In many ways our physical vision represents or resembles how we see with our "mind's eyes." Just as our physical eyes are limited in their depth and perception, so our mind is limited as well. Our eyes can focus on something close up to the neglect of the bigger picture or we can learn to be aware of both with a "soft focus." This is also true with our mind.
Hard Focus Vs. Soft Focus
Many times our personal growth can be held back by our lack of awareness of the "bigger picture." We can become so focused on certain truths or facts out of familiarity, fear, or because they are more obvious. This is called "hard focus." Or we can train our minds to see the big picture and use "softer focus."
Practical Steps to Train Our Mind's Eyes
·0 Sometimes we need to simply reach out to the involved parties in a given situation or research all the facts to our assumptions.
·1 Other times just rewording or restating the problem in a different way will help open our minds.
·2 Know what all of your options are in a given situation. ·3 Since we all have "blind spots," ask a trusted friend or advisor for feedback. ·4 Be open and searching for new insights that can help you grow. In doing so you will also discover your blind spots.
Being Truthful and Taking Action
When we are able to let go of our old paradigms and embrace a new truth we previously never saw, then it is time to take any necessary action steps on what we know. Positive action always takes our lives from seeing with our mind's eyes to new paradigm shifts into new growth realities.