A Brief Commentary on Categories and Continuums

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Because I kept noticing similar perspectives and responses among those of us in Western Culture, I decided to write a brief commentary on categories and continuums. Simply put, many of us in the "Western world" like to create categories to keep things separate. In contrast, Eastern Culture seems to me to be more likely to understand contrasts on a continuum and how they interact in reality. Yin and Yang- Opposites and a Little More

The two dots you see in the yin and yang symbol tells us that even opposites have a little of each in themselves. For example, there's a little soft in every hard, a little light in every darkness, and a little cold in every hot. This, to me, shows that all things are somehow connected and categories that attempt to separate cannot always be strictly enforced. The Value of Categories Separating things into categories helps us understand the uniqueness of each category. For example, knowing the difference between a fruit and a grain or fiber helps us see what special role each plays in keeping our bodies healthy and how to plan the most healthy diet. Another great example are personal boundaries which help keep our uniqueness as an individual intact.

What Continuums Teach Us Continuums remind us that things are not always strictly one thing or another and that all things in our universe are somehow connected. A great example of how this can be applied is the search for common ground in human relationships. When we connect on things we agree on and work toward postive outcomes together, we can create community and a more peaceful and productive world. A Personal Example I've come to realize in my life that all things are interconnected. In order to create the life I stirve toward living in my future, I needed to deal with the basic issues of life first. In order to address these issues and move forward with my goals, I started two businesses that I am working toward building on this year. One is affiliate marketing and the other is a health and wellness business. If you have any interest in creating the life you would like to live through building businesses like I described, check out these links: https://theinspiredandinformedlife.com/start/home

http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/ Summing It Up Categories and continuums each play a unique role in the development of individuals and society as a whole. Categories help keep the uniqueness of someone or something intact and continuums can help us understand how all things are interconnected.

Your Application How do categories and continuums apply in your life? For example, are you able to keep personal boundaries but connect with others on common ground as well? Are you able to avoid stereotypes by seeing that not everything or everyone falls into one strict category or another? Are you learning humility by realizing that even our "best sides" have a little of the "negative opposite?" What else have you learned from this brief comentary on categories and continuums?

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