The saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words," and as pictures go, the Canadian Geese can be used as an illustrative framework for the basics of a functionally healthy community. Key Points So what are the key points that illustrate this basic framework through the behaviors of Canadian Geese?
As each individual goose does its role, it uplifts the geese behind it. Canadian Geese fly in a well-known and recognized Vformation. Each individual goose in the formation creates additional lift for the goose behind it by reducing air resistance. Geese take turns leading so that one individual goose does not get exhausted. In
this classic V-formation there is one goose at the lead point of this V-formation that breaks down the resistance for the rest of the geese. When this goose gets tired, it will drop back and another goose will take it's place. ¡2
A functional community communicates and encourages each other. The common idea is that Canadian Geese illustrate this by honking at each other to encourage each other to keep going or alert each other of danger. A functional community stops and cares for the wounded or ill. The Canadian Goose illustrates this when an individual goose is injured or sick and drops out of formation. Another goose then will join it until it is healed, gets better, or dies. There are various kinds of communities in human interaction with different purposes, but
support and compassion can be demonstrated in various ways. ¡4
A functional community has the best possible visibility as it moves forward to achieve its goals. These geese illustrate this through the V-formation that helps every goose see what's directly in front of them. It's not unheard of for a goose or two to fly into moving objects, but this type of visibility makes this less likely to happen. Communities need to stay committed to their essential values, mission, and purpose. Canadian Geese Illustrate this as they fly the same migration routes every year.
Essential to the continuity of communities is the perpetual creation and preparation of new leaders to continue the mission and/or vision. Canadian Geese create more leaders each generation as the parents mentor the young for a couple of years until they are ready to go out on their own. Individual's use their strengths in service to
the overall mission and/or vision and in service to others. With Canadian Geese, each gender uses its abilities to help raise up the next generation. The female chooses the nest location, constructs, and incubates the eggs. The male or gander is responsible for protecting the nest during the incubation period. ¡8
Healthy communities live in harmony with the outside world as much as possible, but also have a loyalty to their group that is accompanied by a commitment to their own unique identity as a group. Canadian Geese mate for life and travel with their extended family and community. They live in harmony with other species. But when threatened by predators, geese will act together to protect the flock. Summing It Up
Canadian Geese Illustrate how functional and healthy communities can operate in a number of ways. These communities uplift all in them as each individual does its role, they take turns leading, they communicate and encourage each other, they stop to care for the wounded or ill, they move forward with their goals having the best possible foresight, they stay committed to their essential values, mission, and/or vision, they prepare new leaders for the future, they use their individual strengths in service to others and overall vision and/or mission, and finally, they live in harmony with the outside world but also have a loyalty to their own group identity. Your Takeaway So what healthy communities do you know of or
are part of? If you are part of a functional community, what role do you play in it? How do the Canadian Geese serve as an illustrative framework for your functional community? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you would like to be part of a community that helps others create online businesses in order to achieve their dreams, please visit this website: -trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin