One of the best illustrations of an individual's unwillingness to change is the stubborn mule of resisitance. We can picture the mule digging it's feet into the ground and refusing to go anywhere as it's master seeks to lead it to green pastures. Although some of us would not want to admit this, we are the same way when it comes to making necessary changes in our lives. So how do you know if stubborn resistance is holding you back from necessary change? Here
are a few questions to evaluate: 1. How often do you ask people for their feedback? 2. How often do you admit you are wrong? 3. Do you ask for help when you need it? 4. Have people told you that you always need to be in the right or do you see yourself being that way? 5. How often do you ask for forgiveness or apologize? 6. Are you willing to admit you need to deal
with problems and challenges differently? 7. Do you insist on people doing or seeing things "your way or else...?" 8. Do you interrupt or walk away from people who offer you a different opinion? 9. Do you wait to make changes until there is a crisis or emergency?
So how did we manage to become so stubborn? Here are a few explanations some of which may or may not apply to you:
What we see and experience growing up we imitate When people in our lives try to control our
opinions and choices, sometimes we respond by "holding our ground at all costs." ¡2
We believe we can only trust ourselves and very few or no one else has valuable feedback. We take discipline and perseverance to an extreme so that we neglect important traits like flexibility and openmindedness.
So how can we overcome stubborn resistance?
1. Realize although you may have been subject to unfair treatment or abuse at some point in your life, you need to take responsibility for your past and present choices so you can become free to learn and grow now. 2. Be willing to admit there may be other points of view, listen to a different opinion without interrupting, and even admit when you may be wrong. 3. Be willing to take the necessary actions for positive change despite the costs. Put away all excuses and just do what needs to be done to bring positive change to pass. To bring it all together...
You can tell if stubborn resistance to change holds you back by asking yourself key questions about your attitudes and actions. You learn how you arrived at this place in life by looking and learning from your past history. You move past the stubborn mule of resistance by taking responsibility, becoming openminded, and being willing to take necessary actions for positive change in your life. How about you? So what about you? Do you refuse to change when you need to? How did you acquire these habits? Are you ready to take responsibility, open your mind, and take the necessary actions to overcome the stubborn mule of resistance for a changed life?
This article was brought to you by an SFM student. If you have overcome "stubborn resistance" or are overcoming it and would like to explore an opportunity creating the life you would love to live, check this link out: