In regard to willpower, a lot of questions are centered around addictions and other limitations. Let's first explore the subject of willpower and addictions.
Willpower and Addictions Important truths to understand about addictions and willpower are:
·0 Addictions eventually take control of the person instead of the person taking responsibility over things in his/her control.
·1 Handing over control violates our conscience sometimes without us realizing it resulting in a misalignment of heart, soul, and mind.
·2 This, in turn, has numerous effects on our life choices. ·3 As time goes on our whole personality is affected and changed. We lack patience and tolerance for adverse situations and emotions involved in those situations. We will do anything to " get our fix" and start building our lives around this addiction.
·4 Outside help becomes necessary to restore self-esteem, personal responsibility, and strength of will. Hence, the 12 steps to recovery. Key Differences Between What We Can and Cannot Control
Here are some key distinctions between what we can and cannot control:
·5 Circumstances and our responses to them- Here's where the saying comes in regarding not being able to control what happens to us. However, our response to these things makes the difference in our lives.
·6 Other peoples' decisions and our own choices- Trying to control other people
destroys healthy relationships and invites unhealthy ones to start and continue.
·7 Our responsibilities and other peoples’ responsibilities- Just like the previous
example, managing our own load is often confused or neglected with other’s responsibilities. Limitations
In the "personal development crowd," I've observed some misunderstandings or ignorance in regard to types of personal limitations. Limitations also apply to personal willpower. There is a key distinction between human or God-given limitations and personally-imposed limitations. For example, I've had previous business partners that seemed to think that they and their business partners could “stack their schedules" to an extreme. This would result in a lack of sleep that would continue indefinitely. For the average person continuing with a lack of sleep for many years would have a recognizable effect on overall health. A great personal example of taking responsibility over my own life was when I started two of my own personal businesses; affiliate marketing with SFM and becoming an independent consultant for Arbonne. These businesses allow me to create the life of my dreams while building these businesses. For more information on how to create the life of your dreams through building a business, check out these links:
Bringing It Together Addictions hand control of your will over to the object of addiction destroying personal willpower. Understanding key differences between what we can control and cannot control as well as our human or God-given limitations is essential to keeping a healthy and functional will. Your Application If you are struggling with addictions have you discovered and are you pursuing successful help on a consistent basis? Do you understand the differences between what you can control and cannot control as well as your personal limitations so that you have willpower over your own personal responsibility and avoid addictions and other selfimposed limitations?