My Focus In various discussions with others and some readings, I've heard some negative reflections on free will. Usually they involve someone else's poor decisions or the evil that exists in the world today. In this article I would briefly like to reflect on some of the more positive thoughts on free will and how
they can encourage and motivate us. How Can Free Will Be An Asset?
Free will allows you to transcend your past history by learning from your mistakes. All throughout history we have seen various successful people fail many times before succeeding. Your mistakes can be seen as one step closer to success if you use your free will to learn from them. Free will allows you to transcend your background. Recently I was just talking to someone I work with and we were discussing our families and some of their past. It was encouraging to believe
that we are not stuck with having to repeat some of the same mistakes of our family. We can chose to be different and we can only start where we are now. ¡2
Free will allows you to transcend any culture you are part of or where you have come from. More and more I'm meeting different people who are making their goal not to be limited by their cultural upbringing. Now please do not take this as a judgment or put down of culture or any specific culture. Although culture is part of who we are, we are not completely defined or limited by the culture we come from or are part of. There is much more to each of us. Many of the great civil rights leaders of the past did not allow
something like a skin color for example to limit them or "box them in." They saw themselves as greater than that. ¡3
Free will also allows us to transcend any wrong done to us or tragedy with time and healing. Any one who has been a victim of abuse has some grief and anger to walk through. But hope resides in knowing that we do not need to be limited by a tragic experience and when we are healed from our pain, we can help others in their healing journey. Bringing It Together
So free will allows us to transcend our past by learning from our mistakes, it allows us to transcend our personal background, it allows us to see ourselves as greater than
the culture we are part of or have come from, and finally allows us to see our selves moving into healing from life tragedies and onto our destinies.
So How About You?
How can you change your thinking and perceptions? Do you limit yourself by your past mistakes, background, or culture? Are you healing from any tragedies or abuses of the past and moving forward? How can the previous reflections on free will help you become more fulfilled and/or successful?