Getting Back on the Horse After Falling Off It

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We have all probably heard the saying in regard to "getting back on the horse after falling off." "Falling" can be used to illustrate how unpleasant or unexpected outcomes occur in all of our lives. And when these outcomes do occur, this is a great illustration of how, after falling, we can chose to get back up. "Ebb and Flow" All of our lives are affected by multiple factors and change inevitably will occur. Actually, multiple changes will inevitably occur. This is kind of like a stream or air currents that change somewhat unexpectedly. It also can be compared to seasons of life where things die, are reborn, or a new expression of life begins.

Difficulties and Challenges Difficulties sometimes remind me of the rocks in a stream. Water naturally goes around stationary rocks. However, there are some exceptions. Rocks can get carried away with a strong enough current or an overabundance of water. Flowing water can go over a rock if the current is high enough and strong enough. Connection and Boundaries If we lived our lives in isolation, there may be fewer people to affect us. But this is true both in regard to positive as well as negative effects others can have on our lives. Staying isolated keeps

us from growing, but compromising what is valuable within us results in losing our own identity. What protects our own identity, values, and uniqueness as an individual are our personal boundaries. When we have healthy boundaries, then we also attract to ourselves healthy connections with others. Even So, Difficulties Can Still Come... So you have healthy boundaries and you seek out healthy connections, but the difficulties still come. How come? There are many reasons for this. Since people are interconnected in so many different ways today, the effects of an unwise, dishonest, or selfish individual will eventually be felt in our lives to one degree or the next. A key concept to remember is that between stimulus and response is our ability to choose. We can seek to minimize negative connections if possible. However, even if someone has a big effect and we "fall off that horse" on our way to victory, we can choose to get back on it again.

The Final Outcome Although in that moment a particular challenge may seem to us to ruine our entire lives, this does not have to be our "end story" or all that is to the end of our story. There may be undiscovered opportunities "hidden" within our current situation. We just need to look closer when we are in a clearer frame of mind. Daily Productive Habits One thing I've found that always remains true is daily productive habits build on each other and

eventually, over time, we will see the results. For some people, the results may not be seen for many years. For others, results may be seen right away. But perseverance and reframing our current challenges can place us on the road to a more meaningful outcome. How About You? So what is your response to challenges and difficulties in your life? Do you have and create more healthy connections than unhealthy? Do you have clear personal boundaries? Do you find yourself getting back on the horse after falling off it more consistently than not and what is helping you and not helping you to do this?

This article was written by an SFM affiliate and Arbonne consultant. For more information on either of these businesses, check out these links:

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