Reflections on Living in the Moment

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Having reflections on living in the moment is often triggered by unexpected changes in our lives. The saying that hindsight is 20/20 sums up what happens when we look back and realize we missed a moment. Celebrating holidays in the middle of a pandemic has motivated me to reflect on past holidays.

Your True Self From my personal experience "missing the moment" seems to come when you are not living out of your true self. What I've found is your true self is who you are when you're not living in past pain and future fear, but you're able to embrace and experience each moment to the fullest. Barriers to Being Your True Self I call that false self of living in past pain and future fear our ego. Here are a few barriers I've seen that keeps us from being our true selves...can you think of others?

路0 Fear of peoples' opinions- When we worry about what others think so much it affects some major decisions in our lives, we end up living with regrets of what we could have done different later.

路1 Living in the past- Unresolved pain, assumptions in the present, our comfort zone, etc. can keep us from moving forward in our own personal growth

路2 Fearing the future- I like to take calculated risks, but allowing unreasonable future fear to keep us from moving forward is a sure way to live a dull life.

路3 Not valuing yourself as an equal- A healthy self-esteem allows you to see yourself as not better than others or worse, but having your own unique value along with others' uniqueness.

Foresight and Hindsight Life can be a learning experience if we allow it to be. We all realize that Hindsight is 20/20, but past lessons can always help us learn and grow for the future.

Bringing It Together The way to live in the moment is to be your true self. Obstacles that keep us from being our true selves are fear of peoples' opinions, living in the past, fear of the future, not valuing yourself as an equal to name a few. We can all learn and grow through life experience to make wiser decisions. And You... What are your reflections on living in the moment revealing to you about being your true self?

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