Passions, friendships, activities, and life management are factors in all of our lives. Here's a short and simple explanation of how all these develop and flow together: The Discovery and Progression of Personal Passion When I say personal passion, I'm referring to those subjects and/or activities you enjoy and are excited to do. Discovering and developing personal passions requires some stepping out and experiencing a large variety of activities for a consistent amount of time in order to sort out what you enjoy pursuing.
Networking and Resulting Friendships Another important practice in our lives is networking which eventually leads us to another important factor in a fulfilled life which is developing and maintaining friendships. Many times these friendships are stared and/or developed around mutual passions. Cumulative Results Over Time
路0 A busier schedule 路1 Tension resulting from multiple activities to chose from and seemingly diminishing time 路2 Messages and requests from multiple friends to enjoy activities together 路3 A sense of the need for clear direction, better organization, harmonizing of activities, and resulting balance in our lives.
Our Perspective, Attitude, and Responses
As with everything in our lives, perspective, attitude, and resulting responses are what makes or breaks our personal progress in all areas. Here’s a few helpful responses I've learned over time:
·4 "I've made progress in my personal growth.” With growth comes growing pains, and although sometimes challenging and frustrating, the end result of personal growth makes it all worth it.
·5 Resulting tension between activities and people does not necessarily need to escalate
from frustration to increased anger. We all get frustrated and this is a natural part of feeling overwhelmed and learning patience. However, when we learn patience, discipline and self-control will eventually follow. With the help of these two character qualities, we can better gauge our degree of anger in relationship to the situations we find ourselves involved in.
·6 Tension of opposites in nature can help create balance and stability if brought into harmony and here is an Illustration for our every day lives. Much like a net that's pulled taught, so when we pull every string of passion in our lives, we create a net that can potentially catch all that can fulfill us in our lives. Rotating through passion related activities and options can help keep our lives in balance. Utilizing creative solutions to stay in touch with friends is also a solution. Part of My Journey As I pursued my passions and purpose on my free time, I started feeling my time seemingly diminish. Now I’ve been working on building my businesses in order to eventually free myself to have more time to pursue my passions and purpose. If your desire is similar, you
can check out my websites to see the businesses I'm involved in:
Bringing It Full Circle As we engage in a variety of activities and experiences we can soon discover our passions and purpose. As we network around these passionate activities, we can begin to discover and develop all kinds and levels of friendship. As we begin to get busier, we may feel frustrated, but we can learn patience, organization, and leverage our resources in various ways like starting our own business, for example.
Your Takeaway Where are you in the process of discovering your passions and networking to find all levels and kinds of friendships? What is your growth plan in the areas of passions, friendships, activities, and life management?