A Brief Commentary on Challenges and "Shifting Gears"

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This is a brief commentary on "shifting gears" and challenges in life. It seemed timely to comment on the general concept of unpredicable challenges that come into all our lives. These challenges can come on a personal level, local level, national, global, or a combination of these.

How Do We Really Feel?! If we are completely honest, we all will admit that things in our lives seem to "pop up" out of our control when we are moving toward our dreams and goals. Admiting how we feel to ourselves is a great first step vs. trying to "stuff our feelings" or inflate our ego with a false sense of denial. But stopping here and staying in this place is not enough to help us meet these challenges. The Place of Humility Speaking of inflating our ego, we also need to recognize that we are not in control of everything that happens. Here is where faith comes into play. Faith in God if you chose to believe, faith in our ability to maneuver these unpredicatable occurences, and faith in faithful family and friends who have a history of reliability with us.

Time to "Shift Gears" I've found recently that my priorities took some shifting. It's not that we throw away our goals and dreams. But sometimes the path to reaching these can be a winding road since we live in a changing world. When challenges come our way, we may need to slow down on something temporarily and give more of a focus on other things in that season. Here is where acceptance of change and flexibility can help make things go smoother. Finding Encouragement Just because you admit how you felt, humbled yourself to recognize that you can't control the whole world, and shifted gears to redirecting your focus doesn't mean all the disappointing and frustrating feelings are no longer going to come. They will come, but the solution to dealing with them is simpler than we often recognize.

¡0 Admit once again how you feel. The saying, "What we resist persists" applies here. So start out by just being honest with yourself.

¡1 Again, staying in the whirlwind of our own disappointment can lead us into the valley of discouragement and ultimately to giving up if this goes on too long. After we admit the truth to ourselves, we need to find encouragement instead of discouragement. This can

come through various means like meditation, prayer, revisiting past victories, positive self-talk, family and friends who encourage us, or a combination of all of the above.

Keep the Pattern Going and Finish It with Positive Self-Talk The sum total of our thoughts is ultimately our attitude. Our words also have power. So just realize feelings come and go, but we chose the content and duration of our thoughts and our words. The place to start maneuvering challenges is with monitering and controling our thoughts and words. Plans and Actions Once we "regroup" and readjust our plans, we can then proceed and do what we always do. Follow the plan and adjust where necessary. Dreams and goals can be reached, but not necessarily on our time table and the way we thought we would reach them. This doesn't mean we don't set solid goals within an alloted time-frame. It just means we are prepared to accept whatever outcome results from our wholehearted efforts knowing that we do not control the universe. Summary Challenges come in all levels and combinations in our lives. Basically, what we need to do is be honest with ourselves about how feel, recognize we cannot control the whole universe, shift gears on our priorities and plans, discover encouragement, and perservere with positive self-talk. Now "Take It Away!"

Which steps here can you improve on and what is your plan for improvement in relationship to a brief commentary on challenges and "shifting gears?"

This article was written by Steve Martin who is an SFM affiliate and Arbonne independent comsultant. For more information on how to create the life of your dreams by building an online business, check out this link: https://theinspiredandinformedlife.com/start/home

For more information on health products and the Arbonne business, check out this link: http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/

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