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Protect Your Computer and Privacy

A Close Call: Protect Your Computer, Privacy and Finances


any people call every day,

Mand we try to help them all. One elderly couple called last week after 6pm. Surprised that I even answered the phone at that hour, she told me what happened. She had taken a call from “Microsoft” who she let remote into her computer to “fix” it. As it turned out (and always does), it was a scam and they attempted to bilk her out of thousands of dollars. When she called she was hysterical, having just hung up on the scammer posing to be from “Microsoft.” I told her to immediately stop and block any contact from and with them and to immediately turn her computer off until we could remove the remote-in software program that the scammer had used to get into her computer. She was worried that her banking, credit card, email would all be compromised. Fortunately, she got to me and we were able to help her before any scam was perpetrated. One of my techs went to her house the next morning and removed the software installed by the scammer to let him remote in. We also did a ‘clean and tune’ and updated all of her software apps plus changed her email, banking and credit card passwords as a precautionary measure. After continued harassment, the scammer finally gave up. I told the couple they could always call me when they get an email or phone call from someone they are suspicious of and I will tell them what to do. It’s frustrating and sad that this occurs every day and I hear about instances – sometimes too late—where one of our clients gets scammed. Don’t let anyone remote in to your computer – no matter how convincing they sound – if you don’t know them. It’s always bad news. While we can’t prevent you from calling suspicious phone numbers or answering suspicious phone calls, we can help by providing guidance if you do receive unwanted phone calls or by telling you not to call the number in the first place. Don’t get scammed, call me first and I will advise you and, if necessary, one of our techs will do a clean and tune to rid you of malware and other problems.

DEDE CATSAVIS is founder and owner of


For 23 years they have provided computer services to thousands of satisfied, happy customers. Computer Tutors works on Windows and MAC computers, sets up home networks, eliminates viruses and also will help with any of your other electronics. You can reach them at 314-608-7920, and at computertutors.net.

If your home is 40 years older or more, but still a classic, watch in your mail for The Handbook for Classic Homes. This handy guide provides useful information, quality services, products and resources to enhance the enjoyment of your home for many years to come. If you do not receive your copy, or would like another one, contact us at publisher@countylivingmag.com.

Take a fresh road trip. County Living columnist JOHN DRAKE ROBINSON won an EMMY for his unique travelogs based on his books.

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The stories along these roads FOR YOUR INFORMATION reflect life’s uneven rhythms. Fun. Fear. Breakdowns and revelations. The beauty of violent storms. The scents of September sycamores and campfires, forest fires and kitchen fires. His stories serve up tastes and touches and sounds you can’t coax from a tweet. You probably shouldn’t read this during church. Available at fine bookstores everywhere. Or email John at cjrobin@socket.net

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Photos by Cheryl Robinson

This Book Should Be in Every Home in St. Louis

any of us who have lived in the St.

MLouis area our whole lives don’t know much about our own history. We learn in school about world history, US history and facts about Missouri government, but very little is taught about the history of our own county. And newcomers to St. Louis generally know even less about the area. To help all of us feel more connected to our own community, County Living Publications has re-published The History of St. Louis County, Missouri by William Lyman Thomas, a 100-year old book that documents our history from the earliest settlers through the Civil War and into the first decade of the 20 th century. It documents what life was like 100 years ago here - the towns, neighborhoods, schools, churches, social societies, government, businesses, transportation and amusements of the period, and thousands of the people who were active in these endeavors.

This is a quality softbound book of over 500 pages, with more than 100 historic photographs. Now available at: Amazon.com Campbell House in Downtown St. Louis The Louisiana Purchase Gift Shop at Missouri History Museum Left Bank Books Main Street Books in St. Charles Museum of Transportation Gift Shops in Kirkwood St. Louis Genealogical Society in Maplewood World News in Clayton For more information, you can visit StLCountyHistory.com

Selling Your Business in the Year of COVID:


fter the better part of a

Adecade of helping many people sell their businesses, I have developed a pretty good feel for where the market is. But early in 2020 when people asked me if it would still be a good time to sell their business, I had to tell them that in all honesty I didn’t know. We were going to have to see how things shook out and that we would know more some months down the road. The year 2020 has been the most interesting and troubling of times most of us have lived through. Now that we are seeing a light flickering at the end of the tunnel, I can give a bit better answer. First let’s discuss the bad news. If you own a business that has been adversely affected by Covid, such as a restaurant, travel agency or hotel, now is NOT a good time to sell. If there is any way that you can hang on until things turn, please wait. Banks and buyers are going to look at your financial numbers as today’s reality, and take them into account in their valuation. Keep in mind that this won’t change until you have probably two years of positive tax returns behind you to share. So, if you must sell now, or you can financially afford to sell and don’t want to put in the additional time, there are bargain hunting buyers active today. Buyers who know that business will return and that have the cash to buy. If you are in a bad spot, or are just done with ownership, contact a business broker about selling. Make sure they are realistic with you about the potential outcome. Now the good news. Solid businesses with revenues that are flat or growing this year are selling. The economy was on fire before Covid, and entrepreneurs know it. If a business did well during this difficult year, people are even more confident to buy it, since 2019 was the best year in small business acquisitions ever! And buyers know that certain industries have excelled this year, making them even more desirable. Examples include home remodeling contractors, building materials, landscaping and exercise equipment. Banks are still comfortable with financing acquisitions for companies that have done well. From the buyer’s point of view, a lot has happened this year as well. Many have realized that their career can change overnight when working for someone else. By owning a business, you at least have some control of your own destiny. This reality has created a large buying pool that will most certainly look at your business if you list it for sale. The market always needs more sellers! Do take 2020 as a wake-up call, however. Things happen. If your plan was or is to transition out of your business in the near or mid-range future, DO NOT WAIT. What if these business challenges get worse, or something like this happens again? People have lost literal fortunes this year. Work on your succession plan now. Contact a business broker who understands these conditions, and find out what your options are.

JEFF BACH is part of the team of top business brokers in this area at Fusion Business Brokers. Fusion Business Brokers combines the highest levels of technology, marketing and professional experience for your needs. With access to their large network of qualified buyers, Jeff offers the best opportunity to help you successfully sell your business. He only gets paid when you sell. Valuations are free and are the starting point to knowing when the right time is to sell your business. Jeff can also help qualified buyers find and buy a business that meets their goals. You can contact Jeff for a free, confidential, no-obligation discussion about selling your business or buying a business at 314-941-8530, or by email at jbach@fusionadvantage.com.

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