When covering the subjects of simplicity, apex careers, and reality it’s probably a good idea to first generally explain the difference between a job and a career. General Difference Between Job and a Career Speaking generally a job is basically an activity or task that someone does while working for someone else in order pay bills and/ or make a living. A career is a journey someone takes while pursuing ambitions and learning more about a specific field of employment in the process. From my perspective, this could be a variety of different jobs either full time or part time, a specific and consistent field of work, or a combination of both.
So What is an “Apex Career?” When I use the term “Apex Career" what I mean is a specific employment position(s) or role(s) that are the best and highest intersection of your passions, profits, potential, and is compatible with the values and lifestyle you want to live. I believe most people have some sort of apex career and it’s different for each individual. For some people it may be as a warehouse worker and for others it may be a lawyer, for example. The Concept Behind Simplicity
When dealing in the wonderful world of work, we can easily lose sight of the idea behind simplicity. The idea is that our lives have “ minimal moving parts" and as a result better focus on what's important and more harmony between different areas. Some “higher paying carrier positions" are more complex, but “”lower paying positions” allow for more simplicity in our lives. The Tension Between Personal Simplicity and Career Complexity If you get a more "complex career position, " I've learned to not be naïve and think this is necessarily a “better deal.” If your journey is simple, you are blessed with an enjoyable life just as much as a person with a more complex career. Often complex careers create tension in the worker's personal lives. The following are some actions an employee could take to bring a resolution. How to Dissolve Another Tension Into Harmony
·0 Understand the concepts of time, place, and personal boundaries. What I mean by this is a healthy and realistic separation between personal and professional life. Personal boundaries keep both areas and the roles within those areas of our lives in a state of best function and growth.
·1 Allow for flexibility and spontaneity. Try to embrace those spontaneous moments of enjoying a hobby, time with family and friends, and moments of silence, meditation, prayer, etc.
·2 Remember what's most important and do what's right when making tough decisions. It takes courage, honesty, and integrity to do what's right during the difficult moments in our lives.
¡3 Have a long-term plan for your finances and the overall lifestyle you would like to live. For me, I got involved as a consultant for Arbonne health and wellness products and am also an affiliate marketer. As a long-term plan, these have the potential for helping me build the life I would love to live. For more information on these two businesses, check out these links: http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/
In Summation Most people have an "apex career" that is the best suited for their passions, potential, profits, and current lifestyle. The more complex the career though, the easier it is to lose simplicity. This is when it becomes necessary to practice some basic principles to maintain both financial progress and simplicity. Now It's Your Turn Do you know what your "apex career" is, what is your longterm financial plan, and are you able to maintain a sense of simplicity in your life as well.