Suggestions, Foods, Herbs, and Supplements to Support and Strengthen Your Natural Immunity

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Here are a couple of other suggestions, foods, herbs, and supplements to support and strengthen your natural immunity:

路0 Carnivora- This is a supplement that advertises itself as "All Natural, Gluten Free, Vegan Friendly Capsules to Reduce Fatigue, Strengthen and Support Your Immune System." I've taken the capsules and found them to be helpful to myself. They do issue a warning, however, that as you are using them you may have some gas and frequency at first as a result of your body pushing out toxins. You can visit their website to see a list of their natural ingredients.

路1 Reishi- This is another mushroom that contains polysaccharides and triterpenes that can reduce inflammation and enhance your immune system. Again, exercise caution in identifying and consumming mushrooms.

路2 Olive Leaf- Not only does this fight viruses that cause influenza and other respiratory infections, but it is also a natural treatment for shingles.

路3 Licorice Root- Since it has triterpenoid in its content, it is antiviral.

·4 Sage- Sage has antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects. It comes in tea form also.

·5 Oregano- Oregano oil has been seen to be better than antibiotics and without harmful effects.

·6 Remember the "basic three of diet/supplements, exercise, and sleep- Healthy habits always support a healthy immune system and all three of these are essential to overall health. Summing It Up The three basic habits of diet/supplements, exercise, and sleep are essential to supporting your overall health including your immune system. Helpful supplements and herbs are carnivora, reishi, olive leaf, licorice root, sage, and oregano. Your Takeaway

How are your "basic three" habits of diet/supplements, exercise, and sleep? Do you have supplements/ herbs that support your immune system that you take on a consistent basis? Which of these suggestions, foods, herbs, and supplements to support and strengthen your natural immunity do you need to work on and what is your plan to do that? This article was written by an Arbonne consultant and SFM affiliate. For supplements to keep you healthy, check out this website:

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