Differentiating Between Character Flaws and Simple Mistakes

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A great example of differentiating between character flaws and simple mistakes is a recent discussion I had with a relative in regard to multiple sexual abuse cases by clergy in their church group and the subsequent cover-ups. Their response was, “No church is perfect.” Why the Confusion? My general assessment and perspective on why there is so much confusion in regard to this subject stems from the breakdown of the family which is the basic unit of any society. The resulting mental health issues appear to be on the increase over the past couple decades. This can lead someone to assume this is “normal" when over time the decline increases in our cultures. So What is a “ Character Flaw?” A character flaw is a volitional repeating pattern of actions that are indicative of underlying perspectives and attitudes which have an immediate or cumulative effect on others. So why such a long and involved

definition? Because not everything is a character flaw and we don't want to misuse or overuse this phrase. Let's break it down:     

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Volitional involves the use of someone's will power implying that they have a level of awareness and self-control over these actions. Repeating means that this is a reoccurring event or it is a habitual pattern of behavior Actions reveal specifically what behaviors are affecting others around this person. Perspectives and attitudes are the origin point of these actions. Change the perspectives and attitudes and change the resulting patterns of action. Immediate or cumulative effect describes the time frame in which these actions affect others. Some actions can have an effect in the present and others take their toll over a longer period of time. What a Character Flaw is Not A simple mistake that occurs infrequently. A behavior that has its root cause in brain injury, developmental disability, or other inability.

General Examples to Help Illustrate the Definition

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There are some obvious categories of character flaws like dishonesty, lack of integrity, and disrespect. Lack of self-control could potentially be another general category of character flaws. Hottempered individuals, unfaithful marriage partners, and supervisors with repeated bad attitudes directed toward their workers could be good examples to me. Repeated abuse of all types on it's face is violating someone else's personal boundaries and is indicative of deeper issues that require some professional help. Disdain toward others and being quick to judge without all the information reveals itself in someone's words and is indicative of personal issues of self-esteem and unrealistic expectations of self and others. “Trampling others" to reach your goals is a respect and ego character flaw. In Summation The difference between a character flaw and a simple mistake is that a character flaw is repeated and volitional. It originates from certain attitudes and perspectives and has an immediate or cumulative effect on others. Your Takeaway Do you understand the difference between character flaws and simple mistakes based on the definition and explanation given in this article? This article was written by an SFM affiliate and Argonne consultant. For more information on how to create the life you would love to live through building an online or health and wellness business, check out these links: https://theinspiredandinformedlife.com/start/home http://SteveK.Martin.arbonne.com/

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