Eye of the Storm and the Harmony of Opposites

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Nonharmonious Interactions in Nature

Two similar examples in nature of nonharmonious interactions are a cyclone and a thunderstorm. A cyclone is large air mass that rotates around low pressure centers. It usually has spiraling inward winds that rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere of the earth. Thunderstorms are created by cold fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts, and occluded fronts. All four fronts are basically in simplest terms a nonharmonious interaction between two opposite forces. Opposites of temperature are hot and cold fronts and opposites of speed are slow and fast.

Eye of the Storm

So what is the "eye of the storm?" The eye of the storm is region of calmer weather in the center of strong cyclones that are tropical.

Opposites in Nature

Nature is full of opposites or contrasting forces. Soft and hard, darkness and light, cold and hot, and so on. Sometimes they clash and sometimes they coexist in harmony.

Personal Application

I see some application to our personal lives, how about you? Just like a storm, extreme opposites tend to clash. In the center or the eye of the storm is more balance of forces, more harmony, and more calm. Sometimes when faced with a storm, it may seem counterintuitive to move to the center of a storm to escape harm. I would rather seek shelter from a storm as the best first option. But when faced with not having that option, the next best thing to do is to move to the center of a tumultuous situation.

So how about you? What area(s) of your life are in a storm? Your health, relationships, work, recreation? How can you bring more balance, harmony, and peace to these areas? How can the principles learned from the eye of the storm and the harmony of opposites bring harmony and peace to these areas of life?

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