Everyone's life goes through seasons which are accompanied with emotional responses and can affect our self-esteem a lot or a little. A popular self-esteem teacher mentioned that everyone's self-esteem fluctuations from time to time. How much or little depends on how healthy our personal self-esteem is. Seasons of Our Lives
"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." This is a quote from the Bible verse Ecclesiastes 3:1. It was written by King Solomon in the later years of his life and came from years of personal experience. The verses that follow give a more detailed explanation of what this proverb means. We All Have Emotions It's true that as people we all have emotions that vary depending on the season of life we are in. This thought is touched on when Solomon mentions "a time to weep and a time to laugh." "A time to mourn and a time to dance." In both my personal as well as professional experience, I've seen individuals including myself that value certain emotions more than others. For example, when dealing with loss and grieving, men seem to be more comfortable with anger. But women seem to be more comfortable with sorrow. In order to complete the grieving process in a healthy way, accept our personal loss, and move on, all of us need to embrace and experience both the anger and the sorrow of our significant loss.
So What Does Self-Esteem Have to Do with This? It's interesting to observe how those of us who value some emotions and experiences in our lives over others tend to do the same to ourselves and other people without realizing it sometimes. Some of us think of certain emotions as "good" and certain emotions as "bad." But when you really think about these beliefs, it's not the emotion in and of itself that's good or bad. It's whether we experience and use it in a constructive or destructive way that makes the difference. The same truth applies to different aspects of our true and healthy selves, different people, and different experiences in our lives. Our perspectives and responses are what make the difference. Your Turn Now So do you value certain emotions and experiences over others? If yes, how come and where and when did you learn this? How has this affected how you look at yourself and others? What is your plan for change going forward in reference to seasons in your life, emotions, and selfesteem?
This article was written by an SFM affiliate and Arbonne consultant. If you are interested in creating the lifestyle you would love to live by building an online business or health and welllness business, check out these links: http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/