The Illusion of More
The first thought that we need to address relating to the subject of perception, contentment, and the glass effect is "the illusion of more. " So what is "the illusion of more?" Sometimes we believe that if we had more of something like more time or money, for
example, we would be happier and more content. However, many people have found that having more of something doesn't truly satisfy. It just causes us to think that we need even more and we end up "feeding a bottomless pit." The Real Issue The real issue may not be what's happening or not happening outside of ourselves, but rather the perceptions and resulting attitudes we hold to inside of us which are a result of what we chose to focus on. The idea of "the glass being half empty or half full" illustrates this point well by asking the question of which half of the glass you choose to focus on. Relevance of the Glass Effect
When we focus regularly on the empty part of the glass or what we lack, we can become negative and become trapped in a victim mentality which continues to bring more lack into our lives. When we focus on the full aspect of the glass or what we are blessed with, we tend to be more positive and see ourselves as in more control of our decisions. As a result, we tend to bring more abundance into our lives.
Application of the Glass Effect Sometimes in our obsession with the one thing that seems far away, we miss what's right in front of us. In order to illustrate this point, I'd like to point out the abundance that is available to our 5 senses through the natural world.
How many interesting and wondrous things can your eyes see in one day? How about a beautiful sunrise or sunset? How about the rolling waves of an ocean or the majestic hills, cliffs, and valleys of a mountainside? How many different sounds can you hear in one day? The shrill cry of a bird of prey? The soft cuing of a dove? The rhythmic chirping of crickets in the night air? How many different aromas can you smell in one day? The smell of morning coffee? The aroma of different kinds of flowers? The smell of salt near the seashore? Past studies have revealed that humans can smell anywhere from 10 different types of aromas to 1 trillion different scents. It is now thought that there are as many as 10 to 20 more flavors or kinds of tastes that can be added to the basic four taste categories of sweet, salty, bitter, and sour.
Think of all the kinds of food you taste in a day! ¡4
How many different textures are there just in nature? Basic textures are smooth and rough, but there are many variations of these textures like slick or scaly for example. Bringing It All Together
As you can see through exploring what just our 5 senses can perceive, there is abundance all around us. Therefore, if anyone has the basic physiological needs met like food and clothing, they usually have the ability somewhere inside of them to focus on and enjoy the abundance around them. It's not the lack of abundance that's the real issue, but removing the walls in our minds and hearts that keep us from seeing and receiving our blessings.
Your Turn So do you see the glass as half empty or half full most of the time? How, when, and why did you learn this habit? Are you willing to awaken to the abundance that is all around you? If yes, what barriers inside your mind and heart keep you from changing your perception, gaining contentment, and using the glass effect to receive your blessings in life? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you are interesting in a business that could help you discover abundance of growth personally and financially, check out this link: -trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin