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Eliminating a Long-Time Smoking Habit

H Y P N OT H E R A PY C A S E S T U DY # 1 :

Eliminating a Long-Term Smoking Habit


hen I think about all

Wthe people that I have helped stop smoking over the years, several stories stand out in my mind. One of the most prominent though, is about an older woman who called after reading about me. She was very hesitant because she was in her 70’s and had never been hypnotized before. She had no idea what to expect and had many questions. In the end she decided to schedule an appointment. When she came into my office, we sat down and talked so that I could explain hypnosis to her. I do that with all of my clients so that they know what to expect during the session. I also explained what she could look for after the session was over. Then we talked about her smoking habit. She had smoked since she was a teenager and had tried everything that she could think of to stop smoking, with no success. She told me that she was at the point where she would cry while praying for a miracle to help her stop. During her session I showed her the power of her subconscious mind and how it was capable of helping her to make changes that she didn’t know she could make. I gave her a suggestion that her arm was so heavy that she couldn’t lift it from the chair. When she tried and was unable to lift it, her mind then accepted all of the suggestions that I gave her about being free from the smoking habit. She successfully stopped smoking after that one session. About 80% of the people that I work with are able to stop after one session. She called me a couple of months later and told me that I was the angel that God had sent to help her. I will always remember her and be thankful that I was able to show her that she had the ability to successfully make a change that was very important to her. We all have that ability. If you have something that you would like to change, I’d be happy to show you as well.

JOAN KRUEGER has a private practice with an office in Kirkwood. Many individuals have achieved their behavior change goals, both personal and professional, through guidance they have received in her hypnosis sessions. You can contact Joan Krueger to discuss how hypnosis could help you achieve positive change in your own life by calling her at (314) 962-7558, or visiting her Web site at jfkhypnosis.com.

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