As we approach a New Year, many of us create New Year's resolutions that we say we are resolved to accomplish. Yes, I know using resolutions and resolved in the same sentence could be seen as a "double positive" or at least a redundant way of writing. This redundancy, however, illustrates to me how we as people tend to need to restate goals and the like
multiple times in order to stay on track. So What Are the Statistics? Over the years I've heard a couple of statistics in regard to keeping New Year's Resolutions. You can Google some of these stats and read them online for yourself. The summation of them has always been that the majority of people do not keep their resolutions and only a small percentage do. So why is this true? Causes of Quitting So what are some causes of people not keeping their resolutions? Here are a couple causes...maybe you can name some more:
New resolutions require change. I've written a whole other blog on change. Basically, we humans do not tend to like change because of specific, individualized reasons and general reasons. The general reasons most humans dislike change include the facts that change requires work and involves degrees of risk like facing the unknown. Low self-esteem. Low self-esteem cripples our day to day experiences that require consistent belief and effort as we "lean toward" a new future victory. A lack of discipline and self-control in regard to keeping our priorities in focus. It's easy to get so caught up in what seems to be the urgency of our day by day life that we forget what's important in the moment. Having clear and reachable goals and a basic plan for each day that gets us closer to our goals
is one solution that can help us keep our focus. ¡3
Sometimes we have legitimate emergencies and unforeseeable changes that can temporarily"detour" our long-term focus. Each day has it's own challenges and potential changes. The most important factor in our long-term focus is getting back on track with our short-term goals and plans or readjusting goals and plans to accomodate new changes and challenges in life. Can you think of other reasons people quit before accomplishing their resolutions? So How Can We Keep Our Resolutions?
Set short-term goals that are ownable, reachable, and measurable. Creating some steps in the long-term process that we can accomplish little by little is easier, more motivating, and clearer in its focus. As the saying goes, "Yard by yard is hard. But inch by inch is a sinch." Look for and "recruit" accountability partners and encouragers. It sure beats
critics and cynics when you have people in your corner who encourage and keep you accountable to worthwhile goals and resolutions. 路7
Have a general plan for each new day that moves you closer to your resolutions. Heal our broken self-esteem. Spirituality, faith, and friends are all factors that can help restore our self-esteem and selfconfidence. The synergy of success. As we reach smaller goals, our confidence and resulting energy, discipline and self-control in the form of more consistent focus will make our journey easier and more consistent. Can you think of other suggestions? In Summation
Most people have a hard time keeping their resolutions because of the uncomfortableness with change, low self-esteem, lack of focus, legit emergencies or unforseeable changes in life, and other reasons. Factors and practices that help people stay on track with their resolutions include setting effective short-term goals, finding encouragers and accountability partners, having a general plan each day that leads us closer to our resolutions, healing our broken self-esteem, experiencing and using the synergy of success, etc.
Your Turn Now So where are you with your resolutions? Have you set any resolutions? If you have, do you have short-term effective goals? Do you have encouragers and accountability partners in your corner? Is your self-esteem restored or getting healthier each day? Do you have a general plan for each day leading you closer to your
resolutions? Are you experiencing the synergy of success as you achieve your "resolved resolutions?" This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you want to resolve to improve your finances, SFM offers a business plan with potential to grow financially this New Year. Check out this link: -trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin