The dead weight of apathy

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So What Is "Apathy?"

To me apathy is an unconcerned attitude toward important issues and/or events in our lives and this dead weight of apathy keeps us from moving forward in important areas of our lives.

Causes of Apathy

¡0 Causes of apathy include a cynical outlook on life, "learned helplessness," low selfesteem, excusemaking and blame shifting, repeated failure, a light moral, ethical, or spiritual attitude, or a combination of the above.

·1 A cynical outlook on life is a learned way of coping with difficulties and challenges by seeing people as primarly self-motivated and not trustworthy. Someone who is cynical typically looks out for themselves, expects the worst, and often uses irony as a way of humor. A cynical person finds it easier to not experience disappointment again and to avoid taking on a challenge or difficulty by avoiding it and/or joking about it to deflect the issue(s).

·2 Learned helplessness can be a big culprit of apathy as well. Learned helplessness happens when an animal or human are made subject continuously to an undesirable situation by someone or something out of their control. The individual then internalizes this response so that they habitually respond this way in the future. This, in turn, solidifies their limiting belief system and continues their "internal story" that the given situation is out of their control.

·3 Low self-esteem can be disguised as apathy. Low-self esteem is a whole other subject of discussion. It is enough to say for now that internal changes, the process of healthy personal growth, and time can enable someone to go from a low self-esteem to a healthy self-esteem.

·4 Excusemaking and blame shifting is another learned habit that could be an underlying cause of apathy. The initial pain of taking responsibility by admitting where we need to improve many times leads to an easier and more productive future. This habit may be a spoken and/or unspoken perspective that makes itself known as "I don't care because..."

·5 Some individuals may respond to repeated failure by choosing to give up. From there discouragement can set in and apathy grow. Others will use failure as a learning experience. From this learning experience will come new wisdom and renewed courage.

·6 Another cause of apathy could be a light attitude toward moral, ethical, or spiritual issues. This attitude is something that could be learned from family, friends, popular culture like media for example, or a combination of these sources. This attitude can be unlearned and replaced with a more sober and realistic outlook. Many times these causes of apathy come in combinations. For example, a low self-esteem can lead someone to give up when they fail. Or learned helplessness can lead to a cynical outlook.

What's the Solution to Overcoming the Dead Weight of Apathy?

The solution may vary depending on the cause of the apathy. Learned helplessness can be unlearned. Unhealthy self-esteem can be healed and grown into a healthy self-esteem. A cynical outlook can be let go of and replaced with something more hopeful and realistic.

Repeated failure can be embraced as a tool of growth. A light moral, ethical, and spiritual attitude can be replaced with a sober and realistic outlook.

Where are You in This Picture? If you see yourself as being apathetic, what are the root cause(s) of your apathy? What is the solution(s) you need to work toward in order to overcome the dead weight of apathy? This article was written by an SFM student. To let apathy behind and get moving toward a positive future, check out this link:

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