We are all familiar with doves, but we may not have thought about the way of the dove and how it naturally leads to peace and prosperity. This general concept with its supporting points applies to every area of our lives. Here are a few characteristics of doves and what we can learn from their example: Characteristics of Doves and What We Can Learn
·0 Doves are graceful- To be graceful generally means having beauty in
form, movement, and manner. One example is a graceful reply where relevant. This is a great symbol to all of us as to how we can live a peaceful life and prosper.
·1 The flight of doves is explosive, fast, and direct. Although this may seem
like an opposing quality to gracefulness, this is actually a contrasting characteristic. The lesson we can learn is that the most direct path to noble goals not only preserves personal resources, but also ultimately intrigues and inspires others to seek their own personal goals of nobility.
·2 Although a humorous point, doves have small heads that, to me, symbolize humility. Here's where the phrases "inflated ego" and "big heads" applies.
·3 Doves are generally large sized birds. This too may seem like a
contradicting characteristic to a small head, but it shows the dove has great capability but is still controlled and graceful.
·4 Doves feed in open areas and generally stay in the same area excepting migration. In my personal experience, when people’s lives are in the open usually they have nothing to hide.
·5 As pets, doves are low maintenance. This application speaks for itself in regards to how we interact with people around us.
·6 Overall, doves are generally healthy birds. A lot of personal, relational, and business difficulties can be avoided when we take care of our health.
·7 Doves are social with other doves and communicate through cooing frequently. A lot could be said here about who we socialize with and the value in communicating. A dove’s communication is soft and deliberate and goes with their overall elegance and grace.
¡8 Doves mate for life and when creating a nest, they don't range far from the nest. The basic unit of society is the family and when the family unit is neglected or in turmoil, the rest of human society feels the effects in many ways. Here we can learn some ideal principles from the humble and graceful example of the dove. An Area to Consider One example that all of us are familiar with is how the corporate world has pulled people away from their families and friends at times as well. This problem has caused me to seek out alternative solutions which I discovered in building my own personal businesses that could allow me more time freedom in the long run. To learn more about the businesses I’m involved with, check out these links: https://theinspiredandinformedlife.com/start/home http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/
Summation Doves exemplify a life of peace and prosperity. Characteristics include gracefulness, reaching goals in an explosive and direct way, humility and great capability, general openness, low maintenance, healthiness, socializing and communicating, loyalty to their priorities. Meaning to You Which of the preceding characteristics of the way of the dove that leads to peace and prosperity do you do well in and where do you need to grow in and what is your plan for growth?