This is a brief commentary on wine drinking covering benefits and cautions and is a general no reference compilation of facts that can be looked up in many health magazines and other online articles. All of the suggestions I have practiced in my own life. Personal Thoughts Personally, I enjoy drinking wine at the end of a long week. I think there are health benefits for many of us if done in moderation. It can be a good way to end a long day when you are planning on retiring to bed in the next couple of hours and are not going to be behind the wheel of a vehicle until the next day.
Potential or Possible Benefits I've had the opportunity to read many articles and talk to many people who enjoy the wine drinking throughout the years. Below are some benefits I've come across. You can look up the various studies online if you wish that cover these benefits in more detail. Various studies have revealed wine has the potential to lower the risk of Type 2 Diabetes,
cuts down the risk of colon cancer, lowers the risk of a stroke, lowers the risk of heart disease, slows down brain decline, lowers mortality ate, has synergistic benefits when combined with exercise by increasing HDL and decreasing LDL, allows an opportunity for more happiness. What is Moderate Consumption?
Recommended moderate consumption is about two 5 oz. glasses of wine per day for men and about one 5 oz. glass for women.
More than two drinks in one sitting can take out liver cells. The good news is garlic and coffee may help rebuild your liver cells. Try to drink one hour before bedtime so as not to interfere with REM sleep. REM sleep is the deeper sleep we all need for mental and physical health. More than one glass of wine may affect REM sleep depending on how adapted your body is to the effects of alcohol. This is from my personal experience as well as studies I have read over the years. I have found over the years that my body has developed more tolerance to the effects of alcohol and two glasses of wine does not have the effects it used to on REM sleep. Although one glass of wine is measured by
5 oz., I like to add ice to make it seem like more than that. This is just a little trick I've learned over the years. I love the "iceeffect" especially during hot summer days. ¡4
Drinking gradually helps the liver process alcohol better then drinking a whole glass in a single gulp. Be nice to your liver and it will most likely be nice to you. Alternating glasses with tasty nonalcoholic wine can make it seem like you drank more than you did. You would be surprised how many good tasted nonalcoholic wine is out there if you look enough. The other day I opened one bottle from a popular grape juice manufacturer and was surprised as it fizzled over with bubbles and deep color.
Be aware that in certain cultures wine is drunk at home in moderation and even with meals. I've seen this happen personally. It occurs when people are raised drinking in moderation. Then they are less likely to abuse alcohol because of the positive examples seen at home.
Alcohol can be used as an escape just like anything else when an individual is not practicing healthy mental, emotional, and physical habits. There are many things in our lives we can experience healthy enjoyment from if we do not neglect the daily disciplines. Bringing It Together
There are many potential benefits to drinking wine in moderation in my opinion if enjoyed with some simple cautions and creative ideas. Some cautions include limiting drinking to two glasses per sitting to men and one glass for women, drinking one hour before you go to bed, evaluating the effects of more than one drink on REM sleep, adding ice to your glass, drinking gradually, alternating glasses with nonalcoholic wine, following good examples of moderate drinking, and practicing good general
health habits. Your Takeaway When reading a brief commentary on wine drinking covering benefits and cautions, what cautions and creative ideas do you find would be most beneficial to put into practice? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. For more information on how to have more moments enjoying pleasurable activities like wine drinking by creating the life you would love to live through building an online business, check out this link: