Change, Willingness, and Growing Toward the Truth

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Change is always happening around us and the willingness to keep growing toward the truth is always our choice. A great illustration of this are plants who always grow toward the sun. The sun always runs its cycle in the skies from our vantage point, but when the light is revealed, we can always move toward it in a positive way. Comfort and the Status Quo So change will always be occurring in some way around us, but growth amidst that change is our continuous choice. One of the most common obstacles to this that I see is the “comfort" of the status quo. We as people generally don't like change because it is unfamiliar. Many times we allow the fear of the unknown to keep us from growing even if we are realistically uncomfortable with our present “state of stagnation.” So What Are Our Options? When faced with change, the options are staying the same or moving forward to grow. So what other factors are involved in the choice to change in addition to getting out of our familiar zone? Other Factors Involved in Growth During Change

·0 The relationship between stubborn resistance and identity- There are many of us that

have developed a stubborn resistance to any type of growth or positive change. This could have been developed slowly growing up and/ or in response to a negative experience. Giving up this pattern of thinking and responding involves letting go of the past as well as comfortable habits in the present in order to face a more fulfilling future.

·1 On a similar note, “dissolving hate energy" is an essential part of changing how you see your present self. What I mean is that sometimes your outlook and resulting memory of negative experiences in your life results in a kind of inner vow that eventually becomes part of your identity. An example of this is “ I’ll never be like that person.” Again we need to eventually let go of the past and look for a more positive approach focused on what we want to be.

¡2 We need to discern the difference between having fearful thoughts and acting on those thoughts. If we are honest, we all have fearful thoughts. Some fearful thoughts are realistic and can serve to protect us from real harm. Other fearful thoughts are unreasonable and can hinder our growth. Unreasonable fearful thoughts need to be acknowledged and understood, but not necessarily acted upon. True courage is the choice to move forward despite those thoughts and feelings.

The Best Option At the end of the day, the best option to growth amidst of change is letting the truth win out. If you know in your heart that you need to grow toward a certain truth or truths, then just “ allow the truth to win out" by chosing to grow toward it. Imagination, Reasoning, and Action Many of us have been blessed with the ability to imagine our future and take action toward what we see in our mind's eyes. Imagination is productive when we use it in service to others and simultaneously to fulfill a dream. It is unproductive when we use our imagination to worry about a dark future and knowingly or unknowingly react to those thoughts. What helps to know is that there is always a choice between stimulus and response. Also, our reasoning is the tool that eventually makes the determination to act on our imagination or not and whether to persevere or not. In Summation Change is and will always happen, but growth is our choice. Obstacles to choosing to grow are

being comfortable with the familiar, stubborn resistance, negative “hate energy,� and acting on unreasonable fearful thoughts. Our best option is to allow the truth to win out by growing toward it. Your Takeaway When change happens, do you chose to grow? If no, what are your obstacles to growth and what is your planned path to change, willingness, and growing toward the truth?

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