If you have been keeping up with the latest current events you have probably heard about the recent and tragic school shooting in Florida. This tragic event and previous shootings in general have brought up multiple questions that at times have led to debates on how to prevent such tragedies from occurrng in the first place. Although the issues that been brought up are relevant, there is one basic issue that I think has not been discussed enough. This is the most foundational issue of respect.
So What is Respect?
Respect to me is recognizing the basic dignity and value of each person. Many of the more recent shootings were done without focusing on any particular person. They were general shootings of large crowds of people in order to hurt and kill as many people as possible. What they revealed to the public is that these individuals who did the shootings did not recognize the basic dignity and value of people in general.
Although sometimes it is difficult to see the value of some individuals because of their toxic and/or destructive behaviors, I would argue they still have original or intrinsic value beyond their behaviors. Treating individuals with basic human dignity is foundational to all enduring civilizations.
Respect in Action
So what does basic respect loo like? Respect for each human being in general is revealed in four general areas:
Personal space- Most of us probably know by now to respect each individual's personal space whether that be physical, mental, emotional, etc. Personal space may vary depending on culture and country, but the basic concept is foundational to all civilizations.
Time- Being mindful of each individual's time constraints and limitations is a basic building block to all healthy relationships. Also boundaries in family time, time with friends, work time, hobbies are all part of healthy and productive lifestyles.
Possessions- Respecting other people's property, finances, etc. is what keeps civilizations in tact. Without this understanding, societies would deteriorate into chaos because of theft and other criminal activities that are based on disrespect of possessions.
Individuality- This is one aspect that humans have grown in their understanding of in the last couple of centuries and continue to grow in. This is basic for such historical events such as the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. These written documents found some of their basic tenants in the respect for an individual's God-given rights like the rights to life and liberty for example.
More on Individuality...
So what does respect for other's individuality look like in most of our daily lives? There are three basic steps that build on each other when practicing respecting another's individuality. These are acknowledging a person, including them in some way, and affirming their uniqueness.
As simple as it may sound, just acknowledging others is a lost art today. A simple "hello" or an opening of the door out of courtesy are each demonstrations of simply acknowledging an individual. When individuals feel like they are not being acknowledged, they may get a tainted view of all people in general and lash out with acts of disrespect and/or violence. This does not justify their acts, but simply acknowledges what could lead them down such a destructive path.
Including someone in society in some way shows that the person is respected as an individual. Putting aside toxic and criminal behaviors that require responses involving individual boundaries or societal consequences like jail, it is my belief that a sign that respect is a foundation in a culture is when individuals are included somehow despite their unique differences.
Finally, affirming someone in their unique contribution to society or their potential contribution is an intrical part of a thriving and growing culture. Here we see the great contributions of men and women throughout history like Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, etc.
Bringing It All Together
To sum it up, respect is acknowledging each individual's dignity and value. This is demonstrated in four basic areas like personal space, individual time, possessions, and individual uniqueness. Respecting individuality can be seen in three basic steps. First, simply acknowledging an individual. Then including them somehow. Finally, affirming their unique value and/or contribution.
Now It's Your Turn...
So where are you in respecting others? Do you respect personal space, time, and possessions? Do you show respect to each individual despite unique differences? Do you acknowledge people by saying "hello" for example? Are you inclusive somehow of others in your circle despite their differences and uniqueness as human beings? Are you able to recognize and affirm everyone's unique value?
This article was written by an SFM affiliate. To learn more about how to be financially free check this website out: https://thesixfigurementors.com/bc/you-are-in?id=skmartin