2 July - 8 July 2019

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2ND - 8TH JULY 2019 - EDITION 794

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Your Essential Weekly Read

Second heatwave on the way


second heatwave is due to hit the Alicante province, driving temperatures up to 40 degrees. The mercury hit 36 in Alicante on Sunday with temperatures in Rojales reaching 34 – although with the humidity factor the ‘real feel’ was higher still. Monday saw some reprieve from the severe heat with a slight drop in temperatures and for the most part of this coming week, the heat should be typical for July. However, a second heatwave is due to descend on Friday.

Director of the Climatology Lab at Alicante University, Jorge Olcina warned that the second heatwave, due to manifest on Friday July 5th, will affect the entire Alicante province and temperatures throughout the weekend will be exceptionally high. So, until Thursday, maximum temperatures predicted for the Alicante province are 29 degrees on the coast and 31 inland. On Friday however, these figures will shoot up to 35 degrees in seaside towns and as high as 39 inland. Moreover, according to the Climatology Lab’s weather models, we can expect temperatures of 42 degrees in places of the Vega Baja. Experts say that the second heatwave will not last as long as the one we have just experienced, but the heat will be “especially intense”. According to Sr. Olcina a wave of Saharan air will blow across the peninsula and bringa very warm, dry air mass from Africa over to Alicante and Murcia. Olcina also warned that these bursts of heat will cause the area to become very hot over the coming weeks so another risk factor to consider are torrential rains – not necessarily immediately, but in the long term.

Murcia man one of several heat related deaths Two people have already died from heatstroke in Spain and two more have been hospitalised. Locally, a 45-year-old farmer was admitted in a serious condition with heatstroke symptoms in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Murcia, and a fire fighter from the Catalan Fire Department has also been taken to hospital after suffering from heatstroke while fighting the wildfire in La Ribera d’Ebre in Tarragona. A 17-year-old man died in the early hours of Friday morning in a hospital in Córdoba after being admitted for heatstroke, according to the regional health department. The man was working outside when he began to feel dizzy. He jumped into the pool on the rural property to cool down but when he got out he began to suffer convulsions. The 17-year-old was taken to the Reina Sofía Hospital in Córdoba and died after CPR failed to revive him. Meanwhile, on Thursday, an 80-yearold man died from a possible case of heatstroke in Valladolid. The elderly man died a little before 5.50pm at a street intersection in the city. Emergency services rushed to the spot but when they arrived there was little they could do as the man had already passed away.

Arsonists believed responsible for Elche palm attacks Thousands of date palms have been burnt in UNESCO World Heritage orchards in Elche. Thousands of palm trees were scorched in four separate orchards during the early hours of Saturday morning, according to Alicante’s Provincial Consortium of Fire fighters. The first fire was reported around 0.50am, in a palm orchard in La Hoya. Later, at around 2.25am, there was a second fire in palm orchard near Algorós. Minutes later, another garden had started to burn, this time next to the CV-856 at the 1km mark. Finally, at 6 o’clock in the morning, a fourth fire was reported next to the CV-851 at the 2km mark. A total of 25 fire fighters from the Provincial Consortium arrived from Elche, Crevillent, San Vicente and Almoradí to put out the blaze, alongside a six-strong unit of forest fire fighters. The Palmeral of Elche has close to 200,000 date palm trees, covering 3.5 sq km. It is the only palm grove in Europe, and palmeros still honour agricultural traditions passed down from the Moorish civilisation. Initial signs reportedly indicate the fires were intentional. The Local Police of Elche, together with the Fire Department and the National Police have announced that an investigation has been opened to clarify the causes.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019



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Keeping informed with Neighbourhood Watch On Monday 24th June it was the San Luis/ La Siesta neighbourhood watch meeting held at Casa Ventura. Once more there was a good turnout for the meeting which was the last before the summer break. The agenda included an update on criminal activity in the area as well as information about police arrests. The charity Help At Home and Clinica Siesta gave presentations to the group, letting them know about the services they offer and how people can access them. At every meeting, there are opportunities not only to share concerns, ask questions and raise points for discussion but also to receive information about local support groups and services such as these. Also on the agenda were the recent local council elections. The group were informed of councillor appointments in the newly elected council. Councillor Carmen Morate and the previous director of the Foreigners Office, Carlos Gonzales,

had been previously attending meetings and providing updates on a number of different subjects of interest and importance to the English-speaking community. The hope was expressed that this previous good relationship would continue with the new council, ensuring good communication and support for the community. Following the change of local government Carlos and Carmen are no longer responsible for the foreigners’ office. They are both on the local council but in opposition rather than part of the government team. It had been hoped that representatives from the new Foreigners’ Office team

might have been present to reassure local residents and inform them of their availability and plans for the future. After the summer break it is planned that there will be a visit from Consular representatives from Alicante who will be able to give more up to date information about Brexit and what British nationals living in Spain can expect. The San Luis/ La Siesta NHW Facebook page will continue over the summer and members can continue to receive email support. The next meeting is on 30th September at Casa Ventura at 4.30pm. Suzanne O’Connell

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Turn to page 57 for publisher details.



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


BITE SIZE A busy start to the NEWS: summer season for The man was pulled from the sea by the Guardia Civil on 25th June and was believed to have drowned early in the morning in the sea to the north of Torrevieja. He was taken to the Muelle de la Sal where he was identified by his family. He was eighty years old and a foreigner. An ambulance was called to the scene but paramedics were unable to resuscitate the man who was already dead. The sea was not rough and there is no reason to think he got into difficulties. It is not uncommon for elderly people to have heart attacks whilst swimming during the summer season.Although there is no information about the exact cause of death. The lifeguards do not take up their posts until 11 am in the morning and it is believed that the man drowned much earlier than this.

Success in sailing Ginés Romero and Älvaro Moreno won the fourth Yuasa Regatta Flying Dutchman class in Altea. A total of 20 sailors competed in Altea Bay for this national title and following three tough days the two boatmen from Torrevieja came out on top. There were five tests altogether and the pair stood out as the clear winners. In second place were José Sánchez Pastor and José Luis Ruiz from the sailing club in Altea. In third place was a father and son team, Roberto Sevila

the police The police in Torrevieja have already arrested 11 people for crimes committed involving property and belongings in the town this season. In two weeks they have investigated 17 crimes and ten of the eleven people arrested have been kept in prison following a hearing in court. ‘With the start of the tourist season, the number of people in the area increases considerably,’ explained the chief of the Alicante police. ‘We consequently see an increase in the number of crimes such as robberies, breaking and entry into premises, vehicles and theft from people on the streets.’ The first arrest was made of a Bosnian woman who was detained after a robbery. She was living in a motor home having stolen the vehicle in France, falsified documents and changed the

number plate. The second case involved two Chilean men who had robbed a property in San Miguel. They tried to avoid arrest with a high speed getaway through the streets of Torrevieja. Once captured they also resisted arrest and attacked the arresting officers. The most serious crime was a violent robbery and intimidation in an establishment near to the main paseo in the town by a Senegalese man. An arrest has also taken place of a carer looking after an elderly woman. It is alleged that the carer withdrew €5,300 using credit cards from the elderly woman’s account and sold her jewellery. The crime was reported by the victim herself and a woman of 46 years old of Spanish nationality has been arrested. Suzanne O’Connell



Man drowns in La Mata

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Continued on page 5


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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019



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Jacksons concert to go ahead as planned Following claims that permission had been withdrawn for the use of the Eras de la Sal venue for the forthcoming Jacksons concert in Torrevieja, the promoter has now revealed that the concert will be going ahead as planned. John Khan of Heatwave Promotions told the Costa Blanca People, “The concert is 100 percent going ahead at the original venue, Eras de la Sal, on August 9th.” Commenting on the claims made that the concert would be cancelled, John said “The issue was firstly that we had permission to use the venue – this was granted on March 14th. We then have to wait for a period of time to put in place the correct paperwork and on the day of the concert, the final inspection takes place and we are issued with the final licence. This is the way we have done it for the last ten years without ever having any problem. The Councillor, Fanny Serrano, announced that she was cancelling our use of the venue because we had started advertising without the permission in place and that we did not have initial permission which was not at all the case. She announced this claim two weeks before notifying us which I believe

should have been her first action – some sort of official notification to withdraw our permission. In any case, we appealed against her claim and had permission reinstated again on June 21st. As is usually the case – even in concerts featuring megastars, tickets are sold with the small print ‘subject to licence’ as the authorities often inspect the venue the same day in order to issue final paperwork.” In response to claims that the concert could have been cancelled, John was keen to clarify matters, saying “I want to be clear that the concert was never cancelled and we had contingency plans in place to move the venue to Alicante or the Murcia Bull Ring if necessary. Had we needed to do this, existing ticket holders would have been

offered free transport to and from the new venue. Thankfully though, we did not need to go down that road.” John continued, “We are a responsible promoter and have, for over ten years, always had the interests of our clients first and foremost.” So, with the good news that the venue remains in place as the beautiful open air theatre, Eras de la Sal in Torrevieja, fans will be glad to know that there are some tickets still remaining to see the legendary Jacksons in concert. Tickets are being sold via ticketmaster, El Corte Inglés, all Correos (post office) outlets and also via the promoter’s own website www.heatwavepromotions.com and the ticket hotline numbers 0034629056720/0034663385757


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

BITE SIZE La Mata paseo plans NEWS: Continued from page 3 and Marco Sevila also from Altea. Following their success at this national championship, the winning teams will have their sights set on the Flying Dutchman World Championship which will take place from September 10th to 18th 2020.

Blue flags for Torrevieja The summer season really got underway in Torrevieja after the hoisting of the blue flag in CalaPiteras. Torrevieja has received five blue flags for the beaches of CalaPiteras, Los Náufragos, El Cura, Los Locos and CaboCervera. Symbolically the one for CalaPiteras was hoisted by the mayor. The blue flags are recognition of the condition of the beaches and the facilities that are available on them. This year, La Mata beach was not awarded a blue flag. Problems with the promenade in this area and disagreement about where the responsibility for replacing it should lie, has been one of the issues at the heart of this.

Los Locos to be given more sand Torrevieja town council in conjunction with a government department are intending to begin a regeneration project for the beach Los Locos. The plan includes providing 30,000 cubic metres of sand every year for the next ten years in order to stop the current erosion of the coastline. Over the years the beach has lost much of its sand, leaving areas of rock exposed. The gradual addition of the sand is needed rather than one large deposit, in order to ensure that no harm is done to the environment. A study about the reasons for the gradual erosion of this area has revealed the natural processes that take place including how sediment arrives at and leaves this beach. Any intervention must respect this and work in conjunction with it. One of the difficulties in this kind of project is in ensuring that the type of sand used is in line with existing sand. The sand in the area is generally of a whiter colour and of a fine consistency. It is difficult to bring in new sand from other areas where the exact make up of the sand will not be the same.

Windmill collapse Part of the axis and blades belonging to the windmill in the Calvario part of the town fell off early on Saturday morning at around 1.30am. Fortunately no one was injured and there was only damage to the windmill itself. The windmill is located in the Plaza del Molino and is a landmark in Torrevieja. Council workers were soon called to the scene to remove the debris, some of which was scattered around the Ricardo Lafuente roundabout. The windmill was built in the 90s and little maintenance work has been carried out on it since then. The interior of the mill is full of waste and it has suffered other damage on a number of occasions. The mill is a reproduction of the traditional mills that might have been found in this area and which were used to grind the salt from the Salinas. Continued on page 6

We’re into the summer season and last minute plans are being made to do something about the wooden walkway along La Mata beach front. Work has begun to repair this section of the beach promenade which has been closed to the public. Now, the town council has received authorisation from the Costa’s provincial service to remove the iron railing that separates the walkway from the beach. A new railing will not be installed. Instead other means will be used of marking out the pedestrian zone from the beach itself. The current mayor of the town, Eduardo Dolón was quick to blame the previous four years of government for the poor state of the planks on the paseo and the need to close it to the public. Of course, it should be remembered that the gradual deteriorationof the walkway did not just happen in the last four years. For many years there has been a patching up process when what was really needed was for the whole structure to be replaced. A variety of political hurdles, including the difficulties of

negotiating with provincial authorities, has held up restoration work. The closure of this promenade has not only affected those that use it to get from A to B but also the ten catering establishments that operate along it and the kiosks on the beach. La Mata beach lost the blue flag accreditation that it has usually been given and this has been cited as the main reason. What is most important now is that something is done to enable the paseo to be used again. Suzanne O’Connell





BITE SIZE NEWS: Continued from page 5

Torrevieja international cup Altogether there were around 1,650 participants in the weekend’s football tournament. With 106 teams representing 35 clubs and taking part in 240 matches, this was set to be an exciting event. The competition began on Thursday 27th June and ended on Sunday at 2pm. The final day consisted of the presentation of trophies to the winning teams. Around 3,000 people came to watch and 200 people were engaged to help run the event. The referees came from the Federación de la ComunidadValenciana. The tournament took place in the Nelson Mandela, Esteban Rosado, Nito and Gabriel Samper stadiums. There were three local clubs participating from Torrevieja and 24 teams altogether. Every category was represented including girls. Family, friends and onlookers flocked to the stands to give their support and watch the teams play on the artificial grass of the pitches. Such was the size of the event that it had its own webpage http://summer.torreviejainternational cup.com/es/ which provided information about the competition both in Spanish and English. Suzanne O’Connell

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

British woman dies in Entre Naranjos pool tragedy A 36 year old British woman has died after jumping into a swimming pool. The tragedy happened at a private pool in Entre Naranjos, Orihuela, and it is believed that the plunge into the pool cause the woman to go into convulsions. Crew from the ambulance performed CPR for 45 minutes, but despite their efforts, there was no response and they were unable to revive the woman. She was pronounced dead at the scene at around 1.20pm on Friday, around an hour after the alarm was raised. The results of an autopsy are awaited but local reports say the the woman may have suffered from epilepsy. A routine enquiry, headed by the Guardia Civil and co-ordinated by a local investigating Judge, has already been launched.

British teen battles to find father missing for 10 years A British teenager has launched a new and last-ditch appeal to find her father who vanished from the Costa Blanca almost 10 years ago. Dad, Edward Cook, disappeared almost 10 years ago and despite attempts over the years to find him, there was not a trace. Cook, 54, originally from Huyton in Merseyside, was last seen dropping off his daughter Lucia at Alicante airport back in April 2011. He had been staying at Camping Villa Mar campsite in Benidorm and was also known to regularly frequent Marbella on the Costa del Sol. Lucia, now 18 years old, said: “We are desperate for closure. It’s been so hard not knowing what happened to him.” The Liverpool-born teen, who was 10 when she last saw her Dad, added that the family wanted to try one more time for information before applying for a death certificate. “It’s such a hard thing to do but after so many years it’s really difficult to believe that he is alive somewhere. Anyone who knows my Dad knows what a great father he is and that he would never leave me at 10-years-old. We just want some answers.” Edward, who also has connections to Dublin in Ireland, is white and 5ft 10in tall with a tanned complexion, short brown hair, blue eyes and a Scouse accent.



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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Summer fair success Age Concern is delighted with the success of their 2019 Summer Fair. The fair was held on Saturday 22nd June at their day centre in calle Paganini, La Siesta. It proved to be a great attraction not only for local people but from further afield too. It was opportunity for people to browse the stalls and enjoy a cup of tea and a muffin. The Aplengold Oompah Band were there to entertain everyone and were dressed in traditional costumes. People sang along as their brass section played some well-known songs. They were followed by the Harmonisers who sang many favourite songs in the barbershop tradition. Age Concern would like to thank both bands for volunteering to come along and entertain with hours of music. Altogether €2,517.45 was raised and all the money will go directly to maintaining the services that the Day

Centre provides. These include offering daily activities, keeping two vehicles running and enabling people who need them to borrow a range of mobility aids. Age Concern would like to offer a special thank you to all the volunteers who helped out on the day. This includes the people who baked the cakes, prepared the prizes, manned the stalls and did all the other odd jobs that are necessary to make a summer fair a success. They would also like to offer a reminder that there is lots of information about Age Concern on their website www.ageconcerncostablancasur.org You can follow them on Facebook and keep a check on the latest information and future events. Alternatively you can call 966 786 887 Monday to Friday from 10am until 1.30pm or leave a message and your call will be returned within 24 hours.


Man suffers burns in summer solstice ritual An 83 year old man suffered second degree burns after falling into a bonfire in Torrevieja on Sunday 23rd June. The accident happened on La Mata beach and the man was rushed to Torrevieja hospital following the incident. The Norwegian man suffered burns to his hands and arms at just after midnight and was originally taken to hospital in Torrevieja However, he was later moved to the hospital in Alicante by ambulance at around 4am. It is believed that he was also suffering from the effects of alcohol. The bonfires had returned this year after last year when the coalition government requested permission from the coastal department for the event to go ahead but permission was denied. That decision, however, was taken not so much because of the fear of injury through burning but because of the residue that is left on the beaches and needs to be cleaned for the bathers the following morning. However, it wasn’t burn sthat were the

main issue on the evening of the 23rd. The health services were in attendance and were particularly busy on Los Náufragos and El Cura beaches due to young people suffering from the effects of alcohol. Lighting bonfires on the beaches is not allowed in many other regional towns such as Guardamar and Pilar de la Horadada because of health and safety issues and because it is in fact in breach of coastal rules. Both towns issued warnings about the lighting of bonfires and others, such as Orihuela Costa make no public announcement about the event. Thousands of people took the opportunity to take part in the summer solstice activities on Torrevieja’s local beaches. In order to ensure that no dangerous residue was left on the beach, the PP government of Torrevieja provided wood this year and banned people from taking their own. The festivities were also required to stop at 2.30pm rather than

continuing any later in order to enable the beach cleaning service to get underway. More than 5,000 kilos of wood was provided to make bonfires on the beaches of La Mata, Los Locos, El Cura and Los Náufragos. The rationing of the wood meant that the bonfires were much smaller than they had been in previous years. The full force of the town’s security had to be out on the occasion and additional emergency services were in attendance from other local towns to help out. However, not everyone is in agreement with the official support from authorities being provided for what is, in fact, an illegal event. Pictures were also shared on social media of the amount of plastic bottles and other rubbish, some of which could be seen being washed into the sea before the cleaning services had chance to begin their cleanup operation. Suzanne O’Connell

Bonfires were only permitted using town hall supplied wood

Who is to blame for lack of pride? This year, unlike many other towns in the Vega Baja, there are to be no events to celebrate International LGBT Pride Day in Torrevieja. However, the reason why is not clear. The newly elected mayor for the PP government, Eduardo Dolón and the councillor for equality, Tomás Ballester, appeared on the balcony of the town hall with the Pride flag bemoaning the lack of events and as a symbol of their respect and support for the day. But how are the people of Torrevieja to interpret this token gesture? As the new PP government gets its feet properly under the table, we can expect a number of situations where there is lack of clarity about where responsibility lies. In this case, the PP claim that it was the ineptitude of the previous government that meant that nothing can go ahead and that it has been physically impossible for them to organise anything in the meantime. However, only last week they

had organised for 5,000 kilos of wood to be made available for the annual bonfire celebrations to go ahead. The previous councillor for tourism, Fanny Serrano, pointed out that in previous years Torrevieja has celebrated the day with a variety of events such as theatre, concerts, films and conferences. Last year the event was celebrated from 20th to 23rd June and included a huge range of events and activities planned for each day. This year, a concert and theatrical performance were advertised to be taking place in the cultural programme for June. Only during 2017 Councillor Fanny Serrano announced the intention of Torrevieja being a Gay Friendly tourist town. It is difficult to see how a government that had shown such commitment to equal rights and inclusivity in the past would not have had the intention of doing more than lifting a flag at the town hall.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

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Should the Guardia Civil have tattoos? This is the debate currently being voiced between the Ministry of the Interior and the Guardia Civil themselves. The intention was announced a few months ago by the government to regulate more closely the appearance of the Guardia Civil officers, including their tattoos. Currently the rules state that tattoos are acceptable but must not contravene constitutional values. They must not express discriminatory views or images and should not reflect a specific political opinion. However, a few months ago it was proposed that tattoos shouldn’t be allowed at all. Since then a new draft decree amends this original prohibitive proposal and would allow those who are already Guardia Civil officers to retain their tattoos and would not require them to cover them up. However, the application of the new ruling would also be down to the head of the individual unit and this could cause internal difficulties within the force.

Traditionally, the prohibition of tattoos only applied to those joining the police force. Once they were accepted, trained and on duty then they were allowed to have them done. In some cases it could be that the head of the unit would require the officers to cover them up but now many officers

on the beat are in opposition to the idea that this is no longer down to individual judgement but would be a ruling. It is also quite difficult to cover up some tattoos, depending on their location. Those on the neck or hands are particularly difficult to disguise by using makeup and the use of bandages to cover them would look worse than the

tattoos themselves. The new draft is also causing concern because of the suggestion that those officers who already have a tattoo should have them photographed and registered in order to check that they do not have any more. However, many officers feel that this is an unacceptable intrusion and treats them like cattle. It is planned that officers would have three months in which to declare their tattoo and that following this, if they have another one then they could be investigated and charged. It is not only tattoos that are included in the draft regulations. There are plans to include regulations about hair styles, beards and moustaches. For many members of the Guardia civil it isn’t their appearance that should be in the spotlight but the shortage of police officers and the difficulties with recruitment. Suzanne O’Connell


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


New traffic light system to be installed New traffic lights are to be installed at three notorious places in Torrevieja. The casino, the Hombre del Mar and calles Gabriel Miró and San Policarpo are known for the congestion that builds up over the summer time. Traffic trying to leave the port car park is often paralysed by the constant passage of pedestrians across from the street market. Equally, opposite the casino there are frequently problems with traffic trying to enter the car park.

The contracts to establish a maintenance programme for other traffic lights around the town has also now been approved. This contract, in process since 2016, has been won by Murciana Tráfico at a cost of €71,395. The three new sets of traffic lights are being installed to tackle specific difficulties that make entering and exiting parking in the town centre a seasonal problem. Lights opposite the casino will regulate access to

the port and the pedestrians crossing the walkway down to the street market. Traffic jams develop as cars find it difficult to cross over the zebra crossing due to the constant flow of people. A similar situation arises as cars try to leave the port car park too. It is hoped that these new interventions will help to ease the congestion felt generally in this part of the town particularly during the summer months. Suzanne O’Connell

GBP / EUR UPDATE GBP The search for a new PM impacted the pound this week, largely due to the implications for a possibility of a nodeal Brexit. In conversation with the BBC, candidate Boris Johnson committed to the UK leaving the EU on 31st October, deal or no deal and challenged his rival Jeremy Hunt to do the same. Hunt would not be drawn on the date, but the tone of the debate between the two has made investors believe that a no-deal departure is increasingly likely. Following Johnson’s statements, the pound lost an average of 0.3%, giving up three quarters of a US cent while remaining almost unchanged against the euro, yen and Swiss franc. The Bank of England governor reported to the Treasury Committee in Parliament and stated that stimulus would be a likely response in the event of the UK leaving the EU without a deal. The bank's official line is that following an orderly Brexit, rates could move in either direction, and that decisions will be data-dependent. Forecasts from Capital Economics did hint at good news for the pound in the future, with the pound returning to highs against the euro last seen in May, prior to the latest political upheaval. The reason is more due to weakness in the euro;

while the report forecast an increase of almost 5% in the pound-to-euro rate, the forecast against the US dollar predicted that sterling will remain at its current level of an average of 1.26 until the end of September.

EUR Business confidence measures from Germany gave a mixed picture. While consumer sales rose and remained at a high level in construction despite a predicted fall, the business climate index for both manufacturing and services dropped. The Capital Economics forecast highlighted the challenging environment of the Eurozone. The US-China trade war has had an impact on the manufacturing sector and there has been a general slowdown of the economy. Chief European economist at Capital Economics Andrew Kenningham highlighted the fact that macroeconomic data have been failing to meet expectations since the beginning of last year, noting, "Hopes that the slowdown in the euro-zone economy which began last year would prove to be a soft patch, driven by temporary factors, have now been dashed. Although first-quarter GDP growth was stronger than expected, most of the surveys and early hard data for Q2 have been disappointing."


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


Securing an environmentally friendly summer The PP give In 2018 the people of Torrevieja recycled a total of 2,521,169 kg of glass. This represents a total of 30.5 kg of glass per person, almost double the national average of 18 kilos. Now more than 420 establishments in the town have the support of the town council and Ecovidrio and are aiming to achieve national recognition through the recycling of glass containers. The summer campaign is

entitled Movimiento Banderas Verdes and it is hoped that a green flag will be awarded to Torrevieja in recognition of its efforts to improve the collection and recycling of glass. This is particularly important during the summer months with the increase in consumption. Bars, restaurants and beach bars are responsible for 52% of glass waste generated and have a key role in supporting this initiative.

Ecovidrio has announced that they will work with the town council this summer to enlist the support of the bar and restaurant owners as part of this campaign. It is anticipated that up to 1,278 visits will be made to different establishments to support training and the distribution of information. Special recycling bins will be delivered and new containers distributed with

summer motifs. In line with the increase in people in the area, collection frequencies will be raised. The green flag criteria includes the selective collection of glass containers during the summer months as well as encouraging the participation of local hostelry owners and securing their cooperation. Suzanne O’Connell

councillors a salary increase The majority of the local town councillors in Torrevieja will receive 10% more this year than their equivalents last year, it has been announced. This is in contrast to the general trend in Spain of salaries staying the same year in and year out for the vast majority of workers. The increase in salaries extends across all the political parties with representatives in the town hall but was questioned by Sueña. The salaries are now set at €3,500 a month gross, an increase of €400 from the previous total of €3,100 last year. Between nine to 11 of the PP councillors will be working full time in the government and will collect the full entitlement. However, some already are working in a full time capacity in other roles, such as that of the headteacher of Ciudad del Mar. It is not expected that they will also collect a full time salary for working in the government team. In addition, it is planned that the PP will employ 15 advisors for their 14 councillors. The meeting, when the decision was made, was one of the less controversial of those usually held in the town hall plenary room. Suzanne O’Connell



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Seagate Wealth Management

Still using your UK financial adviser? M

any people who have retired to Spain and have investments still use their old UK‐based financial adviser. This could be for a variety of reasons, from feeling comfortable with the person they have been dealing with for many years, to not knowing any local Spanish‐based financial advisers. One of the main problems of continuing with your old adviser is they may not be authorised to give advice here in Spain. They almost certainly will not have the in‐depth knowledge of the tax‐efficient products available to Spanish tax residents. Apart from the understanding of the Spanish system, having a local adviser means you can pop in to their office for a chat and be kept up to date with all the various changes that take place. This is especially relevant at the moment with the uncertainty surrounding Brexit. There are many advisers in Spain, but it is vitally important to ensure that the adviser you choose is UK qualified and properly authorised and regulated. Seagate Wealth advisers all used to work for Lloyds Bank and have a deep understanding of what British people want and expect from their financial adviser. Having worked in the service industry, they are fully‐ versed in customer care and regulation. By being a completely independent company, Seagate Wealth has access to a vast range of flexible, cost effective products from some of the worlds’ leading providers, including Prudential International. Here at Seagate Wealth, we can help with savings and investment advice, tracing lost pensions as well as managing existing pensions. If you are thinking about finding a new Spanish‐based financial adviser, then give us a call and see what we can do for you to ensure you live life the way you want.

For a free no­obligation chat with a UK qualified adviser, call 965 704 338 or email: contact@seagatewealth.es


Home & Garden

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Gardening in Spain The main soil type in Spain is clay. But whilst clay soil can be a nightmare for UK gardeners because it is so hard to work, (especially with all the wet weather our

unmanageable. For some, having an arid garden might not sound appealing, almost boring and drab, but whilst it can be frustrating to

little island gets), clay soil in Spain actually works quite well. With the amount of sun throughout the year in Spain (approximately 2700 hours compared to just 1500 hours in the UK), the ground can become quite arid. However, drought is much less damaging on clay soils than any other type, and the clay soil in Spain also doesn’t take as long to warm up as it would do back in the UK, so it’s easier for plants to germinate and grow healthily. Also, because the rainfall in Spain is just over half of what it is per year than in Britain, (Spain sees roughly 636mm per annum, whereas Blighty gets 1220mm), you don’t have to worry about your garden getting wet, cloggy, and

maintain an oasis of colour and scent in a place that doesn’t have much rainfall, having a bright, colourful, English country garden in Spain isn’t impossible. The most important part of maintaining any Spanish garden is watering. Less frequent, deep soakings are best as this will increase the drought tolerance of your plants. Because of the weather conditions in Spain, it’s likely that you’ll have to water, on average, twice a week. That’s why it’s a good idea to gather rainwater when you can. It will significantly reduce your water consumption (which is

metered in Spain) and you can easily make your own, low-cost, rain barrel out of, well anything. To determine whether your clay soil needs an organic boost, roll some of it between your palms into a ball about an inch in diameter. If, when you pinch the soil between your thumb and finger causes the soil to crumble into pieces, you know you can add some more compost. Along with adding compost, you should also plant ‘cover crops’ in any areas of your garden which would otherwise be left empty. Cover crops help to smother weeds, they reduce erosion and increase infiltration. When it comes to flower or crop rotations, or if you just fancy a re-arrange, pull out your cover crops, and bob in your new plants. Your new occupants will adore their lovely home, filled with rich, organic matter that’ll help them grow into strong plants or veggies.



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Homes & Gardens



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019



'Short stories provided by members of Writers' Ink writers' group. To find out more, refer to Writers' Ink Facebook Page, or to 'Ink Spot' e-newsletter. Better still, meet the gang every second Monday of the month (except August) at Waldemar's restaurant in La Florida. 10.00am for 10.30am.' THE MAN FROM TWENTY-THREE To all the residents in Alexandra Road, the man who lived at number twentythree was a quiet, even retiring individual − a person who, to all and sundry, was always polite, and quietly friendly, but all the same, he kept himself to himself as the neighbours said. He had lived there for two years and more, but no one really knew him. There was, however, a darker side to his

life – a much darker side. Every day he left home at seventhirty each morning, walked to the end of the street and boarded a Number 34 bus. Each day, he returned at six in the evening. Everyone assumed he had an office job somewhere – but he did not. He was a man of whom the police were not yet aware, and therefore not monitoring. He was operating ‘under their radar’. On a Thursday in May, at three o’clock in the afternoon, he was still at home, and neighbours assumed he was on holiday. Therefore, no one paid him any heed when he left number twentythree, carrying a medium-sized suitcase: the type used as a carry-on bag on an aircraft. He walked to the end of the street and at three-eighteen took a Number 34 bus into the town centre. The bus was almost empty and as he sat

in the centre of the bus, was able to open the case on his lap and prepare the contents for use later, again without drawing attention to himself. The bus arrived at the busy terminal at three-fifty. All the passengers left the bus, accompanied by the driver. The man stayed in his seat unnoticed. He would only be there for only a few minutes more. Just enough time for him to ensure the large roll of plastic explosive he had removed from his case was rolled out flat and firmly attached to the underside of the seat in front of him using some adhesive and a roll of duct tape. He set the timer for fourthirty precisely, a time he knew from his previous planning, the bus would be full of passengers and on the point of leaving the depot on its next scheduled journey around the town area. He of course, would be somewhere else at four-thirty. To be precise on the Number 56 bus, two streets away heading for a neighbouring town. The explosive securely fixed in place, the detonator attached, and the timer set, he left the bus, unremarked by anyone, and made his way from the terminal into the town’s main street. He called into a local cafe and purchased a cup of coffee. He was pleased with himself. He had done a good job, and he would be close enough to hear the explosion when it happened, but at a safe distance. He would also have put himself apart from the scene and therefore no one could connect him to it. Taking his time, he left the cafe, crossed the road, and passed by the entrance to the bus depot, allowing

himself a glance inside, thinking of the mayhem he was about to cause, and an evil smile briefly passed across his face. Walking down a side street and turning left, away from the direction of the bus depot, he walked for a hundred yards or so, until he reached the bus stop for the Number 56. The bus stop was located on the side of a rather attractive piece of parkland some one hundred yards across it and a quarter of a mile long. The bus stop he used was on the opposite side of the street next to a high wall and behind which was another open area but derelict, where old buildings had recently been demolished in preparation for redevelopment. Everything was peaceful. He could hear the birds singing in the trees that were dotted all over the well-tended and grassed parkland. He would certainly be able to hear the explosion when it came. This, he considered, was his destiny. This was why he was here. Until now, he had been an unknown, and that was how he intended it to remain – a sleeper, a killer, when needed. The Number 56 bus pulled up at the stop and he climbed onto it. He looked around. The bus was empty except for the driver. He paid the fare as he got on and sat down on a seat halfway back. The driver climbed out of his seat and looked back at the man. “I won’t be a minute,” he said. “We’re running a bit early and I need to call in somewhere around the corner. I’ll only be a couple of ticks.” “Not a problem,” the man replied and waved his hand in a gesture of consent. The driver disappeared around a

nearby corner, and the man settled down into his seat knowing that the deadline was fast approaching and sitting here was as good a place as any to listen for the ‘big bang’ as he thought of it. The big bang, the thought; amused him. The driver was still out of sight and the man looked at his watch to check the time. The watch was an expensive one and very accurate. He noted the time and watched with mounting pleasure as the second hand swept towards the twelve on the watch face. Ten ... nine ... eight ... He smiled. Four ... three ... two .. one... Now for the mayhem! Zero ... There was, indeed, a huge explosion. Everything he had planned worked perfectly; nothing had gone wrong with his preparations. Destruction of the bus was complete. However, he did not hear the explosion. Not being clairvoyant, how could he have known that whilst in the depot, the Number 56 bus would be found to have a defect just before it was about leave? Then again, how was he to know that, at very short notice, the Number 34 had been re-numbered and substituted on the Number 56 route, and becoming a suicide bomber had certainly not featured in his planning.

Gerald R Wright Working his way from Military Police to teaching via Civil Police and accountancy, grammar school educated Gerald R Wright somehow discovered writing. With three novels under his belt, and many short stories featured in anthologies, his preferences are for crime, history, and the paranormal. He is a member of ‘Writers’ Ink’, Spain.

Business profile

Live in Spain more than four weeks a year?

Here's why it's worth pre-planning your funeral as an expat When the time comes, will yourloved ones know how to arrangea funeral in Spain? Traditional Spanish funerals happen as quickly as 24-48 hours after someone dies, and delays could cost loved ones hundreds of Euros in mortuary expenses. In addition, it’s common practice for Funeral Directors in Spain to request either part or full payment upfront. That means your next of kin might have to pay hundreds or thousands of Euros before the funeral can take place. This can make it much harder to shop around. Language barriers, unfamiliar funeral systems and different customs mean that your loved ones might find it difficult to

compare funeral services and make a choice. Whether you live in Spain all year round, or have a summerhome here, a prepaid funeral plan from Avalon lets you pay for your funeral in advance. And if you split your time between the UK and Spain, an Avalon plan is valid in both countries, so you can have a funeral in Spain or back in the UK. Avalon are the fastest growing provider of funeral plans in Europe, helping more than 70,000 customers across Europe and the UK for over 25 years. They work with a network of local and independent Funeral Directors to help your loved ones cope with the unfamiliar Spanish funeral system, and give you the send-off you want.

Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Welcome to Cracow


racow is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century. Cracow, the unofficial cultural capital of Poland, was named the official European Capital of Culture for the year 2000 by the European Union. It is a major attraction for both local and international tourists, attracting seven million visitors a year. Major landmarks include the Main Market Square with St. Mary's Basilica and the Sukiennice Cloth Hall, the Wawel Castle, the National Art Museum, the Zygmunt Bell at the Wawel Cathedral, and the medieval St Florian's Gate with the Barbican along the Royal Coronation Route. Kraków has 28 museums and public art galleries. Among them are the main branch of Poland's National Museum and the Czartoryski Museum, the latter featuring works by Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt. It is a city with a colourful past. It has charm, magic and an amazing story to tell. That’s why so many

foreign tourists are lured to visit the most beautiful landmarks in Cracow. And guess what, the list of interesting sites to see is unimaginably long so you should plan your stay for more than a week. There are several areas in Cracow worth visiting. The Old Town is only one of them and as we all know it’s a really popular tourist destination both in summer and winter. There is no such a person who didn’t stroll around the Rynek because it’s usually the starting point of each trip. On the Main Market Square tourists can enjoy a nice atmosphere and sit in old-fashioned restaurants and cafes. It can be an ideal form of after-sightseeing rest accompanied by street music and delicious cracovian food. The next point on holiday makers’ map is Kazimierz with Jewish quarter. In the past it was a separate town with its own rights. Founded by the King Kazimierz it was a centre of Jewish culture. There is the

Jewish Festival organized every year and local authorities care about renovation of oldstyle tenements. So if we’ve already mentioned the Jews we should also recommend you a trip to Aushwitz and Birkenau. Unfortunately, it symbolizes tragic series of the Nazists terrors but it’s an important historic place which depicts human cruelty towards the Jews, Gypsies and Poles. There is also one more part of the city of Cracow which shouldn’t be missed. It’s the Wawel Hill together with the Royal Castle and the Cathedral. This place is thought to be a heart and a patriotic symbol of the nation. There are many important people burried here together with worthy kings, princes and virtuous rulers. For those who prefer rather different type of holidays spent in clubs, discos and pubs we recommend a great deal of well known entertainment cetres. Most of the best stylish and frequently attended ones are located in the Old Town and in the Kazimierz District.




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


might have a child that he goes and sees, and now I am eaten up with suspicion and want to get to the bottom of things. I want to get a private investigator to follow him, but I am concerned my boyfriend would find out.

What's his secret?

It sounds as though you need proof because you suspect you are being lied to. You can employ a private investigator to follow him and get the confirmation you need. They are very discreet. If your man had come clean early on in your relationship, you’d know where you stood. It might not be another woman - your friend might be right, it could be he has a child somewhere, and this is definitely something you’d need to be aware of if you are planning to spend the rest of your life with him. However, because he’s being deceptive I would say you need to look at this relationship and decide whether you could trust him in future.

I’ve been dating a man for several months, who I thought was ’the one’ and we’ve moved in together. He was even talking of marriage. Before he moved in I knew he worked a lot. Now we are living together I got used to his schedule, but something wasn‘t right. He is absent every Sunday. One week, I telephoned his work because I was suspicious, and because he wasn‘t answering his phone. They said he wasn’t in that day, and never worked Sundays. Since then I have been keeping a check on the mileage in his car. He regularly travels 104 kilometres each time. I challenged him about it and the fact that his work said he didn’t work Sundays. He got angry that I was checking up on him, and said that they wouldn’t know in the office what days he worked. A friend suggested he WRITE TO SARA IN CONFIDENCE. A PSEUDONYM WILL BE USED IF YOU WISH. SARA READS ALL LETTERS AND CAN GIVE A PERSONAL REPLY. EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO SARA@COSTABLANCAPEOPLE.COM OR SARA IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS, TELEPHONE 650 054 467.

96 574 43 26













Departure: 2th June, 3th July & 1st Sep 2019






CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


Fair prices for medication A 'People´s Legislation Initiative' seeks to overhaul the pricing system for prescription and overthe-counter medications to ensure these are fair and affordable at all times. A total of 19 associations campaigning for transparency in negotiations between pharmaceutical companies and the State filed the proposal, an ILP, in Parliament last week as a 'first step' towards 'changing the rules of the game'. In their press conference, the associations said 'many' pharmaceutical companies 'are lacking in ethics' when it comes to putting prices on the drugs they produce, leading to 'indiscriminate increases'. This can lead to drugs being too expensive, or even not made available at all if they would cost the government too much. In Spain, it is rare for the latter to happen, meaning the health authorities bear great expense to ensure availability when it should be the manufacturers who are prepared to sacrifice some profit in the name of social responsibility, the associations involved say. One of the associations is the Hepatitis C Patients' Society, which says the cost of researching, testing and manufacturing drugs is 'very well-documented', but that the process of negotiations between the creators and the government remains largely behind closed doors.

A new, latest-generation drug to treat Hepatitis C has been developed following an investment of €900 million in research and manufacturing – figures revealed by the Senate in the USA – but which, given to each and every patient who needs it over the course of the 20year patent, would cost €300 per box. “In Spain, we've paid an average of €20,000 per treatment, we've spent €2 billion on treating 100,000 patients, which does not make sense,” says Fernand Lamata of the Association for Fair Access to Medication (AAJM). Vanessa López of the group Salud por Derecho ('Health as a Right') says the ILP 'establishes very clearly what should be the paradigm which organisations consider most suitable for achieving fairer prices' and, at the same time, 'recognising the investments made by the various parties' and for these parties to be given 'sufficient incentive' to enable them to 'remain interested' in researching and developing the drugs. “But the key is to do so ensuring a reasonable profit for companies and an affordable price for the health service,” she argues.

Chairwoman of the State Council for Medical Students (CEEM), Laura Martínez, says she is 'very concerned' that continuing professional development for those in the health industry is 'highlydependent' upon conferences and publications run or produced by the pharmaceutical industry. This includes research commissioned by pharmaceutical companies, and the unlikelihood of research in conflict with these manufacturers ever seeing the light of day – an issue that does not just affect Spain, but is worldwide and known about by many professionals in different branches of medicine. “This can cause bias in prescription with an overuse of certain drugs, and create conflict of interest,” Laura Martínez says. Once the ILP is formally logged as having been received, Parliament will need to decide whether or not to accept it for discussion and, if it does so, the parties which proposed it have a deadline of nine months to obtain 500,000 signatures in favour of it. At 500,000 or more signatures, Parliament is required by law to debate the proposal.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Flying the flag on Orihuela Costa The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, has participated in the official raising of the Blue Flags and the Q Quality Flags on the beaches of Orihuela. "This year we have retained the 11 Blue Flags and the 5 Quality Q Flags that we achieved in 2018. These awards raise the prestige of our beaches and speak for

themselves. We have to continue taking care of our beaches, promoting tourism and putting Orihuela in the national and international spotlight, "said Mayor Bascuñana. At the event, which took place at the Playa La Glea in Campoamor, the Mayor was accompanied by Rafael Almagro and Sabina-Goretti Galindo, from the Government team and by local councillors Luisa Boné and Ángel Noguera. The parish head of Campoamor, Raúl Fernández was also present. Orihuela has once again obtained the

eleven Blue Flags on all its beaches and the Nautical Club Dehesa de Campoamor has achieved an additional flags. The beaches are: Punta Prima, Cala Bosque, La Caleta, Cala Capitán, Aguamarina, Campoamor, Rubio Ravine, Cala Estaca, Cala Mosca, Cala Cerrada and Mil Palmeras. Emilio Bascuñana explained that: "Orihuela is the municipality of the Valencian Community with the largest number of Blue Flags, and the second in Spain, something that demonstrates the clear commitment of our city to the coast. The city heritage and the beautiful beaches makes our municipality most attractive to tourists.” The Blue Flag is an annual award and a system of environmental quality certification developed by FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). It promotes and rewards participation in voluntary environmental initiatives by municipal authorities, the local and visitor population and agents of the tourism sector. The organisation takes into account several criteria including: quality of bathing water, information and environmental education, environmental management and security, services and facilities. In order for a beach or a marina to achieve a Q Flag it must carry out an audit that analyz¡ses the equipment for public use, the cleaning services and the collection of waste, the safety, rescue and first aid facilities, information services for tourists, access to bathing, hygiene services and leisure establishments.


Investment evening with Seagate Seagate Wealth Management will be hosting an evening event on Thursday 11th July at the prestigious La Laguna Hotel in Ciudad Quesada. This will be the first time we have hosted an evening event and we are looking forward to a successful time. The evening will commence with a presentation by Chris Shaw, a qualified financial adviser and partner with Seagate. The presentation will cover the following points of interest: Understanding Your Investment An introduction to investing and the various funds available. Household names as well as other more specialist funds will be covered.

Maximise Tax Protection Fully Spanish tax compliant products from a range of world famous household names, including Prudential International. Where to Invest – Spain or UK Spanish tax compliant savings bonds that outperform the UK equivalent simply because of the taxation treatment. UK Pension A guide to making the most of your personal pension. We also offer a free pension tracing service to re‐ unite people with lost or frozen UK pensions.

After the presentation Chris along with other members of the team will be on hand to answer your specific questions. For more in‐depth advice, a follow‐up meeting can be arranged at no cost and with no obligation. This will be followed by a tapas and wine reception in the beautiful swimming pool terrace and again the advisers will be happy to chat about any of your investment and pension queries. The event starts at 7pm and places are strictly limited. If you would like to attend this special evening, then you need to register. Simply call 965 704 338 or email: Marketing@seagatewealth.es

Please note that all information contained within this Costa Blanca People Business Profile has been provided by the client, and is therefore deemed correct and accurate. Any errors, omissions or inaccuracies are the sole responsibility of the client.

La Manada have sentence increased Spain’s highest court has overturned a controversial sentence which found five gang-rapists accused of the lesser offence of 'sexual abuse' after they attacked an 18-year-old woman at Pamplona fiestas and filmed her ordeal. La Manada, or 'The Wolfpack’ as the group calls themselves – a street gang with initiation rites and whose members even include a now-struck off Guardia Civil officer – were said to be 'looking for trouble' when they travelled to Navarra for the Sanfermines bull-running festival from their home city of Sevilla in 2016, with recordings of them joking about holding a gun to a Basque person's head and forcing him to sing his regional anthem in Castilian Spanish. They found Clara, 18, from Madrid, very drunk and lost, and offered to walk her back to her hotel, but en route, they led her into the foyer of a block of flats and took it in turns to rape her whilst filming her. One of the men stole her mobile phone, saying he did so 'because he liked it', but which the Supreme Court judge considers also left her additionally vulnerable as she was unable to call for help. Controversy surrounding the group's initial nine-year sentence for the lesser offence of 'sexual abuse' rather than 20 years for 'rape' found its way around the world, with street protests as far away as Australia and even local county radio stations reporting the verdict in the UK. An association of female judges in Spain signed an open letter calling for it to be overturned, saying the leniency of

the charges 'set a dangerous precedent' for women across the country. The magistrates considered that as the victim had not fought back or expressly protested verbally, she was deemed to have consented, meaning it could not be a rape, although women's groups and rape crisis centres across the country said this did not make sense: had it been a consenting act, there would have been no crime at all, not even sexual abuse, but without consent it could only be classed as 'rape' due to the form it took. Psychologists and gender violence experts also pointed out that a rape victim's 'freezing' or becoming 'passive' and 'playing dead' or being unable to react physically was a normal and very frequent response to such an attack, and strongly objected to the court's claims that as she was drunk, she did not feel any pain, which invalidated the crime. Police who seized the mobile phone videos described the footage as 'harrowing', and the Supreme Court has now called it 'humiliating' to the victim.

The verdict Beyond the Supreme Court, there is no further course of appeal in Spain, unless any party to the case considers his or her rights under the Spanish Constitution have been breached, in

which case an appeal can be made to the Constitutional Court, whose role is purely that of interpreting the Magna Carta. As a result, the judge's recent decision is final.

The four-page verdict concludes with a 15-year sentence for 'rape' for all of the gang members, with an additional two years, bringing the custodial term up to 17 years, for three of them for 'aggravated robbery' because of Clara's mobile phone theft, including for the material author of this offence, now-ex Guardia Civil officer Antonio Manuel Guerrero Escudero. According to the judge's report, the facts of the case 'cannot be considered to constitute a crime of sexual abuse' but instead one of 'continuous rape', given that they present 'a truly intimidating scenario' in which the victim 'does not at any moment consent to the sexual acts performed by the accused parties'. The Supreme Court considers the previous verdict of 'sexual abuse' to be an 'error', since the scenario involved is, more correctly, one of 'multiple acts of sexual assault'.

Aggravating factors include the 'humiliating treatment' of the victim, who was 'penetrated simultaneously by two men at a time', and then suffered the attackers' 'bragging about' their behaviour on the videos they took during the process. Also, the fact the crimes were committed by a group is an aggravating factor, but that even if it had just been one of them, the judge said, it would still serve to render the crime more serious given the 'age and physical characteristics and the intimidating situation involved', since all five are in their 30s, well-built and very strong, meaning an 18-year-old woman would not have achieved much by trying to fight them off physically and could have endangered herself even further. The Supreme Court says it has put the issue of consent at the heart of its decision rather than the victim's apparently passive reaction, stressing that her 'attitude of submission' and 'allowing the accused parties to act as they did' was due to the 'anguish and intense feeling of being trapped' as a result of the attackers' number, strength, age, the force involved, and the fact that the crimes happened in a 'remote and confined space' where she was 'cornered with no hope of escape'.

Terror One of the magistrates involved in the earlier, more lenient verdict had even voted for all five to be acquitted of everything except the theft of Clara's mobile phone, claiming the video footage 'showed they were all having a jolly good time'. But the Supreme Court considers there is absolutely no room for doubt that the girl's ordeal was one of torture, humiliation and terror. All five had paid €3,000 each in bail to secure their release within days of their initial arrest, although one ended up back behind bars within weeks for stealing a pair of designer sunglasses from a shopping centre, and another was caught trying to renew his passport, so he would still have one available despite being obliged to hand it in to the court. A huge campaign across Sevilla was launched, with women throughout the city giving posters to shopkeepers, bars and restaurants to put up saying they 'do not serve rapists', and threatening to boycott any premises which did serve La Manada, in a bid to 'freeze them out' and make their lives impossible. Women's groups, charities, mental health professionals and those who work with rape victims all say the new verdict is very welcome and good news for females across Spain. As a Supreme Court sentence, it also sets a legal precedent, meaning in any similar case, the verdict and custodial term applied would be automatic.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


Rebecca Serwotka

Your favourite local property expert, of Inmobiliaria Real Estate Agents in Ciudad Quesada & published author of “Moving Forward – 25 Essential Rules For Buying & Selling Real Estate Without Going Crazy.” Request your FREE copy today! Featured on Best Buy Spain – Property TV – Sky Channel 189.


f you’re looking to buy a house in Spain and told all of your family and friends your exciting news, you’re bound to have at least one of them say “let me give you some advice.” After all, they’ve been there, done that or they’re “experts” in the Real Estate market because they’ve watched countless episodes of A Place In The Sun. We all know they’re only trying to be helpful, but just because people have an opinion doesn’t make them well informed experts. So when it comes to buying a house, that helpful advice can easily send you down the wrong path. Here are a few of the worst home-buying advice, people have heard:“WAIT, DON’T BUY YET, HOUSE PRICES ARE GOING DOWN!” Why you might hear this: The housing bubble is going to burst and you’d be better off waiting for prices to go down. Why its bad advice: Unfortunately for any Real Estate Investor, no-one can predict exactly how the market is going to react to any world event. No-one can be spot on when it comes to predicting the future! So when it comes to finding that ideal home, why wait? The time isn’t someday soon…. It’s right now! What your family and friends never tell you is that prices will go up and to buy now before you miss the boat. Live for today, you don’t know what tomorrow’s going to bring! “YOU DON’T NEED TO USE A REAL ESTATE AGENT” Why you might hear this: Saving money on agent’s commission, when

you can do a deal direct. Easy right? Wrong! Why its bad advice: In any market, the best way to save money is by using a qualified Real Estate Agent, as they’re the ones that can guide you through the complete buying process, pointing out any potential problems that could cost you big time down the road. They will know how to negotiate the best deal for you, and be able to point you in the right direction long after you’ve bought. Priceless! “MAKE A CHEEKY OFFER” Why you might hear this: That’s what they do on tv! Why its bad advice: Making an extremely low offer can start negotiations off on the wrong foot with the seller. You want the best deal but you don’t want to halt negotiations before they even get going. Be reasonable with your offer. Serious buyers and sellers know what homes are worth. Your Real Estate Agent will be able to guide you on making the best offer. “NEVER PAY FULL PRICE” Why you might hear this: Because only losers pay full price, right? WRONG! Why its bad advice: Full price doesn’t always mean overpriced! However if that perfect home seems a little more than the going rate, and if it has everything you’ve been looking for, then paying full price may be the only way to secure it. Everyone has an opinion in the property market, so thank your family and friends for their heartfelt input however, you can handle it from here with a professional Real Estate Agent on your side. Buying? Enjoy the journey!

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Bingeworthy Box Sets Curb Your Enthusiasm

He's got it all: a loving wife, good friends, a successful career, a great home...what could possibly go wrong for Larry David? Seinfeld co-creator Larry David stars as himself in this hilarious, off-kilter comedy series that presents an unflinching, self-deprecating depiction of his life.

The Americans

Philip and Elizabeth Jennings are two KGB spies in an arranged marriage who are posing as Americans in suburban Washington, D.C., shortly after Ronald Reagan is elected president. The couple have two children, teenager Paige and preteen Henry, who are unaware of their parents' true identities. The complex marriage becomes more passionate and genuine each day but is continually tested as the Cold War escalates. As Philip begins to warm up to America's values and way of life, his relationship with Elizabeth becomes more complicated. Further complicating things is the arrival of the Jennings' new neighbour, FBI agent Stan Beeman, who is part of a new division of the agency tasked with fighting foreign agents on U.S. soil. The drama series was created by former CIA agent-turned-author Joe Weisberg.

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

28 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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Tuesday 2nd July 00:00 Have I Got News for You 00:30 The Graham Norton Show 01:20 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:25 Newsday 01:30 HARDtalk 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Asia Business Report 02:45 Sport Today 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Monday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Travel Show 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 The Briefing 06:30 Business Briefing 06:45 The Briefing 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 One Day That Changed My Life 12:45 Politics Live 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 20:30 Live: FIFA Women's

00:10 BBC Weather

00:45 Her Majesty's Cavalry 01:10 Tenable 02:00 James Martin's French 00:15 Top Gear Adventure 02:50 Loose Women 01:15 Health: Truth or Scare 03:40 Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 02:00 Countryfile 04:30 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 02:55 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 07:00 Monday in Parliament 10:25 Judge Rinder 11:30 This Morning 07:25 Ill Gotten Gains 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 08:10 The Super League Show 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 09:00 Eat Well for Less? 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 10:00 BBC News at Nine 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 12:00 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 20:30 Save Money: Good Diet 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 Today at Wimbledon 21:30 Her Majesty's Cavalry 22:00 Judi Dench's Wild 22:30 Inside the Bank of Borneo Adventure 23:00 ITV News at Ten England 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Psychopath with Piers Morgan 23:30 Newsnight

00:35 ICC World Cup Cricket 01:35 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick 02:30 The Restoration Man 03:25 Drag SOS 04:20 My Family Secrets Revealed 05:15 Extreme Cake Makers 05:40 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 05:55 Big House, Little House 06:50 Countdown 07:25 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:20 The King of Queens 08:45 The King of Queens 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 Frasier 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Coast vs Country 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Kirstie's Celebrity Craft Masters 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks

08:05 Shane the Chef 03:20 Teleshopping 08:20 Peppa Pig 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 07:00 The Planet's Funniest 08:30 Peppa Pig Animals 08:40 Top Wing 07:20 Judge Rinder 08:55 PAW Patrol 08:10 Dinner Date 09:05 Digby Dragon 09:00 Emmerdale 09:20 Little Princess 09:30 Coronation Street 09:40 Shimmer and Shine 10:00 Coronation Street 09:55 Floogals 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres 10:10 Sunny Bunnies Show 10:15 Jeremy Vine 11:25 Superstore 12:15 Bargain Loving Brits in 11:50 Superstore the Sun 12:15 You've Been Framed! 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:45 You've Been Framed! 13:15 Police Interceptors 13:10 Emmerdale 14:10 Access 13:45 Coronation Street 14:15 Home and Away 14:15 Coronation Street 14:45 Neighbours 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:15 Death of a Vegas Showgirl Show 17:00 Friends 15:45 Dress to Impress 17:30 Friends 16:45 Dinner Date 18:00 5 News at 5 17:50 Take Me Out 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 You've Been Framed! 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 You've Been Framed! 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 You've Been Framed! 20:00 Portillo's Hidden History 20:30 You've Been Framed! of Britain 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:00 The Great Gardening 21:30 Superstore Challenge 22:00 Love Island 22:15 Trawlermen: Celebs At 23:05 Family Guy 23:35 Family Guy Sea

01:15 A Touch of Frost 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 09:50 On the Buses 10:25 On the Buses 11:00 Rising Damp 11:30 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:55 A Touch of Frost 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Midsomer Murders 23:00 Foyle's War


Wednesday 3 July 08:05 Shane the Chef 00:05 Family Guy 00:00 Hayley 00:10 BBC Weather 00:45 Love Your Garden 00:00 First Dates 01:15 Agatha Christie's Poirot 00:30 American Dad! 01:00 ICC World Cup Cricket 08:20 Peppa Pig 00:30 The Insider: Reggie Yates 01:10 The Island Strait 00:15 The Flu that Killed 50 03:05 ITV3 Nightscreen 01:00 American Dad! 02:00 The Restaurant That 01:25 Weather for the Week 08:30 Peppa Pig 01:35 Tenable 01:30 Shopping with Keith Makes Mistakes Ahead Million 08:40 Top Wing 03:30 Teleshopping 02:25 James Martin's French 02:55 The Restoration Man Lemon 01:30 HARDtalk 08:55 PAW Patrol 01:15 Who Should Get to Stay in Adventure 02:00 Two and a Half Men 03:50 Grand Designs Australia 09:05 Digby Dragon 07:00 Coronation Street 02:00 Newsday 03:15 Loose Women 02:35 Superstore 04:45 My Family Secrets 02:30 Asia Business Report the UK? 09:20 Little Princess 07:30 Coronation Street 03:05 Totally Bonkers Revealed 04:00 River Monsters 02:45 Sport Today 02:15 The Customer is Always 04:25 ITV Nightscreen Guinness World Records 05:40 Extreme Cake Makers 09:40 Shimmer and Shine 03:00 BBC News 07:55 Heartbeat 03:15 Teleshopping 05:55 Big House, Little House 09:55 Floogals 03:30 Tuesday in Parliament Right 06:05 Judge Rinder 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 06:50 Countdown 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 04:00 BBC News 07:00 Good Morning Britain 03:00 This Is BBC TWO 10:15 Jeremy Vine 07:25 Cheers 07:00 The Planet's Funniest 04:30 Our World 09:30 Lorraine 09:55 On the Buses 07:55 Cheers Animals 12:15 Bargain Loving Brits in 05:00 BBC News 07:00 Tuesday in Parliament 10:25 Judge Rinder 08:20 The King of Queens 07:20 Judge Rinder the Sun 05:30 HARDtalk 10:25 On the Buses 07:30 Ill Gotten Gains 08:45 The King of Queens 08:10 Dinner Date 11:30 This Morning 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 06:00 The Briefing 09:10 Everybody Loves 09:00 Emmerdale 13:30 Loose Women 11:00 Rising Damp 13:15 Police Interceptors 06:30 Business Briefing 08:15 One Day That Changed Raymond 09:30 Emmerdale 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:10 Access 06:45 The Briefing 09:40 Everybody Loves 10:00 You've Been Framed! My Life 11:30 A Touch of Frost 14:15 Home and Away 07:00 Breakfast 14:55 ITV News London Raymond 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 09:00 See Hear 14:45 Neighbours 13:40 Heartbeat 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 10:10 Frasier Show 11:00 Homes Under the 15:15 Fear Bay 16:00 Tenable 10:40 Frasier 11:25 Superstore 09:30 Defenders UK 14:45 Emmerdale Hammer 17:00 Friends 11:10 Ramsay's Kitchen 11:50 Superstore 17:00 Tipping Point 12:00 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 10:00 BBC News at Nine 17:30 Friends Nightmares USA 12:15 You've Been Framed! 15:15 Emmerdale 18:00 The Chase 14:00 BBC News at One 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:10 Emmerdale 18:00 5 News at 5 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 19:00 ITV News London 14:30 BBC London News 15:50 Coronation Street 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:45 Emmerdale 18:30 Neighbours 19:30 ITV Evening News 14:45 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 12:00 Lifeline 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:15 You've Been Framed! 19:00 Home and Away 16:20 Coronation Street 20:00 Emmerdale 19:00 BBC News at Six 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 12:10 Politics Live 19:30 5 News Tonight 19:30 BBC London News 20:30 Coronation Street 15:10 Countdown Show 16:55 A Touch of Frost 20:00 Portillo's Hidden History 20:00 Hampton Court Palace 14:00 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 21:00 Inside the Ritz Hotel 16:00 Coast vs Country 15:45 Dress to Impress of Britain Flower Show 18:55 Heartbeat 17:00 A Place in the Sun 16:45 Dinner Date 21:30 Coronation Street 21:30 Today at Wimbledon 20:30 Live: FIFA Women's 18:00 Kirstie's Celebrity Craft 21:00 GPs: Behind Closed 17:50 Take Me Out 22:00 Wild Bill 20:00 Murder, She Wrote Doors World Cup Football 22:30 Anna: The Woman Who Masters 19:00 You've Been Framed! 23:00 ITV News at Ten 22:00 Casualty 24/7 19:00 The Simpsons 23:00 BBC News at Ten 19:30 You've Been Framed! 21:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot Went to Fight ISIS 23:30 ITV News London 23:00 The Clues That Caught 20:00 You've Been Framed! 19:30 Hollyoaks 23:25 BBC London News 23:45 Peston 20:00 Channel 4 News 23:35 Hometown: A Killing 23:00 Foyle's War 20:30 You've Been Framed! The Killer 23:30 Newsnight The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People


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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

30 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

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Thursday 4th July 00:10 Hometown: A Killing 00:45 The Truth About... 01:45 Weather for the Week Ahead 01:50 HARDtalk 02:00 Newsday 02:30 Asia Business Report 02:45 Sport Today 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Wednesday in Parliament 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News 05:30 HARDtalk 06:00 The Briefing 06:30 Business Briefing 06:45 The Briefing 07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 One Day That Changed My Life 12:45 Politics Live 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News at One 14:30 BBC London News 14:45 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 19:00 BBC News at Six 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 Fake Britain 20:30 EastEnders 21:00 Serengeti 22:00 Ambulance

00:10 BBC Weather 00:15 Britain's Next Air Disaster? Drones 01:15 See Hear 01:45 What We Do in the Shadows 02:05 What We Do in the Shadows 02:30 Ambulance 03:30 This Is BBC TWO 07:00 Wednesday in Parliament 07:30 Ill Gotten Gains 08:15 One Day That Changed My Life 09:00 Equator from the Air 10:00 BBC News at Nine 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 12:00 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 21:30 Today at Wimbledon 22:30 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 23:30 Newsnight

00:40 Tenable 01:35 James Martin's French Adventure 02:25 Culinary Genius 03:15 Loose Women 04:00 Surprise, Surprise 04:50 ITV Nightscreen 06:05 Judge Rinder 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 Judge Rinder 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Tenable 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 ITV Evening News 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Tonight 21:00 Emmerdale 21:30 The Cruise: Sailing the Mediterranean 22:00 Sarah Payne: The Untold Story 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:30 ITV News London 23:45 Trevor McDonald's Indian Train Adventure

05:30 Extreme Cake Makers 05:55 Big House, Little House 06:50 Countdown 07:25 Cheers 07:55 Cheers 08:20 The King of Queens 08:45 The King of Queens 09:10 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 Frasier 10:40 Frasier 11:10 Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Coast vs Country 17:00 A Place in the Sun 18:00 Kirstie's Celebrity Craft Masters 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 George Clarke's Old House, New Home 22:00 Catch-22 23:00 999: What's Your Emergency?

07:35 Noddy: Toyland Detective Guinness World Records 03:10 Totally Bonkers 07:45 Fireman Sam 07:55 Thomas & Friends: Big Guinness World Records 03:20 Teleshopping World! Big Adventures! 06:50 ITV2 Nightscreen 08:05 Shane the Chef 07:00 The Planet's Funniest 08:20 Peppa Pig Animals 08:30 Peppa Pig 07:20 Judge Rinder 08:40 Top Wing 08:10 Dinner Date 08:55 PAW Patrol 09:00 Emmerdale 09:05 Digby Dragon 09:30 Coronation Street 09:20 Little Princess 10:00 Coronation Street 09:40 Shimmer and Shine 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:55 Floogals Show 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 11:25 Superstore 10:15 Jeremy Vine 11:50 Superstore 12:15 Bargain Loving Brits in 12:15 You've Been Framed! the Sun 12:45 You've Been Framed! 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:10 Emmerdale 13:15 Police Interceptors 13:45 Coronation Street 14:10 Access 14:15 Coronation Street 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 14:45 Neighbours Show 15:15 Presumed Dead in 15:45 Dress to Impress Paradise 16:45 Dinner Date 17:00 Friends 17:50 Take Me Out 17:30 Friends 19:00 You've Been Framed! 18:00 5 News at 5 19:30 You've Been Framed! 18:30 Neighbours 20:00 You've Been Framed! 19:00 Home and Away 21:00 Two and a Half Men 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Digging Up Britain's Past 21:30 Two and a Half Men 22:00 Love Island 21:00 Grime & Punishment: 23:00 Shopping with Keith Dirty Britain Lemon 22:00 The Hotel Inspector 23:35 Family Guy 23:00 Mega Obese

01:10 Tommy Cooper Forever 02:10 Tommy Cooper Forever 03:10 ITV3 Nightscreen 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Coronation Street 07:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Murder, She Wrote 09:50 On the Buses 10:25 On the Buses 11:00 George and Mildred 11:30 A Touch of Frost 13:40 Heartbeat 14:45 Emmerdale 15:15 Emmerdale 15:50 Coronation Street 16:20 Coronation Street 16:50 A Touch of Frost 18:55 Heartbeat 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 21:00 Vera 23:00 Foyle's War

Friday 5th July 08:05 Shane the Chef 00:05 Family Guy 00:35 This Week 00:10 BBC Weather 00:45 Long Lost Family 00:05 24 Hours in A&E 01:05 Inspector Morse 00:30 American Dad! 08:20 Peppa Pig 01:05 ICC World Cup Cricket 01:20 Weather for the Week 01:35 Beecham House 03:15 ITV3 Nightscreen 00:15 Escape from Dubai: The 01:00 American Dad! 02:05 Ramsay's Kitchen Ahead 08:30 Peppa Pig 02:30 Tenable 03:30 Teleshopping 01:30 Hey Tracey Nightmares USA 01:25 Newsday 08:40 Top Wing Mystery of the Missing 02:15 Two and a Half Men 02:55 Byzantium 01:30 HARDtalk 08:55 PAW Patrol 03:20 Loose Women 07:00 Coronation Street Princess 02:45 Two and a Half Men 04:55 Dispatches 02:00 Newsday 09:05 Digby Dragon 04:10 Love Your Garden 07:25 Coronation Street 03:10 Teleshopping 05:25 The £1 Houses: Britain's 09:20 Little Princess 02:30 Asia Business Report 01:15 Thatcher: A Very British 06:40 ITV2 Nightscreen Cheapest Street 02:45 Sport Today 05:00 ITV Nightscreen 07:55 Heartbeat 09:40 Shimmer and Shine 07:00 The Planet's Funniest 05:55 Big House, Little House 09:55 Floogals 03:00 BBC News Revolution 06:05 Judge Rinder 08:55 Murder, She Wrote Animals 06:50 Countdown 03:30 Thursday in Parliament 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 02:15 Icons: The Greatest 07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:50 On the Buses 07:20 Judge Rinder 07:25 Cheers 04:00 BBC News 10:15 Jeremy Vine 07:55 Cheers 08:10 Dinner Date 04:30 The Travel Show 09:30 Lorraine Person of the 20th Century 10:25 On the Buses 12:15 Bargain Loving Brits in 08:20 The King of Queens 09:00 Emmerdale 05:00 BBC News the Sun 10:25 Judge Rinder 10:55 George and Mildred 03:15 Icons: The Greatest 08:45 The King of Queens 09:30 Emmerdale 05:30 HARDtalk 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 09:10 Everybody Loves 10:00 You've Been Framed! 06:00 The Briefing 11:30 This Morning 11:25 A Touch of Frost Person of the 20th Century 13:15 Police Interceptors Raymond 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres 06:30 Business Briefing 13:30 Loose Women 13:40 Heartbeat 14:10 Access 09:40 Everybody Loves Show 06:45 The Briefing 04:15 This Is BBC TWO 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 14:15 Home and Away Raymond 11:25 Superstore 07:00 Breakfast 14:45 Emmerdale 07:00 Thursday in Parliament 10:10 Frasier 11:50 Superstore 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 14:45 Neighbours 14:55 ITV News London 15:15 Emmerdale 10:40 Frasier 12:15 You've Been Framed! 11:00 Homes Under the 15:15 Forgotten Evil 07:30 Ill Gotten Gains 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 15:50 Coronation Street 11:10 Ramsay's Kitchen 13:10 Emmerdale Hammer 17:00 Friends Nightmares USA 13:45 Emmerdale 12:00 One Day That Changed 08:15 One Day That Changed 16:00 Tenable 17:30 Friends 16:20 Coronation Street 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 14:15 You've Been Framed! My Life 18:00 5 News at 5 17:00 Tipping Point My Life 16:55 A Touch of Frost 13:00 Channel 4 News 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 12:45 Politics Live 18:30 Neighbours 13:05 Come Dine with Me Show 13:15 Bargain Hunt 18:00 The Chase 18:55 Heartbeat 09:00 Gardeners' World 19:00 Home and Away 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 15:45 Dress to Impress 14:00 BBC News at One 19:00 ITV News London 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Heartbeat 10:00 BBC News at Nine 15:10 Countdown 16:45 Dinner Date 14:30 BBC London News 20:00 The Gadget Show 19:30 ITV Evening News 21:00 Paul O'Grady: For the 16:00 Coast vs Country 17:50 Take Me Out 14:45 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 20:30 To Be Announced 17:00 A Place in the Sun 19:00 You've Been Framed! 19:00 BBC News at Six 20:00 Emmerdale Love of Dogs 21:00 Inside The Savoy: 18:00 Kirstie's Celebrity Craft 19:30 You've Been Framed! 19:30 BBC London News 12:00 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 20:30 Coronation Street London's Most Famous Hotel 20:00 You've Been Framed! 21:30 Rising Damp Forever Masters 20:00 Eat Well for Less? 21:30 Today at Wimbledon 22:00 The Nile with Bettany 19:00 The Simpsons 21:00 Two and a Half Men 21:00 Garden Rescue 21:30 Endeavour 22:30 Rising Damp Forever Hughes 19:30 Hollyoaks 21:30 Two and a Half Men 21:30 EastEnders 22:30 Gardeners' World 23:20 ITV News 23:30 Foyle's War 20:00 Channel 4 News 23:00 The Graham Norton 22:00 Still Game 22:00 Love Island 23:50 ITV News London 21:00 The Crystal Maze 22:30 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:05 Celebrity Juice ITV 4 23:30 Newsnight Story The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019

What do the new electric scooter laws mean? The DGT has started to regulate certain personal mobility vehicles, in order to ensure that they are used correctly and safely. Although this is not the end of the legislation, many more changes are still being considered, it does mean that there are now clearer rules for certain types of these mobility tools.

The current instruction, 19 / V-134, determines the difference between the vehicles that are considered motorised, or assisted, and clarifies where these vehicles can be used, as well as the restrictions such as if a driving licence is required, insurance and the use of a crash helmet, for example. Vehicles which qualify as being within the designation of L1e-A and L1e-B must only be used on the roads, and have the same requirements as a moped, such as the driver having to hold a driving licence for the vehicle, mandatory insurance, and the use of a crash helmet. Those bicycles which are considered to be “assisted pedalling cycles” do not fall into these categories, and are effectively the same as bicycles which are propelled by pedal power only. Following the initial publication of the rules, further clarification was given in order to satisfy the needs of European legislation, for which we now have two clearly defined categories for these types of cycles, pedal assisted cycles, and motor powered cycles.


These vehicles have a number of different common names, including EPAC (Electronically Power Assisted Cycles), assisted pedal cycles, or pedal assisted cycles, to name but a few, although the keyword is ‘assisted’. They are not included in the L category of vehicles so they do not need homologation or registration. EPACs require certification (not to be confused with "homologation"): the manufacturer must certify that it meets the "CE Marking" under the UNE-EN 15194: 2018 and the ISO 4210-1: 2014 norms. Its definition in the aforementioned regulation is that of a “cycles with pedal assistance which are equipped with an auxiliary electric motor having a maximum continuous rated power of 0.25 kW, of which the output is progressively reduced and finally cut off as the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 km/h, or sooner, if the cyclist stops pedalling”. As a result of this exclusion, member states should classify these vehicles as bicycles. EPAC bikes can of course go faster, but only through the power of the human pedalling, not the motor. Assisted pedal cycles may use the same lanes as bicycles, as well as roads in urban and interurban areas, but not motorways. As a word of warning, there are some bikes which look like EPACs, but are capable of a higher speed or performance. These vehicles do not qualify as being covered by this legislation and must be assumed to be mopeds or, in some cases, motorcycles. It will depend on the power and speed of

the specific vehicle model (brands offer different "engines" sometimes on the same frame or "structure").

"ENGINE CYCLES" (CICLOMOTORS) Unlike the assisted pedal bicycles or "EPAC", the "engine cycles" are included in the aforementioned regulation, within the L1e category of light two-wheeled motor vehicles. Electric bicycle and/or LEV (Light Electric Vehicle of weight less than or equal to 400 kg) is a term which covers two different concepts of vehicles with an auxiliary electric motor: 1) cycles equipped with an auxiliary motor that cannot be exclusively propelled by that motor. Only when the cyclist pedals, does the motor assist. These vehicles are generally called pedelecs. 2) cycles equipped with an auxiliary electric motor that can be exclusively propelled by that motor. The cyclist is not necessarily required to pedal. These vehicles are generally called E-bikes. Pedelecs and E-bikes are not always two-wheeled. There are also vehicles with 3 wheels. Legal definitions have the term “cycles” in order to cover all vehicles, irrespective of their number of wheels. This category L1e is divided into L1e-A or "engine cycles" and L1e-B or "two-wheel moped".

The main characteristics of the "engine cycles" of the L1e-A category are: Cycles designed to operate by pedal that have an auxiliary propulsion whose main objective is to help the pedalling. The auxiliary propulsion power is interrupted at a vehicle speed ≤ 25 km/ h. Rated power or net continuous maximum ≤ 1.000 W. Any vehicle of the category L1e that cannot be classified according to any of the criteria of the category L1e-A, belongs to the category L1e-B (for example, those that exceed 1,000W) and will continue to

be considered as a moped. The DGT emphasizes in its instruction that "vehicles L1e-A are included in the category L1e of mopeds, and therefore, to authorise their use they must be approved and registered (have a number plate), as well as comply with the rest of the obligations established in the legal order”, such as insurance, and the wearing of a crash helmet, as well as the rider holding a licence for the appropriate vehicle. The second part of this article continues next week.



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019


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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019

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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019 | costablancapeople.com

34 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Saturday 6th July 00:20 Room 101: Extra Storage 00:00 BBC Weather 01:00 David Brent: Life on the Road 02:30 Weather for the Week Ahead

00:05 Glastonbury 02:05 The Planets 03:05 This Is BBC TWO

02:35 Click

07:00 All Over the Place

03:00 BBC News

07:30 The Dengineers

04:00 BBC News

08:00 The Dog Ate My

04:30 Click 04:45 Newswatch


05:00 BBC News

08:25 Mustangs FC

06:00 BBC News

08:50 Tinker Bell and the

06:30 The Travel Show

Legend of the NeverBeast

07:00 Breakfast 11:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 12:30 Nigella: At My Table

10:00 The World According to Kids

13:00 BBC News at One

11:00 Me and My Dog: The

13:10 BBC London News

Ultimate Contest

13:20 Live: Wimbledon Tennis

12:00 Live: Wimbledon Tennis

20:35 Pointless Celebrities 21:25 Casualty 22:15 Killing Eve

21:30 Today at Wimbledon 22:30 Hampton Court Palace

23:00 BBC Weekend News

Garden Festival

23:20 The Lady in the Van

23:30 Matangi/Maya/M.I.A.

Saturday 6th July Channel 4 10:00pm

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back The vigilante tries to save an army major who has been framed for murder and treason. He discovers that she has been targeted by a secret government conspiracy, and together they go on the run to expose the truth. Action thriller sequel based on Lee Child's novel, starring Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders and Danika Yarosh.

00:10 Hot Fuzz 02:15 The Voice Kids 03:30 Loose Women 04:20 All Star Mr & Mrs 05:10 ITV Nightscreen 07:00 Dino Dana 07:10 Super 4 07:25 Super 4 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 08:00 Mission Employable 08:05 Mr Bean 08:15 Mr Bean 08:30 Marvel's Avengers: Secret Wars 09:00 Thunderbirds Are Go 09:25 ITV News 09:30 The Sara Cox Show 10:25 James Martin's Saturday Morning 12:35 John and Lisa's Weekend Kitchen 13:40 Save Money: Good Diet 14:10 ITV Lunchtime News 14:25 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 You've Been Framed! 17:30 Tipping Point 18:30 The Chase 19:25 ITV Evening News 19:35 ITV News London 19:40 Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule 20:15 Catchphrase 21:00 The Voice Kids 22:35 ITV News 22:55 GoldenEye

00:05 Shipmates 01:05 ICC World Cup Cricket 02:05 Skin Trade 03:40 Year of the Rabbit 04:10 Ackley Bridge 05:05 My Family Secrets Revealed 06:00 Kirstie's Handmade Treasures 06:15 Big House, Little House 07:10 The King of Queens 07:35 The King of Queens 08:00 Frasier 08:25 Frasier 08:55 The Big Bang Theory 09:15 The Big Bang Theory 09:40 The Big Bang Theory 10:05 Young Sheldon 10:30 Young Sheldon 11:00 The Simpsons 13:00 Four in a Bed 15:10 Four in a Bed 15:45 Live: W Series Motor Racing 17:00 A Place in the Sun 17:30 Location, Location, Location 18:35 Portrait Artist of the Year 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 London's Great Bridges Lighting the Thames 21:00 Race to the Death: Rome's Charioteers 22:00 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

08:40 Digby Dragon 00:20 Family Guy 08:55 Peppa Pig 00:50 American Dad! 09:00 Peppa Pig 01:20 American Dad! 09:10 Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom 01:50 Two and a Half Men 09:25 PAW Patrol 02:20 Two and a Half Men 09:45 Nella the Princess 02:45 Superstore Knight 09:55 Wissper 03:15 Teleshopping 10:10 Pirata & Capitano 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 10:25 Floogals 10:35 Sunny Day 07:00 Totally Bonkers 11:00 Rise of the Teenage Guinness World Records Mutant Ninja Turtles 07:10 Emmerdale Omnibus 11:10 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:00 Coronation Street 11:25 Britain's Greatest Bridges Omnibus 11:35 Traffic Cops 12:25 Traffic Cops 13:00 Catchphrase 13:25 Friends 13:40 Ninja Warrior UK 13:55 Friends 14:45 Dirty Dancing: Havana 14:25 Friends 14:55 Friends Nights 15:20 Friends 16:30 The Haunted Mansion 15:50 Mr. Deeds 17:40 Stargate 18:10 Despicable Me 2 19:50 5 News Weekend 20:15 Liar Liar 19:55 Lost Treasures of the 22:00 Love Island Maya 21:00 How the Victorians Built 23:05 Shopping with Keith Britain 22:55 Most Shocking Celebrity Lemon

01:35 Vera

Moments of the 00s

22:00 Vera

23:35 Family Guy



03:30 Honest 04:20 Road to Avonlea 05:10 Road to Avonlea 06:00 Rising Damp 06:30 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:00 The Royal 07:50 Agatha Christie's Poirot 09:50 Inspector Morse 12:00 A Touch of Frost 14:05 A Touch of Frost 16:05 A Touch of Frost 18:05 Agatha Christie's Poirot 20:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot

Sunday 7th July

ITV2 7:25pm

Jurassic Park On a remote island where an amazing theme park with living cloned dinosaurs is located, five people must battle to survive among the prehistoric predators when the security system breaks down and the beasts are released from their enclosures.

Channel 4 3:30pm

Liar Liar

The Emperor's New Groove

A lawyer, whose underhand ploys to win cases leave him little time to see his son, discovers he is incapable of lying after the boy's birthday wish makes his dad tell only the truth. However, this causes a host of problems as the attorney tries to muddle his way through a high-profile divorce settlement. Comedy, with Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Cooper, Jennifer Tilly and Cary Elwes.

A spoilt and uncaring emperor learns the importance of treating people fairly when a sorceress turns him into a llama so she can seize power herself. His only hope of getting his kingdom back is to seek the help of a peasant he had previously mistreated. Animated Disney comedy, featuring the voices of David Spade, John Goodman, Patrick Warburton and Eartha Kitt.

ITV2 8:15pm

Sunday 7thJuly 00:05 Family Guy ITV 3 01:00 Memento 01:05 Mandela: Long Walk to 04:20 Broadchurch 00:20 ICC World Cup Cricket 08:55 Peppa Pig 05:10 ITV Nightscreen 01:25 The Last Leg 02:50 Weather for the Week 09:00 Ben & Holly's Little Freedom 00:30 Family Guy 00:00 Midsomer Murders 07:00 Dino Dana 02:20 Hollyoaks Omnibus Ahead Kingdom 03:25 This Is BBC TWO 07:10 Super 4 04:25 My Family Secrets 00:55 American Dad! 02:55 The Travel Show 09:20 PAW Patrol 02:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Super 4 Revealed 03:00 BBC News 07:00 This Is BBC TWO 09:35 Nella the Princess 01:25 American Dad! 07:35 Thunderbirds Are Go 05:20 Extreme Cake Makers 03:30 Dateline London Knight 02:30 Emmerdale 07:15 Glorious Gardens from 08:00 Mission Employable 05:45 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 01:55 CelebAbility 04:00 BBC News 08:05 Star Wars: Freemaker 06:05 Big House, Little House 09:55 Wissper Above 02:55 Emmerdale 04:30 Our World 10:00 Pirata & Capitano 02:40 Hey Tracey Adventures 07:00 The King of Queens 05:00 BBC News 08:00 Gardeners' World 10:10 Floogals 08:30 Marvel's Avengers: 03:20 ITV3 Nightscreen 07:25 The King of Queens 03:20 Totally Bonkers 05:30 Click 10:25 Sunny Day Secret Wars 09:00 Countryfile 07:50 The Big Bang Theory 06:00 BBC News 10:50 Rise of the Teenage 03:30 Teleshopping 08:55 Milo Murphy's Law Guinness World Records 08:10 The Big Bang Theory 06:30 The Week in Parliament 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Best 09:25 ITV News Mutant Ninja Turtles 08:35 The Simpsons 03:45 Teleshopping 07:00 Rising Damp 09:30 The Sara Cox Show 07:00 Breakfast Bites 11:00 Rise of the Teenage 09:00 The Simpsons 10:25 John and Lisa's Weekend 09:30 The Simpsons 10:00 BBC Weekend News Mutant Ninja Turtles 06:45 ITV2 Nightscreen 11:30 Nigella: At My Table 07:25 The Royal 12:15 Gino's Italian Coastal 11:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:10 Access 10:00 The Simpsons 07:00 Totally Bonkers Escape 12:00 A Cook Abroad 12:00 Sunday Politics 11:15 Friends 10:30 Sunday Brunch 08:20 Heartbeat 12:45 Best Walks with a View 13:30 The Simpsons Guinness World Records 12:30 Sunday Morning Live 13:00 ITU World Series 13:10 Friends with Julia Bradbury 09:20 Heartbeat 14:00 The Simpsons 13:30 Flog It! 13:40 National Security Triathlon 07:25 You've Been Framed! 13:15 ITV Lunchtime News 14:30 The Simpsons 14:00 BBC Weekend News 15:25 Nightmare Tenants, Slum 13:30 Harry Hill's Alien Fun 10:20 Long Lost Family 14:30 IAAF Diamond League 15:00 The Simpsons 07:50 Emmerdale Omnibus 14:15 Songs of Praise Landlords Capsule 15:30 The Emperor's New 14:50 Bargain Hunt Athletics 16:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum 11:25 A Touch of Frost 14:00 Star Wars: Episode III -10:50 Coronation Street Groove 15:30 John McEnroe Still Landlords Revenge of the Sith 15:55 Yentl 17:05 A Place in the Sun Omnibus 13:35 A Touch of Frost Rockin' at 60 16:45 Harry Potter and the 17:10 Nightmare Tenants, Slum 17:35 The Supervet: Noel 18:00 Barbra Streisand: Half-Blood Prince 16:30 Live: FIFA Women's Landlords 13:45 Catchphrase 15:35 Inspector Morse Fitzpatrick World Cup Football Becoming an Icon 1942-1984 19:30 ITV Evening News 18:10 Grime & Punishment: 18:35 Coast vs Country 14:30 You've Been Framed! 19:45 ITV News London 19:35 BBC Weekend News Dirty Britain 17:55 Victoria 19:00 Mediterranean With 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 The Chase 19:50 BBC London News 19:05 5 News Weekend 15:35 Casper 20:00 Great British Car 21:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Simon Reeve 18:55 Victoria 20:00 Countryfile 19:10 Rich Kids Go Skint Journeys Stars 17:30 Honey 21:00 Antiques Roadshow 20:00 Dragons' Den 20:00 The Wonderful World of 21:00 Escape to the Chateau: 22:00 Beecham House 20:00 Agatha Christie's Poirot 22:00 Gentleman Jack 19:25 Jurassic Park Chocolate Restoring the Dream 23:05 ITV News 21:00 Top Gear 23:00 BBC Weekend News 21:00 Gino's Win Your Wish List 22:00 The Handmaid's Tale 22:00 The Comedy Years 23:20 Inside the Ritz Hotel 22:00 Love Island 22:00 War in the Blood 23:20 BBC London News 22:00 Utterly Outrageous X23:00 The Ashes 2005: The 23:50 Judi Dench's Wild 23:00 Love Island: Aftersun 23:05 Vanity Fair 23:30 Imagine... Greatest Series 23:45 The Water Diviner Rated Comedy Borneo Adventure The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019

Sales in Spain

Summer sales are gradually starting in high-street stores and boutiques across the country, beginning with the Greater Madrid region on Saturday 21st June and spreading to other regions between now and 1st July. Zenia Boulevard began its Summer sales last week but has been a staggered start, depending on the outlet. Big names are typically the first to slash their prices – Spanish chain Mango and Swedish store H&M began last weekend, whilst the Inditex chain – Zara, Bershka, Stradivarius, Massimo Dutti, Uterqüe, Pull&Bear, Oysho and Zara Home – plus El Corte Inglés department store began their summer sale season this weekend. Leading national consumer organisation, the OCU, has published a raft of recommendations to ensure shoppers keep safe and are not blinded by low prices – which, from an average of 30 percent off at the beginning of the sales, can drop to up to 80 percent off by the end. Firstly, and most obviously, is to avoid impulse buys; customers are advised to make a list before they set off of what they really

need or want, set a budget and stick to it, and to take a walk and some time out before committing to a purchase, to allow them to think about it in full. Secondly, retailers are obliged to comply with a series of legal requirements, and consumers should make sure they do so. All goods in the sales must have their original price tag displayed on them, so shoppers know how much they are saving.

Nothing should change about the goods or the offers, except the price – the same guarantees apply, which is a minimum of two years for electrical items, and the quality must not be in any way diminished. If an item is of lesser quality, such as an item of clothing with a tear or a button missing, this should be clearly indicated, and it is normally recommended they be sold with an even lower price, since many shoppers do not mind buying something they need to do some sewing with if it saves

them money, but have the right to know this is in fact what they are getting. Payment methods must remain the same – for example, shops cannot insist on cash-only purchases for sales items where they would normally accept credit or debit cards at any other time of the year or on goods sold at full price. If special conditions apply to sale items or during sale season, such as payment methods or exchange and refund options – reduced-price goods, for example, are sometimes sold on a 'no refund or exchange' basis or can only be swapped for alternative products or cash vouchers for the same amount – these must be clearly and visibly stated on signs so the consumer cannot miss them. For online sales, customers have up to 14 days to request returns and refunds, unless clearly stated otherwise at the point of sale. Typically, in physical shops, the 'cooling off' period is 30 days. Under Spanish law, shops are allowed to hold sales periods at any time of the year and whenever they want, although most stick to the original summer and winter seasons when doing so.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019 | costablancapeople.com

36 Your FREE Weekly TV Guide

BBC one

BBC two


Channel 4

Channel 5



Monday 8th July 01:30 Weather for the Week 01:30 Pride 00:50 Wild Bill 00:05 Triple 9 00:00 Death Becomes Her 07:30 Olly the Little White Van 07:00 The Planet's Funniest Ahead 02:10 The Restoration Man 07:35 Noddy: Toyland Detective Animals 02:05 Great Estates of 01:45 Jackpot247 01:35 HARDtalk 03:05 Grand Designs Australia 07:45 Fireman Sam 03:25 Question Time Scotland 07:20 Judge Rinder 04:00 Motorsport UK 02:00 Newsday 04:00 Undercover Boss 07:55 Thomas & Friends: Big 03:05 Emmerdale 08:10 Dinner Date 02:30 Asia Business Report Australia 04:50 ITV Nightscreen World! Big Adventures! 04:25 Holby City 03:30 Emmerdale 02:45 Sport Today 04:55 My Family Secrets 09:00 Emmerdale 08:05 Shane the Chef 06:05 Judge Rinder 03:55 Emmerdale 03:00 BBC News Revealed 08:20 Peppa Pig 09:30 Coronation Street 05:25 This Is BBC TWO 04:25 Emmerdale 07:00 Good Morning Britain 03:30 The Week in Parliament 05:50 Kirstie's Vintage Gems 08:30 Peppa Pig 10:25 The Ellen DeGeneres 04:00 BBC News 04:50 Emmerdale 05:55 Big House, Little House 09:30 Lorraine 08:40 Top Wing 07:00 Ill Gotten Gains Show 04:30 Dateline London 06:50 Countdown 05:15 Emmerdale 08:55 PAW Patrol 10:25 Judge Rinder 05:00 BBC News 07:25 Cheers 11:25 Superstore 05:45 Emmerdale 09:05 Digby Dragon 07:45 One Day That Changed 11:30 This Morning 05:30 HARDtalk 07:55 Cheers 11:50 Superstore 09:20 Little Princess 06:10 Rising Damp 06:00 The Briefing 08:20 The King of Queens 13:30 Loose Women 09:40 Shimmer and Shine 06:35 ITV3 Nightscreen 12:15 You've Been Framed! My Life 06:30 Business Briefing 08:45 The King of Queens 09:55 Floogals 07:00 Coronation Street 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News 06:45 The Briefing 12:45 You've Been Framed! 09:10 Everybody Loves 10:10 Sunny Bunnies 07:00 Breakfast 07:30 Coronation Street 08:30 Antiques Roadshow 14:55 ITV News London Raymond 13:10 Emmerdale 10:15 Jeremy Vine 10:15 Ill Gotten Gains 07:55 Heartbeat 09:40 Everybody Loves 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 13:45 Coronation Street 12:15 Bargain Loving Brits in 11:00 Homes Under the 09:30 The Week in Parliament 09:00 Murder, She Wrote Raymond the Sun 14:45 The Ellen DeGeneres Hammer 16:00 Tenable 10:10 Frasier 09:55 On the Buses 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:00 One Day That Changed My 10:00 IAAF Diamond League Show 10:40 Frasier 17:00 Tipping Point 10:25 On the Buses 13:15 Police Interceptors Life 11:10 Ramsay's Kitchen 15:45 Dress to Impress 10:55 Rising Damp 18:00 The Chase 14:10 Access 12:45 Politics Live Nightmares USA Athletics 16:45 Dinner Date 11:25 A Touch of Frost 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:15 Home and Away 19:00 ITV News London 12:05 Undercover Boss USA 14:00 BBC News at One 17:50 Take Me Out 14:45 Neighbours 13:40 Heartbeat 13:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 ITV Evening News 11:00 Victoria Derbyshire 14:30 BBC London News 15:15 Lifetime Of Lies 14:45 Emmerdale 19:00 You've Been Framed! 13:05 Come Dine with Me 20:00 Emmerdale 14:45 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 17:00 Friends 15:15 Emmerdale 14:05 Posh Pawnbrokers 19:30 You've Been Framed! 11:30 Live: Wimbledon Tennis 20:30 Coronation Street 19:00 BBC News at Six 17:30 Friends 15:10 Countdown 15:50 Coronation Street 20:00 You've Been Framed! 19:30 BBC London News 18:00 5 News at 5 16:00 Coast vs Country 16:20 Coronation Street 21:00 Love Your Garden 20:00 Fraud Squad NHS 21:30 Today at Wimbledon 20:30 You've Been Framed! 18:30 Neighbours 17:00 A Place in the Sun 16:55 A Touch of Frost 20:30 Our Lives 21:30 Coronation Street 19:00 Home and Away 21:00 Two and a Half Men 18:00 Kirstie's Celebrity Craft 21:00 EastEnders 18:55 Heartbeat 22:30 Britain’s Next Air 19:30 5 News Tonight 22:00 Long Lost Family Masters 21:30 Superstore 21:30 Room 101 20:00 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Portillo's Hidden History 19:00 The Simpsons 23:00 ITV News at Ten 22:00 EastEnders 22:00 Love Island 21:00 Doc Martin Disaster? Drones of Britain 19:30 Hollyoaks 22:30 Would I Lie to You? 23:30 ITV News London 23:00 Hey Tracey 22:00 Doc Martin 21:00 Police Interceptors 20:00 Channel 4 News 23:00 BBC News at Ten 23:30 Newsnight 23:50 Family Guy 22:00 To Be Announced 23:00 Foyle's War 21:00 Dispatches 23:45 Code Blue: Murder The listings for the Costa Blanca People’s TV pages are supplied by an external company – we regret that any changes or errors are not the responsibility of the Costa Blanca People

‘Stop bullying me’ Avengers child star begs fans Endgame child star Lexi Rabe has asked not to be bullied, after receiving abuse from fans. In a video message posted on Instagram, Lexi – who played Tony Stark's daughter Morgan – said that she hopes her family will be left alone as well, and reminded her followers that she is just 7 years old. The actress closed her message by quoting the "love you 3,000" line from

Avengers: Endgame. "Hi, I'm Lexi Rabe, and I'm only 7 years old," she said. "And I mess up sometimes, so my mom and dad give me tonnes of talking tos and timeouts, believe me. "And if I go anywhere and I'm acting a little silly or messed up or anything like that, I'm just 7 years old. "Please don't bully my family or me.

Bye, love you 3,000." The Instagram post was captioned with a message from Lexi's mother Jessica. "Yet again Lexi’s getting bullied," she said. "And this kind of thing makes celebrities never want to leave the house [and] never want to meet people. Please keep your opinions to yourself so Lexi can grow up in the free world. She’s a normal human being and she’s a child."


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019



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CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019


Best drink to have after a curry It's long been said drinking milk after eating spicy food will help numb the burning sensation in your mouth - and now scientists have confirmed the theory. Researchers discovered both skimmed and whole milk were the best at soothing the unpleasant sensation in the mouth. They say casein, the protein in milk, dulls the pain by overpowering capsaicin, the compound that gives chilli peppers their kick. And if there's no milk around, sugary drinks such as Lucozade can also overwhelm capsaicin with a sensation of sweet, according to the experts. But you should never reach for beer - or any alcoholic drink - because ethanol amplifies the heat, they said. The study also found that fizzy drinks and sparkling water were poor at soothing the pain. Penn State University, Pennsylvania, researchers tested seven drinks in the study involving 72 people. Participants consumed a spicy Bloody Mary cocktail which contained capsaicin. They then drank water, cola, cherry-flavoured Kool-Aid, carbonated water, non-alcoholic beer, skimmed milk or whole milk. It's normally recommended that eaters of spicy food drink milk to put out the 'flames' in their mouth - and this is down to molecules in the drink. Capsaicin

- found in chilli pepper - has an end with a long hydrocarbon tail, meaning it is considered a nonpolar molecule and dissolves in other non-polar substances. If a suffering diner drinks water – a polar substance – it is like mixing water and oil, so the water will spread the capsaicin around the mouth, intensifying the pain.

like spicy food?' Researchers had hoped to see a link between participants' perception of the burn and their exposure to spicy food. But no such relationship emerged from the findings, which were published in the journal Physiology and Behaviour.

Participants continued to rate how they perceived the burn to be every 10 seconds for two minutes.

Lead researcher Alissa Nolden said: 'We weren't surprised that our data suggest milk is the best choice to mitigate burn. But we didn't expect skim milk to be as effective at reducing the burn as whole milk. That appears to mean that the fat context of the beverage is not the critical factor and suggests the presence of protein may be more relevant than lipid content.'

All drinks significantly reduced the burn, but the largest reductions in burn were observed for whole milk, skim milk and Kool-Aid.

'Beverages with carbonation such as beer, soda and seltzer water predictably performed poorly at reducing the burn of capsaicin,' she added.

Following the trials, the participants answered two questions: 'How often do you consume spicy food?' and 'Do you

'And if the beer tested would have contained alcohol, it would have been even worse because ethanol amplifies the sensation.'

However, if they choose milk instead, the dairy product, containing non-polar molecules, will dissolve the capsaicin and wash it out of the mouth, giving them relief.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019


Best avocado hacks If cutting into the most perfectly ripe avocado is one of life's happiest pleasures for you, knowing these avocado hacks are a must!

How to Store Avocados Store unripe avocados in the fridge. They won't turn brown nearly as fast, and they won't ripen in the cold temperatures. Take one out every day, so it can ripen on the counter, which takes a couple of days. This ensures you always have a perfectly ripe avocado when you want one, and the others won't go bad by the time you need them.

How to Ripen and Avocado Faster To ripen an avocado faster, all you need are a banana and a brown bag. Bananas contain a natural plant hormone called ethylene that speeds up the ripening process. So when you place your hard avocado in a closed brown bag with a banana, the ethylene gas gets trapped, surrounds your avocado, and helps to soften it faster than if your avocado was just sitting on the counter.

How to Save Half an Avocado All you need are two things: a piece of aluminium foil and some oil. Apply a light layer of oil to the light green flesh, cover your avocado with the foil, and store it

in the fridge. Spray oil will make this easier, but you can also brush the oil on or use your fingertips. The oil will act as a barrier to prevent oxygen from reaching the flesh of an avocado, which is the reason it turns brown. Your half an avocado will stay perfectly green for a couple of days.

How to Add Avocado to Oats for Weight Loss When you make overnight oats use half a cup of rolled oats. They offer complex carbs for energy, but oatmeal lacks healthy fats to help with satiety. Healthy fats are essential for weight loss because they keep us full and satisfied since they are digested slower than carbohydrates. Seeds like chia or hemp, ground flax meal, nuts, nut butters, almond flour, and coconut milk are great oatmeal add-ons, but avocado is the shocking ingredient you can also use. Avocados are not only great sources of healthy fats, but they

also offer fibre, which adds to the satiating feeling. Mash in one-quarter of a ripe avocado into your jar, then add all the other ingredients for your overnight oats. You won't notice a flavour change since avocado tastes so mild, but what you will notice is an extra creamy texture and feeling fuller for longer.

How to Save Guacamole


In order to prevent oxygen from touching your precious guac, try this simple hack: smooth out your guacamole in a bowl, then pour a thin layer of water on top. It sounds weird, but guacamole is dense enough and fatty from the avocados so the water won't affect the texture or taste. Store your bowl in the fridge, and when you're ready to chow down simply pour out the water. Give it a good mix, and start dipping the water doesn't make it soggy at all!


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019


World's top 50 restaurants HELP Vega Baja Connections A three-Michelin-star restaurant on the French Riviera has been named the world's best at a ceremony in Singapore. Mirazur climbed from third to first in the World's 50 Best Restaurants awards, replacing Italy's Osteria Francescana in top spot. Chef Mauro Colagreco said he felt like he "was in the sky" after winning the award, which "showed the world when you have a dream all is possible". The Mirazur menu is said to be inspired by the sea and mountains near the town of Menton, east of Monaco on the French/Italian border. It describes its cuisine as "a culinary encounter, punctuated by the seasons and the producers of our region, the flavours of our gardens and the Mediterranean sea". The privilege of sampling Mirazur's delights does not come cheap - the set lunch will set you back 160 euros (£143). The 50 best list was launched in 2002 and is compiled by William Reed Business Media based on the experiences of more than 1,000 industry experts. It now rivals the long-established Michelin star system. A rule change for this year means previous winners cannot compete for the title, instead they go into the newly created Best of the Best category. Spain has three restaurants in the top 10, placed at no 3, no7 and no9. While Denmark and new

hot culinary destination Peru each have two. Only two UK eateries, both based in London, make the top 50. The Clove Club is at 27, with Lyle's at 33. The full World's 50 Best Restaurants list: 1. Mirazur (Menton, France) 2. Noma (Copengagen, Denmark) 3. Asador Etxebarri (Atxondo, Spain) 4. Gaggan (Bangkok, Thailand) 5. Geranium (Copenhagen, Denmark) 6. Central (Lima, Peru) 7. Mugaritz (San Sebastian, Spain) 8. Arpege (Paris, France) 9. Disfrutar (Barcelona, Spain) 10. Maido (Lima, Peru) 11. Den (Tokyo, Japan) 12. Pujol (Mexico City, Mexico) 13. White Rabbit (Moscow, Russia) 14. Azurmendi (Larrabetzu, Spain) 15. Septime (Paris, France) 16. Alain Ducasse au Plaza Athenee (Paris, France) 17. Steirereck (Vienna, Austria) 18. Odette (Singapore) 19. Twins Garden (Moscow, Russia) 20. Tickets (Barcelona, Spain) 21. Frantzen (Stockholm, Sweden) 22. Narisawa (Tokyo, Japan) 23. Cosme (New York City, USA) 24. Quintonil (Mexico City, Mexico)

25. Alleno Paris au Pavillon Ledoyen (Paris, France) 26. Borago (Santiago, Chile) 27. The Clove Club (London, United Kingdom) 28. Blue Hill at Stone Barns (Pocantico Hills, USA) 29. Piazza Duomo (Alba, Italy) 30. Elkano (Getaria, Spain) 31. Le Calandre (Rubano, Italy) 32. Nerua (Bilbao, Spain) 33. Lyle's (London, United Kingdom) 34. Don Julio (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 35. Atelier Crenn (San Francisco, USA) 36. Le Bernardin (New York City, USA) 37. Alinea (Chicago, USA) 38. Hisa Franko (Kobarid, Slovenia) 39. A Casa do Porco (São Paulo, Brazil) 40. Restaurant Tim Raue (Berlin, Germany) 41. The Chairman (Hong Kong) 42. Belcanto (Lisbon, Portugal) 43. Hof Van Cleve (Kruishoutem, Belgium) 44. Test Kitchen (Cape Town, South Africa) 45. Suhring (Bangkok, Thailand) 46. De Librije (Zwolle, Netherlands) 47. Benu (San Francisco, USA) 48. Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet (Shanghai, China) 49. Leo (Bogotá, Colombia) 50. Schloss Schauenstein (Fürstenau, Switzerland)

Team expanding Following a recent committee meeting local charity HELP Vega Baja has announced that it is expanding the number of trained Listeners they have in their Connections Team in order to cope with the increased demand for the service. The Connections Team offers a 24-hour confidential, emotional support helpline on 965 021 552 and has proved to be a much-needed support for people who are struggling emotionally, since the service was introduced in July 2018. Calls to the team of trained Listeners cover a variety of issues including grief, depression, addiction, suicide to name just a few. With the backing of the charity that has been supporting people for over 35 years in the Vega Baja area, callers to the service receive emotional support and where necessary, practical support is often available through the charity. Michele Masson, President said: “Our Listeners are working incredibly hard and it is becoming very apparent that we need to bring in new Listeners to the team in order to cope with the number of calls we receive. Anyone who

would like to know more about the role should contact our charity secretary, Richard Garland on 966 723 733 or email us direct at office@helpvegabaja.com. The Connection Team volunteers, once trained, will join the rota to ensure that we are available when

people need us – often at their darkest moments. It is an extremely rewarding role and one that requires a special individual who can show empathy, is nonjudgmental and can also be a team player. We need both male and female Listeners of all ages who are prepared to make a

commitment to the service.” The charity has invested in an extensive training package for all volunteers which will provide them with the listening skills required for the calls that they may receive whilst on duty. Volunteers will be given a mobile phone in order that they may take calls privately in their own environment. Ongoing mentoring and support will also be provided. The next training course will be held in August or September, one day per week (Saturdays) over 4 weeks at the charity’s San Miguel Centre. Final dates will be agreed once the final number of candidates interested in the role is known. Michele added: “I would also like to remind people that if they are going through a difficult time, please do not struggle alone. Call the helpline on 965 021 552.” For more information on any of the services offered by HELP Vega Baja visit their website at www.helpvegabaja.com or their Facebook page. Alternatively, email the San Miguel Centre on office@helpvegabaja.com


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019

Bars & Restaurants



Bars & Restaurants

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd July - 8th July 2019

Bars & Restaurants



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019



CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


How often you should run to lose weight As a form of cardio, running can be a valuable tool on your weight-loss journey. How much you run and the types of runs matter, so if you're looking for how often to run to get lean and lose fat, the answer is a little complicated — all the experts agree that it depends, starting at a couple times a week to more often as you progress. Read ahead to see how the experts we talked to broke it down and what you need to know about running and weight loss. How Often Should You Run to Lose Weight? If you're just starting out, try running twice a week, gradually building up to four times a week over the course of five weeks to avoid injury. Begin with 20- to 30-minute runs at a comfortable pace every other day. As you're ready aim for 45- to 60minute sessions; you don't have to run straight for the entire workout. Break the run up into small digestible pieces. Run for one minute, walk for two, and gradually build up. 20 to 30 miles per week is plenty for someone looking to lose weight and improve overall health. Remember that doesn't need to be all from running. All those extra steps add up, so make sure to include daily walks, aiming for at least 10,000 steps a day. What Type of Runs Are Best For Weight Loss? Should you do long runs, short runs, slow runs, or fast runs for the greatest weight-loss results? Long-distance running isn't that great for losing

weight, but it's excellent for maintaining it. What's best for weight loss are short, faster-paced runs. This means instead of keeping a steady pace, add in sprint intervals and hills. These HIIT-style workouts are not only more effective, but they'll also save you time. You can work through a you'll-be-soretomorrow HIIT session in 45 minutes or less if you're efficient. Running a few times a week, while eating a well-rounded diet in a healthy calorie deficit, will allow you to see results. The biggest benefit of HIIT training is the afterburn effect, where your body continues to burn calories after your workout is over. The fluctuation of your heart rate throughout a HIIT workout, switching between rest and active states, leaves you with an oxygen debt of sorts, resulting in your body burning extra calories to return to its resting state. If you can't do fast-paced intervals for any reason, instead of running for a long time at a slower pace, Kite recommends walking at a high pace instead, because it's easier on the knees. You Can't Outrun a Bad Diet Running by itself doesn't make people lose weight; creating a caloric deficit does. If you use running as part of the equation to do that, you can very roughly figure that each mile you run burns about 100 calories. Mathematically

speaking, in order to create a caloric deficit to equate to one pound of fat loss per week (one pound equals 3,500 calories), you'd have to run about 25 to 40 miles per week — that's a lot of miles! So the best thing to do is create a daily 500-calorie deficit with a combination of exercise and diet. Be aware that running can increase hunger, so if you eat in a calorie surplus, you will gain weight. Although exercise plays a huge role in weight loss, you cannot out-exercise a diet that is full of processed, nutrition-void foods. In order to lose weight sustainably eat a balanced diet, which can support weight loss and maintenance. Aim to get all three macros — protein, carbs, and healthy fats — at each meal. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Why Strength Training Is a Must If your runs are being combined with other workouts like strength training, the results will come faster and often could mean you can get by with running fewer miles. Aim to include at least three strength-training sessions per week for weight loss. Although strength training is not necessarily going to burn more calories than running for the same amount of time it will improve your overall fitness level. And because having more muscle mass burns more calories at rest than fat, combined with running, strength training will allow you to see faster weight-loss results.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Health & Beauty



Health & Beauty

CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


Parents unaware how much exercise kids need More than two thirds of parents are unaware of how much exercise their children should be doing to keep healthy, according to a recent survey. NHS guidelines says that children between the ages of five to 18 should do one hour of exercise every day, but 68 percent of parents did not know this and thought it was lower. Most people thought the exercise target was 46 minutes a day according to the survey of 2,000 adults from YouGov for the Youth Sport Trust (YST). The YST chief executive Ali Oliver said: “We’ve seen a worrying trend in recent years of a decline in young people’s physical activity, and a squeeze on time allocated to good quality physical education.” Sport England believe that only 17.5 percent of children are hitting their 60minute exercise target and 39 percent of children from the poorest families do less than half an hour of exercise a day compared to 26 percent of children from wealthier families. The NHS recommends children to do moderate activity every day, which can range from cycling and playground activities to vigorous activity such as running and tennis. The guidelines state that children should be doing exercise for strong muscles and bones, for example gymnastics and tennis, three days a week. There is a strong link between being active for at least 60 minutes a day and better general health, including stronger bones and muscles and a higher level of self esteem.


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

Passion for dentistry Why did you decide to create Salgado Dental Institute? The Salgado Dental Institute was born from the idea of creating a centre of excellence in dental care, with unique facilities; spacious, with state of the art equipment, offering a sea view, and a solarium to provide the patient a different feeling during their visit to the dentist. A place where we go to the dentist and have a pleasant experience. But not only the institute is special, it is primarily our team of almost 30 staff members led by Professor Alberto Salgado; specialist in surgery and implantology; Director of the Master's Degree Coarse of Advanced Implantology at the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid & international speaker in the field of implantology. All the professionals that make up our team are University Professors and lecturers in their respective fields, such as the Director of Prosthetics & Aesthetics, Professor Alfonso Diaz; our

specialist in endontology and restorative odontology Professor Jorge Rubio; our orthodontic specialist Dr. Esther MarĂ­n and our specialist in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry, Dr. Cristina GarcĂ­a. Together we cover all dental specialities with the challenge of achieving excellence in each of our treatments. But our team is not made up of only dentists, our auxiliary team, receptionists, coordination and management staff are dedicated to making the patient feel "at home". They treat our patients with affection ensuring you don't only get your best smile but get treated with our smiles as well. What defines your centre, what types of treatments do you perform? At SDI we offer the complete range of dental treatments, what defines us is our dedication to resolve of complex cases, often referred to us by other dentists from many countries. Furthermore we actually treat many dentists who trust us

with their dental healthcare. Is your Guardamar clinic also a dental Institute? So it is. Our centre in Guardamar del Segura, Clinica Salgado is where we have been treating patients for over 12 years, and training dentists from other clinics and from different countries. We have contributed to the technical development and training of more than 200 dentists, and had groups of up to 25 dentists from countries like China and Jordan. For this reason we saw the need to create a centre with a greater capacity for training. Currently Salgado Dental Institute is one of the most proficient training centres in Europe, with an annual program of courses and events with more than 150 apprentices following courses every year. Finally, if you had to sum up your team and centres in one sentence, what would it be? "Passion for dentistry, passion for our patients"

Health & Beauty




CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


Tech News Vivo unveils super fast charge While it may not yet be a top tech brand, Vivo has been taking the smartphone world by storm over the past year. At the Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2019 which took place last week, the company unveiled the fastest charging tech we've seen yet. If you've never heard of Vivo, it was actually the first tech company to debut a phone with a fingerprint scanner hidden underneath its display. At the World Congress, Vivo unveiled its impressive new charging technology, called Super FlashCharge 120W. The technology hasn't been announced for any commercial phones just yet, but Vivo says Super FlashCharge 120W can fully charge a 4,000 mAh battery in just 13 minutes, which is incredibly fast. To put it into context, Apple's own fast-charging tech can only charge the iPhone XS, with its relatively small 2,658 mAh battery, to 50% in 30 minutes. The FlashCharge could be a gamechanger for smartphone charging.

https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader but do remember not to tick the two “optional offers” boxes.

Alan via email asks: Dear Aunty. With reference to the person who was asking about paying for Malwarebytes. I have had problems in the past with them asking for payment after the free trial is over. This happens because shortly after you have downloaded the free application they send you a message about updates. Once you have downloaded the updates they send you another message saying that your free trial is over and ask for a subscription to continue using it. The trick is not to install updates and you won't get the message. The best way for your readers who do not want to pay for it is to uninstall the software and then download it again. He should then ignore the messages about updates which happen every time you log on. Aunty Says: Brilliant bit of Info Alan, thanks

for that. Meri from Villamartin via email asks: Dear Aunty, I'm sure you have written about this before so I apologize in advance. When I try to open my Ryanair boarding pass which I received vie an email I get an error message that "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action” Is this something you can advise me on? Aunty Says: Hello Meri. I have certainly covered this before but I am often asked about it.. You will normally see this error message when Windows does not know what to do with a particular file, and in your case it is a PDF file. You will need to download and install the free Adobe Reader from

Dennis via email asks: Hi Aunty. I‘m getting my wife a new Acer laptop and I want to transfer all of personal stuff from my old computer before I donate it to a neighbour’s son. How do I do this so that on my old computer, no one can access my photos and documents etc, or access internet information like emails and web surfing? Aunty Says: Hi Dennis. Transferring your photos & docs from one computer to the other is pretty easy but it will depend on how well organised your files and folders are, and how much stuff you have. You can buy a 32GB USB flash memory stick for under €10 and use this to copy/paste everything from one machine to the other. On your old computer, right click on a folder and from the menu that pops up choose ‘copy’ and then right click on the USB stick and choose ‘paste’. The USB stick should appear after plugging it in as a new drive in My Computer or File Manager. Once you have double checked that you have everything from your old computer you should really physically destroy the hard disk in the old one as it isn’t difficult to retrieve data even after the computer has been wiped. Give Phil at eNET Computers a call on 687362844 and get some advice on the best way forward. Email me your questions to auntyvirus@costablancapeople.com and I will see you all next week


CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019


54 CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019







1 Owner









12,495€ 1 Owner









1 Owner








55 CostaBlancaPeople 2nd - 8th July 2019

How to Lose Points In a recent article we showed you how to check how many points you have, but that prompted an increase in the number of enquiries we received about losing points. So, here is a list provided by the DGT of some of the most common reasons.

LOSE SIX POINTS Driving with a rate of alcohol greater than 0.50 mg per litre of exhaled air. If professional and novice drivers (qualified less than two years), the limit is reduced to 0.30 mg / l. Driving under the influence of drugs, psychotropics, stimulants and other substances with similar effects. Refusing to submit to a breathalyser test or drug screening. Driving in a reckless manner (endangering other drivers), driving in the opposite direction or engaging in unauthorised races. Exceeding the speed limit by more than 50% the maximum authorised limit and by at least 30 kilometres per hour. Using mechanisms or instruments that inhibit traffic monitoring or radar detection systems.

Exceeding driving time by more than 50% or reducing rest times by more than 50% of those laid down in legislation on land transport.

LOSE FOUR POINTS Driving with a blood alcohol level between 0.25 and 0.50 mg per litre of exhaled air. For professional and novice drivers, the limit is between 0.15 and 0.30 mg / l. Throwing objects on or nearby the road that could cause fires, accidents or impede other road users. Driving on motorways or dual carriageways with vehicles that are expressly prohibited. Driving a vehicle with an occupation that increases by 50% or more the number of authorised seats. Driving a vehicle without a licence for that vehicle. Driving with a suspended licence or having been banned for driving that vehicle. Driving negligently and putting other road users at risk. Failure to comply with the legal provisions on the priorities and the obligation to stop at the stop sign

and traffic lights. Failure to comply with the legal provisions on overtaking, endangering or hindering those moving in the opposite direction and overtaking in places or circumstances of reduced visibility. Overtaking, endangering or hindering cyclists. Perform a reversing manoeuvre on motorways. Increasing speed or performing manoeuvres that prevent or hinder overtaking by the driver of another vehicle. Failure to observe the signs and signals of agents that regulate movement. Failure to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead.

LOSE THREE POINTS Making the change of direction in breach of the provisions in road safety laws. Driving using a mobile phone, programming the browser, using headphones or other devices that reduce the attention. Not using seat belts, child restraints, helmets and other protective equipment.


Puzzle Page

25th June - 1st July 2019



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Oliver, found in February, with another small dog, at a rubbish tip. He is 2 years old and is a sweet little boy who only weighs 8½ kilos. His friend has already found his forever home but sadly Oliver is still waiting for that special someone to come along and change his life forever; could that be you?

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Fleur is a very affectionate young lady, 1 year old. Fleur is fine with other cats but would love a home where she can get lots of attention. Call 600 845 420.



2nd - 8th July 2019









Jasmine is a beautiful Siamese mix. She is typical of the breed, friendly and affectionate towards people. She will be a wonderful cat for someone, but she needs to be the only pet in the house.


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Sammy, an 18 month old little boy. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Sammy is good with other dogs and loves attention. Call: 645 469 253 www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com

www.costablancapeople.com 2nd - 8th July 2019







2nd - 8th July 2019

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If you are looking for a very small companion then Oreo could be the boy for you; weighing only 3.16 kilos he is tiny. Oreo is a funny, cheeky boy of 2 years who loves going for walk and sitting on your lap. He will have to stay at the kennels until he has had all the relevant vaccinations but can be reserved until he is ready to go.


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Tel No. CIF/NIF No.

Dorothy, Brazilian. Big natural breasts, good body, loving kisses. Massage. Tel: 605 526 797 (795) Playa Flamenca (Zenia Mar) Original Spanish lady, 35, very attractive offers complete service & erotic massages, private house, very discreet with parking, has medical cert. Call Ana 657 603 495 (797)

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Bentley is a 3 year old Podenco, he is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. He is good with other dogs and loves to be around people.


Male and female viagra , cialis, jellies and kamagra. Discounts on large orders, delivery available , email viagra4you19@gmail.com 672 883 025. (801) Torrevieja Centro, young oriental girl gives complete massage, 24 hrs in your house or mine. Tel: 688 462 720 (845)

Bug´s owner was moving away to work and unable to take her with them, hence the reason she is here at the kennels. Bug is a happy, gentle, affectionate dog and although an older girl of nearly 10 years she still loves to play Dolores on 966 710 047 or email info@satanimalrescue.com Blanca, born Sept 09, a Pointer/Lab cross, mixes well with other dogs, likes people and is obedient. She also has an amazing personality and is very intelligent. She has been spayed. If you are able to give Blanca a home then please phone 600 845 420.



For Sale


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Situations vacant/wanted

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Attractive girlfriend for hire. Speaks 3 languages. Professional masseuse. Tel 693 357 526 (803)

Experience the best with a one hour unique massage with Veronica. Appointments call 679 292 678 (796)

Carlo is a small to medium sized dog with an easy going nature. He has Leish, but no health problems from this condition. D.O.B APPROX JAN 2009

Lola is approximately 1 year old and appears to have some labrador looks and tendencies, she is very energetic and would be suitable with a young family. Lola is charming, warm and friendly.





€5.45 €4.20






Please use BLOCK CAPITAL letters

Prices are per week exc. IVA

Marty is very friendly other dogs but not with cats. He is absolutely delightful, very affectionate, house trained and walks well on a lead. D.O.B APPROX NOV 2015


Name Address

Sophie. Elegant, sexy, naughty lady. Speaks 3 languages. Visit, all areas. Home/house and hotel visits. Tel 693 357 526 (803)




One word per box only



BUY & SELL 6 feet tall suit of armour. €800.00 ONO. Pair od cast iron cannons 6 feet long. €300.00. Tel 603 823 867 (794)


Number of words: Number of inserts: From: To: TOTAL:



Lunes is a lovely happy dog who loves snuggling up to people and nibbling them affectionately. Lunes is a large size dog with a big heart. D.O.B JAN 2010

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