The pain and pleasure spectrum

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So what is the pain/pleasure spectrum? Our experiences with pain and pleasure seem to run along a continuum with extreme pain on one end and extreme pleasure on the other end of the spectrum. It would be reasonable to include tiredness and relaxation on the same spectrum between pain and pleasure. Contrasting Experiences

Pain and pleasure are contrasting experiences. Tiredness and relaxation are also contrasting experiences. So what is the purpose of contrasting experiences? Each experience helps us as people appreciate the value of the opposite end of the spectrum. For example, without pain we would not fully appreciate the value of pleasure and vice versa. The Purpose of Pain Many of us ask ourselves, "Why is there so much pain in the world?" Pain tells us something can and needs to be changed; something is not healthy or something is out of balance. For example, our nerves in our body tell us if we are burning our skin and if we need to pull away from an object of heat. Without nerves we may not be aware that we are

hurting ourselves. Our conscience can also tell us that there's something wrong in ourselves and/or the world around us and that we can bring hope by knowing what can be changed and by being that change.

The Purpose of Pleasure

Pleasure reminds us that there are many things in life that we can enjoy and we have many things we can be thankful for even if these things seem minimal to us. Constructive pleasure rejuvenates us to work on the tasks ahead and gives us a healthy balance in life. Destructive pleasure has after effects that are damaging to our overall progress and growth and therefore, need to be avoided and replaced by constructive pleasure. Pleasure is Not Fulfillment It's easy to confuse pleasure with fulfillment. When this happens discontentment and even discouragement and despair may follow. Both pleasure and pain are one of many experiences in life that can teach us and lead us in our path to growth. Part of fulfillment is living out our

dreams, but there are many other aspects to this experience in life.

How Our Perspectives on Pain/Pleasure Affect Our Decisions When we have a negative or avoidant

perspective on pain, pleasure, or both our decisions can be affected in a negative way. The sense of pain, in and of itself, does not need to be a negative factor. Pain can alert us to things that need changing in our lives. However, if we look at pain or tiredness as factors that need to be avoided in our lives, we will never be able to reach any goals we set because most goals require some form of sacrifice to accomplish. If we view pleasure as negative, we will burn out quickly. In Summation Pain and pleasure are contrasting experiences in life meaning each one helps us appreciate the other more. The purpose of pain is to alert us to the need for change, balance, growth, and health. The purpose of constructive pleasure is

to remind us that there are many things in life that we can appreciate and enjoy. Pleasure is commonly misunderstood as fulfillment. Our perspectives on pain and pleasure can affect our decisions in life for better or worse. So Where are You? So how do you view pain and pleasure? Do you see them as simple factors in life or do you view one or both as factors to avoid? How can you change your view of the pain/pleasure spectrum in order to allow for more personal growth and accomplish goals you set?

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