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Are You Ready to Own Your Own Health?
You see a lot of promises STYKU offers the fastest non-invasive for reducing weight and measures of body fat composition, a major body fat, increasing lean indicator of potential health risks. In just muscle and bone density. 35 seconds, a full body scan extracts hunYou’re probably taking dreds of measurements with unparalleled control of your health with exercise and accuracy. No humiliating fat calipers, meabetter diet. But how can you really know suring tapes or risk of human error. Styku how you’re doing? provides simple graphics to track how your There is now a solution that provides diet and hard work are benefiting you. you scientific data and images to assure you’re getting results and improving your health. At one location there is a full range of advanced body assessment DXA is a 15-minute comprehensive snapshot of your exact bone density. This is the Golden Standard used to determine technologies that affordably provide you the tools, knowledge and power to Know Your Body and Own Your Health. BODY ANALYTICS is a non-medical clinic offering the most accurate body composition results possible. Body Analytics enables you to set and monitor progress toward your health, fitness and disease prevention goals. Their technologies include: Osteoporosis and Osteopenia. DXA can also provide a full-body composition image. Very weak x-ray beams detect composition percentages, including visceral fat, providing an advanced image of your entire body and insight into potential health risks. KORR assessment is a simple 10-minute test that measures how much food, or energy, is required to maintain basic body functions in a state of rest. This enables you to take control over your metabolic health and stop the guesswork of modifying caloric intake for weight gain or loss. KORR will give you a clear picture of how your weight loss program is impacting your metabolism, ensuring that your diet is maintaining your metabolic rate. Body Analytics is now offering their Introductory 8 Week Challenge. For one low price, you will receive 3 DXA scans, 3
Styku scans and 3 measures of resting metabolic heart rate. To take advantage of this special offer and book a session at Body Analytics, you can call them at 314-471-5373. You can learn more at www.bodyanalytics.fit about what they offer. They are located at 4290 Telegraph Road 63129, just 12 minutes from Manchester and 270.

Dr. Ayse Kilfoy was chosen by her peers as one of the Top Dentists in the St. Louis area W hen St. Louis Magazine surveyed St. Louis region dentists on who they thought were the best dentists in the region, Dr. Ayse Kilfoy of Woodlawn Dental was up there again at the top of the list for the ninth year in a row.
She has been providing healthy, beautiful smiles to the
O’Fallon area for over 25 years. “Whether a patient just needs some minor dental work or some long-term cosmetic improvements, we love to be a part of making changes that matter. My greatest pleasure is to see the smile on a patient’s face when we’ve completed their care. For some, it’s like they’re smiling for the first time.”
New patients are now being accepted. Come by and take a tour. Find out how much Woodlawn Dental has to offer you.
Woodlawn Dental Dr. Ayse Kilfoy, DMD 608 Woodlawn Avenue O’Fallon, MO 63366