Making excuses, shifting blame, and personal responsibility

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Making Excuses, Shifting Blame, and Personal Responsibility

Have you ever made a mistake only to make an excuse for your mistake or shift the blame to someone else instead of taking personal responsibility? How did you feel in that moment and how did your response help you later on? Admitting where we went wrong takes courage and humility and may be difficult at first. But some of the final rewards are hope and inspiration. What keeps us from admitting where we went wrong and taking responsibility?

¡0 A low self-esteem causes us to devalue ourselves because we base our intrinsic worth on our performance. A healthy self-esteem realizes our value as a person is not based in our performance but in our true selves.

¡1 We are weak in discipline and self-control. Discipline to me is doing what needs to be done and self-control is avoiding or choosing not to do what is counterproductive. It takes discipline to admit and take responsibility when you are wrong and self-control to not blame shift and make excuses. What are the benefits of admitting when you are wrong and taking responsibility?

¡2 Someone once said, "You can do what's difficult first and things will get easier afterward.

Or you can take the easy way first and things will get more difficult later." It may be challenging at first to admit where you were wrong and then take responsibility for your actions. But many times, in my experience, things get easier as you go along.

¡3 Taking responsibility allows and encourages us to grow and change. Once you are willing to admit where you went wrong, it will get easier in the future to continue to do so. You will also discover a new path of wonder and amazement as you learn to grow and change in positive ways.

¡4 Taking responsibility gives us new hope for the future. When we take responsibility we first must admit we made a poor decision and then take corrective action(s). By admitting you made a poor decision you are also acknowledging you have the power to make a better decision and change direction because you learned from your mistakes. In summation, a low self-esteem and lack of discipline and self-control keep us from admitting when we are wrong and taking responsibility. The benefits of taking responsibility include the following: doing what is difficult first allows things to get easier as you go along, it encourages growth and change as well as giving us hope for the future.

So what habits have you learned? Do you excuse yourself or shift blame to someone else? Or do you admit when you are wrong and take necessary corrective actions? Are you ready and willing to make any necessary changes in your attitude and actions to stop making excuses, shifting blame, and take personal responsibility?

This article was written by an SFM student. For more information on how you can take responsibility for your financial future check out this link:

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