What Can We Learn From Ants?

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So what can we learn from ants? There are actually many lessons that we can learn when we study ants. Here are a few of them:

¡0 Individually they can learn, but collectively in a colony they are much more intelligent. Together they have the same size brain as a single human. Maybe you have heard the acronym for TEAM is Together Everyone Accomplishes More or Together Everyone Achieves More? Ants are great examples of how they use teamwork with many other qualities.

¡1 Ants are active and prepare for the winter season in the warmer seasons. During the winter, ants hibernate in warmer places such as soil or under tree bark. Ants eat large amounts of food in the fall to put on fat so they can to without food in the winter. Ants of certain species store food for winter in their nests. Being active and preparation applies to us in many areas of our lives.

路2 Ants are hardworking and not discouraged by their workload. Ants can lift about 20 to 100 times their weight depending on the species of ant! I have yet to see an ant get discouraged or quit!

路3 Ants complete what they started. We have all been in situations where we either forget where we stopped or feel like quitting what we started. All we need to do is get some inspiration from our tiny friends!

路4 Ants are organized to complete their tasks. The three kinds of ants, the queen, the female workers, and the males, each has a different job and fulfills their task to reach a common goal.

路5 Ants are well-disciplined. Ants not only complete what they started, but they also work

at a sustainable pace and are focused throughout their tasks.

路6 Ants stay focused on specific and clear goals. Each ant in the colony has a specific goal or goals that fall into the big picture or final outcome for the whole colony. For examle, the male's job is to mate with the future queen and the queen's job is to lay eggs. One of the jobs of the female worker ants is to find food for the colony.

路7 Ants have a season of work and a season of rest. Ants stop working in the cold seasons because of lack of food. This is a great lesson to all of us to know when the season of work is finished and when we need to rest.

路8 Ants take care of each other and serve each other. Recently I read a study of how ant colonies are rarely effected by disease outbreaks. Ants clean themselves as well as each other. When an ant gets sick it also reduces its contact with others.

路9 Ants communicate with each other through odoriferous substances. Specific odors tell ants whether they are a queen or worker and what colony they are part of. Ants also inform other ants when they discover food so they can come along and help. In Summation

Some lessons we can learn from ants are that working together they accomplish a lot, they prepare ahead, they are hardworking and not discouraged by their workload, they complete what they started, they are organized to complete their tasks, they are well-disciplined, they stay focused on their goals, they have a season of work and rest, they take care of and serve each other, and they communicate with each other.

Your Turn Now

So what can you learn from ants? Where do you need to grow? Can you improve working as a teammate? Do you prepare ahead? Are you persistent and hardworking despite the tasks? Do you complete what you started? Are you organized in completing your tasks? Are you welldisciplined? Do you stay focused on your goals? Do you take time to rest as well as work? Do you care about others and serve them? Do you communicate to your teammates others around you? What else can we learn from ants? This article was written by a SFM affiliate. For more information on how to diligently work toward financial freedom, check out this link: http://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/sp/free-trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin

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