When working a new job, I came across the question "What is the Difference Between Order and Structure in an Organization?" I noticed there was clearly organization that existed in the workplace, but it was only revealed when necessary. Let's Start with Order...
Order involves an approach that is put together in a logical sequence with an end result in mind. Or maybe a couple of end results in mind. But order can exist without being known or immediately communicated to others in the workplace And Now Structure Structure is how order is explained or communicated and/or maintained more or less consistently. Structure is the "fleshing out of ideas." One example of structure are the bones in the human body. Is There a Such Thing As Too Much Structure? The bones in the human body only take what they need from the body. Their role is to support the body and not break it down. This is a great illustration for structure. Too much structure in an organization breaks down the organization; just enough supports it. Can There Be Too Little Structure? Not enough structure in the human body makes it weak, vulnerable to disease, and unable to
function well or at all. The same applies to organizations So Then, What Are the Purposes of Structure?
路0 Structure helps leverage time, money, and energy which are three important resources of many organizations, especially businesses. A great example of this is in training new employees or members of an organization. This is why most businesses have training modules, manuals, etc. This keeps them from doing the same work over and over again.
路1 Structure helps analytical people stay on track and organized. Since we are all different people with differing personalities and learning styles, some of us prefer a more structured way of learning and completing the tasks of the day.
路2 Structure can help nonanalytical people get back on track. This may seem like a contradiction at first. However, even spontaneous people can get lost on the journey and sometimes things like a simple checklist, for example, can be used briefly or for a season can get them back on the right track.
路3 Structure helps keep communication flowing and consistent in an organization. So
structure is not just for individuals, but also for the overall organization. Simpler things can be communicated in person to individuals, but more complex tasks and projects will probably require a degree of "formal structure" in order to go off effectively. Also, repeated but varying assignments could use structure to help individuals stay afloat of the newest task and who is assigned to complete it. This is also leveraging the time and energy of management or organizers. Let's Bring It Together Order and structure are two different but similiar concepts. You can have order but little or no structure in an organization which will create a very "laid back" or "casual" atmosphere. You can have too much structure for an organization or too little structure. Structure can serve a couple of purposes like leveraging important resources, keeping organized people organized, helping spontaneous people get back on track, and keeping communication flowing and consistent in an organization.
Let's Look More Closely So what about the organization(s) you are responsible for? Do they have too little or too much organization and why? What can you do to get on the path to improvement and growth?
This article was written by an Arbonne consultant and SFM affiliate. For more information on
these two businesses, check out these links below: http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/