3 Components of Self-Perspective

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There are basically 3 Components of selfperspective: self-esteem, self-image, and selfworth. 3 Components Explained




Self-Esteem-Self-Esteem is how you feel about yourself in terms of personal value. Self-esteem focuses on the emotions and feelings behind your own self-estimate. Self-Image- Self-Image is the mental picture you have of your self. Self-Image focuses on the visual picture(s) you have of yourself in your own mind as a result of your perspective of yourself. Self-Worth- Self-Worth is the value you give yourself as an overall person. Self-Worth could be seen as the summation of selfesteem and self-image. This can be a conscious estimate, subconscious estimate, or a combination of both. The Continuum of Self-Perspective

The Continuum of self-perspective refers to how high or low your self-estimate is of yourself. The continuum applies to self-esteem, self-image, and self-worth. When our estimate and resulting perspective of ourselves is too high, this can result in pride, arrogance, resulting entitlement, and distain or contempt of others.

When our self-estimate and resulting perspective is too low, we see ourselves as "less than others" and can become codependent on others and unmotivated to grow personally to name a few consequences of low self-estimate. The Real Deal Healthy self-esteem, self-image, and self-worth is a realistic perspective of yourself that allows you to be an equal with others. From this vantage point, you come to realize and recognize that every person has something unique to contribute to others and to society. In other words, we all have a unique set of gifts, talents, experiences, personality, vision, etc. that can add value to others and society as a whole. This unique contribution only comes to pass if we chose to operate out of our true

selves vs. our ego or an unhealthy version of ourselves. The Same Coin But Two Sides Too much self-esteem, self-image, or self-worth is the result of not having a healthy self estimate to begin with. Filling the vacuum of a healthy self-estimate with inflated ideals is just as damaging and unhealthy as demeaning or condemning yourself. Different "Angles" on Self-Image Over the years I've read a couple of different articles and books that compare self-esteem with self-image. Many authors view self-esteem as the healthy version of our self-perspective

and see self-image as the unhealthy version of self-perspective. Self-image is seen and understood as coming from a superficial version of ourselves that we embrace and emulate to please others and self-esteem is seen as coming from within our individual self. Other authors define self-image simply as the image we see and project to the world of ourselves. In their minds, this could be positive or negative, healthy or unhealthy, superficial or real depending on our source of our self-image. In Summation In summation the 3 components of selfperspective are self-esteem, self-image, and self-worth. The continuum of self-perspective reveals if you have a healthy and realistic view of yourself or if you devalue yourself or

overinflate your value at the expense of others' personal value. A healthy self-perspective allows you to give your own unique contribution to others and society while simultaneously valuing others' uniqueness and contributions. Your Application So how is your self-esteem, self-image, and self worth? Do you see yourself as an equal to others? Do you see your own unique contribution and are you open to the unique contribution of others? On the self-perspective continuum where would you see yourself in relationship to the 3 components of selfperspective and why? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. For information on a business group and plan that

would support a healthy self-perspective, please check out this link: http://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/sp/free -trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin

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