A Close Call: Protect Your Computer, Privacy and Finances B Y D E D E C AT S AV I S
any people call every day, and we try to help them all. One elderly couple called last week after 6pm. Surprised that I even answered the phone at that hour, she told me what happened. She had taken a call from “Microsoft” who she let remote into her computer to “fix” it. As it turned out (and always does), it was a scam and they attempted to bilk her out of thousands of dollars.
When she called she was hysterical, having just hung up on the scammer posing to be from “Microsoft.” I told her to immediately stop and block any contact from and with them and to immediately turn her computer off until we could remove the remote-in software program that the scammer had used to get into her computer. She was worried that her banking, credit card, email would all be compromised. Fortunately, she got to me and we were able to help her before any scam was perpetrated. One of my techs went to her house the next morning
and removed the software installed by the scammer to let him remote in. We also did a ‘clean and tune’ and updated all of her software apps plus changed her email, banking and credit card passwords as a precautionary measure. After continued harassment, the scammer finally gave up. I told the couple they could always call me when they get an email or phone call from someone they are suspicious of and I will tell them what to do. It’s frustrating and sad that this occurs every day and I hear about instances – sometimes too late—where one of our clients gets scammed. Don’t let anyone remote in to your computer – no matter how convincing they sound – if you don’t know them. It’s always bad news. While we can’t prevent you from calling suspicious phone numbers or answering suspicious phone calls, we can help by providing guidance if you do receive unwanted phone calls or by telling you not to call the number in the first place. Don’t get scammed, call me first and I will advise you and, if necessary, one of our techs will do a clean and tune to rid you of malware and other problems.
DEDE CATSAVIS is founder and owner of COMPUTER TUTORS. For 23 years they have provided computer services to thousands of satisfied, happy customers. Computer Tutors works on Windows and MAC computers, sets up home networks, eliminates viruses and also will help with any of your other electronics. You can reach them at 314-608-7920, and at computertutors.net.
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