Here are a few more health tips you may not have heard to assist in the goal of living a healthier life:
¡0 You may have heard by now that the recommended amount of sleep from many in the health and wellness industry is 7 to 8 hours for the average adult. Now when we say sleep we are talking about the unconscious sleep where your body is able to rejuvenate, etc. So what can you do to help your body fall into the unconscious sleep that it needs? Some helpful sleep aids include chamomile tea, valerian root, deep stretching to signal to your body it's time to relax, meditating to calm your mind, and a glass of wine 30 minutes before going to sleep.
¡1 Daily supplements are an important and helpful way to support your overall health. Not only are vitamins and minerals a good way to support your body's overall health, but herbal supplements help as well. Some good examples of herbal suppements include bilberry for your eyes and ginkgo biloba for mental health and acuity. Pick the herbal
supplements that your body needs for support and talk to your medical doctor before mixing pills and supplements, using them simultaneously, or if you have any doubts about taking them.
¡2 Have you ever heard of the principle of proper food combining? Did you know Ivan Pavlov did research into food combining and how it affects our digestive glands? His research was backed up and built upon by many other researchers in the years and centuries to come. The principle of proper food combinations is based on the insight that specific combinations of food are digested easier than others, thus affecting our energy levels, absorption of nutrients from our food, and weight gain or loss. The human body only digests one concentrated food at a time well. A concentrated food is any food that is not a fruit or a vegetable. A simple example is steak and cheese. Steak and cheese are best eaten in separate meals in order to aid in digestion. Good side dishes with steak could be vegetables like any kind of beans, carrots, salad, etc.
¡3 Speaking of does it help our overall health? It is a way to help
maintain mental and emotional health through releasing our emotions and training us to focus among other benefits. There are many different kinds of meditation. Some meditations help clear your mind to focus, some help with emotional release, expresson, and clarity. Still other meditations help train a smooth flow of thoughts without attachments to any specific thought, other meditations help in the visualization and resulting achievement of goals and dreams. You can use prayer and meditation simultaneously to deepen the spiritual aspect of your meditation. So how about you? Which of the four tips made the most sense to you and could help you the most? Sleep aids? Better food combinations for meals? Herbal supplements? Some relaxed meditations? What's your plan to grow into a healthier individual? To learn how to make and keep your finances healthy as well check out this website: