:50pm 3:55pm 5:00pm 6:05pm 6:10pm 6:50pm 7:50pm 7:55pm 10:25pm 11:25pm

Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen |Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus The Voice UK: The Final Britain's Got More Talent GT: Stephen's Top 10 Crown Jewels Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed FYI Daily Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers FYI Daily The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Britain's Got More Talent) Celebrity Juice


Judge Judy


Judge Judy




Agatha Christie’s Poirot

10.40am Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11.50am

Agatha Christie’s


Agatha Christie’s

Poirot Poirot 4.00pm

Agatha Christie’s Poirot










Classic Emmerdale


Classic Emmerdale


Classic Emmerdale


ITV3 Nightscreen



Sunday 14th April Channel 5 - 3.15pm

The Love Punch Richard and Kate Jones are divorcees with two children Sophie and Matt. When Richard’s company is sold to a corrupt French businessman, Vincent they go to Paris and confront Vincent, where Vincent does not deny all the things he did illegally. Richard and Kate plot their plan on how to get their money back.

They find out that Vincent is getting married to his beautiful girlfriend, Manon. They plan to steal the diamond Vincent gave to Manon, which is worth $10 million, intending for this to replace the money Vincent stole from them. Learning of Vincent’s upcoming wedding party after Kate makes contact with Manon at a beach party, Richard and Kate enlist their friends Jerry and Penelope to help them impersonate a group of Texans attending the party, with the intention that they will infiltrate the party and switch the diamond for a fake, also passing on the diamond to Jerry and Penelope so that they will not be suspected.

Sunday 14th April 7.00am 9.30am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.10pm 2.15pm 2.55pm 3.55pm 4.55pm 5.40pm 6.40pm 7.30pm 7.50pm 7.55pm 8.00pm 9.00pm 10.00pm 11.00pm 11.20pm 11.25pm 11.30pm 12.30am 2.00am 2.05am

7:00am Emmerdale 7.00am The Royal Children’s 7.20am The Big Bang Theory 7.00am Children’s 7.45am Frasier programmes programmes 8.00am Heartbeat Omnibus 8.35am Everybody Loves 11.30am Britain’s Greatest 10.25am ITV News 9.00am Heartbeat 9:55am Coronation Street Great British Raymond Bridges 10.30am James Martin’s 10.05am Long Lost Family 9.00am Everybody Loves Omnibus 11.45am Police Interceptors Sunday Selection Garden Revival 11.10am Agatha Christie’s Raymond 12.45pm Friends 11.30am This Morning - On 12:55pm I'm a Celebrity Poirot The Edible Garden 9.30am The Simpsons 3.15pm The Love Punch Sunday 10.30am Sunday Brunch 1.20pm Agatha Christie’s Catchphrase Gardeners’ World 12.30pm John and Lisa’s 4.15pm Access 1.35pm Jamie’s Quick and Poirot Special 4.20pm The Love Punch Weekend Kitchen Countryfile Easy Food 3.25pm Agatha Christie’s 5.05pm The Yorkshire Vet at 1:55pm 1.35pm ITV Lunchtime News You've Been Saturday Kitchen 1.40pm Britain’s Got Talent 2.05pm Teen Wolf Poirot the Great Yorkshire 4.00pm Formula 1 Framed! Gold 5.35pm Agatha Christie’s Show 3.05pm Britain’s Got More 6.00pm Travel Man Best Bites Talent Poirot 6.35pm A Place in the Sun 6.05pm The Yorkshire Vet 3:00pm Peter Pan The Chronicles of 7.05pm Inside Tesco: Britain’s 4:00pm FYI Daily 4.00pm The Chase 7.30pm Channel 4 News 6.50pm Agatha Christie’s Nadiya Biggest Supermarket 5.00pm To be Announced 8.00pm Escape to the Poirot 8.00pm Talent Show Wars 4:05pm Peter Pan 5.30pm Tipping Point Chateau Live Gymnastics 8.00pm Vera 5:10pm Britain's Got Talent 6.30pm ITV Evening News 9.00pm Secrets of Egypt’s 9.00pm Blind Date Live Women’s FA Valley of the Kings 9.55pm 5 News Weekend 6:35pm Britain's Got More 10.00pm Sunday Night at the 6.45pm Regional News and Palladium 10.00pm Celebrity SAS: Who 10.00pm To be Announced Weather Cup Football Talent 11.00pm Grantchester Dares Wins for 11.00pm The Hangover Part II 7.00pm The Family Chase Grand Tours of the Stand Up to Cancer 12.00am Access 12.00am Grantchester 7:40pm The Lord of the 8.00pm What Would Your 11.00pm 8 Out of 10 Cats Scottish Islands 1.05am Wire in the Blood 12.05am The Hangover Part II Kid Do? Rings: The Return of Does Countdown 1.05am 2.45am Agatha Christie’s Greatest Ever 9.00pm The Durrells Live Golf: The 12.00am Ramsay’s 24 Hours the King Movie Blunders 10.00pm Victoria Poirot to Hell and Back Masters 8:45pm FYI Daily 2.00am Teleshopping 11.00pm ITV News 3.40am Classic Emmerdale 12.55am Top Five 4.00am To be Announced 11.20pm To be Announced 2.40am Four Rooms Frankie Boyle’s 4.10am Classic Emmerdale 8:50pm The Lord of the 4.10am Wentworth Prison 12.15am Tenable 3.30am Coast v Country 4.35am Classic Emmerdale New World Order Rings: The Return of 1.10am Jackpot247 4.25am French Collection 5.00am The Railways That 5.00am Classic Emmerdale White Gold the King Built Britain, with 4.00am Secrets From the 5.20am All Star Driving 5.30am Classic Emmerdale Chris Tarrant Clink School Full Contact 11:30pm Family Guy 5.55am Classic Emmerdale 5.45am House Doctor 4.50am ITV Nightscreen 5.50am Kirstie’s Fill Your Holby City 12:00am Family Guy 6.20am Classic Emmerdale 6.10am The Great Artists 6.05am The Jeremy Kyle House for Free 6.50am ITV3 Nightscreen 5.55am The £100k Drop 4.00am This is BBC Two 12:30am Family Guy 6.35am Wildlife SOS BBC News Show The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

Breakfast 7.20am Match of the Day The Andrew Marr 8.05am Show Walks of Life Homes Under the 9.05am Hammer 9.35am BBC News Weather for the 10.05am Week Ahead 11.00am Songs of Praise Bargain Hunt Escape to the 12.30pm Country Garden Rescue Money for Nothing 1.30pm Pointless 4.15pm BBC News BBC London News; Weather 7.00pm Weather Countryfile Antiques Roadshow 7.30pm Line of Duty BBC News BBC London News; 1.00am Weather Weather Match of the Day 2 1.30am The Ides of March 2.00am Weather for the 3.00am Week Ahead

A to Z of TV Gardening



Britney Spears checks into Mental Health clinic Britney Spears has checked into a mental health facility, where she will remain for the next several weeks. Insiders say Spears checked herself into the treatment centre last week after becoming increasingly distraught by her father’s ongoing health issues. Spears opened up about her father’s troubles - which include a ruptured colon that’s required multiple surgeries - in a heartfelt Instagram post back in January.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

At the time, Britney stated that she would be forced to cancel the next instalment of her Vegas residency in order to focus on her father’s health needs: “A couple of months ago, my father was hospitalised and almost died,” the singer wrote alongside the photo below. “We’re all so grateful that he came out of it alive, but he still has a long road ahead of him,” she added. “I had to make the difficult decision to put my full focus

and energy on my family at this time. I hope you all can understand. “I appreciate your prayers and support for my family during this time. Thank you, and love you all ... always,” Britney concluded. Spears checked into the facility last week for a 30-day course of treatment. It’s possible she’ll remain at the facility longer if she and her doctors consider it necessary.

Despite some occasional turbulence, Britney and her dad, Jamie Spears, have enjoyed a close relationship for most of her life. Jamie was famously placed in charge of Britney’s conservatorship after her infamous 2007 breakdown. Insiders say he still holds a tremendous amount of influence over his daughter’s life and career. Spears has not gone public with her decision to seek treatment, but posted a meme about the importance of self-care on her Instagram page. Britney captioned the image with,

“We all need to take time for a little ‘me time.’” A source close to the singer spoke with People magazine about Spears’ decision to undergo treatment. “Britney just needed to focus on herself,” the insider says. It seems those closest to Britney want fans to know that she has not suffered another breakdown, and her decision to seek help was reached calmly and rationally: “Her dad being sick has taken a toll on her,” the source continues. “He nearly died and actually had another surgery a few weeks ago. He’s not doing well.

9th-15th April 2019 | costablancapeople.com

36 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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Monday 15th April 7.00am 10.15am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.45pm 1.15pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.15pm 7.00pm 7.30pm 8.00pm 8.30pm 9.00pm 9.30pm 10.00pm 10.30pm 11.00pm 11.25pm 11.30pm

Breakfast 7.00am Murder, Mystery 7.00am Good Morning 7.25am Cheers 8:10am You've Been 7.00am Classic Coronation 7.00am Children’s Animal Park and My Family 8.45am Frasier programmes Britain Framed! Gold Street Homes Under the 7.45am Home is Where the 9.30am Lorraine 10.10am Everybody Loves 10.15am Jeremy Vine 8:35am You've Been 7.25am Classic Coronation Hammer Art is Raymond 12.15pm Traffic Cops 10.25am The Jeremy Kyle Framed! Gold Street The Sheriffs are 8.30am Great British Menu 11.10am Ramsay’s Kitchen 1.10pm 5 News Lunchtime Show 9:00am Emmerdale 7.55am Heartbeat Coming 9.30am The Week in Nightmares USA 1.15pm Can’t Pay? We’ll 11.30am This Morning 9:25am Coronation Street 9.00am Murder, She Wrote Close Calls: On Parliament 12.05pm Car S.O.S Take it Away! 1.30pm Loose Women Camera 10.00am BBC News at 9 Channel 4 News 2.15pm Home and Away 10:25am The Ellen 2.30pm ITV Lunchtime News 1.00pm 10.00am Judge Judy Bargain Hunt 11.00am Victoria Derbyshire 2.55pm Regional News and 1.05pm Come Dine with Me 2.45pm Neighbours DeGeneres Show 10.30am Judge Judy BBC News at One; 12.00pm BBC Newsroom Live 2.05pm Escape to the 3.15pm A Daughter’s Weather 11:15am BGT: Top 10 11.00am Judge Judy Weather 2.00pm The Boss Chateau: DIY Nightmare 3.00pm Judge Rinder Standout Stars 11.25am Agatha Christie’s Regional News and 2.45pm Back in Time for 3.10pm Countdown 5.00pm Friends 4.00pm Tenable 12:15pm You've Been Weather School 4.00pm A Place in the Sun 6.00pm 5 News at 5 Poirot 5.00pm Tipping Point Framed! Gold Doctors 3.45pm This Wild Life 5.00pm A New Life in the 6.30pm Neighbours 1.40pm Heartbeat 6.00pm The Chase Curiosity 4.45pm The Hairy Builder Sun 7.00pm Home and Away 12:45pm You've Been 7.00pm Regional News and 2.45pm Classic Emmerdale Escape to the 5.45pm Eggheads 6.00pm Four in a Bed 7.30pm 5 News Tonight Framed! Gold Weather 3.15pm Classic Emmerdale Country 6.15pm Flog It! 6.30pm Extreme Cake 8.00pm Gallagher 1:15pm Emmerdale 7.30pm ITV Evening News 3.50pm Classic Coronation Home is Where the 7.00pm Richard Osman’s Makers Premiership Rugby 8.00pm Emmerdale 1:40pm Coronation Street Art is House of Games 7.00pm The Simpsons Highlights Street 8.30pm Coronation Street 7.30pm Hollyoaks The Repair Shop 7.30pm Island Medics 9.00pm Police Interceptors 2:40pm The Ellen 4.20pm Classic Coronation 9.00pm The Kyle Files DeGeneres Show Pointless 8.00pm David 8.00pm Channel 4 News 10.00pm World’s Busiest 9.30pm Coronation Street 9.00pm Supershoppers Street BBC News at Six; Attenborough’s Train Stations 3:35pm 5:45pm The Jeremy 10.00pm The Widow 4.55pm Agatha Christie’s Weather Natural Curiosities 9.30pm Travel Man 11.00pm 21st Century Sex Kyle Show 11.00pm ITV News at Ten and 10.00pm 24 Hours in Police Regional News and 8.30pm Only Connect Slaves Poirot 6:50pm Take Me Out Weather Weather 9.00pm University Custody 12.05am Undercover 6.55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm You've Been 11.30pm Regional News and 11.00pm Life After Lock-Up 1.05am The One Show Challenge Shoplifters and 8.00pm Murder, She Wrote Weather Framed! Gold Rip Off Britain 9.30pm Mary Berry Quick 12.05am The Sex Robots are Proud 11.45pm Code Blue: Murder 8:30pm 9:30pm You've Been 9.00pm Endeavour EastEnders Cooking Coming 2.00am 21.Co.UK 12.45am Tenable 11.00pm Scott and Bailey Panorama 10.00pm A House Through 1.05am The Supervet 4.00am To be Announced Framed! Gold 1.35am Jackpot247 Not Going Out Time 2.05am The Massacre That 4.10am Wentworth Prison 10:00pm Family Guy 12.00am Scott and Bailey 4.00am The Jeremy Kyle Ghosts 11.00pm Live at the Apollo Shook the Empire 5.00am The Railways That 10:30pm American Dad! 1.05am DCI Banks Show BBC News at Ten 11.30pm Newsnight 3.00am Mission Ignition Built Britain, with 2.05am DCI Banks 11:00pm Family Guy 4.55am ITV Nightscreen Regional News and 12.10am Weather 3.55am The Big Narstie Chris Tarrant 3.00am ITV3 Nightscreen 11:30pm Family Guy 6.05am The Jeremy Kyle Weather 12.15am Surgeons: At the Show 5.45am House Doctor 11:55pm Family Guy 3.30am Teleshopping Weather Edge of Life 4.55am French Collection 6.10am The Great Artists Show The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

ANT AND DEC EARNED £12,000 A DAY LAST YEAR Ant McPartlin and Dec Donnelly are said to have earned a whopping £12,000 a day last year, despite Ant being off for most of it. Ant missed most of his presenting duties on ITV in 2018 after being involved in a drink-drive crash. He was found guilty and fined a record £86,000, and revealed he’d be taking time out to seek treatment in rehab. Ant hosted most of Saturday Night Takeaway and the Britain’s Got Talent

auditions, but Dec was left to host the rest alone. Ant also missed I’m A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here! with pal Holly Willoughby stepping in to present the show with Dec. But despite that the pair earned £85,000 a week, according to accounts for their company Hurley Promotions Ltd. The firm is named after the pet dog Ant shares with his ex Lisa Armstrong, and has reportedly seen profits rise to £4.4 million.

The newspaper also said last week that Geordie star Ant added £3.1 million to his fortune last year with his firm Teecourt Ltd. They also say Mitre Holdings, another company run by Ant and Dec is now worth £2.7 million, with an increase of £400,000 from 2017. Ant is estimated to be worth £62 million. But he could lose money in his divorce settlement with Lisa. Lisa was

granted a decree nisi in the divorce in October but financial talks have not yet taken place. Ant has since moved on from the relationship and is dating his former PA Anne-Marie Corbett. She worked for the couple and Lisa claimed that she only found out about the relationship when pictures of them together were published in the papers. Ant and Dec will be back on screens hosting the new series of Britain’s Got Talent on Saturday.



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Spain joins global race to adopt proton therapy against cancer

Spain is joining a global race to adopt proton beam therapy, a form of cancer treatment hailed as a lessaggressive alternative to conventional X-ray radiation. Two private hospitals are building facilities in Madrid; the first one is due to open in the last quarter of this year, and the second one in March 2020. Meanwhile, a scientific society has just issued guidelines to “fill a void” in the use of proton therapy in Spain, and a small group of independent doctors has created a secondopinion network to raise awareness about an option that they say patients are rarely told about because of hospitals’ own business interests. Proton therapy received widespread media attention in 2014 when a little boy named Ashya King was taken out of a UK hospital by his parents against their doctors’ advice to seek treatment in Prague after first fleeing to Spain. Supporters of proton therapy note that the technology has been used for decades, and that it is the clear choice in paediatric tumours and those near highly sensitive spots such as the brain, spinal cord or eyes. This is because the beams of proton particles zero in on the tumour with great precision, causing little radiation to the surrounding healthy tissues, and lowering the risk of developing new malignancies. In “classic” radiotherapy with photons, the beams continue to release energy as they cross the body. According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), up to 60 percent less radiation can

be delivered to the healthy tissues with proton beams, which may also allow for a higher dose to the tumour itself while avoiding the more severe side effects of conventional radiotherapy. This makes it a particularly good choice for children and also patients with tumours near sensitive organs that could be damaged by collateral radiation. The scientific community is still divided over the superiority of proton therapy for more common malignancies such as prostate or breast cancer, and some experts suggest more clinical trials are needed to recommend a treatment whose cost per patient runs into the tens of thousands of euros. The technology involves a particle accelerator known as synchrotron or cyclotron that speeds up protons, creating high energy. A gantry system guides a moving beam to irradiate the tumour from different angles while the patient remains immobile on the treatment table. Dr Martin Erdlinger, who runs his own private practice in Alicante province, believes there are additional reasons why proton therapy is still not widely known about or recommended in Spain. “It is purely for economic reasons. No oncologist, unless he or she is self-employed, is allowed to send patients somewhere else if the cancer treatment available at their own hospital makes a profit and is legal,” he says. “Diagnosis is often calibrated to the needs of the hospital.” Erdlinger has teamed up with several other practitioners from Spain and Portugal to create a second-opinion network called Consilium and a website offering information, “because there is a real need for independent answers when people are badly ill and confronted with an operation or lifethreatening treatment.” “I would never recommend proton therapy if not convinced 100 percent that it was the best choice for a patient at that moment,” says Erdlinger. “But people should at least know their options.”


THE VITAMIN THAT VEGANS LACK There are lots of ways in which adopting a vegan diet can improve your health, but there’s one way in which it can be incredibly detrimental. Vitamin B12 is crucial to a healthy, functioning body, but it isn’t produced by plants. That means anyone on a strict vegan diet is at risk of deficiency. How important is vitamin B12? Completely essential. It is involved with the formation of the coating of nerve cells. Deficiency of B12 results in macrocytic anaemia, which is when larger red blood cells aren’t fully developed. The recommendation in the UK is 1.5mcg per day for men and women over 19 years of age, although this is lower than other countries recommend. A daily dose of 3mcg is recommended for people following a plant-based diet because it is thought to be less well absorbed from fortified foods and supplements. An egg has 0.6mcg, while 100g salmon has about 4.8mcg. As for more vegan-friendly foods, fortified breakfast cereal has roughly around 1mcg per 40g serving and Marmite has 1mcg per 4g serving. Deficiency symptoms include fatigue, tingling in the extremities and irregular heartbeat, as well as neurological symptoms such as memory loss and disorientation. It may even lead to dementia. Perhaps the worst thing about B12 deficiency is that the symptoms can be irreversible. It is unlikely that you would develop a deficiency over a month-long vegan or plant-based challenge like Veganuary. If you have been eating meat previously. Unlike the water-soluble vitamins, the body can store B12 for long periods in the liver. However, vegetarians are also potentially at risk of a B12 deficiency but less so than vegans because dairy and eggs contain B12. A B12 supplement is widely recommended for vegans to boost their diet. B12 is an exceptional vitamin. It is required in smaller amounts than any other known vitamin. Ten micrograms of B12 spread over a day appears to supply as much as the body can use.

In the absence of any apparent dietary supply, deficiency symptoms usually take five years or more to develop in adults, though some people experience problems within a year. A very small number of individuals with no obvious reliable source appear to avoid clinical deficiency symptoms for twenty years or more. B12 is the only vitamin that is not recognised as being reliably supplied from a varied wholefood, plant-based diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, together with exposure to sun. Many herbivorous mammals, including cattle and sheep, absorb B12 produced by bacteria in their own digestive system. B12 is found to some extent in soil and plants. These observations have led some vegans to suggest that B12 was an issue requiring no special attention, or even an elaborate hoax. Others have proposed specific foods, including spirulina, nori, tempeh, and barley grass, as suitable non-animal sources of B12. Such claims have not stood the test of time.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

SPANISH SUMMERS GET LONGER AND HOTTER It’s more than a feeling: there are figures to back it up. Climate change has come to Spain, and its effects are mainly noticeable in the higher temperatures. The summer season now lasts almost five weeks longer on average than it used to in the early 1980s. And it is also hotter. These are some of the conclusions of a new joint report from the national weather agency AEMET and the Ministry for Ecological Transition. Both institutions have offered data from the Open Data Climático project, which collects evidence of the impact of global warming on Spain in the last 40 years. According to the ministry, more than 32 million Spanish people are affected by global warming. Beatriz Hervella, an AEMET spokesperson, said that these people live in parts of Spain where the summers are now longer and hotter. Minister Teresa Ribera underscored the cause of climate change: the greenhouse gas emissions cause by human activity. She also noted that the International Energy Agency has warned that emissions of CO2 - the main greenhouse gas - by the energy and industrial sectors reached a new record in 2018. The AEMET report also highlights that in Spain, the surface area with a semi-arid climate has increased in the last 50 years by 30,000 km2 - similar in size to the entire region of Galicia. The most affected areas are the region of Castilla-La Mancha, the Ebro valley and southeastern Spain. These are areas with classic or continental Mediterranean climates that have turned into semi-arid places with less rainfall, according to Rubén del Campo, another AEMET spokesperson. The analysis is based on data collected by 58 observatories, 52 of which are located in or near provincial capitals and in the exclave cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa. Six more were added because of the particular historical relevance of their data sets.

The analysis found that for at least five years since 2011, 37 observatories registered “average annual temperatures within the hottest 20 percent in the reference period.” As for the four seasons, their average temperatures are higher, although “the rise is more noticeable in the spring, and especially in the summer.” Summers in Spain are also getting longer and hotter, says the report. The study found that “the summer season now lasts five weeks more than it did in the early 1980s.” The summer season, which AEMET defines solely by the temperatures, now starts earlier. According to the Madrid-Retiro weather station, in the 1970s the summer used to begin on 15th July and end on 16th September. These days, it starts on 11th June and ends on 22nd September. Mediterranean Sea The report also analysed the temperature of surface water in the Mediterranean, and concluded that it has been rising by 0.34ºC every decade since the early 1980s. These hotter nights make it difficult to sleep, which in turn “has an impact on health.” A clear example of this is Alicante, she said, although inland cities such as Madrid can also experience tropical nights because of the “heat island effect” created by buildings that trap warmth.

CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Bars & Restaurants


Is hummus really healthy? Hummus has been a go-to snack for a long time now, and not just because of the pitta bread we pile it onto. It's delicious just as it is, letting the creamy chickpeas and deep flavour of tahini do all the talking, but we really like experimenting with new and more unusual versions, too. You can even turn it into a dessert if you’re feeling particularly daring. Hummus is naturally vegan and gluten-free, which makes it a brilliant crowd-pleaser to serve at parties. But because it’s very, very easy to get through an entire tub in one go, we got curious about how healthy hummus really is. Hummus can be a great snack option. Its rich in low glycaemic index carbohydrates, meaning it steadily releases glucose and keeps your blood sugar/glucose levels even. Its primary ingredient is chickpeas, (which) provide a good source of protein with around eight grams of protein per 100 grams of hummus. That steady release of energy is really good for us. It means our energy levels won’t dip in the middle of the day, or worse, totally crash like they do after we’ve snacked on a mid-morning chocolate bar. Hummus is especially good for sustaining energy for long workouts, which means it’s a brilliant snack option for gym days or even just days when your schedule is full and you’re dashing about. However delicious it is, not all hummus is made equal. While shop-bought hummus might be the easier option, it’s likely to have more oil and fat in it than a homemade alternative. Even if it’s labelled as reduced-fat, shop-bought hummus can still contain relatively high levels of fat. Solid foods, like hummus, can only claim to be low-fat if they contain less than three grams of fat per 100 grams. Two tablespoons of hummus has 50 calories and 2.8 grams of fat, but shop-bought hummus may contain a lot more. The lesson being, always check the label. If you usually get your hummus ready-made, maybe it’s time to try whizzing up your own batch at home? This way, you know exactly what ingredients are in the dip and you can adapt the recipe for

hummus ice cream appropriate portion sizes. There are things you can do to make your hummus even healthier, too and that includes what you use to scoop it up. Of course you could switch over to cucumber and carrot sticks, but if you’re not quite ready to give up your bread just yet (we understand entirely), you can always opt for wholewheat pittas so you’re adding whole grains into your diet without even trying. Hummus can be a really healthy snack option that’s packed full of energy, just don’t get caught out by sneaky ready-made options.


Bars & Restaurants

Pasta all set for a restaurant revival

Despite its Italian origins, pasta is so universally beloved that it’s as popular with the toddlers feeding themselves fistfuls of penne pomodoro in their high chairs as it is the Instagram influencers on the Amalfi coast, posing with platters of spaghetti alle vongole in front of postcard-perfect vistas. But as well being the ultimate weeknight staple, pasta is now the hero dish of some of the best restaurants across the globe. You could call it a pasta revival, if pasta had ever been anything less than part of the fabric of our collective diet. Instead, this is more of a celebration; an ushering into the spotlight of fresh, handmade pasta using only the best ingredients. It’s pasta that takes the entire menu to itself, leaving pizza, risotto and heavy secondi in the dust. In a time when veganism is on the rise, gluten is portrayed as the devil and we’ve even gone as far as to come up with something called courgetti, our willingness to queue for a bowlful of cheese-coated carbs seems like an anomaly. Or maybe that’s exactly why we’re craving it. “Everyone is trying to eat well and talking about vegan, gluten-free ... As a chef and entrepreneur I can say, people love to indulge when they go out to a restaurant,” says Victor Lugger, co-founder of much-hyped new London restaurant Gloria, whose

menu reads like a paean to pasta. “You don’t go to a restaurant just to eat. If you want to feed yourself, there’s Deliveroo or supermarkets. The rest is the experience.” Part of pasta’s appeal is, of course, its versatility. I’ve never understood people who will cite having had pasta one day as a reason not to have it the next. If you’re tired of spaghetti carbonara, order pasta with garlic, prawns, chilli and fresh lemon. Or if pesto is getting dull, swap it for a Sicilian-style combination of silky aubergine and the sweet tang of tomatoes. Lugger has to think hard when I ask him which pasta dish he would pick if he could only eat one for the rest of his life. “Maybe it would be strozzapreti with pomodoro and vodka,” he eventually concludes. “Add a little cream to the pomodoro to make it soft and sweet, use lots of fresh parsley - cut with scissors, not a knife and board - and finally add a drop of vodka. You don’t taste it, but it’s perfect.” If I had to pick just one it would probably be tomato-based too: the combination transcends seasons and can be transformed with the addition of a sprinkling of mozzarella, a handful of fresh basil or a scattering of chilli flakes. Honestly, I think I’d be perfectly happy. As Lugger cheerily summarises, before we hang up: “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy pasta.”

Weekly bottle of wine has cancer risk of up to 10 cigarettes

Drinking a bottle of wine increases women’s cancer risk as much as smoking 10 cigarettes, research suggests. The British study says that for men, drinking a bottle of wine a week increases the absolute lifetime risk of cancer equivalent to smoking five cigarettes weekly. This is due to the risk of cancer in parts of the body such as the bowel, liver and oesophagus. For women, it has a similar impact to 10 cigarettes a week, mostly due to an increased risk of breast cancer caused by alcohol, researchers from the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Bangor University and University of Southampton found. The team estimated that if 1,000 non-smoking men and 1,000 non-smoking women each drank one bottle of wine per week across their lifetime, around 10 men and 14 women would develop cancer as a result. And if 1,000 men and 1,000 women drank three bottles of wine per week throughout their lives, around 19 men and 36 women could develop cancer as a result, the study in BMC Public Health found. The researchers said the cancer risks from alcohol were not widely understood and they hoped the comparisons would help people to make more

informed lifestyle choices. The study, BMC Public Health, found that in terms of absolute risk, the researchers said one bottle of wine per week is associated with an increased absolute lifetime cancer risk for non-smokers of 1 per cent in men and 1.4 per cent in women. Jane Green, professor of epidemiology and codirector of the cancer epidemiology unit at the University of Oxford, said: “It is important to view these results in context. “For both men and women in the UK, the lifetime risk of cancer is around 50 per cent. “The authors estimate that lifetime risk is around 1 per cent higher for men and women who drink a bottle of wine a week, or who smoke five to 10 cigarettes a week, than for those who neither smoke nor drink. “The average UK drinker reports drinking the equivalent of about a bottle-and-a-half of wine a week, and the average smoker smokes about 10 cigarettes a day, or 70 a week. “This work confirms that, for most smokers, their smoking carries much greater risks for cancer than does alcohol for most drinkers.”

CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Bars & Restaurants


How to juice a lemon without cutting it As much as we love the tart, punchy kick that a squeeze of lemon juice brings to any dish - from a creamy lemon pasta to a feel-good ginger and turmeric tea - the act itself can be a nightmare. Squeezing a lemon requires you to either a) pull out the bulky citrus squeezer that’s buried at the bottom of my kitchen gadgets drawer, or b) do it by hand, which always leaves fingers covered in sticky juice and more than a few acrid seeds sprinkled into whatever I’m making, or even worse a hefty squirt of juice to the eyeball. So we were quietly thankful when we stumbled across this random Facebook video of a lemonsqueezing hack that would forever change our lives. Not only does this ingenious trick not require a knife, but it also saves you from wasting a whole lemon every time you want a splash of juice. Lemons start to dry out the second you slice them in half. All you have to do is poke a hole. Seriously, it’s that easy. On top of everything, this hack takes just 30 seconds - or less. Not only that, but we’d venture to guess it'll work on just about any type of ripe citrus. Here’s how to do it: n Roll your lemon (or orange or grapefruit, whatever it may be) on a cutting board or the counter to loosen up the membranes. n Using a skewer, (clean) needle, chopsticks, toothpick, or pin (get creative!), poke a hole in the non-stem end of the lemon. n Squeeze out the juice to your heart's content. n Store the lemon in a zip-top bag in the refrigerator until you want to use it again. No more dried-out refrigerator lemons! Armed with this hack, you can now brighten up your

favourite salads, pastas, teas, desserts, and more (there are so many ways to use a lemon) with just the prick of a pin - and without wasting an entire lemon. No more dried-out refrigerator lemons!


Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Embracing raw breakfast bowls Set some time to learn more about “Rawnola”? It’s granola’s sleeker, trendier sister and more accurately, it is a date-based, raw granola plate making waves in the global vegan scene. This is partly thanks to a spots on the menu at top vegan eatery’s and healthy Instagram stars — but you can make your own at home. Even to read the ingredients aloud is to feel your digestive system hum contentedly: essentially, it is a bowl of sprouted buckwheat combined with seeds and nuts, served with fresh seasonal fruit — both easy on the stomach and sweet on the taste buds. It’s already a breakfast classic, Rawnola is a healthy vegan alternative to granola that only contains natural sugars. Granolas often have an incredibly high sugar content — however, Rawnola offers the same sweet taste, from the dates, without the artificial additives. If you’re wondering who to thank for this Promethean plate, caps must be doffed in the direction of plant-based food blogger Loni Jane, who first wrote about her rawnola recipe on her Feel the Lean site in 2012. Her superfood serving tips are legion: out of the jar, in a jar with berries to go, rolled into protein

balls, soaked overnight in milk, slathered with vegan chocolate, as cereal with homemade milk and other toppings, baked in the oven to make chewy crunchy maple rawnola, or on a smoothie bowl. The almond milk is very alkalising (most Western diets are way too acid-forming, bringing our bodies’ pH level down below 7.0, which causes havoc — drinking almond milk and eating lots of plant food helps balance that acid and bring the pH back to its prime alkaline state of 7.3. Almonds are also packed full of calcium, iron and magnesium,

and no animals were harmed, impregnated or tortured for our cereal to be enjoyable. Truly, it is a dish that would make Julie Andrews trill atop Austrian hills alive with the sound of muesli... RAW! — food that has not been refined, canned or chemically processed, and has not been heated above 48C. NO! — the answer you give when anyone offers you a plate of refined, canned or chemically processed food. LA! — a note to follow “No” (and the city that loved rawnola first). That will bring us back to a healthier, happily balanced diet.



Blossoming reputation for The Orange Tree The Orange Tree in Algorfa has been delighting food lovers for more than four years and attracts diners from far and near. A family affair, the restaurant is owned by parents Jill and Ian and run by siblings Samantha and Dave. In fact Jilly’s Bar is just a few doors down and the perfect place to enjoy pre- or postdinner drinks and entertainment. Dave has been a chef for more than 20 years and has a huge amount of experience, including working in Michelin Star recommended restaurants and alongside very well-known chefs in Birmingham. Sam has 17 years experience in restaurant management and although the brother and sister had previously worked together The Orange Tree is their first joint venture. The pair specifically moved from Birmingham to Spain to open The Orange Tree and have put their hearts and souls – not to mention a fair bit of passion - into providing customers with a fabulous food experience. With a growing reputation for great food and service the hard work if paying off.

The Orange Tree is a gastropub serving international food, all of which is homemade and served in a relaxed atmosphere, offering stylish dining in welcoming surroundings. Dishes are created using the finest quality ingredients which are sourced locally where possible, including meat supplied by the local village butcher. The dishes are matched by a selection of high-quality Spanish wines. The menu includes contemporary dishes and traditional firm favourites including a daily steak deal which has proved a winner with customers. This special offers two rump steaks with homemade chips, peas and a grilled tomato plus a bottle of house wine for 22 euros or two fillet steaks with homemade chips, peas and a grilled tomato plus a bottle of house wine for 35 euros. The Orange Tree changes its menu regularly to match seasonal produce, culinary trends and customer demand. It is about to launch its new summer menu in May and already has regulars salivating at the prospect of a new menu of tasty delights.

The restaurant is open Monday to Saturday 12noon until 3pm and evening service 6pm to 10m. Sunday opening is from 2pm to 8pm. Summer opening times, from May, will be daily 6pm to 11pm. For further information call into The Orange Tree on Calle Mayor, 16, Algorfa Village (50meters up from the square). Alternatively visit: Facebook 'the orange tree algorfa' or Email: theorangetreealgorfa@gmail. com or call 603511621.

Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Royal Naval Association Laptops for Butterflies helps fight cancer AECC Torrevieja recently received a donation of €404.50 from the Torrevieja branch of the Royal Naval Association to help AECC with its work fighting cancer in all its forms and for assistance for those receiving treatment for it. AECC Hospital Volunteer Ann Bissett collected the money on behalf of the charity from Branch Secretary Margaret Forshaw, the

money being raised by raffles, organising meals plus donations from members. Ann thanked the Secretary for the donation and volunteered to give a short talk about skin cancer prevention and checks to branch members at one their regular monthly meetings, now held at Restaurante Danmark in Torrevieja.

Worshipful Brother Norman Barrall from Logia de las Salinas No. 79 presented Mary Chambers with €2,000 for the Butterfly Children Charity which has bought two laptops for the charity’s Head of Nursing and the Social Worker. This kind donation makes it possible for the charity to continue helping the Butterfly Children and their families throughout Spain. DEBRA, the Butterfly Children Charity we would like to thank Logia de las Salinas No. 79 for this very generous donation and choosing to support this charity.




Health & Beauty

Want to be sharper at work? Feel less tired at home? Spend some quality time with your spouse? How about enjoying a cookie without guilt? If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, exercise is the answer. Being physically active offers benefits far beyond the obvious...of course, an improved physique and a clean bill of health aren't too shabby, either. If you've been looking for the motivation to begin an exercise program or get back into working out regularly, here are the fitness facts that may help inspire you to get off the couch. 1. Exercise Boosts Brainpower Not only does exercise improve your body, it helps your mental function. Exercise increases energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity and all that makes for a more productive day. Experts claim it is clear that those who are active and who exercise are much more productive at work. Improved productivity not only makes you a better worker, it makes things better for everyone in the workplace. 2. Movement Melts Away Stress As much as it may stress you out just to think about exercising, once you actually start working out, you'll experience less stress in every part of your life. Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a positive distraction. It also helps elevate your mood and keep depression at bay.

You're not the only person who will benefit from more happiness and less stress in your life. When you're less stressed, you're less irritable and that could improve relationships with your partner, kids, and colleagues. 3. Exercise Gives You Energy You might be surprised at how, say, popping in a workout tape for 30 minutes in the morning can change your whole day. When endorphins are released into your bloodstream during exercise you feel much more energised the rest of the day. And when you improve your strength and stamina, it's easier to accomplish everyday tasks like carrying groceries and climbing stairs. This also helps you feel more energetic over the course of the day. A common excuse is that people feel they're too tired to exercise. While exercise may make you feel more tired at first, he says, that won't last long. The physical tiredness you feel after working out isn't the same as everyday fatigue. Besides, once your body adjusts to exercise, you'll have more energy than ever. 4. It's Not That Hard to Find Time for Fitness

CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

The key is to use your time more wisely. Think about killing two birds with one stone. Take your kids to the park or ride bikes together, and you're getting physical activity while enjoying family time. Beyond that, go for a walk, take the kids swimming, or play hide-and-seek, tag or football in the garden. At work schedule a meeting at the

sports centre or on the golf course. Also, forget the idea that you have to trudge to the gym and spend an hour or more doing a formal workout. Instead, you can work short spurts of physical activity into your day. Everyone has 20 minutes, everyone has 10 minutes to skip and sometimes that's better than 20 minutes of walking or running.

CBD oil and medication The interest in cannabidiol (aka CBD) a non-psychoactive chemical found in marijuana and hemp plants ― is growing. It has made its way into our shampoos and lotions. There are CBDinfused smoothies, bath bombs and beer. Many people ― including medical experts ― say it’s beneficial in helping to manage different ailments such anxiety, sleeplessness and pain. But while CBD has been advertised as an effective way to treat a wide mix of maladies, the

could very well negatively interact with most medications that are taken orally. Other experts seem to agree. Nearly 60 percent of the medications on the market are metabolized through a set of liver enzymes — called cytochrome P450, or CYP450 — that are, coincidentally, the same enzymes that break down CBD, Henry explained. Previous research suggests that CBD is a very strong inhibitor of the CYP450 enzymes. This means that if you take CBD

the case of a blood thinner like warfarin, “other problems” could entail a traumatic bleed or a dangerous haemorrhage, she added. The same goes for benzodiazepines (or benzos) like Xanax or Ativan, which are used to treat anxiety. If CBD is taken in conjunction with one of these drugs, it could increase the side effects and potentially cause you to feel more sedated or drowsy. In some rare cases, the drug combo may become toxic or even

compound is still largely unregulated and unstudied. Because of that, there are some questions about how it may impact a user’s life ― specifically if they’re taking drugs for other health issues. Little is known about how CBD could affect other medications a person is taking, according to Yasmin Hurd, a CBD researcher and the director of the Addiction Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Still, Hurd suspects the substance

while on another medication, it could block these critical enzymes, allowing more of the medication to get into your system. “So, let’s say you’re on a medication like warfarin or Coumadin, a really common medication we give to a lot of patients to thin their blood,” Henry said. “If [CBD] is blocking the metabolism of warfarin, that warfarin is now higher and more active and can either become toxic or cause other problems.” In

interfere with your respiratory system, according to Henry. Doctors suspect that certain antibiotics and even NSAIDs (think Aleve or Advil) are altered by CBD consumption as well, Hurd said. On the flip side, very low amounts of CBD don’t seem to have that much of an effect on how well your body processes other medications. But unfortunately, there hasn’t been enough research to determine how much CBD is considered safe.

Indeed, squeezing in two or three bouts of 15 or 20 minutes of activity is just as effective as doing it all at once. Hoovering the house in the morning, riding bikes in the park with the kids in the afternoon, then taking a brisk walk in the evening can add up to an active day. You should aim for at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. But half an hour a day is all you need to reap the health and disease-fighting benefits of exercise. 5. Fitness Can Help Build Relationships Think of what exercising with a partner can do for a relationship, whether it's with a spouse, a sibling, or a friend you used to go to lunch with once a week. Exercise is always more fun when there's someone to do it with, so plan to walk with your partner after dinner every night. Meet your sister or that friend for tennis or an aerobics class instead of lunch. People who have exercise partners stay with their programs and reach their goals more often than those who try to go it alone. 6. Exercise Helps Ward Off Disease Research has shown that exercise can slow or help prevent heart disease, stroke,


high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis (bone loss), and loss of muscle mass. It also helps ease some aspects of the aging process. Because exercise strengthens the muscles and joints, it is going to reduce your odds of having some of those aches and pains and problems most adults have, mostly because of the inactive lives they lead. Provided you don't overdo it, exercise can even boost immune function -- so you spend less time down with a cold or flu. There isn't a major health problem where exercise cannot have a positive effect. 7. Fitness Pumps Up Your Heart Not only does exercise help fight disease, it creates a stronger heart -- the most important muscle in the body. That helps makes exercise -- and the activities of daily life -- feel easier. Your heart and cardiovascular system will function more effectively. The heart will build up less plaque. It will become a more efficient pump. And when the heart becomes stronger, it pumps more blood per beat, so at rest, the heart rate is lower. It's not going to have to beat as fast to expend the same amount of effort. Within only a couple days after you start exercising the body readily adapts to the stimulus it's getting and it becomes easier. You will feel less fatigue. It will not take as much effort when it comes to breathing. You shouldn't have as much pain or soreness.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Anti­aging patches Dark spots are the worst. Whether they're the result of sun damage, acne scars, or just aging, it can be incredibly frustrating to brighten hyperpigmentation on skin. While topical serums can help even out skin tone and erase stubborn spots over time, a new product offers even faster, targeted results—and it's been selling out like crazy. Peace Out's new Microneedling Dark Spot Brightening Dots launched on Sephora in February and immediately sold out just four days later. Thankfully, they're back in stock now, but the obsession with these dark spot-erasing patches helped them become the beauty retailer's number-one bestselling skincare product. If you're not familiar with Peace Out, you should know that the brand is famous for their patches: They also sell acne-healing dots, pore treatment strips, and undereye patches. The latest Peace Out dots combine a needle-free version of micro-needling along with potent brighteners like the B vitamin niacinamide and licorice extract to deliver noticeable results. "These dots are loaded with great ingredients and when placed on the area and left for several hours, the ingredients will penetrate and the enhanced absorption will help with the overproduction of melanin," says Debra Jaliman, MD, a New York Citybased dermatologist. In particular, she loves that the patches contain niacinamide, "a potent antioxidant with numerous benefits that help to lighten dark spots." The dots already have more than

50,000 "loves" on Sephora and tons of rave reviews. "I have never seen a treatment work so quickly!" writes on reviewer, adding that they "saw results after one use." The patches are vegan and free of parabens, formaldehydes, formaldehyde-releasing agents, phthalates, and more. We'll be adding them to our Sephora carts ASAP— before they sell out again.

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Celine Dion is new L’Oreal spokesperson There's no stopping Céline Dion. The singer has sold more than 245 million albums worldwide and created the soundtracks to our lives. Her prolific career has not only endured, but thrived since the early '90s. She's currently in the eighth year of her second Las Vegas concert residency at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace which will end on 8th June. She's also constantly reinventing herself, emerging as a fashion icon in recent years and creating a line of

gender-neutral children's clothes, Celinenununu. Now, at 51, she has landed her first-ever beauty contract. L'Oréal Paris has announced Céline as its newest Global Spokesperson. Her first campaign with the brand will be a television ad for Excellence Hair Colour debuting 22nd April. She has had a line of namesake perfumes since 2003, but this marks her first time fronting a major beauty brand.

Beauty finds to add to your Amazon cart Nope, Amazon isn't just for buying another round of gifts or late-night shopping binges. It's also home to some of the best in beauty, hair and skin care, including beloved products from top brands like Biosilk and CHI. Whether you're on a budget, too busy to head to the store or simply a devout Amazon Prime member, consider these bestselling picks when you're filling up your Amazon cart. Are your favourites Prime eligible? We sure hope so. Georgette Klinger Bamboo Exfoliating Scrub The bottle is beautiful and all, but it's what's on the inside that counts: aloe, coconut and bamboo extract. Apply this exfoliant to wet skin two to three times a week and buff away dead skin cells until you're left with a glowing complexion — no filter necessary. Biosilk Silk Therapy Original Name a more beloved hair product, we'll wait: This silky leave-in prevents split ends and gives hair an incredible — but natural — shine. Reviewers love this "miracle product" because it gives you a salon-worthy look without weighing your hair down. Pura d'or Hair Thinning Therapy Shampoo A thick head of hair is a luxury — that can be purchased right on Amazon. The key to a healthier scalp and a shiny, voluminous mane is this clinically tested shampoo, which is known to minimize breakage and reduce hair thinning. Psst,

your beau might benefit from this shampoo, too. Baby Foot Original Baby Foot Peel This one's not for the faint of heart. Inspired by Japanese treatments, these exfoliating booties peel away dry, damaged skin within four to seven days of use. The result? Feet as smooth as a baby's bottom. Bare Republic Mineral SPF 30 Face Sunscreen Lotion Sunscreen that doesn't sink into your skin is the worst. Sorry, we had to say it. This cream-to-powder option, on the other hand, flawlessly blends with all shades before, during and after your tanning session. An added bonus: It provides 40 minutes of water-resistant protection, so you can swim or catch a wave without worrying about your skin. SmileDirectClub Bright on Whitening Kit Give your smile a boost with this professional-grade tooth whitening system that'll give you brighter teeth after just one week of use. And hey, even dentists recommend it as one of the quickest ways to remove years of set-in stains from your coffee and wine habits.



Suitability Veil Cosmetics Complexion Fix Concealer Busy girls don't have time for brushes and powders. Thankfully, this concealer and highlighter pen can be applied in an instant to brighten dark circles and hide imperfections. Unlike thicker creams, this lightweight option can be built up so you can avoid the dreaded cake face.

Price Euros

1-star Aids *

2-star Aids **

3-star Aids ***

4-star Aids ****

5-star Aids *****






Domestic Situations 1-1 conversation TV Shopping Public places



Active Social

Family gatherings Cafés Small groups

Restaurants Parties Social gatherings Noisy places

Large groups Business meetings Outdoor sports Music

Demanding Situations Public meetings Concerts Theatre Orchestra

€695 single aid €1,290 pair

€845 single aid €1,590 pair

€995 single aid €1,890 pair

€1150 single aid €2,200 pair

€595 single aid €1,090 pair


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

Health & Beauty




CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Tech Fact Maggie via email asks: Hello Aunty, I hope you can help me. I recently did an update on my Acer aspire and my cursor has disappeared completely! I have tried taking the battery out then restarting. I have pressed the fn key and F7 but all to no avail. Thanks in anticipation. Aunty Says: Hello Maggie. This sounds like a typical software/driver problem so you may need to go to the support page on the Acer website and download the latest drivers. It’s not that difficult and if there is more than one make/model of touchpad listed for your laptop then simply try each one. John from Los Balcones asks: Hi aunty love your page in the Costa Blanca People and I have found it very helpful, especially for Virus Protection. I have 2 problems that I hope you can help with. I have just got the new windows 10 updates no problem, but when I try to access some files I keep getting a message “UNAUTHORISED CHANGES BLOCKED” and it says “Controlled Folder Access Blocked C:\program file. I have to cancel this message before I can carry on which is a bind.

and scroll down to the bottom and switch off “Controlled folder access” I’m not 100% sure what Chromes is but I remember one of the cheaper phone manufacturers bundled an app called Chromes that caused all kinds of problems and was a bugger to get rid of. Is it a Doogee brand phone John?

The other problem is on my phone. I have downloaded Google Chrome as my browser but since then I have this app called CHROMES which seems to mess up my phone and makes it slow etc. What is Chromes and how do I get rid of it? Many thanks and keep up the good work. Aunty Says: Hi John. This could be Windows Defender getting a bit confused and over protective. Go to “Settings” “Update & Security” “Widows Defender” and open “Windows Defender Security Center”. Click on the “Virus Protection & Threat Settings”

Ray via email asks: Hi Aunty. I read your comments about uninstalling anything to do with Advance System Care & IObit apps. I use them all the time but now you have spooked me! I also use AVG antivirus, what do you recommend? many thanks for your time and information. Aunty Says: Hello Ray. I would definitely recommend uninstalling anything to do with IObit od Advanced System Care as I have seen numerous problems caused by these apps, including downloading and installing spyware onto your computer. AVG has gotten a little bit bloated and slow lately so I still champion the Microsoft Windows Defender that come bundled with Windows 10. Well that’ll do for another week, email your problems to auntyvirus@costablancapeople.com and I will see what I can do.

DID YOU KNOW? • Facebook is a divorce lawyers best friend. In fact, 1 in 7 divorces are blamed on Facebook. • Over 4.2 billion data records were stolen in 2016 • More than 88 million people will be born this year. They will be born into a data and algorithm

economy. • We are in the age of Big Data. 16 zettabytes (16×1021) of unique new data created worldwide in 2016. • 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last couple years. • 250 million hours of TV shows


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


54 CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

How do YOU hold yours? It has been a contentious subject for many since their days of their driving lessons, but the question is considered more poignant than ever in these modern times, the question being how you hold the steering wheel. You might remember being taught two principle methods based on a clock face, known as the ten to two, or quarter to three positions, both of which feature one key factor, that both hands are kept holding the steering wheel whenever possible. A recent campaign by Atresmedia and Fundación AXA extended the question further, asking how the actions of the driver might influence children, and, subsequently, how they might be learning bad habits long before they themselves take to a position behind the wheel. The result was that, in most cases, the parents' and the children's impressions differed greatly, demonstrating that the important thing is not how drivers think they act, but how they actually do. This is especially relevant when your companions in


1 Owner



1 Owner

2016 BURSTNER AVIANO i695 49,995€

be fed, remember your instructor telling you, “feed the wheel”? So the practice of “palming” is also not considered safe. To sum up, keeping both hands on the steering wheel ensures that you, as the driver, can be and maintain control of the vehicle at all times, and are able to respond to incidents that may occur. Regarding our two named positions from the start, it is now considered that the quarter to three position is the most favourable. The reason for this is that in the event of a collision, and the airbag being deployed, the arms are pushed away in a natural manner, rather than thrown in a different direction and risking injury. After all, these devices are designed to save lives, but we must be conscious of the fact that they too can cause injury if they are not used correctly.


1 Owner




















the vehicle are children. In addition to the questions related to its safety, the survey also saw how children can learn inappropriate behaviour at the wheel, which psychologists agree will be their main behavioural models, and so, those children of today who are observing bad habits will be the ones who drive erratically and with those lessons firmly embedded in their minds. However, when it comes to holding the steering wheel, like it or not, two hands are always better than one, wherever possible of course, allowing you to change gear, or use the essential controls of the vehicle. Ensuring the free movement of the driver is also covered by law, and is in fact mandatory, and so habits such as putting an arm out or on the window are not permitted. The steering wheel should also

55 CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

When will the roads of spain be busiest this easter? You may have already noticed how the roads seem a little busier. Next weekend is Easter, one of the biggest celebrations in the Spanish calendar, and so we will see the volume of traffic gradually increase in the run up to the holiday, and then right through the Easter weekend. As always, there will be a special operation on the roads during the weekend, with busy periods as inland tourists set of for the coast for the weekend break, returning afterwards. The operation begins in all autonomous communities early next week, with the exception of Cantabria, Catalonia and the Valencian Community, where it begins on Thursday. The first phase is considered the most important of the year because of the volume and vehicle displacement along the entire road network and in a very limited period of time. During the morning of Easter Thursday the exits of large towns and cities will continue to produce queues, with the most unfavourable times being between 07:00 and 15:00, the worst being from 08:00 to 14:00. The main traffic problems will occur on the access roads to the coast, which connect coastal populations, as well as access to tourist rest areas. The times to try to avoid here will be between 12:00 and 23:00, with the worst times being from 13:00 to 22:00. To mitigate possible traffic delays, during the afternoon-night of

Wednesday and all of Thursday, extra measures of regulating traffic and traffic flow will be installed on the roads of greater intensity to favour the departure of vehicles from large cities. On Good Friday, particularly in the morning, the flow of traffic will continue in the direction away from the big cities

towards the coast. The busiest times will be between 09:00 and 14:00, but worse from 10:00 to 13:00.In the afternoon and throughout the national territory, there will be movements of short-haul vehicles in areas where religious processions are held. This will also involve closing certain roads in towns and cities, so you should check with your local town hall or the local police. On Saturday, in the morning there may be traffic problems in the coastal and mountainous areas where the movements will be mostly local. In the afternoon, the traffic flow will start to focus on anticipating the return to inland areas, especially those people

looking to void the busiest times later in the weekend. On Sunday, from midmorning, an increase in traffic flow is expected, and some queues may be produced in the exits from the tourist locations back inland, as the domestic tourists start to return home. Later on, as these vehicles start to arrive at their destinations, the queues will start at the entrances of the large cities. The times which will be busiest will be between 11:00 and 24:00, with the worst times being from 12:00 to 23:00. Then, on Easter Monday, which is a holiday across Valencia, problems will central around the main road axes of these communities, as well as in the access roads of the provinces bordering on them. In the rest of the Autonomous Communities there will also be return movements, mainly motivated by plans for the next day, the return to school and university activities. The busiest times will be between 11:00 and 24:00, with the worst times being from 12:00 until 23:00. Full details of the Easter operation will be released next week, but you can always check the DGT website, dgt.es, for the latest traffic information, any time, day or night. Always remember that during these holiday periods there will not only be many more vehicles on the roads, many of them will not be as used to this area as you are, and so patience and courtesy should be exercised at all tim

ULEZ in force this week London’s new Ultra Low Emission Zone or ULEZ came into force on Monday, affecting hundreds of thousands of vehicles headed for the capital of England. Other cities such as Manchester and Birmingham, are said to be next. The new scheme, which was introduced by London mayor Sadiq Khan as a way to improve air quality for millions of Londoners, will charge older, more polluting vehicles to enter the city centre. It replaces the T-Charge, which began in 2017. How does the ULEZ work? Initially, the ULEZ comprises the area already covered by the Congestion Charge. The boundary will then be expanded in October 2021 to include the entire area inside the North Circular and South Circular roads. Road signs at every entry point along the boundary will indicate the start of the ULEZ, and they will sit alongside or below existing Congestion Charge

signs. If you are planning to drive from Spain to the UK and London is part of your itinerary, before you travel you can use the Transport for London online postcode checker see if your destination falls inside the ULEZ. The zone is policed by numberplate recognition cameras that detect vehicles as they enter and exit the zone. Each car is checked against a database to see whether it is emissions standards-compliant and therefore required to pay a fee. The ULEZ operates from midnight to midnight, 365 days a year. If you drive in the ULEZ area across two days (ie before midnight and after midnight) you will need to pay twice. Which vehicles will be affected? Cars, vans, buses, coaches, lorries and motorbikes are all included in the new rules, but the charge will only apply to models that don't meet certain emissions standards. Petrol vehicles must meet Euro 4 standards, which became mandatory for all cars registered after January 2006. Diesel models must comply with Euro 6, which became mandatory for all cars registered after September 2015. This means all Euro 0-5 diesels and Euro 0-3 petrols will need to pay the charge. Petrol cars newer than 2006 and diesel cars newer than 2015 meet the ULEZ requirements and therefore must pay only the Congestion Charge. However, owners of older cars should still use the TFL ULEZ vehicle checker to confirm if their car is affected or not some older models were made compliant before it became mandatory,

and are not required to pay the charge. Electric cars and Euro 6-compliant hybrids officially capable of at least 20 miles of zero-emissions driving qualify for the Ultra Low Emission Discount (ULED), which also includes a 100% reduction on the Congestion Charge. Owners of historic vehicles, as defined by the Government as being 40 years or older, are exempt from the ULEZ charge, although they will still need to pay the Congestion Charge. London residents who are registered for a Congestion Charge discount will be exempt from the ULEZ charge until October 2021, which TfL says will provide enough time for them to change their vehicles for those that are compliant with the latest emissions standards. Other cars, including those in the disabled passenger vehicle class, also receive discounts or exemptions. You can read the full list on the TfL website. How much will it cost to enter the ULEZ? Cars, motorcycles and vans weighing up to 3.5 tonnes will be charged £12.50 per day, while heavier vehicles, including lorries over 3.5 tonnes and buses or coaches over 5 tonnes, will be charged £100. This charge is in addition to the existing Congestion Charge, which is currently £11.50. That means a London commuter with an affected car could be facing an average annual bill of around £5760 for weekday driving just in congestion and ULEZ fees. If you fail to pay the ULEZ charge by the following evening, a penalty notice will be sent to the owner of the vehicle.


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Chloe, a 4½ year, very loving, happy and playful girl. She does not like fireworks or thunder and can try to escape, which would need to be managed. Cloe is fully vaccinated, microchipped and sterilised and has a lot of love to give. Call us on 966 710 047(please leave a message).

Classified ads from as little as €4.20 per week Telephone: 966 725 968

Fleur is a very affectionate young lady, 1 year old. Fleur is fine with other cats but would love a home where she can get lots of attention. Call 600 845 420.

Sebastian is a 9 year old Norwegian Forest cat in desperate need of a new home. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Sebastian loves attention, getting groomed and needs a home with no other pets. Email: info@petsinspain.com



9th-15th April 2019







Kala came into the kennels as her owner no longer wanted her or his two other greyhounds. He used them for racing She is 6 years old and fully vaccinated, microchipped and spayed and loves to play with her toys as does Tarzan (see video on our facebook page) www.facebook.com/satdolores

Frank is a magnificent boy, very affectionate and gentle and just loves everybody. He is fully vaccinated vet checked and would make a wonderful pet.

Tobi came to us as sadly his owner is having to move into a nursing home. Tobi is a happy little dog whose needs are very few and he would make a super companion for anyone looking for an older dog; he is 11 years old and is now fully vaccinated, microchipped and has been neutered.

Lucy and Lilly are sisters, Lucy is the confident one, Lilly is very shy, but in the right calm, loving home she will be a beautiful companion for someone.

Marta - D.O.B. Oct. 2010 Marta is a beautiful German Shepherd cross, medium sized. She is a very gentle and affectionate, is good with other dogs and very shy towards people to start with. If interested in adopting Marta, call 600 845 420.

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966 701 060 advertising@costablancapeople.com

Frank is a magnificent boy, very affectionate and gentle, just loves everybody. He is fully vaccinated, vet checked and would make a wonderful companion for someone. Call 600 845 420.

Estrella, 11 months old, good with other dogs and is chipped and vaccinated. She is very well behaved for such a young dog and would make an ideal companion. Call: 645 469 253. www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com

Sammy, an 18 month old little boy. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Sammy is good with other dogs and loves attention. Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com

We accept PayPal

Sira, 7 years old, fully vaccinated and spayed came from a home where children pulled her about, so not suitable for a home with children or dogs.She has become very loving towards our managers, is used to being an indoor cat and is really lovely.


www.costablancapeople.com 9th-15th April 2019 REMOVALS/STORAGE

Anúnciate – Tlf: 966 701 060 – linda@costablancapeople.com Servicio de traducción gratuito

Basil, 10½ years old, came to the kennels after his owner died, so we really hope that he will be in another loving home soon. He loves to go for a walk and walks well on the lead. Basil is fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated.






9th-15th April 2019



We accept PayPal

Hattie, 8½ years old, loves her walks and everyone loves to take her as she walks well on the lead. Hattie doesn’t like is cats but loves the company of other dogs, as she loves to snuggle up in the same bed.. She is a very affectionate girl, fully vaccinated, microchipped and sterilised. Call 966 710 047 or email info@satanimalrescue.com




We accept PayPal

Luna, 10 months old, good with other dogs and is chipped and vaccinated. She is very well behaved for such a young dog and would make an ideal companion Call: 645 469 253. www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com


Anúnciate – Tlf: 966 701 060 – KEY HOLDING

linda@costablancapeople.com Servicio de traducción gratuito




Beautiful, gentle Cinders, now 7 months old, is fully vaccinated and neutered and looking for her first loving home. If you would like to meet Cinders and the other APAH cats and kittens, please call 630 422 563 or 616 210 850.


Advertise in The Lana, a 10 month old fox terrier, she is a happy, healthy pup with lots of energy. Lana is vaccinated and now ready for a new home. Call: 645 469 253. www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com



966 701 060

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966 701 060


www.costablancapeople.com 9th-15th April 2019 BUILDERS G.F.R. Builders 35 years experience, with 15 years in Spain. All general building work and Property Maintenance undertaken Gazebos, Pergolas and car ports made to your specification All works guaranteed. Competitive prices. Ring now for free no obligation quotation. Tel 653 262 489, WhatsApp or email: gfrbuild@gmail.com (LR) General construction. We guarantee all our work. We beat most quotes. 697 834 934. (786)

BUY & SELL Single seater golf buggy with caddy call/32AH 24 volt lithium battery package Price 1500€. Buyer to collect Tel 966 197 655. (783)

CHECK A TRADE Are you looking for reliable and qualified tradespeople? Visit www.elparasol.es and post your job for free.

Need a home improvements specialist? Kitchen, bathroom, tiling, painting and much more for only 8€ hr. Just give me a call and enjoy your perfect home! All works guaranteed. Free quotations for larger projects. Tel 664 339 684/whatsapp Thomas. (782)


Spanish Moves. Small removals and deliveries Spain/UK budget prices. Last minute jobs undertaken. Email: info@spanishmoves.net Website: www.spanishmoves.net. Pet transport also arranged. Tel: UK 00 44 1209 630 604 or Spain 00 34 960 130 537. (790)

Almoradi Keyholding and Holiday Let Cleaning Service. Keyholding from €120 p.a. Cleaning from €45. Contact Chris at 634 055 824 or almoradi1962@gmail.com for details (788)

Eazy Lawns - the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets. Full garden design & construction. Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca. Tel 634 705 085 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

HOME IMPROVEMENTS The Original METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification. Specialising in Motorised Gates,Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings. Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation Tel 653 262 489/whatsApp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L)

Attractive girlfriend for hire. Speaks 3 languages. Professional masseuse. Tel 693 357 526 (803) Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Speaks 3 languages. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (803)


Experience the best with a one hour unique massage with Veronica. Appointments call 679 292 678 (784)

Fully legal. Private and comminity pools. Including regrouts, pressure testing, and leak repairs. 965 725 565/693 370 601. (790)

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE The Original METAL MAN! All your metal and iron works made to your specification Specialising in Motorised Gates Electric motors now in stock to supply and fit including track and 2 remote controls. Staircases, Roller Shutters, Gates and Railings. Best prices on the Costa Blanca! Call for no obligation quotation. Tel 653 262 489/whatsapp or email: metalguy1958@gmail.com (L)

Playa Flamenca (Zenia Mar) Original Spanish lady, 35, very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet with parking, has medical cert. Call Ana 657 603 495 (785) Attractive, mature bi-sexual lady, 58. Slim. Couples welcome. 10 mins from Quesada. Tel 602 547 185. Tracy. (783)

ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITOS

Eazy Lawns - the artificial grass experts Eight year guarantee. Many different effects for all surfaces and budgets Full garden design & construction Fully legal and registered company covering all of the Costa Blanca Tel 634 705 085 636 102 509 or email info@eazylawns.es or www.eazylawns.es (C)

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT FORM A minimum of 15 words is payable (4.20 euros plus 21% IVA)

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Born in 2013, Freddie is a great little dog. He has a wonderful personality and loves being with people. He is house trained and is very good in a home. Freddie likes being with female dogs, but doesn’t like male dogs or cats.

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966 701 060 advertising@costablancapeople.com



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Blanca, born Sept 09, a Pointer/Lab cross, mixes well with other dogs, likes people and is obedient. She also has an amazing personality and is very intelligent. She has been spayed. If you are able to give Blanca a home then please phone 600 845 420.





€5.45 €4.20






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Prices are per week exc. IVA

Capitan,4 years old, 26 kilos, is now fully vaccinated, microchipped and castrated. He loves the company of other dogs, loves to relax in his bed and like most Greyhounds will often share his bed, especially in the colder weather. He walks well on the lead and is an affectionate boy so call if you think you could give him the loving home.


Name Address

Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. Tel: 688 462 720 (791)

ANUNCIATE! Tlf 966 701 060 linda@costablancapeople.com SERVICIO DE TRADUCCION GRATUITO

Pet Travel UK. Family pet transporters. Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. Email: info@pettraveluk.co.uk, website: www.pettraveluk.co.uk. Removals also arranged in other vehicles. Tel: UK 00 44 1209 630 604 or Spain 00 34 960 130 537 (790)


Male and female viagra, cialis, jellies and kamagra. Discounts on large orders, delivery avialiable, email viagra4you19@gmail.com 672 883 025. (789)

Torrevieja. Lovely mature lady. Massage, tantra, relax. Soft hands. Also waxing. Home/Hotel. 687 131 005 (785)



Torrevieja! Real Estate Broker. Beautiful, nice houses, flats, land Spain/Brazil. Contact Marcia Phone/Whatsapp 00 34 674 674 932.


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Looking for a more mature cat to adopt, APAH doesn’t just have kittens. We have many, lovely cats who are now older and needing a loving home. Many of them were rescued as kittens, and sadly have never been lucky to have a loving home.



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019

San Miguel Golf Society


Your Week in Sport ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

It might have been mentioned once or twice at the weekend, but no horse had won back-to-back Grand Nationals since Red Rum back in 1974. That’s quite a long time, I am sure we’d all agree and therefore Tiger Roll’s victory at Aintree was quite remarkable. Many have tried to defend their title and many have fallen, some even at the final hurdle. Naturally, in this age of not really staying in the moment, people are already wondering whether he could make it three-in-a-row next year? Next year? At least let the horse enjoy his moment. Maybe, just maybe he’d like to go at the top? Has anyone considered that? Talking of back-to-back victories,

Cambridge rule over Oxford once again in both the men’s and women’s Boat Race. James Cracknell became the oldest winner of the Boat Race at 46. Understandably, there was a fair bit of focus on the age thing but Cracknell did make a sensible point suggesting that if you look after your body, 45 is like what 35 used to be. Folks, the key to this is looking after your body. Don’t go thinking you can also row for Cambridge, you can’t. If the Boat Race isn’t twee and English enough for you, what about the start of the cricket Championship? We’ve already seen a couple of tons from English players leading, of course, to the obvious enquiry as to whether they open the batting. Sadly, neither do. Sir Alastair Cook did get a 150 in the final first class warm up though. Surely he’d fancy one final crack against the Australians on home soil?

All winners Guests Bruce, Bjorn. Paddy, Eva, Chris, Tony, Kev, Bob, Theo, Steve, Keith.

Twenty eight members and seven guests turned out to play at Hacienda Riquelme, a notoriously difficult course. As usual the course was well presented but it had some tricky pin placings. Usually scores are low and the course tends to favour the higher handicaps, especially when it gets a little breezy. This proved to be the case as in the Bronze Division Keith Wickham scored a creditable 36 points, the best score of the day. With drives running out of fairway the lower handicappers were often seen searching for lost balls. The cause being the thick spear grass which lines the fairways in abundance on most holes. It seems that the groups in front of us (not SMGS) did not know the search time for lost balls has been reduced to three minutes, as it was a very slow 5 hour round. It would appear consideration for your fellow golfers is on the decline amongst the holiday golfers. Talking of consideration; the group following myself failed to notice one of their group was absent. He had fallen into the lake on the fourth hole and was struggling to climb up the steep side. They were engrossed in playing out on the green and were oblivious to his predicament and our shouts from across the water. Thankfully he managed to use his club as a pickaxe to haul himself free.

I’m sure they would have noticed his absence on the next tee. At least the sun and the breeze dried him out quickly and he managed to complete 18 holes. Golf aside, probably the highlight of the day for quite a few, was a drink on the patio of the Casón after a hard day at the office. A pleasant place to be for non golfers as well. Winning results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze; Mick Seymour (31), Chris Hamblett (35), Keith Wickham (36). Silver; Kevin Allbright (28), Paddy Diskin (33), Steve Hart (34). Bronze; Tony Smale (29), Theo Boelhouwer (31), Eva Pettersson (33). Nearest the Pins (Sponsored by Property Shop); Hole 5 Ivan Hanak, Hole 7 Chris Hamblett. Abacus (Sponsored by Mikes Digital TV); John Rose. Best Guests; Bruce Boswell (27),Bjorn Newman (27 winning on CB) Our thanks go to all Riquelme staff for their contribution to the day. Next week we will be at Serena, then on following weeks at La Marquesa and Vistabella. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Captain Tony Smale a call on 62822768

Quesada Bowls Club The Summer season started this week, and after the deluge of rain on Sunday, the South Alicante Summer league began on Monday with all the extremes of weather - sun, cloud, wind and rain. It was also a day of extremes for the Quesada squads - the Blenheims won the match against the Lancasters 12-0 points and 118-70 shots. A great start for the Blenheims, commiserations to the Lancasters, but plenty of time to redeem themselves in the weeks to come. With one more week left to play in the winter league, Quesada continued to consolidate their position of 4th in the table, with a win of 10-2 points and 88-68 shots against San Miguel. Meanwhile in the VCL league QBC Tigers hosted San Miguel Deputies and managed a creditable result against a strong San Miguel team. The Deputies won the match 8-4 points and 86-79 shots. The Lions were away to San Miguel Sherrifs but came away with a wellearned 6-6 draw. A very close match, the two teams drew on two rinks, QBC ladies singles lost by only one shot and QBC won the shots overall 83-78. What a good start to the season for the Lions! To make way for the Champion of

Champions matches, there’s no Summer League games for the next two weeks. Good luck to the QBC players. At Quesada Bowls Club we welcome both new and experienced bowlers. We’re a friendly club with a mixture of competition, league and casual players. In addition to league matches and Club competitions we have our popular Saturday morning chicken drive which is open to visitors and we have free coaching for new members. So come along and see what we have to offer! Contact our membership secretary Angie Goddard newleaf2014@hotmail.co.uk by Dee Stephenson

Red Rum 1974

ABBEY ANGLING The 4th round of the Spring Series was fished on the Mercadona Stretch on the 2nd April. The canal was its normal level, but did have a lot of colour after the heavy rain over the weekend. This is a peggy water but makes a change and it was a reasonably good turn out although there was a few dry nets, and there are some good fish in this stretch but they take some stopping as Terry Brindley found out. Keith Hirst came out on top with two good carp at a weight of 4.520kgs, in second spot was Dave Hutchinson with 2.180kgs and coming in third was Richard Wood with 2kgs 1st Keith Hirst with 4.520kgs fishing the pole using maggot and corn 2nd Dave Hutchinson with 2.180kgs fishing the pole using bread and maggot 3rd Richard Wood with 2kgs fishing the pole using bread There are still some vacancies available for membership at the club All details are available on our website www.abbeyangling.es or from me on 965328368


It was our 14th and final round of the Winter Championship which was fished on the Embalsa de Argos on the 3rd April. The weather was pretty good with a brisk breeze, and the fishing is improving with the arrival of warmer weather, and the paste has now started to produce as Dave Hutchinson demonstrated with an excellent weight of 44.020kgs just missing out on the ton mark to take top billing, in second was Richard Wood with 30.100kgs and following up in third place was Ian Brown with 19.980kgs 1st Dave Hutchinson with 44.020kgs fishing the pole using paste 2nd Richard Wood with 30.100kgs fishing the method feeder using corn 3rd Ian Brown with 19.980kgs fishing the cage feeder using pellet The overall winners of the Winter Championship Trophy best 9 from 14 matches FIRST Neil McBirnie with 13 points SECOND Bill Reade with 22 points THIRD Mick Hill with 33 points A reminder that Bill Reade is running a Fishing Festival at El Bosquet Complex on the 23rd to 27th September fishing 1/2/3/4/ or 5 days. Tight Lines - TERRY SCREEN



CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Tales from the Top Flight ■ CHRIS DARWEN chris@costablancapeople.com

Dear reader, you remember when the FA Cup semi-final weekend was something magical I am sure? Magical in a positive sense, not magical in a ‘someone’s made all the good football disappear’ sense like we saw at Wembley on Saturday. Thank goodness Watford and Wolves suddenly sprang into life late into the second half on Sunday, eh? Granted, how good was Manchester City taking on Brighton likely to be? We’d already had City classic FA Cup match this time round in their lack-ofVAR-assisted comeback against Swansea. Gabby Jesus scored early, a goal all us neutrals hoped that Brighton might attempt to equalise at some point. That was not likely, as Chris Hughton’s side seemed a little more intent on keeping the defeat respectable rather than trying to actually get a second day out at Wembley in May. Yes, Kyle Walker probably should have been sent off and it still beggars belief how about ten people can watch the same video and still not make the right decision. Would have made the blind bit of difference? Unlikely. Brighton clearly felt getting to the Final was too big a risk considering the last time they got there (1983) they got relegated from the topflight. Peppy G thinks the quadruple is ‘impossible’ and if fail to take their chances against better sides than Brighton then he might be proved correct. Watford and Wolves took their time

to catch alight but when they did Wembley was on fire. Raul Jiminez, recently confirmed as a £30m signing, scored a fantastic chest-and-volley ala Mark Hughes in FA Cup semi-finals gone by but probably wished he’d kept his mask on as Watford came to life with the introduction of Gerard Deulofeu. Watford were still standing as Deulofeu scored a beauty and then had a hand in giving Troy Deeney the chance to go over a Wolves leg deep into injury time. Deeney made no sacrifice in taking the game to extra time from the spot and in extra time the Spanish substitute got his second to complete the circle of life. For Wolves, the sun really did go down on them and that’s probably why they call it the blues. And the Premier League gave us as much drama, right? Er, no. Not so much. Southampton briefly flirted with throwing the title cat amongst the pigeons. Did anyone see a Shane Long goal as the likely turning point in the title chase? No, and probably for good reason. Mohamed Salah forced himself out of that goal drought with a 60-yard tap-in. It wasn’t a bad way to shut some of the critics up. And credit to Jordan Henderson. The Liverpool captain is so desperate to be Steven Gerrard, but if he can avoid falling over at crucial times and pop with a couple more crucial goals he could even go one step further than Stevie G and lift the Premier League. Arsenal really do not like playing away from the Emirates, do they? Everton almost never beat them but they managed to on Sunday. Phil Jagielka wasn’t even supposed to be playing until England’s Michael Keane decided his bout of man-flu was just too much to get over. He’s not the first footballer to pull out of a Sunday game of

football for ‘not feeling well’ that’s for sure. Rather than warming the bench, Everton’s club captain ended up becoming the oldest Premier League goalscorer of the season by notching the winning goal; a goal that puts a pretty sizeable dent in Arsenal’s hopes of winning Champions League football with a not-so-traditional-anymore fourthplace finish. Following their 3-1 win against Bournemouth, Burnley have to be thinking they are safe. Bournemouth, on the other hand, must be very grateful they’ve been safe for a little while as if their season had another 12 games in it then they could be finding themselves in a proper dogfight for survival. There’s a reason Asmir Begovic hasn’t been playing all that much recently and we saw it at the weekend as he gifted Burnley two out of their three goals. Joe Hart will have looked on, sympathetically. Newcastle are looking nervously over their shoulders after their 1-0 loss at home to Crystal Palace. It must be pretty common sense by now not to leave a leg dangling when Wilf Zaha is running around anywhere near you? Before the Zaha fanboys start tapping away furiously on social media, I am not saying anything against the player at all; it was a penalty all day long for me. But it was incredibly foolish ‘defending’. Jan Siewart, the current Huddersfield manager, said his players should enjoy the last few Premier League games as he has no idea when they will be back there again. That’s the kind of spirit the directors, fans and players will have been looking for considering Siewart was recruited with at least half an eye on next season’s Championship promotion campaign. The only people enjoying Premier League matches involving Huddersfield

are the opposition and it was Leicester City’s turn to fill their boots. Brentan has made a good start to life as a Fox and Jamie Vardy is scoring goals for fun once more. Vardy has now scored more goals for Leicester than none other than Gary Lineker, don’t you know. James Maddison also scored a fine free-kick and the biggest worry for Rodgers is now the fact Leicester are in seventh. Why’s that a problem? Well, seventh means Europa League and nobody wants that now, do they? ar reader, you remember when the FA Cup semi-final weekend was something magical I am sure? Magical in a positive sense, not magical in a ‘someone’s made all the good football disappear’ sense like we saw at Wembley on Saturday. Thank goodness Watfordand Wolves suddenly sprang into life late into the second half on Sunday, eh? Granted, how good was Manchester City taking on Brighton likely to be? We’d already had City classic FA Cup match this time round in their lack-of-VAR-assisted comeback against Swansea. Gabby Jesus scored early, a goal all us neutrals hoped that Brighton might attempt to equalise at some point. That was not likely, as Chris Hughton’s side seemed a little more intent on keeping the defeat respectable rather than trying to actually get a second day out at Wembley in May. Yes, Kyle Walker probably should have been sent off and it still beggars belief how about ten people can watch the same video and still not make the right decision. Would have made the blind bit of difference? Unlikely. Brighton clearly felt getting to the Final was too big a risk considering the last time they got there (1983) they got relegated from the topflight.

Peppy G thinks the quadruple is ‘impossible’ and if fail to take their chances against better sides than Brighton then he might be proved correct. Watford and Wolves took their time to catch alight but when they did Wembley was on fire. Raul Jiminez, recently confirmed as a £30m signing, scored a fantastic chest-and-volley ala Mark Hughes in FA Cup semi-finals gone by but probably wished he’d kept his mask on as Watford came to life with the introduction of Gerard Deulofeu. Watford were still standing as Deulofeu scored a beauty and then had a hand in giving Troy Deeney the chance to go over a Wolves leg deep into injury time. Deeney made no sacrifice in taking the game to extra time from the spot and in extra time the Spanish substitute got his second to complete the circle of life. For Wolves, the sun really did go down on them and that’s probably why they call it the blues. And the Premier League gave us as much drama, right? Er, no. Not so much. Southampton briefly flirted with throwing the title cat amongst the pigeons. Did anyone see a Shane Long goal as the likely turning point in the title chase? No, and probably for good reason. Mohamed Salah forced himself out of that goal drought with a 60-yard tap-in. It wasn’t a bad way to shut some of the critics up. And credit to Jordan Henderson. The Liverpool captain is so desperate to be Steven Gerrard, but if he can avoid falling over at crucial times and pop with a couple more crucial goals he could even go one step further than Stevie G and lift the Premier League.


CostaBlancaPeople 9th-15th April 2019


Hyundai i30 - 2013 - 1.6 Diesel - 128.796km Radio/CD, cruise control, A/C, bluetooth, AUX/USB 7.995€

Volkswagen Polo - 2013 - 1.2 Petrol - 99.050km - Radio/CD, central locking, AUX/USB, alloys, electric windows 7,995€

Dacia Lodgy - 2014 - 1.6 Petrol - 77.964km - 7 Seater, radio/CD, A/C, cruise control, central locking, AUX/USB 8.995€

Range Rover Sport - 2007 - Auto- 2.7 Diesel - 171.000km - Leather interior, cruise control, climate control. 16,495€

Seat Ibiza hatchback saloon 2016 – 1.4 Diesel, 89,463km – ABS, power steering, central locking, Radio/CD 10,495€

Hyundai IX35 - 2013 - 1.6 Petrol - 70.000km - Cruise control, climate control, navigation, bluetooth, handsfree, parking sensors 13,995€

Peugeot RCZ - 2011 - 1.6 Petrol - 122.603km - Parking sensors, cruise control, climate control, radio/CD, bluetooth 12,995€

Hyundai Sonata - 2007 - Automatic - 2.0 Diesel - 142.036km - Cruise control, climate control, radio/CD, electric seats, leather interior 5.495€

Volkswagen Beetle - 2012 - Auto 1.6 Diesel - 51.162km - Leather int, Sat Nav, bluetooth, parking sensors, radio/CD, A/C 13,995€

Porsche Panamera 4S - Automatic - 2012 4.8 Petrol - 127.233km - Leather interior, navigation, electric/heated seats, parking sensors, cruise & climate control 42,995€

Opel Astra - 2005 - Automatic - 1.8 Petrol 146.023km - Radio/CD, A/C, handsfree, alloy wheels 4.995€

Lancia Delta - 2012 - 1.6 Diesel, 129,300km, Hyundai i10 - 2008 - 1.1 Petrol - 124.355km Nissan Qashqai - 2013 - 1.5 Diesel multi-function steering wheel, cruise control, A/C, radio/CD, central locking, electric 112.000km - Parking sensors, electric radio/CD, A/C 7,995€ windows 4.995€ windows, handsfree, climate control 11.995€


Citroen Elysee - 2014 - 1.2 Petrol - 74.442km Bluetooth, A/C, electric windows, AUX/USB 6.995€

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