Here are some questions to aid in discovering your individual rhythm for productivity:
When do you feel the most productive? Is there a certain time of day? Day or night? Do you feel the most productive after a certain order or sequence of events or tasks? Do you work better in groups, individually, or a combination of the two? At what pace can you complete tasks
without feeling burnout? This pace could vary per task as well as per individual. Some projects are long-term projects requiring a "marathon mindset" vs. a "sprint mentality." This is only learned through experience. ¡2
At what pace can you complete tasks and maintain a "soft focus?" Soft focus is simply maintaining a general awareness of the big picture. It's seeing the proverbial forest for the trees. It's easy to allow an immediate task to cause us to get lost in the forest. Everyone is Different
Since we are all a unique combination of talents, gifts, experiences, genetics, etc, each of our individual rhythms for peak productivity will vary.
How and When Do Each Person's Rhythms Change? Even each individual may have a change in their rhythm depending on many factors. Some of these factors are work vs. relaxation, stress levels, multitasking, prayer and/or meditation, etc.
Nature and Rhythms It's interesting to observe and note that different organisms have different rhythms depending on shape, anatomy, environment, etc. This is a great example to us of how the survival instinct can motivate life to grow and progress once individual rythms are discovered and utilized. Summing It Up We can discover our own individual rhythms that enable peak productivity by asking some basic and essential questions. Each individual has a unique rhythms that varies depending on different factors. Nature has many examples of variations in rhythm.
Your Challenge Your challenge is to discover your rhythm for productivity. First, you need to ask yourself some of the previous questions. Second, observe when and how you are the most productive and when your rhythms change and
why. When are you the least productive and why? Soon you will be on your way to discovering your individual rhythm for productivity. This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you would like more information on an online business that has the potential of helping you create a new rhythm for growth in your life, check out this link: -trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin