When discussing suggestions, foods, herbs, and supplements to support and strengthen our natural immunity, I'm sure we are all at least familiar with the 5 habits we need to practice in order to prevent catching germs. I'd like to take another look at these habits from another angle. Relooking at Some of the Five Habits
·0 The frequently unmentioned concept of exposure level- In reading the many articles
covering the current pandemic, I’ve only seen one or two at the most that mention the whole subject of exposure level. For most, minimal exposure to viruses and bacteria is usually enough for the body to develop antibodies that eventually create immunity. This concept applies most heavily to those without compromised immune systems and preexisting conditions.
·1 We have heard the frequently mentioned concern of those with pre-existing conditions
and/or compromised immune systems. In cases like this, extra precautions need to be taken. The best people to figure out what precautions and how many are the individuals and the doctors who know and understand their conditions and situations.
·2 Hand washing for 20 seconds or enough time to sing happy birthday twice has always
been foundational to sanitation and overall health. One person told me if people washed their hands more before eating, there wouldn't be a flu season getting into fall and winter.
·3 Recognizing the difference between “food to mouth food" and “food to utensil food.” I've watched videos of nurses who wipe down everything from milk cartons to chip bags in
order to be extra cautious not to get covid-19. I practice some of these things from time to time, but my more frequent habit is recognizing the difference between the former “kind of food" and the later "kind of food." Viruses are far more likely to spread when touching food directly with our hands than using utensils to put food indirectly in our mouths. Here the concept of amount of exposure applies also.
·4 Another concept that goes with the previously mentioned concept is the practice of
packages and “waiting time.” Like I mentioned, all these concepts apply most heavily to those who are basically healthy. Depending on the surface, the covid-19 virus can survive from 1 day to 5 days. Sometimes I buy packages of foods that go from hand to mouth like seeds, nuts, etc. I buy these packages ahead of time and let them sit in a storage room for an allotted time. Usually this is about 3 days for hand-eaten food.
·5 Fingertips, eyes, nose, and mouth- It's been known for a while now that touching your
eyes, nose, and mouth with your unclean fingertips is one way to spread germs. Many times our skin itches and we feel compelled to scratch. Itchiness that is just your standard dry skin and not a skin infection can be scratched by most if the area on the skin is far enough from eyes, nose, and mouth. What I do and many I know is use a
tissue to scratch near the 3 previously mentioned areas. You could also use the back of your hand, knuckles, etc instead of fingertips only if they are clean.
Handling, Preparation, and Cooking of Food Certain groups and cultures understand these concepts better than others. Jewish people follow kosher laws which also include how foods are prepared. A lot could be said here, but a little common sense goes a long way. Depending on the activities and habits of certain animals may be a good determination of whether to invest time and energy in hunting, cooking, and preparing them as food. And taking time to thoroughly cook your food reduces your chances of acquiring things like parasites, food born illnesses, etc.
In Summation When revisiting the “the 5 habits of keeping away viruses,” we can discover a few different insights like exposure levels, the difference between “food to mouth food” and “food to utensil food,” and waiting time for food packages. We can also add to sanitary practices the most sanitary ways of handling, preparing, and cooking food. Your Application So which of the previously mentioned practices could you practice in order to support your natural immunity?
This article was written by an Arbonne consultant and SFM affiliate. If you would like more information on healthy supplements, check out my website: http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/
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