Inspiration through story telling is as ancient as the history of humanity. Stories told have always been a vehicle of teaching and inspiration. Stories go beyond the intellect and reach the heart.
Why Stories?
So what makes stories so powerful that they are able to reach our heart? This is because we can relate to stories in multiple ways:
Emotional- Stories help us to emotionally feel what the characters in the story would feel by
creating relatable situations and events. Intellectual- Stories also appeal to our intellect by creating circumstances that allow us to engage our own thining into how we would proceed. Experiential- What makes a story great is how relatable it is to our own experiences or what we hope would be possible in real life. How Can Stories Help Us Grow?
Stories can help us see new possibilities we didn't previously consider. We are all limited in our thinking in some ways so when we hear a story, we may be presented with ideas we haven't thought of before hearing that story. Have you ever said to yourself, "If 'so and so' was able to do this, maybe I can also!" This is how stories can compel us to consider in a new and hopeful way what we could accomplish in our lifetime. Stories present us with the "big picture" of someone else's journey from the beginning to the end. Sometimes in our own lives we are stuck at the beginning of the middle of our "plot" facing obstacles and challenges. This is why I believe Freytag's Pyramid or Dramatic Structure seems to be the foundation of so many compeling stories all through out history. Summation
So in summation, stories are able to go past our intellect and reach our heart because they communicate to us on three basic levels: emotional, intellectual, and experiential. Stories help us grow by allowing us to see possibilities we haven't previously considered, compels us to new ideas of what we could accomplish in our lifetime, and presents us with the "big picture" of someone else's journey so that we could gain new context on our own journey.
And you...
So what about YOUR journey? Do you know what to do to take it to the next stage? How has inspiration through storytelling helped you on your journey?
This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you want more information and inspiration on
how to successfully write your own financial story, please visit this link: