What is Courage? In order to go from stagnation in our personal growth to bold action, we need to first understand what the definition of courage is. Courage is not the absense of fear, but the presence of purpose. If we are honest with ourselves, we all have fears. It's not having and admitting that we have fears that keeps us from courageous action. It's what we do with those fears and knowing why we are doing what we are doing that's important. Courage is also
"collecting" and directing all our present energy, including our fears, toward that a transcendant purpose. Steps To Courageous Action 1. Let go of past pain and related future fear. We all have hurts from the past we need to process in a healthy way so they don't hinder our future growth and progress. 2. Face your fears "head on" by thinking through worse case outcomes and potential responses to these outcomes. It's easy to "inflate" our fears beyond reality and to use these inflated fears as an excuse to not move forward by taking action. Thinking through potential outcomes and solutions can be a reality check that helps us see all possibilities and different angles of the issues.
3. Surround yourself with people who genuinely believe in you. This helps when you are going through a difficult time and when you could use some words of encouragement. 4. Envision as clearly as possible the final result. Not only does this help keep you keep on track with what direction you are headed, but it also helps remind you and inspire you during the rainy seasons of your life. 5. Understand what you we doing as much as possible before you begin. Research, reading, talking to others, and real life training experiences help prepare us for our journey ahead. As we research and walk out aspects of what we want to do, we gain valuable experience and learn how to break down a larger task into manageable steps. This gradually builds up our confidence as we learn each step. 6. Choose your focal point before proceeding.
Sometimes focusing beyond the process we fear to our final outcome helps us take quick and immediate action instead of stalling and delaying our journey. 7. Take immediate action instead of overanalyzing and talking yourself out of it. Within the first couple seconds we decide whether we will be moving ahead or staying in the same place. After we have researched and trained adequately, it time to take the first step.
In Summation Courage is not the absence of fear, but the presence of purpose. Courage is also directing all our energies toward that purpose. The steps toward bold action include letting go of past pain and future fear, thinking through worse case outcomes and related solutions, surrounding yourself with people who believe in you, envisioning clearly the final result, understanding what you are doing as much as possible, choosing your focal point, and taking immediate action. Your Turn Now So what steps are you taking toward
courageous action? Do you undertand that courage is not the absence of fear, but the presence of purpose? Are you directing all your energies toward that purpose? Have you let go of past pain and future fear? Have you thought through worse case outcomes and relevant solutions? Have you surrounded yourself with people who believe in you? Do you have an understanding of what you are doing? Have you chosen your focal point? After training and preparation, are you taking immediate bold action to move from stagnation? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you want more information on how to take courageous action that could help improve your financial situation, check out this link: http://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/sp/free -trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin