This article is a short commentary on leadership, priorities, and division of labor and how each element affects the other. Societies and a Natural Progression
Societies usually follow a natural progression in our modern world if allowed to develop freely. One person has this skill or this knowledge and it is easier and more efficient to allow someone else to provide their service, product, and/or idea, then for us to learn and do everything ourselves. We, in turn, offer a payment for their service, product, and/or idea. We also can offer to use our knowledge or skills to serve others. Division of Labor Division of labor then occurs as each individual seeks to serve others with their knowledge or skills. Throughout history various individuals proposed the opinion that division of labor naturally leads to class warfare. The solution that was and still is proposed in some locations is to allow government to own and distribute wealth from labor as well as exercise a large amount of control over labor. Other Solutions In my humble opinion, having and making wealth as a result of labor can be no more destructive to societies than fire being used in the hands of individuals. So what factors make the difference between a peaceful and prosperous society and one that degrades into class warfare?
¡0 Societies that maintain healthy values and understand and keep priorities stay relatively peaceful and prosperous. One of the first things to go in a deteriorating society is the overall health of each individual because of a all consumming pursuit of money. What
also follows is breakdown of the family unit which continues on to the next generation unless addressed in the present.
·1 Great leadership in every area of society reminds all of us of our potential and the need
to grow and move toward it. Recently, I saw a bumper sticker that said in reference to an upcoming election, “Any functioning adult.” Throughout history we have had various
leaders in all arenas of society that have been heroic in their example like Martin Luther King, Jr., William Wilberforce, Mother Theresa, Winston Churchill, etc.
¡2 Understanding that when given the freedom, certain motivated individual’s will eventually pursue their passions and higher purpose. Not everyone's path to prosperity will be the same and there are individual lessons and character growth for each individual. This all various and depends on each person's present position in life, their gifts and other capabilities, values, interests, etc.
¡3 Natural distinctions in society are inevitable. Not all are motivated or willing to grow and change in order to reach their fullest potential. It's definitely easier to complain and be lazy than to be positive and work hard. A Little About My Personal Path So I'm currently working multiple jobs and pursuing a couple of business ventures in order to be financially responsible. It would be easier to complain, but I look to other leaders for inspiration and instruction on how to grow into the role. If you are interested in joining positive communities that will help you build your own businesses so that you can live the life of your dreams, check out these links:
Bringing It Full Circle Division of labor naturally occurs in free societies as each individual seeks to serve others and get their needs and wants met. Division of labor does not have to lead to class warfare if societies maintain healthy values and essential priorities, have great leadership through society as inspiration, understand each individuals path to prosperity is different, and that natural distinctions in free societies are inevitable. Your Takeaway Have you discovered your path to eventually pursuing your passions and purpose? Do you have leaders inspiring you in every area of society? What is one point that sticks with you and you can apply in this short commentary on leadership, priorities, and division of labor?