A Tale of 3 Truths involves how to discover and decipher truth. So here we go with our “story.” 3 “Kinds” of Truth There are basically three "kinds" of truth I would like to present: subjective, objective, and complete truth.
·0 Subjective Truth- This involves an individual's perception of what is true based on their experience.
·1 Objective Truth- This involves a way or method of gathering facts that depends very minimally on an individual or group's perception of what is true. Examples of objective fact gathering are recordings of conversations or actions, scientific tools used to measure and verify facts. A thermometer is an example.
·2 Complete Truth- This involves gathering all presently known facts from as many sources as possible to get a full picture of a matter. Missing and Discovering Complete Truth
·3 Obstacles to discovering complete truth are human ego, unprocessed pain, invested interest, social solidarity, etc.
·4 Qualities that help discover and decipher complete truth are humility, openness, and a hunger for truth to name a couple.
·5 Knowing “who is who.” The best people to ask about a specific subject are those whom are successfully engaged in this area presently. For example, I would not go to a broke person for repeated advice on money and investing. Sides and Sources A couple of key questions I ask myself are the following:
·6 How many sides are there to this story and have I completely heard all sides?
·7 Did I get the information “straight from the horse's mouth.” This is a humorous saying I've heard from various individuals I've known over the years meaning talk directly to the person or people where the information starts. Also, many will assume the “either, or" argument instead of considering the option that there may be a degree of truth in each side.
·8 Know who is a specialist and who is a charlatan- There will always be those who attempt to speak on matters they have not fully and thoroughly studied, experienced, researched, etc. These people are never good sources in regard to certain subjects. In Summation The three kinds of truth are subjective, objective, and complete truth. In order to discover complete truth we need humility, openness, and hunger as well as discovering all sides of the story, getting the information straight from the original sources, and discerning who are the specialists. Bringing It Home What is your approach to discerning and discovering truth? What barriers do you need to overcome and new approaches do you need to implement in order to write your tale of 3 truths?