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The Pet Gazette

“All The News That Fits in a Crate.” The Pet Gazette

Are Your Pets Ready for the Cooler Weather? Come in to Petropolis and find out.

News for Dogs, Cats and the People Who Love Them

Dog or Cat Need a

Vacation? Petropolis Offers Affordable Lodging.


Would you like a career working with animals?

Find out how!

Have you ever wanted to work with animals? Or maybe you’re tired of your desk job and looking for a career change? The Academy of Pet Careers is currently accepting

Petropolis St. Charles is open for business!

applications for their dog training, grooming, and vet assistant programs! Learn everything you need to know about a career with pets – from animal behavior to starting your own pet business – through their flexible, hands-on programs. Plus, all of their methods are based in scientifically-backed force-free methods. Along with their three core programs, The APC also hosts seminars and workshops for pet professionals looking to continue their education and stay up-to-date on the very latest advancements in the pet care industry. Visit theacademyofpetcareers.com to learn more.

Petropolis St. Charles is finally open, and the business is working to provide top-notch pet care even during the current COVID-19 outbreak. The Petropolis team is taking extra precautions at this time to protect clients and the community from the spread of COVID-19 while still providing all of their core services: daycare, boarding, grooming, and training. “The safety of our clients is our top concern,” says founder and owner Dr. Paul Schifano. “We want to provide quality, enriching pet care - especially as everyone is returning to work - in the safest way possible.” The St. Charles location helps them do just that. Located in the old Vatterott College building, this new addition is the area’s most state-of-the-art pet care center, and they designed every aspect of the 35,000 square foot facility with pets' needs in mind. They’ve taken everything you love most about Petropolis – the outdoor play yards, water features, and spacious lodging rooms – and built the enrichment center of your pets’ dreams. Petropolis shares the space with The Academy of Pet Careers, a school for prospective dog trainers, groomers, and vet assistants. For more information about either business, visit petropolis.com.

The Pet Gazette

News for Dogs, Cats and the People Who Love Them

Dog bored at home? Petropolis offers enriching dog daycare.

Running Through the Leaves Edition HHHHH

Is Your Pet Empowered? Petropolis Promotes the HumanAnimal Bond.

Going back to work? Don’t leave your dog alone and bored.

The stay-at-home order is lifted, and dogs may struggle to adjust. Before you head back to the office, set your dog up for an easy transition back to normal life. Spend some time apart. Take a solo walk or stay in a separate part of the house for at least half an hour every day. This will make the adjustment to being alone much easier. Don’t leave them with pent-up energy. Go on a long walk together or play tug before you go to work. When you leave, they’ll be happy, calm, and ready for a nap. Set up a game before you go. Leave your dog an enrichment toy

or a frozen treat when you go to work. This will keep their mind active and prevent boredom (which leads to chewed-up furniture). Let your dog hang out with friends! Consider dropping them off at dog daycare on your way to work for a day full of exercise, enrichment, and fun! New to dog daycare? Give Petropolis a call! All dogs get their first day free.


Petropolis is celebrating our new St. Charles location with special offers at both locations just for new customers. 50% OFF first lodging reservation (up to $100) First 2 days of daycare FREE

Ask the Trainer, Kaitlin Bockman

Q: “Why does my dog pull on his leash?” A: I often get this question, and the answer is the same every time: Your dog pulls on his leash because it works. Many pet parents have struggled with leash skills for years. Their dog pulls as soon as they attach the leash and doesn’t let up during their walk. They’ve learned that pulling on the leash gets them where they want to go, so why would they stop? The key to ending this behavior is persistence. When your dog pulls on the leash, don’t tug him back. Instead, freeze and wait until he stops pulling to continue. Once he brings his attention back to you, reward him and move forward. And if your dog pulls again? Stop again. Repeat. It takes time, energy and patience, but it’s worth it to teach your dog to politely walk on a leash. There’s a whole lot more to leash manners than not pulling. But this is a great place to start! If you’re struggling, visit Petropolis and we can fit your dog to a proper harness and give you some pointers.

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