Leadership, Influence, Responsibility, and Accountability

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The most recent events in our world have led to various conversations like, one in particular, involving leadership, responsibility, and accountability. We have been asked to be responsible for our own health during this recent pandemic. I have also heard some question how much responsibility China needs to have in regard to this pandemic since it seems to have originated in China. The Bigger Picture The Bigger Picture these side conversations bring us to is the question of responsibility and accountability of those in society who have positions of influence that affect people’s lives. Some examples of this are corporate managers, counselors, clergy, politicians to name a few. The problem, in my mind, is not having a position of influence, but how that position is utilized and carried out. When people are not responsible and accountable in these positions, damage can be done. Many times when those making the decisions are isolated from those they affect, abuse and neglect can occur.

Our Judgement Call When dealing with the question of whether we need to speak up, act, or call for accountability; we need to weigh some important questions in our mind: •

How often does this occur?

How many people are affected?

How severe are the consequences of speaking up vs. Not speaking up?

Will abuse or neglect continue if I say nothing?

Our Response Once we make a judgement call, we could respond in a number of ways: •

We could keep our silence.

If we are people of spiritual or religious faith, we could pray.

We could speak up

In the political arena of a democratic government, we could vote or take other political action.

We could part company if it is a social or business situation

We could have “more structured approach" that involves others

Is there another action or action(s) that would be productive that you could think of?

In Summation When people who are in a position of leadership/influence are not responsible and/or abusive in some way, those affected need to make a judgment call on how to respond based on some key questions. Take It Away So how do you respond to those in leadership/influence over you when they are abusive or neglectful of their responsibilities? Have you carefully weighed the important questions and then taken the wisest course of action in regard to the leadership, its influence, its responsibility, and any fruitful accountability that could occur?

This article was written by an SFM affiliate and Arbonne consultant. For more information create the life of your dreams by building an affiliate marketing business or an health and wellness business, please check out these links:



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