How Can Personal Focus Lead to Fulfillment?

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So how can personal focus lead to fulfillment? Here is a step by step explanation as to how this can occur in our lives. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) The RAS is located in the brain stem and is a network of neurons that go to the hypothalamus and thalamus that help determine personal focus throughout our day. This is where the whole process of focus begins neurologically. Although our mind and heart may precede our brain functions, the first physical act of focus starts here.

The Tetris Effect The Tetris Effect happens when people devote a lot of attention and time to an activity and it patterns their thoughts, mental pictures and dreams. It's named after the video game Tetris. We have all experienced this at one time or another maybe without realizing it. An example is if you own a certain make and model vehicle, this is the kind of vehicle you notice on the road when you drive even when there are other cars on the road that pass you. “What You Emanate You Resonate" This is a fancy way of saying that the energy you put out in the world is what comes back to you. This is the final step in the process of focus. This is where fulfillment comes gradually over time. Time Factor Time is a variable in fulfillment of our goals and/or dreams. Some things are fulfilled right away;

some things take more time. The key is a willingness to do what is necessary, perseverance and patience. One of My Experiences Right now in my life one of my focuses has been building businesses in order to create the life I would love to live. As I persevere in my focus, I get closer to my goals. If you are interested in creating the life you would love to live by building a health and wellness business or affiliate marketing business, check out these links: In Summation The basic process from focus to fulfillment starts with our RAS that creates the Tetris Effect which, in turn, draws to ourselves what we need to fulfill our dreams and goals over time.

Your Application So what is your RAS noticing and what is your Tetris Effect? What are you emanating and resonating? How can your personal focus lead to fulfillment?

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