How can i become a more flexible person

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A Reoccuring Truth As we live our daily lives we are faced with changing circumstances and variables that we have no control over which continually affect us to one degree or another. To me this reminds me that we are not in control of the world around us. This may seem obvious to some, but sometimes we need to be reminded of this thought when we don't get the immediate outcomes we had planned for. The most important thing we can control is our responses to these daily changes. 3 Basic Steps To a Flexible Response

1. Letting go of immediate outcomes: This is the first step in the process of practicing flexibility in our lives. This is the most difficult step for some because it involves an emotional shift; essentially being able to accept we did not get the outcome we wanted, or the situation is not what we

thought it would be or expected it to be, and we need to make some changes. 2. Reprioritizing: Once we have accepted the current state of affairs, we need to change priorities to adapt to what's going on around us. We need to ask ourselves the question, "Based on the current state of affairs or the current situation, what are our priorities now." 3. Restrategizing: Now that we know what is important, we can rethink our approach, strategies, and plans. We need to ask ourselves, "Given the current situation, what is the best plan we can come up with that would make the best use of all of our valuable resources (ex: time, money,

energy), and get us closer to our goals?" Where Do We Get "Hung Up" in the Process?



The initial step is the most difficult for those who are obssessive, afraid of change, and/or afraid of the unknown or things out of their control. Letting go can be a challenging act at first, but it gets easier once someone reaches a point where they just start letting go of their expectations and accepting reality. Changing priorities is also important and can be challenging as well. Delayed gratification is a lost art in our world. Sometimes we may not be able to reach

one goal right away, but we can possibly reach another one instead.


Some of us, depending on our background, upbringing, or experiences, may have a hard time restrategizing or rethinking how to approach a given situation when circumstances change. We may need to let go of some assumptions we held on to for a long time of our lives, look at some of our

beliefs, or just practice better thinking skills. The encouragement here is that it gets better as we practice it. Summing It Up Practicing flexiblity involves three basic steps: Letting go, reprioritizing, and restrategizing. We can get 'hung up" on any one of these steps for various reasons like obssessions, false beliefs and assumptions, fears, a need to grow our thinking skills, or a combination of these. How About You? So do you see yourself as a flexible person? If not, in what areas of your life do you need

to learn more flexibility? What steps in the process do you get hung up on and what are the reason(s) you get hung up? What plan can you put in place to help you become a more flexible person? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you would like more information on a flexible plan to create financial freedom, please check out this website: free-trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin

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