A few practical suggestions for improving discipline in your life

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How Do We Define Discipline? Discipline as referred to in our daily lives and as I have discovered, is the ability to do what we know is the right thing consistently in any given situation. This is different from self-control in the sense that self-control is the ability to not do what we know is wrong

in any given situation. Although these definitions could vary depending on your perspective and how you think about these words, to me they seem to be "two sides of the same coin." How Do Life Management Skills Relate to Discipline? Life Management Skills are part of applying discipline to our lives. Here's an interesting exercise to try in your own mind: think about all the areas of your life (social and recreation are two examples) and ask yourself, "Can you name all the different areas of your life and honestly evaluate how content you are in each?" Do you have a plan for growth in each area and how well

disciplined are you in following those plans?

"The Wheel of Life" If you can imagine in your mind a wheel with diagonal spokes that divide different areas or categories of our lives, you are envisioning "the wheel of life." The wheel

of life includes categories like family, friends, physical (diet, exercise/sleep), marriage/dating/singleness, recreation, spirituality, work and/or school, personal habits, values, goals, finances, emotions, etc.. The more we keep these areas in balance in relation to their individual growth and development, the more content we tend to be. Doing this, however, requires desire, discipline, and direction in each.

The Seasons of Our Lives Just as there are natural seasons, there are seasons in our personal lives too. Although working toward keeping our lives balanced increases contentment, happiness, and

overall health, there will also be a seasonal emphasis that is prevalent if we can see the big picture in any given time period.

A Motivating Vision Once again, if your why is big enough, the what doesn't matter. Do you have a dream or motivating vision that keeps you going

during the tough times? Discipline without a dream is a drudgery. Organization Organization is an application of discipline. Although organization is a whole other discussion, it is worth mentioning that it is a byproduct and application of good discipline. Summing It Up Discipline is doing what is right consistently in our lives and is part of good life management skills. When we manage all areas of our lives so they are as balanced as

possible and productive we increase our contentment and happiness. In order to keep disciplined in tough times, we need a motivating vision. Here's Your Part How are well are you managing the different areas of your life? Are they as balanced as possible? Are they as productive as possible? Do you have a motivating vision to keep you going during the tough times? What suggestions for improving discipline in your life do you need to start working on? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. For more information on how to bring

desire, direction, and discipline into your financial life, please check out this link: http://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/sp/ free-trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin

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