Pandemics, Health, and Proactivity

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The most recent pandemic that has swept the globe involving a strain of the Corona Virus has generated a lot of discussion everywhere involving related topics such as pandemics, health, and proactivity. So What is a Pandemic? A pandemic is a disease that is sweeping over a whole country or countries. The covid-19 virus has become an international pandemic. Cultures, Exceptions, and Relevance All of the following suggestions have exceptions and cannot all be practiced in varying cultures where good hygiene and healthy living is not accessible or available. So as the saying from the Biblical parable says, “To him who is given much, much is expected.� Health, Reactivity, and Proactivity Our national and international leaders have reacted and rightly so. But these leaders can only do so much for the people. The real truth of the matter of pandemics is that the best defense and protection is done by each individual and the cumulative lifestyle choices and habits they have made in their lifetimes. Just like you can't expect a plant to grow without planting a seed, so you can't expect to have and maintain health during a crisis when you have practiced unhealthy habits over a lifetime. 1. Good hygiene and cleanliness is the first line of defense. Eating with unwashed hands regularly, not cooking meat that you chose to eat, not cleaning your body and household dwelling are among some basic health and cleaning habits to practice.

2. Supporting your immune system through regular health habits is your second line of defense. Here are a few of the habits each individual needs to practice:

·0 “The basic 3,” as I put it, are diet, exercise, and sleep. I’ve written other articles dealing with this subject. The end result is if you support your body, it will most likely support you.

·1 Good posture and chiropractic care to support your spine. The spinal column bones are called vertebrae and protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is connected all major organs in your body and their proper and best function is connected to the spine.

·2 Cleaning your house, apartment, or studio as well as keeping your physical body clean is important. Cleaning skin, teeth, and even your colon with herbal supplements are examples.

·3 Since you skin is the largest organ in your body, it's important to take care of it. Cleaning, moisturizing, and protecting your skin helps maintain health. One Last Word Building your lines of defense before the war is important. Building your house before the storm comes is another illustration. I think you get the point.

In Summation Proactivity and personal responsibility are needed to increase your chances of getting through a pandemic without major losses. Good hygiene and cleanliness as well as supporting your immune system are needed practices to get through a pandemic.

What Do I Need to Do? How consistent am I with my health and hygiene habits? Where do I need to improve in areas of health and proactivity in order to be prepared for pandemics?

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