In the previous article on PAV the Way for Your Business we described and briefly explained the preparation stage of action in a business. In this article we will continue explaining some important factors in the administration stage of a business. Business Adminstration Factors Business administration is a whole subject in and of itself, but here are a couple of brief general factors to aid in staying on track in the day to day life of an operating business.
Organization and efficiency aid
profitability. What comes out of organization in the day to day life of a business are routines that keep us on track. Even in our personal lives we have routines for various aspects of our lives that are healthy like hygiene, exercise, recreation, and so on. The same principle of healthy routines applies to a functioning and profitable business. Effeciency involves the best possible way of using our most important resources: time, money, and energy. ¡1
Leadership makes the difference. Whenever a team effort is involved, someone needs to be able to bring the team together to work toward a common mission and common goals that support bringing this vision into
reality. Depending on the nature and structure of the business, this could happen on many levels or just involve one person. That person or people could be the CEO or sole proprietor or manager. ¡2
Balancing customers' requests and expectations with the profitability of the business is a daily work of art. I say this previous sentence with some humor knowing by experience what this can be like. Good business is a "win-win" on both ends and learning how to create and negotiate this daily experience is truly an art to learn.
Teamwork makes the dream work. You have heard this saying many times probably. A good team starts with each person taking the role that fits their particular gifts, talents, and experiences. Each peron fulfilling their role to the best of their ability and treating each other as a equal teammate and ally brings positive and rewarding results. Scoreboard and adjustments. Not tracking how well your business is doing
in relationship to your mission and intermediate goals is like watching a football game that doesn't keep track of the score. Without a score we will not be aware of how well we are doing and where we need to adjust our direction.
Celebrating and communicating
together. Just as communication is the life blood of any relationship, so communication plays a crucial factor in any business that involves a team. Communication involves day to day affairs, where we can improve and where we have done well. Celebrating our success promotes a positive atmosphere and builds a cohesive team. Summing It Up Important factors in the day to day operation of a business are some or all of the following: organization and effeciency, competent leadership, balancing customers' requests and expectations with business profitability, daily teamwork, keeping score and adjusting where necessary,
communicating and celebrating together. Your Application How organized and efficient is your business? Do you have effective leadership that gives positive direction and brings the team together? Has the team learned the art of balancing customer's requests and expectations with business profitability? Does your team work together toward daily goals? Do you keep score and adjust where necessary? Does your team communicate and celebrate together as you PAV the way for your business?