Discovering and defining joy, happiness, and fulfillment

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So when you hear the words joy, happiness, and fulfillment what thoughts and images come to mind and how can we discover joy, happiness, and fulfillment? What are the differences and what do all these things have in common?

What is Happiness? Happiness is basically defined as the state of being happy. Words that help describe happiness are pleasure, satisfaction, delight, etc. One important observation about happiness is that it tends to come and go in degrees and sorrow is it's contrasting emotional experience.

Two Kinds of Happiness I have found that there are basically two kinds of happiness in life. Internal, deeper happiness and external,

superficial happiness. The people I have known who have deeper happiness do what's right even when it's painful in the moment, take calculated and/or rewarding risks in their lives, focus on the positive aspects of their lives, and are making progress toward their dreams. The people I have known who have superficial happiness seem to have it more constantly but in a shallower degree. This kind of happiness comes from taking less risks and doing what's comfortable. What is Joy?

Joy is a spiritual matter to me and goes beyond a general discussion on selfimprovement. I would feel remiss in not mentioning this so here are some very basic concepts. It is the result of a clear conscience and being right with God. It

comes from the deepest parts of our souls, does not depend on circumstances, and it gives strength during difficult times.

What is Fulfillment? Fulfillment is a retrospective thought

process with accompanying feelings of satisfaction and happiness that comes from taking beneficial risks throughout life, constantly growing and changing for the better, staying focused on what's important so you fulfill your purpose, embracing your passions, being generally responsible with basic mundane tasks in life, preparing adequately for what's ahead, and remembering the important people in our lives.


Taking worthwhile risks. Someone once told me that the pain of regret is more hurtful than the pain of failure. In our culture we have been

conditioned to avoid failure and to see it as a negative factor in life. When looking at history, many people who have been successful and/or left a worthwhile legacies failed many times first. Sometimes in life to get ahead we need to take calculated risks and weigh if the advantages of success far outweigh the lose of failure. ¡1

Constantly growing and changing for the better. Things naturally decay and go to a lower form if they are not maintained generally speaking in the physical world on earth. This also relates to personal growth. When we tend our hearts and minds like

they are gardens, pulling the weeds and planting beautiful life, the garden will be teeming with life, growth, and healthy change. ¡2


Staying focused on what's important to fulfill your purpose. You first need to discover your purpose. Second, you need to stay on course with fulfilling it. There are many distractions like allowing failure to cause us to quit, for example. Embracing your passions. When mentioning passions, I'm referring to those activities that you enjoy doing. Do you enjoy outdoor activities like boating or hiking, or art or music for example? People who take time to

experience and enjoy their passions can look back on their life and find satisfaction in doing so. ¡4


Being generally responsible with basic tasks. These are the more mundane tasks of life that I'm thinking of. Examples are cleaning, managing your finances, taking care of your basic health, etc. Sometimes in the moment they may not seem like our favorite activities, but in retrospect, we feel more fufilled when we take the time to be responsible for these basic concerns of life. Preparing adequately for what's ahead. Although we cannot predict

the future and "life happens," we can also take some time to prepare ourselves for any potential challenges that could be ahead if we give our present and future path some thought and consideration. This doesn't need to be worry and fretting, just simple thought on potential outcomes and some basic preparation. ¡6

Remembering the important people in our lives. This is such a vital aspect of our lives. Taking that special time for those we are close to will be one of the most important memories of our lives when looking back. Bringing It Together

Happiness is basically experiencing pleasure and satisfaction. Deep happiness is the result of doing what's right consistently, taking calculated risks, focusing on the positive, and making progress toward our dreams. Joy is a spiritual matter dealing with having a clear conscience before God. Fulfillment comes from taking worthwhile risks, growing and changing for the better, staying on course with your purpose, embracing your passions, being responsible for basic life tasks, preparing adequately for what's ahead, and taking special time for those in our lives we love.

Your Turn Now So what is your happiness level? Do you have and want real joy? In regard to the aspects that bring fulfillment in life where and how can you improve? Which one of these areas do you need the most work on in discovering and defining joy, happiness, and fulfillment in life? Free online business startup bundle Share it More Self Improvement Articles ... or

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